pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3953
The Effect of Advertising on Wardah Cosmetics Purchase
Decisions (Case Study of Germasa Gpib Petra Parents)
, Tuty Mutiah
, Kristina Natalia
Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Indonesia
Keywords: wardah
cosmetics, advertisements,
purchase decisions,
women of GPIB Petra.
Advertising plays an important role in influencing consumer
perceptions and attitudes towards products, especially for
well-known brands like Wardah. Advertising strategies help
build a positive image and increase consumer interest.
Research shows that consumers are more likely to buy
products from well-known brands than lesser-known brands.
Wardah, which is widely known to Germasa GPIB Petra,
allows consumers to recognize and create their own image.
Wardah's advantages include the halal guarantee from MUI
and its availability in various online and offline stores.
Quantitative research methods This study examines the
influence of advertising on consumer purchase decisions
based on syringe theory. The validity and reliability of the
questionnaire were adequate (Cronbach's alpha 0.749). The
analysis shows that the impact of the ad is very small (R²
0.030%). Although the T-test showed a significant influence
(tcal 4.384 Ttable 2.0106), overall the influence of
advertising was not significant (0.02958%). Internal and
interpersonal factors are more dominant, so the syringe
theory is not fully proven. Research shows that Wardah
product advertising has a significant effect on purchase
decisions (reliability 0.766 and 0.749). The hypothesis is
accepted, but the R Square value of 0.030% shows very little
influence. Consumers of GPIB petra mothers rely more on
personal experience and other factors than advertising, so
advertising does not play a significant role in purchasing
Companies must quickly adapt to the rapid growth of international trade. There is
an impact of globalization on many products and world maps. Therefore, it is not
surprising that the future of the company is focused on companies on an international
scale (Adwimurti & Sumarhadi, 2023). Technological advancements are a key
component driving this change. The reduction of international trade barriers encourages
technological advancement. As a result, customers in a region have the ability to meet
Anisti, Tuty Mutiah, Kristina Natalia
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3954
their needs for almost anything, even if the goods or services they are looking for are not
available locally. As a result, foreign products are increasingly entering the domestic
market. Consumers have to choose between global and local brands because of this
(Amaliah, 2021).
Currently, advances in communication and information technology are
developing very rapidly (Felisia & Wijayani, 2022). The rapid development of
technology and globalization have led to major changes in market circles. With changes
in marketing, then business people must also change. This is due to competition between
similar companies and different companies to control an increasing number of market
areas, as well as increasing consumer demands for companies to provide resources
optimally. Compatible with emerging markets. It can also accommodate variations
(Artino et al., 2024).
The increasingly diverse market makes consumers more careful in choosing and
more critical of their purchasing behavior. Marketing is the first line of business survival
and requires a certain strategy when marketing a product. The main goal of marketing is
to create a strong product image in the eyes of consumers. Consumers consider a brand
to be an important part of a product, and their perception of the brand greatly influences
their decision to choose and buy a product. Advertising is an important part of marketing
efforts that are directly visible to potential buyers. One of them is advertising on
television, radio, newspapers, online media, for example on social media (Afni, 2024).
To meet the needs of the public, the media competes with other sources of
information. Due to the high level of public awareness about media use, their interests,
and motivations, researchers argue that the public's use of media is appropriate. This
should be created with the value of a particular medium or content to the listener in mind.
Wardah Cosmetics uses social media ads i.e. instagram to inform people about their
products and encourage them to use them. To be an effective advertising medium that not
only increases viewer awareness but also influences their decision to buy ads, advertising
must be studied (Lee, 2022).
The cosmetics industry is becoming more and more attractive to consumers as the
need for innovative and high-quality products increases. This is mainly due to the
importance of the role of image and appearance in modern culture. Cosmetics are no
longer seen as just a support for appearance, but also as part of something that supports
self-expression and confidence. Consumers often use cosmetics to meet socially
established beauty standards or as a means of expressing personal identity and style
(Shiddiq, 2019).
Research conducted at the ITC Center Manado in 2019 by Selina O. Molok, Johnny
R.E. Tampi, and Olivia Warangitan investigated the influence of advertising on Oppo
product purchase decisions. This study reveals that the influence of advertising variables
on purchasing decisions is very small. However, a simple linear regression analysis
showed a positive regression coefficient, indicating that advertising had a positive impact
on purchase decisions. This shows that even though the influence is low, ITC Center
Manado advertising still plays a role in influencing consumer purchase decisions on Oppo
The Effect of Advertising on Wardah Cosmetics Purchase Decisions (Case Study of Germasa
Gpib Petra Parents)
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3955
products. This study highlights the importance of advertising in marketing strategies.
While the impact may not be as strong as expected, it still contributes positively to
purchasing decisions. Unlike other studies that focus on cosmetics, this study focuses on
In contrast to the research by Diana Alicia Sugiant and Asmina Lakhmi in 2023
which investigated the influence of advertising and brand ambassadors on consumer
purchasing decisions on Tokopedia. This study found that the advertising variable (X1)
has a positive and significant influence on consumer purchase decisions. In contrast, the
brand ambassador variable (X2) has no significant influence on purchasing decisions.
However, when ads and brand ambassadors are analyzed simultaneously, they both show
a positive and significant influence on purchase decisions. While this study highlights
the importance of the role of advertising in influencing purchasing decisions, the role of
brand ambassadors may require more effective strategies in order to have a greater
impact. Unlike other studies that focus on cosmetics, this study focuses on products on
the Tokopedia e-commerce platform.
Based on the background that has been explained, this study aims to investigate the
influence of advertising on the purchase decision of Wardah brand cosmetics among
GPIB Petra mothers. This research is expected to provide benefits for various parties,
especially for those who have a direct interest related to this topic. Theoretically, this
study could be an additional source of reference, particularly in the context of hypodermic
syringe theory, for other researchers investigating similar subjects. In practical terms, this
research contributes to the literature related to the influence of advertising on cosmetic
purchase decisions, as well as providing input to cosmetic companies, especially the
Wardah brand, in developing more effective advertising strategies. In addition, this study
also provides an understanding of the factors that influence cosmetic purchase decisions
among consumers.
Quantitative methods are used in this study, which focuses on analyzing statistical
data and testing hypotheses that have been made previously through surveys. This
quantitative approach refers to the philosophy of positivism and aims to gain an
understanding of a particular population or sample by using research instruments to
collect data and then analyze it quantitatively (Mulya & Lengkana, 2020).
The previous explanation showed that the sampling method of this study was used
randomly, indicating that the survey was used to describe and test the hypothesis that had
been established.
Location and Time of Research
This research is planned to be carried out at a location located on Jl. Jampea 44,
South Koja, Koja, North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, with a postal code of 14220, especially at
the GPIB Petra Jakarta Church. This research will begin on May 15, 2024.
Population and Sample
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In research, a population is a group of people or a unit of analysis that is the focus
of the research. Instead, the sample is a small portion of the population that is carefully
selected to study.
Research Population
In statistical analysis, "population" refers to a dataset that has similar
characteristics. There are two main concepts related to population. First, population
includes all data, both real and theoretical. Second, the sample is the part of the population
that is selected to make conclusions or inferences about the population. Population refers
to a group of data that has the same characteristics and is the main object in statistical
analysis and inference. characteristics are similar and are the focus of inference and
statistical analysis.
A population is a collection of objects or subjects identified by researchers to be
studied and drawn from (Mulya & Lengkana, 2020). The characteristics possessed by the
population must be clear and measurable so that the research results are reliable and valid.
Research Sample
Samples are part of the number and characteristics of a population (Wicaksono,
2020). The process of selecting several elements from a population to analyze is known
as sampling. The purpose of sampling is to study the characteristics or properties of the
sample so that the results can be generalized to the entire population.
Due to the limitations of time, funds, and human resources in this study, as well
as the large population size, researchers will then use samples from the same population
to determine the appropriate sample size. Sample sizes can be determined through
statistical techniques or based on estimates from previous studies. To ensure that the
selected sample reflects the population effectively and representatively, the sampling
process must be carried out carefully.
Data Collection Techniques
Ada banyak metode untuk mengumpulkan data, termasuk:
1. Data Premier
The main data of the study was collected through questionnaires, or questionnaires,
which were shared with respondents. A questionnaire is a method of collecting data that
involves giving respondents several questions or written statements that they must
answer. In this data collection process, the researcher used Google Forms to distribute the
questionnaire online, with a link to the form provided to the respondents. Furthermore,
respondents filled out a questionnaire through
2. Data Seconds
Secondary data is information collected by researchers from previous sources. In
the case of this research, secondary data is obtained from various sources, such as records,
archives, books, journals, the internet, and other sources related to the research topic. The
purpose of secondary data collection is to support the smooth running of research by
providing verified and documented information.
Data Analysis Techniques
The Effect of Advertising on Wardah Cosmetics Purchase Decisions (Case Study of Germasa
Gpib Petra Parents)
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3957
Data analysis includes performing calculations to test the proposed hypothesis,
dividing data based on respondent types and variables, dividing data based on the total
respondent variables, and displaying data for each research variable. This study uses data
analysis to simplify the data so that it is easier to make conclusions. This study uses a
simple linear regression analysis method to test the proposed hypothesis and organize the
data collected. The decision to use this method is based on the fact that it can produce
direct inferences about one dependent variable (Y) and one independent variable (X).
The influence of advertising (X) on purchase decisions (Y) can be identified
through the application of a simple linear regression analysis method. This process
involves a mathematical formulation to relate how much the advertising influences the
purchase decision, taking into account various factors that are relevant in the context as
Y Related variables in this study.
A = The value of the regression constant for X = 0 (the value of y at the moment of x
b = Coefficient of regression direction which is the increase and decrease variable based
on the variable Y if 1 unit is added.
X = Value of an independent variable (Ads).
Test F
The F-test shows the accuracy of the sample regression function in estimating the
actual value. (Lesmana, 2021). The F test is designed to measure the impact of
independent and related variables simultaneously. The study has a significance level of
5% or 0.05 The following hypotheses are used in the F test:
H0: accepted when Fcal is less than Ftabel at a significant level of 5%.
Ha: accepted when Fcal is more than Ftabel at a significant level of 5%.
The formula of the F test is as follows:
𝐹 =
𝑛 𝑘
1 𝑅
𝑛 𝑘
: Coefficient of determination
n: Sample
k: Number of independent variables
Statistical testing of a hypothesis using a T-test is used to evaluate the significance
of the difference between two samples that are considered to have the same mean. In this
Y = a + bX
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context, the T-test will be applied to assess the impact of advertising on the purchase
decision of Wardah brand cosmetics, focusing on mothers who are members of the GPIB
Petra church group. The goal was to determine whether advertising had a significant
influence on purchasing decisions in this group by comparing the average choice of
shoppers before and after being exposed to ads. The findings from this T-test will be used
to validate previous results.
The workflow is as follows: if the calculated t-value of each independent variable
exceeds the t-value of the specified table, then the independent variable partially affects
the dependent variable:
H0: This means that there is no significant influence of the independent variable
Against bound variables
Ha: This means that there is a significant influence of the independent variable on
bound variables.
Results and Discussion
Validity and reliability test
1. Validity Test Results
The following table shows the validity data for the Ad (X) and Purchase Decision
(Y) variables:
Table 1
Validity Test Results of X Variables
Table 2
Variable Y Validity Test Results
The Effect of Advertising on Wardah Cosmetics Purchase Decisions (Case Study of Germasa
Gpib Petra Parents)
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It can be seen from the validity results shown in the table above that in the
questionnaire covering both variables 50 people who participated in the study filled in 27
questionnaires. One way to differentiate between valid and invalid surveys is to search
the first table.
Using the formula df = N - 2, r table = 0.279, with a significant value of 0.05. The
results of the calculation of the validity of the table above show that the r count is greater
than the r table, 25 questionnaires are valid because the r count is greater than the r table,
and 2 negative questionnaires because the r count is less than the r table.
Reliability Validity Test Results
The authors of this study conducted a reliability test to ensure whether the
questionnaire used was by the results. To ensure that the measurement tool provides
reliable and consistent results, reliability tests are performed. The independent variable
(X) indicates the impact of the bound variable (Y). In reliability testing, the basis for
decision-making is based on an alpha coefficient value of 0.60, which is a threshold that
indicates how consistent the items in the questionnaire are internally. If the alpha value is
greater than or equal to 0.60, the questionnaire is considered reliable, but if the value is
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less than or equal to 0.60, the questionnaire may need to be replaced or changed. Based
on the results of the reliability test, here are the conclusions:
Table 3
Hasil Uji Reliabilitas Variabel Iklan (X)
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha
N of Items
The results of the reliability test of the advertising variable (X) showed that all
statements in the questionnaire were considered reliable because the alpha value of
Cronbach was greater than the base value, which was 0.641 greater than 0.060.
Table 4
Results of the Reliability Test of Purchase Decision Variables (Y)
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha
N of Items
The results of the reliability test of the ad variable (X) show that all statements
contained in the questionnaire are declared reliable. The Cronbach alpha score of 0.744
far exceeded the generally accepted minimum value of 0.060, indicating that this
questionnaire had a good level of internal consistency. This indicates that the ad variables
measured by this questionnaire can be relied upon for further analysis.
Results of Simple Linear Regression Analysis
A simple linear regression analysis shows the influence of the independent variable
X on the dependent variable Y with the following equation:
Table 5
Output Uji Regresi (Model Summary)
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Table 5 above displays the results of a correlation analysis that shows the
relationship between the two variables tested. The correlation value (R) obtained at 0.276
indicates that there is a positive, albeit weak, relationship between these variables. In
addition, a coefficient of determination (R²) value of 0.076 indicates that the independent
variable, in this case, the ad, is only able to account for about 7.6% of the variation that
occurs in the dependent variable.
Table 6
Regression Test Output (Anova Model)
The Effect of Advertising on Wardah Cosmetics Purchase Decisions (Case Study of Germasa
Gpib Petra Parents)
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Sum of
Based on the results of the analysis of the table data, it was found that the F value
was 3.958 with a significance level greater than 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that the
regression model used makes it possible to make predictions about the effectiveness of
Table 7
Output Uji Regresi (Model Coefficients)
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision
The value of the constant (a) in the table is 41.739, and the coefficient of the free
variable is 0.191, so the regression equation is:
Y = a + bX
= 33,467 + 0,191X
Based on this equation, we can find out that the value of the constant is 41.739,
which mathematically indicates that the ad is 0, and the purchase decision has a value of
Test Result F
The simultaneous hypothesis test, also known as the F test, serves to evaluate
whether one or more independent variables (X) have a significant influence on the
dependent variable (Y) when examined simultaneously. This decision-making step aims
to identify the existence of a significant relationship between independent variables and
dependent variables in the context of statistical analysis as follows:
H0: accepted when Fcal < Ftabel at a significant rate of 5% (0.05)
Ha: accepted when Fcal > Ftabel on the table of 5% significant tariff (0.05)
Table 8
Test Test F (Model Anova)
Sum of
Mean Square
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Calculation to find F:
Rumus = df (N1) = k 1
= df (N1) = 2 1
= 1
= df (N2) = n k
= df (N2) = 50 2
= 48
F count = 3,958
F table = 4,04
So the results of the F test are not significant because the results of f are calculated < f
T Test Results
To determine whether the independent variable (X) has a positive and significant
influence on the dependent variable (Y), a partial hypothesis test was carried out using
the T-test.
1. If the t-value is insignificant (t > 0.05), the null hypothesis is accepted, and the
alternative hypothesis is rejected.
2. Conversely, if t = 0.05, the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis
is rejected. A significant t-value indicates a significant relationship between the
independent variable and the dependent variable.
Determination Test Results
Table 9
Determinant Coefficient (r2)
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Predictors: (Constant), IKLAN
After knowing that the r calculation is 0.276, we can use the determinant coefficient
R2, which is calculated as follows:
x 100%
= (0,07617) x 100%
= Rounded 0.76
From this calculation, we can know that variable X has a significant influence on
variable Y.
History of Wardah Cosmetics
The Wardah Halal cosmetics brand is owned by PT. Paragon Technology and
Innovation (PT. PTI), which was established in 1995. Wardah, which was established by
the Commissioner of PT. PTI Nurhayati Subakat prioritizes quality and supports women
to look beautiful according to their character. PT. PTI has been committed to helping the
community since the beginning.
The Effect of Advertising on Wardah Cosmetics Purchase Decisions (Case Study of Germasa
Gpib Petra Parents)
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High-quality products benefit Oregonians, partners, communities, and the
environment. The Wardah team continues to work together to improve today from
yesterday. Wardah then founded the Wardah Inspiration Movement (WIM) to achieve
this goal. This charitable movement invites individuals, groups, and organizations to work
together to improve the environment, education, and welfare of women in Indonesia.
WIM is the right forum for those who love this country to spread more virtues so
that Indonesia's development is faster. Let's share inspiration by using any expertise and
skills you have in whatever field interests you. For example, people who enjoy teaching
recently graduated doctors, or activists who care about women and the environment can
immediately participate. Sharing a little will have a big impact if done together. Now is
the perfect time for you to help the country. Bring your siblings, friends, and groups. You
can also contribute articles, infographics, and inspirational videos. With increased
participation, development in Indonesia is running faster. On February 28, 1985, Dr.
H. Subakat Hadi, M.Sc. and Dra. Hj. Nurhayati Subakat, Apt. Established a cosmetics
company. PT. PTI started the production of hair care products under the Ega brand in
1987, which was privately promoted. Then, as time went by, Princess products appeared
that are still produced today. From 1985 to 1990, PTI increased rapidly. Its products began
to spread and compete with old products that were already famous in the eyes of
customers. In December 1990, along with business expansion, PTI built a factory in the
Cibodas Industrial Estate Tangerang. It is expected that production capacity will be
increased with the opening of new factories. Students from the Hidayatullah Islamic
boarding school came to PTI in 1995. They want PTI to make cosmetics that are based
on Sharia and breathe Islam. Wardah products with a halal and safe cosmetic position are
made because of the demand of students. Because the LP 51 POM MUI halal certificate
owned by the product is said to be halal. And safe because it is made from high-quality
materials and has a registration number from the Ministry of Health. In 1995. PTI
experienced a second development between 1999 and 2003. At that time, Wardah's sales
increased rapidly.
In 20022003, PTI began the process of modernizing its business. As Wardah
shifted to retail, internal changes were necessary. In addition to starting sales in retail
stores, Wardah Promotion is also carried out through advertisements in various media.
PTI adopted Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Good Cosmetic Manufacturing
Practice (CPKB) in 2005. In 2007, Wardah's cosmetics selection became more complete.
Wardah grows every year. Among many competing cosmetic companies, developing new
products to attract customers is a necessity. Until the return of Wardah New Look in 2009.
At the CNR Expo in Istanbul, Turkey, Wardah also participated in the Halal &
Healthy Products Fair. In addition, in 2011, Wardah's first store was opened at fX
Sudirman, Jakarta. In addition to the above-mentioned successes, Wardah received fifty-
two awards. The awards include:
1. The 2nd Indonesia Original Brand (IOB) 2011 version of SWA magazine.
2. The 1st Indonesia Original Brand in the 2012 version of SWA Magazine.
3. The first Wardah store in Malaysia opened in 2012.
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Types of Wardah Cosmetic Products
Wardah Cosmetic has been strengthening its position for 23 years with a strong
commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. They continue to innovate in
designing their products to meet the evolving needs of customers. Their main focus is on
halal products and consumer safety, which is a strong foothold in the cosmetics market.
Today, Wardah Cosmetic offers a complete range of 13 carefully designed makeup
cosmetic products, covering a variety of attractive functions and packaging to meet
various consumer preferences.
Figure 1
Wardah Mascara Products
PT Paragon Technology and Innovation's R&D team is developing a new formula.
They strive to make innovative, high-quality products and meet consumer needs at prices
that are competitive with other products on the market. Wardah Halal Mascara is one of
PT Paragon RnD's innovations. Lab tests conducted by LPPOM MUI show that Wardah
Mascara is permeable, just like election ink that is certified halal. The MUI Fatwa
Commission decided to issue a halal certificate for Wardah mascara based on the
announcement of the LPPOM MUI auditor. There are three categories of mascara:
Wardah AquaLash Mascara, promises longer, thicker lashes.
Wardah Perfect Curl Mascara is very comfortable to use and helps to apply eyelashes.
a) Wardah Volume Xpert Mascara is a 3D brush applicator that makes eyelashes curly
and voluminous, long-lasting, and does not fade or clump.
The Effect of Advertising on Wardah Cosmetics Purchase Decisions (Case Study of Germasa
Gpib Petra Parents)
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Figure 2
Wardah Lipstick Products
The Wardah cosmetic lipstick type targets teenagers and adult women. Wardah
long-lasting lipstick contains jojoba oil, squalene, and vitamin E, so it lasts up to eight
hours and leaves lips moist with a matte finish. The Matte Exclusive Lipstick, which has
the same formulation as the Wardah Long Lasting Lipstick, comes in a variety of shades
from Rosy to Velvety Brown and has a soft finish matte texture that makes it look natural
without being too thick.
Figure 3
Wardah Foundation Products
Wardah Exlusive's liquid-textured foundation is one of Wardah's best products. It
has a soft focus technology agent and ultraviolet protection that can disguise acne scars
and fine lines. Absorber oil, macadamia oil, silver extract, and vitamin E moisturize and
remove oil from the skin. It is excellent for oily and normal skin. Beige, Natural, Ivory,
and Light Beige colors are available.
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Figure 4
Produk BB Cream, DD CreamWardah & Powder Foundation Wardah
Wardah BB Lightening Beauty Balm Cream with a thick texture retains oil on the
face and provides longer and more comprehensive coverage. It helps dry and rough skin.
The SPF 32 PA+++ content brightens, moisturizes, and is safe to use. To make the skin
more radiant and help fight premature aging, DD Wardah Cream combines sunscreen,
antioxidants, and brightening. It is also suitable for all skin types as it is gentle on the
skin. In addition, Wardah Lightening Powder Foundation, Wardah's newest powder
foundation, has ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B protection and is suitable for all types of
oily qualities. There are seven colors available for it: golden sand, pink beige, natural
beige, warm beige, almond, and warm white. In addition, the formula has a soft, smooth,
and non-comedogenic texture, and has two levels of illumination.
Wardah Social Network
Social networks, which are also a type of digital mass media, convey information
to a wide audience, so there is always a variety of news. Social media is an app that allows
many people to interact and share opinions, information, and news. Due to its interactive
nature and feedback, users can collaborate, share information, and interact with each
other. (Wulandari & Netrawati, 2019).
Wardah makes effective use of social media to promote its products and provide
useful information to consumers. By utilizing social media platforms, Wardah can reach
a wider and more diverse audience. Through a variety of interesting and informative
content, Wardah not only markets its beauty products, but also provides beauty tips,
tutorials, and the latest information on beauty trends. The following is a list of official
Wardah social media that are actively used:
The Effect of Advertising on Wardah Cosmetics Purchase Decisions (Case Study of Germasa
Gpib Petra Parents)
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Figure 5
Website Wardah
Wardah has a website designed to introduce its entire range of products to
customers. On this website, you can find a wide range of Wardah products, ranging from
cosmetics to skincare. In addition, each product comes with a detailed description that
includes the benefits, key ingredients, and how to use it. With user-friendly navigation,
visitors can easily find the products they are looking for, read reviews from other users,
and get the latest information about ongoing promos and events. The website also
provides articles on skincare and beauty, as well as tips and tricks to maximize the use of
Wardah products. Here is a link from the Wardah website:
Figure 6
Instagram Wardah
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Wardah has very active social media, especially on Instagram. Wardah's
Instagram account has been verified, which is marked by a blue tick. Through this
platform, Wardah not only introduces its various products but also provides information
related to the usefulness and benefits of each product. In addition, Wardah also utilizes
endorsement services from various well-known content creators and artists in Jakarta,
such as Dewi Sandra, Amanda Rawles, Tasya Farasya, Yasmin Napper, and many more.
This helps them in promoting the product more widely and effectively. Here is the link
from Wardah's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wardahbeauty/.
Gambar 7 Twitter Wardah Beauty
Wardah is not only present in the form of quality products but also active in utilizing
social media, one of which is Twitter. The official Twitter account of Wardah has been
verified with a yellow tick, signifying the authenticity and legitimacy of the account. On
this platform, Wardah not only promotes its products, but also becomes a forum for
information related to activities carried out by the company, such as beauty classes,
product exhibitions, and various other activities. With its presence on Twitter, Wardah
can reach more consumers and loyal fans, as well as provide valuable information about
the company's products and activities. If you want to see more of Wardah's latest posts
and activities on Twitter, you can visit https://x.com/wardahbeauty?lang=en.
In syringe theory, the impact of advertising on consumer purchase decisions refers
to the process by which messages delivered directly and intensively through advertising
can significantly influence consumer behavior. Advertising can influence various aspects
of the purchase decision, including the choice of brand and seller, the number of items
The Effect of Advertising on Wardah Cosmetics Purchase Decisions (Case Study of Germasa
Gpib Petra Parents)
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purchased, the duration of time spent shopping, and even the payment method chosen by
the consumer.
In this context, it is important to remember that the purchase decision (Y) is a
complex phenomenon, made up of many interrelated dimensions. Each of these
dimensions can be affected by advertising, which serves as a medium to convey messages
directly and intensively to consumers. For example, an ad that highlights certain features
of a brand can significantly influence consumer preferences for that brand. Similarly, ads
that offer special discounts or promotions can have an impact on the number of items
purchased, the time of purchase transactions, and the payment method chosen by
The results of the validity test, based on the analysis carried out, showed that as
many as 25 out of a total of 27 questionnaires were declared valid, while the other 2
questionnaires were considered invalid. This shows that the research instruments used
have an adequate level of validity to measure the research variables. In addition, the
reliability test also showed that all statements in the questionnaire had a high level of
consistency, with the purchase decision variable (Y) having a Cronbach alpha value of
0.641, and the X variable (advertising) also showing a good reliability level with a value
of 0.744. This indicates that the results of the study are reliable and trustworthy in
describing the relationship between the variables studied.
A simple linear regression analysis showed that there was a correlation coefficient
(R) of 0.276 and a determination coefficient (R2) of 0.030% in the relationship between
the independent variable (advertising) and the dependent variable (purchase decision),
which showed that advertising only affected the purchase decision by 0.030%. However,
the results of the ANOVA test showed a calculated F value of 3.958 with a significance
level of 0.052 greater than 0.05, this shows that the regression model has weaknesses in
determining advertisements. The Coefficients model shows a constant value of 33.467
which indicates that when the ad value is 0, the purchase decision tends to be 33.467.
However, the results of the F test show that the influence of the ad is not significant; The
F value of 1.463 is lower than the F table of 4.04. However, the t-test shows that the
influence of advertising (X) on the purchase decision (Y) is still significant because the
t-value calculated at 3.207 is greater than the t-value of table 2.0106. As a result, it cannot
be concluded that variable X has a significant influence on variable Y, and the
determination value is 0.0761%.
The history of Germasa GPIB Petra has its attraction to be explored further. This
movement is not just a social organization, but also a platform for people who value
community and religious values. This approach highlights the important role of internal
and interpersonal factors in purchasing decision-making. Although syringe theory is often
used to explain the influence of advertising on purchase decisions, in the context of
Germasa GPIB Petra, purchase decisions are more influenced by recommendations from
fellow community members and the values carried by the movement. Therefore, the
history and social dynamics of Germasa GPIB Petra are a strong foundation for the
influence of internal and interpersonal factors in the purchase process.
Anisti, Tuty Mutiah, Kristina Natalia
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3970
Therefore, the results of our study show that advertising has a significant influence
on Germasa GPIB Petra's decision to buy Wardah cosmetics. Syringe theory is often used
to explain how advertising affects consumer behavior, assuming that advertising
messages are "injected" into consumers' minds and influence their decisions. However,
in our situation, this theory is not entirely valid.
The results of this study found that Wardah advertising has a significant influence
on consumers' purchasing decisions, although the influence is relatively small compared
to other factors. This finding is in line with the research of (Dewi, 2018) This shows that
advertising has a positive impact on purchase decisions, although the influence is not
dominant. Molok et al. found that although the influence of advertising on the purchase
of Oppo products is not large, advertising still plays a role in shaping consumer
awareness. In addition, research by (AGUSTINA, 2021) The influence of advertising and
brand ambassadors on purchase decisions on Tokopedia also supports the finding that
advertising plays an important role, especially in creating a positive image that influences
purchase decisions. Both studies showed that advertising had more effect on products that
were emotional and personal, such as cosmetics, than other functional products.
The findings in this study that Wardah advertising influences consumer purchasing
decisions, albeit small, can be confirmed by using marketing communication theories
such as the "hypodermic needle" theory. This theory explains that the message conveyed
through advertising is "injected" directly into the minds of consumers, so that it can
influence their decisions. In this case, however, the "hierarchy of effects" theory is more
relevant, as Wardah ads function more at the awareness and interest stages, rather than
directly on purchases. Consumers may be exposed to ads and become aware of Wardah's
products, but the final purchase decision is influenced by other factors, such as personal
experience or recommendations from others.
The results of this study show that the purchasing decisions of Wardah consumers,
especially GPIB Petra mothers, are more influenced by interpersonal factors such as
recommendations from fellow community members than formal advertisements. This is
consistent with research by (Nugroho, 2016) This found that word-of-mouth has more
influence on purchase decisions than advertising, especially in the context of products
that rely on trust and recommendations. In contrast, research by (Arianto et al., 2024)
Shows that in consumers in more competitive markets, advertising plays a greater role as
it creates significant differences between similar products. In the context of the GPIB
Petra community, Wardah ads may serve more as a product reminder than as a key factor
in purchasing decision-making.
Based on the results and analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that
Wardah product advertisements have a significant impact on purchase decisions (Y) with
a value of 0.766, which exceeds the threshold of 0.60, and also on advertisements (X)
with a value of 0.749, which exceeds the threshold of 0.060. Therefore, the accepted
hypothesis shows that Wardah product advertising has a significant influence on mothers
The Effect of Advertising on Wardah Cosmetics Purchase Decisions (Case Study of Germasa
Gpib Petra Parents)
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3971
in the GPIB Petra age group. The impact of advertising on their purchase decisions
increased along with the high exposure to Wardah products. The results of the analysis
show that the R Square value of 0.030 indicates that the Y variable is affected by 0.030%.
The results of this research reveal that advertising has a significant impact on
purchase decisions, but rather acts as a means to validate products. Due to the limited
influence of advertising, today's consumers tend to be more pragmatic in choosing the
products they use. They don't just rely on ad exposure, but they also prioritize real-world
experience with the product, as seen in the case of using Wardah's products.
Anisti, Tuty Mutiah, Kristina Natalia
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3972
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