Debby Sannya Indah Putry M, Ratna Yunita Setiyani Subardjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4332
Bullying is currently one of the problems that needs more attention. Bullying is
one of the problems that must be considered because bullying can have a serious
psychological and social impact both on the victim and the behavior concerned (Tumon,
2014). The current condition of bullying, which is often encountered, needs to be given
special attention because the prevalence of bullying at this time is increasing, causing a
negative impact on the victim and the bullying perpetrator. Mesesini (Evans &
Smokowski, 2016) added that bullying is a dangerous behavior that permeates so that it
causes many risky impacts for the victim. The risks of bullying behavior include that it
can trigger individuals to experience interpersonal difficulties, depression, loneliness,
anxiety, low self-esteem, and the worst is suicidal ideation.
Bullying can be in the form of ridicule, insults, beatings, or bullying from social
media by providing comments that contain bad words and swear words on someone's
posts. The incidence of bullying with suicide attempt behavior is currently influenced by
other factors that aggravate the behavior. Still, bullying as the initial trigger, in line with
the theory of mental health problems, is multi-factorial, not a single cause (Khalid, 2019).
The physical impact that victims usually experience is the appearance of physical health
complaints such as headaches, abdominal pain, and tension in the muscles. Meanwhile,
the mental impact that can occur on bullying victims is depression, anxiety, and sleep
problems (Zakiyah et al., 2017). The appearance of depression in bullying victims that
occurs in a person can make the person feel depressed (Tumon, 2014). Bullying attacks
can also occur through technology or the internet, which is usually called cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is a traumatic event that can cause various psychopathologies, including
feelings of depression, low self-esteem and low self-esteem, depressive symptoms, as
well as feelings of hopelessness and loneliness that can give rise to suicidal ideation
(Baiden & Tadeo, 2020). Meanwhile, the impact of cyberbullying, such as smoking,
alcohol consumption, and even suicidal ideation, on suicide attempts (Wiguna et al.,
However, from the legal realm, the legal rules on cyberbullying are still weak, so
they cannot be used effectively in court even though cyberbullying behavior can have a
fatal impact. There is even a potential suicide attempt by the victim if they cannot
overcome the trauma of cyberbullying (Nugraha, 2019). Based on age group data in WHO
Indonesia, the age group of 15-29 years shows that the suicide rate is higher compared to
the age of 30-49 years. Suicide is the second highest cause of death in 15-29 years in
general (WHO, 2016 in (Dwiyanti, 2022)
Based on the problems that have been discussed by the researcher above, along
with the theories and results of previous studies on the influence of bullying on suicidal
ideation or suicidal ideation, is the background of the research in this study. Based on this
phenomenon, researchers are interested in further researching this problem in male and
female students who get bullied by others so that they have suicidal ideation.
In a study, the user of the method is essential in finding the validation of the data
to be obtained. Likewise, with this research, it is hoped that the technique used is by the
object of the problem to be studied. The research entitled The Effect of Bullying on
Suicidal Ideation (suicidal ideation) on Bullying Victim Students in Yogyakarta. The type
of research used is correlational quantitative research. Quantitative research is a research
method that aims to find out if the individual has experienced a victim of bullying that
causes suicidal thoughts. This research data is in the form of numbers and analysis that