pISSN: 2723 - 660 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No.10 October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4330
The Relationship Between Bullying Victimization and
Suicidal Ideation in Student Victims of
Bullying in Yogyakarta
Debby Sannya Indah Putry M
, Ratna Yunita Setiyani Subardjo
Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia,
Bnagi, Selangor, Malaysia
Keywords: Bullying;
Suicidal Ideation;
Victimization; Social
Support; Intervention
Suicidal ideation arises in individuals or groups who feel
overwhelmed by pressure and a sense of hopelessness. Bullying is
a significant factor that contributes to severe psychological and
social impacts on both victims and perpetrators. The growing
prevalence of bullying today requires special attention, as it not
only harms the victims but also negatively affects the bullies
themselves. This study uses the scale of the Relationship of
Bullying Victimization to Suicidal Ideation (suicidal ideation) in
students who are victims of bullying in Yogyakarta. The type of
research used is correlational quantitative research. Quantitative
research is a research method that aims to find out if the individual
has experienced a victim of bullying that causes suicidal thoughts.
Suicidal Ideation and Bullying are known to have a significance
value of 0.736, where this value is greater than 0.05. So, it can be
concluded that the two variables have a significant relationship or
correlation with a strong correlation level. Victims of bullying can
be open and seek help from their parents, close friends and family
so that they do not experience the risk of suicidal ideation (suicidal
ideation) or other effects of bullying. In addition, victims must
have positive thoughts when they feel hurt so that they do not think
badly to do suicidal ideation (suicidal ideation).
Suicidal ideation is a person's memory of taking his life, which is communicated
verbally or with a message that has a specific reason or to show people around him about
the consideration of damaging the person. Suicide ideation is a thought that leads to death;
the individual plans to die, specifically eliminating from life (Dowie, 2020). Suicidal
ideation is caused by the vulnerability of a group of people or individuals due to pressure
that they cannot cope with and a sense of inability to survive in their lives (Yunitasari et
al., 2023).
The stressful current conditions and situations that occur in a person's life can give
rise to emotional reactions, both positive and negative, which can cause the individual to
experience severe stress that leads to depression and even suicidal behavior. Several
studies mention that several risk factors can be associated with suicidal behavior, namely
depression, absence or low coping ability, high avoidance of stressors and lack of close
The Relationship Between Bullying Victimization and Suicidal Ideation in Student
Victims of Bullying in Yogyakarta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4331
social relationships (Ati et al., 2021). However, not everyone who experiences negative
emotions will continue to commit suicide. When a person is faced with a situation that
raises negative emotions, some people can cope and regulate their emotions well so that
it does not lead to suicidal behavior. Still, some other people, when they feel that they are
not able to regulate their emotions, can have the urge and idea to commit suicide (Brausch
et al., 2022).
Suicidal behavior is an individual's attempt to avoid or avoid emotions when
facing emotional distress. Thus, the regulation of emotions is a very important process in
a person's life related to suicidal ideation. In addition to emotional regulation, social
support is another factor that can influence suicidal ideation. The importance of social
support has consistently emerged in studies that address suicidal recognition and
psychopathological development. From year to year, suicide cases are increasing, and
the World Health Organization (WHO) states that there is one person who dies by suicide
every 40 seconds. This suicide case is also growing in Indonesia, which ranks 159th in
suicide cases in the world (Al-Halabí & Fonseca-Pedrero, 2021). Suicide in Indonesia
also ranks second as the cause of death at a young age ranging from 15-29 years old
(Susilawati, 2018). Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that
in 2013, suicide was the second leading cause of death in 13-34-year-olds (Center for
Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). In Indonesia itself, Amarullah (Ratih & Tobing,
2016) also stated that the highest suicide cases in Indonesia are in the age group of 15 to
24 years.
Some suicide cases at a young age occurred in students, which at the end of 2022
became news in several media. These suicide cases include the discovery of students in
Yogyakarta who jumped from the 11th floor, three students in Semarang who also
committed suicide by jumping and cutting their hands and students in Makassar who
committed suicide by hanging themselves (Ratih & Tobing, 2016). Based on research
conducted in six ASEAN countries, of which Indonesia is one, it was found that students
had suicidal ideation of 22.7% and suicide attempts of 2.4% (Peltzer et al., 2017).
However, there is no definite data regarding the number of suicide cases, whether it is
tied to ideas, intentions or suicide attempts. This is because suicide cases are not well
recorded, so many cases are still not neatly reported and still not centralized. So far,
reports of suicides have been obtained from provincial data. There is a difference in case
data between the police and the Indonesian Ministry of Health data. Therefore, it is
difficult to conclude suicide case data other than some given in the media. In this suicide
attempt, data was obtained that most individuals committed suicide by hanging
themselves, using poison, jumping from heights, and using sharp weapons (Hakim et al.,
Some studies have found that bullying has a role in suicidal ideation in victims.
The results of research from (Bannink et al., 2014) and (Reed et al., 2015) found that
bullying victims have a relationship that causes an incident to occur with the risk of
suicidal ideation. In addition, suicidal ideation in research conducted by (Pratiwi &
Undarwati, 2014) states that several factors, such as social pressure, friendship, low self-
esteem, psychological pressure, and others, influence the occurrence of suicidal ideation.
Some victims of bullying also experience social pressure from peers, making them feel
anxious and depressed. As a result of the initial interviews in this study, some people said
that they feel too hurt when they are bullied and cannot return the pain to others because
they have no other way to get rid of the pain and only have thoughts of hurting themselves
with suicidal thoughts.
Debby Sannya Indah Putry M, Ratna Yunita Setiyani Subardjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4332
Bullying is currently one of the problems that needs more attention. Bullying is
one of the problems that must be considered because bullying can have a serious
psychological and social impact both on the victim and the behavior concerned (Tumon,
2014). The current condition of bullying, which is often encountered, needs to be given
special attention because the prevalence of bullying at this time is increasing, causing a
negative impact on the victim and the bullying perpetrator. Mesesini (Evans &
Smokowski, 2016) added that bullying is a dangerous behavior that permeates so that it
causes many risky impacts for the victim. The risks of bullying behavior include that it
can trigger individuals to experience interpersonal difficulties, depression, loneliness,
anxiety, low self-esteem, and the worst is suicidal ideation.
Bullying can be in the form of ridicule, insults, beatings, or bullying from social
media by providing comments that contain bad words and swear words on someone's
posts. The incidence of bullying with suicide attempt behavior is currently influenced by
other factors that aggravate the behavior. Still, bullying as the initial trigger, in line with
the theory of mental health problems, is multi-factorial, not a single cause (Khalid, 2019).
The physical impact that victims usually experience is the appearance of physical health
complaints such as headaches, abdominal pain, and tension in the muscles. Meanwhile,
the mental impact that can occur on bullying victims is depression, anxiety, and sleep
problems (Zakiyah et al., 2017). The appearance of depression in bullying victims that
occurs in a person can make the person feel depressed (Tumon, 2014). Bullying attacks
can also occur through technology or the internet, which is usually called cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is a traumatic event that can cause various psychopathologies, including
feelings of depression, low self-esteem and low self-esteem, depressive symptoms, as
well as feelings of hopelessness and loneliness that can give rise to suicidal ideation
(Baiden & Tadeo, 2020). Meanwhile, the impact of cyberbullying, such as smoking,
alcohol consumption, and even suicidal ideation, on suicide attempts (Wiguna et al.,
However, from the legal realm, the legal rules on cyberbullying are still weak, so
they cannot be used effectively in court even though cyberbullying behavior can have a
fatal impact. There is even a potential suicide attempt by the victim if they cannot
overcome the trauma of cyberbullying (Nugraha, 2019). Based on age group data in WHO
Indonesia, the age group of 15-29 years shows that the suicide rate is higher compared to
the age of 30-49 years. Suicide is the second highest cause of death in 15-29 years in
general (WHO, 2016 in (Dwiyanti, 2022)
Based on the problems that have been discussed by the researcher above, along
with the theories and results of previous studies on the influence of bullying on suicidal
ideation or suicidal ideation, is the background of the research in this study. Based on this
phenomenon, researchers are interested in further researching this problem in male and
female students who get bullied by others so that they have suicidal ideation.
In a study, the user of the method is essential in finding the validation of the data
to be obtained. Likewise, with this research, it is hoped that the technique used is by the
object of the problem to be studied. The research entitled The Effect of Bullying on
Suicidal Ideation (suicidal ideation) on Bullying Victim Students in Yogyakarta. The type
of research used is correlational quantitative research. Quantitative research is a research
method that aims to find out if the individual has experienced a victim of bullying that
causes suicidal thoughts. This research data is in the form of numbers and analysis that
The Relationship Between Bullying Victimization and Suicidal Ideation in Student
Victims of Bullying in Yogyakarta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4333
will be used to research a specific population or sample by collecting data using
quantitative/statistical data analysis research instruments to test the hypothesis that has
been determined (Ali, 2021). Correlational research tests how much variation is from one
variable to another in the correlation coefficient. This correlation approach can provide
information about the level of a relationship between variables (Franzese & Iuliano,
This data collection method or research instrument uses a psychological scale. It
uses a questionnaire as a data collection tool that will be disseminated through social
media or the Internet. A questionnaire consists of several written statements to obtain
answers from respondents. The answers to each item of this instrument ranged from the
highest to the lowest for determining the number of samples using the Krejcie and Morgan
tables for a population of 384 respondents.
This study uses the scale of the Relationship of Bullying Victimization to Suicidal
Ideation (suicidal ideation) in students who are victims of bullying in Yogyakarta. The
scale used consists of the Bullying scale statement item and the Suicidal ideation scale
item (suicidal ideation), which will be supported using the SPPS application and
statistical methods in the form of normality, linearity and product moment tests.
Results and Discussion
This study uses a quantitative method with a correlational approach to determine
the relationship between two variables, namely the bullying and suicidal ideation
variables. This data tester used a product-moment correlation test, where the researchers
previously took several steps, such as categorizing variables by conducting a normality
test and a linearity test using SPSS 21.
Figure 1. Number of males and females by age
Respondents in this study are characterized by active students in Yogyakarta, with
169 male and 195 female respondents. Thirty-five people consisted of 15 men and 20
women who were 18 years old, thirty-seven people consisted of 15 men and 22 women
who were 19 years old, sixty-three people consisted of 25 men and 38 women who were
15 15
18 18
18 tahun 19 tahun 20 tahun 21 tahun 22 tahun 23 tahun 24 tahun
Laki-laki Perempuan
Debby Sannya Indah Putry M, Ratna Yunita Setiyani Subardjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4334
20 years old, eighty-eight people consisted of 40 men and 48 women who were 21 years
old, seventy people consisted of 38 men and 32 women who were 22 years old, thirty-
eight people consisted of 18 men and 20 women who were 23 years old, and thirty-three
people consisted of 18 men and 15 women who were 24 years old.
Based on the results of the normality test analysis (Table 1), it is known that the
Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) value is 0.219, where this value is greater than 0.05. So, it can be
concluded that the data in this study is normally distributed
Table 1. Normality Test
ed Residual
Normal Parameters
Std. Deviation
Most Extreme
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Based on the results of the linearity test (Table 2), it is known that the variable
can be seen that the significance value is 0.82, where this value is greater than 0.05. So,
it can be concluded that the data obtained from the two variables in this study are linear.
Table 2. Linearity Test
Sum of
VAR00003 *
Between Groups
Deviation from
Within Groups
Based on the results of the Pearson correlation test (Table 3), Suicidal Ideation
and Bullying are known to have a significance value of 0.736, where this value is greater
than 0.05. So, it can be concluded that the two variables have a significant relationship or
correlation with a strong correlation level.
The Relationship Between Bullying Victimization and Suicidal Ideation in Student
Victims of Bullying in Yogyakarta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4335
Table 3. Pearson Correlation
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Bullying and Suicidal Ideation (suicidal ideation) are interrelated aspects because
the higher the level, the higher the bullying in the subject. The level of suicidal ideation
consists of an active desire to commit suicide, specific plans for suicide and passive
willingness to commit suicide; the higher the suicidal ideation (suicidal ideation) in the
Bullying is an influencing variable because bullying has serious problems that can
have a psychological and social impact both for the victim and the perpetrator concerned.
Individuals who are unable to develop themselves will be at risk of having strong suicidal
ideation and making active efforts to end their lives.
Connectivity and pain factors are the main focus to determine the effect on the
rate of suicidal ideation. High interpersonal sensitivity can interfere with an individual's
connection to others. Likewise, dissatisfaction with body shape can cause psychological
pain and intrapersonal problems.
In practical terms, victims of bullying can be open and seek help from their
parents, close friends and family so that they do not experience the risk of suicidal
ideation (suicidal ideation) or other effects of bullying. In addition, victims must have
positive thoughts when they feel hurt so that they do not think badly to do suicidal ideation
(suicidal ideation).
Suicidal ideation is thoughts about ending a life that is often triggered by
emotional distress and stressful situations, including bullying. This phenomenon is
increasing among students, especially in Indonesia, where suicide cases at a young age
are relatively high.
This study shows that the higher the level of bullying experienced by students, the
higher the level of suicidal ideation they experience. This confirms that bullying is a
significant factor that affects suicidal ideation in students. In the regulation of emotions,
the ability to manage emotions is essential. Individuals who experience bullying often are
unable to regulate their emotions properly, which increases the risk of suicidal ideation
(suicidal ideation). For social support, this lack of social support can exacerbate the
impact of bullying; In contrast, good support can reduce the risk of suicidal ideation;
bullying victims need to seek support from their parents, close friends or family to reduce
the risk of suicidal ideation.
Debby Sannya Indah Putry M, Ratna Yunita Setiyani Subardjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4336
This study states that there is a significant and robust relationship between
bullying and suicidal ideation (suicidal ideation) in students in Yogyakarta. This can
provide appropriate treatment and adequate support to victims of bullying to reduce the
negative impact of bullying and prevent suicidal ideation (suicidal ideation) on their
mental health.
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