p-ISSN: 2723-6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 11 November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5402
Representation of Terrorism in 22 July Movie
(John Fiske Semiotic Analysis)
Luthfi Fathullah
, Indah Wenerda
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
Keywords: Terrorism;
Representation; Semiotic
Paul Greengrass' 22 July depicts the tragic events of the July 22,
2011 terrorist attack in Norway. This research aims to describe the
representation of terrorism in the movie "July 22". The qualitative
method is used in this research. The data contained in this research
are in the form of scenes that indicate acts of terrorism in the
movie "22 July". The data were analysed using John Fiske's
semiotic analysis technique, which consists of three levels: level
of reality, level of representation, and level of ideology. The result
of the research shows that the movie "22 July" contains elements
of terrorism committed by Anders Behring Breivik. At the level
of reality, the elements of terrorism are represented through
aspects of costume, behaviour, expression, and conversation. At
the level of representation, there are aspects of camera, lighting,
and sound. At the ideological level, this movie represents the
ideology of terrorism.
The development of mass media has greatly influenced every aspect of modern
society. Mass media has developed into a medium that helps humans spread messages
(Haqqu et al., 2019). One form of media used to spread messages is film. Film is an
effective mass communication tool to show the reality of society and display social
phenomena. In addition, filmmakers can convey their messages to the audience (Haqqu
& Pramonojati, 2022). Movies depart through social phenomena which in this July 22
movie has a social phenomenon about terrorism.
Terrorism is a political or religious group movement used to gain support through
overt acts of violence. The purpose of these acts is to attack, intimidate, and frighten
certain targeted parties. This is usually done by groups that are hostile to the target
political party (Schmid, 2011).
According to the book Terrorism, Definition, Action, and Regulation, a person is
labelled as a terrorist if they meet the following requirements: (1) deliberate use of
violence and threats; (2) organised; (3) the target is the civilian population; (4) creates
fear and has a specific reason; (5) damages important facilities, both national and
international; and (6) results in casualties (Hardiman et al., 2005).
The beginning of the global emergence of terrorism was the collapse of the Twin
Towers in the United States the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001, and
Representation of Terrorism in 22 July Movie (John Fiske Semiotic Analysis)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5403
there were also train bombings in Madrid, Spain and London, England in 2004 and 2005
(Prayoga et al., 2024)
Terrorists are more likely to be perceived as a group or organisation because a
single individual cannot carry out attacks and achieve their political demands. (Lutz & Lutz,
2011). However, there is one case of individual terrorism that occurred in Norway. This
act is referred to as lone-wolf terrorism, committed by Anders Behring Breivik in 2011.
Anders Behring Breivik is a Norwegian national who carried out a terror attack
on July 22, 2011, in Norway. He claimed to be the leader of the Knights Templar Europe
network. However, police have found no evidence that such a network exists. The book
2083-A European Declaration of Independence is a book in which Anders Behring
Breivik spread a manifesto for his actions. The book describes his operations and asserts
that concrete action is needed and deemed necessary to eliminate Muslim immigrants
from Norway and Europe and criticises Norwegian politics in favour of multiculturalism.
(Spaaij, 2011).
Norway used to be viewed as a homogeneous society, essentially formed by ethnic
Norwegians themselves. Later, the Sami people and the Finnish minority known as
"Kven" joined in. Since the 1960s, various new ethnic groups have come to Norway as
immigrants when labour was needed. Others came as political refugees or simply
individuals seeking a better life. Until then, Norwegian society has been multicultural,
and in some parts of Oslo there is a majority of non-ethnic Norwegians.
Oil resources were discovered in the Norwegian North Sea in 1967. This led to
the arrival of Islamic immigrants such as Moroccans, Turks, and Pakistanis. By 1997, the
number of Pakistani residents in Norway increased from 110 to 990, making Pakistan the
largest non-Western immigrant country (Bangstad, 2014).
During the 1970s and 1980s, immigrants from Muslim countries who came to
Norway were referred to by their nationality. However, in the 1990s, this term began to
change. In Norway, the terms "Pakistani," "Moroccan," and "Turks" had changed to
"Muslim" and thus began to refer to "religious centrism" rather than ethnonationalism
(Bangstad, 2014).
Therefore, Anders Breivik saw Muslims as a group that could threaten European
culture, especially Norway. In a political party forum, his final message was that there
would be a civil war when Muslims took over Norway and that Islamization in the West
would be very scary (Nugroho, 2022).
Based on Asne Seierstad's book One of Us: The Story of a Massacre in Norway
and Its Aftermath, the crime drama film "July 22" tells the story of the 2011 attack in
Norway and its aftermath. Paul Greengrass directed and produced the film, which features
a Norwegian cast and crew. On September 5, 2018, the film premiered at the 75th Venice
International Film Festival. The film debuted on Netflix and in select theatres on October
10, 2018. The 2018 Freedom Of Expression Award was given to the film.
In the story of this movie, Anders Behring Breivik, a right-wing politician, carried
out terrorist attacks in Oslo and Utoya Island on July 22, 2011, which killed 77 people.
At 14:09, he sent a manifesto to more than 1,000 email addresses, and at 15:25, he
Luthfi Fathullah, Indah Wenerda
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5404
detonated a 950-kilogram bomb in the Norwegian government compound, killing eight
people and injuring many others.
At 17:17, Anders Behring Breivik arrived on Utoya Island by ferry, wearing a
police uniform and carrying a gun in a suitcase. He claimed to be a police officer
conducting a post-bombing security check in Oslo to gain access to the Workers' Youth
League summer camp. Afterwards, he killed 69 people, including guards and camp
organisers. At 18:00, the police arrived to arrest him.
Terrorist groups rely heavily on creating panic and fear in the target audience to
seek publicity. The goal would not have been achieved if no one knew about the terrorist
act. Therefore, Anders Behring Breivik carried out an attack aimed at the centre-left Labor
Party because it was the political party that had the power. The purpose of Anders Behring
Breivik's act of terrorism was to combat multiculturalism in Norway and prevent
Islamization under the ruling political party.
However, while much attention has been given to the broader implications of
media representations, there has been limited focus on the semiotic analysis of specific
films that depict real-life terrorist events. The 22 July movie, with its unique approach to
storytelling and its focus on both the victims and the perpetrator, presents an opportunity
to explore the construction of meaning around terrorism in contemporary cinema. This
research aims to analyse how 22 July represents terrorism through a semiotic lens,
specifically utilising John Fiske’s semiotic analysis framework to understand the
symbols, signs, and narratives embedded within the film. By doing so, this study will
contribute to the ongoing discourse on the role of media in shaping public perceptions of
terrorism, trauma, and social solidarity.
This research uses qualitative methods to dissect the phenomenon of terrorist acts,
including motivation, behaviour, and other actions, as a whole in the form of language,
as well as words that have special meaning, through various scientific approaches
(Moleong, 2011).
As explained in The Codes of Television theory, John Fiske mentions three levels
of coding, namely reality, representation, and ideology. (Fiske, 2012). At the level of
reality, the codes included are appearance, make-up, costume, behaviour, conversation,
action, expression, and environment. At the level of representation, the codes included
are camera, lighting, music, and sound. At the level of ideology, the code includes
ideological levels that include topics such as capitalism, communism, terrorism,
individualism, democracy, materialism, feminism, and race. These three levels become
the reference to dissect the meaning of each terrorism scene in the movie July 22.
Representation of Terrorism in 22 July Movie (John Fiske Semiotic Analysis)
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Results and Discussion
Scene Description 1:
Breivik detonated a white van filled with bombs at the Norwegian government's
main office complex in Oslo, resulting in many casualties.
Scene 2 Description:
Breivik was dressed like a policeman with weapons in his suitcase. He claimed to
be a police officer assigned to guard and check security after the Oslo bombings. In this
way, he gained access to the Workers' Youth League summer camp. After having a
conversation with the camp organisers, Breivik was asked to show his police identity
card. Breivik immediately killed the guards and camp organisers and killed teenagers on
the island.
Scene Description 3:
Breivik met Geir Lippestad, a lawyer who Breivik wanted because 9 years ago,
he became Benjamin Hermansen's lawyer with a neo-Nazi case. Breivik wanted Geir
Lippestad to protect him from imprisonment for his acts of terrorism. Then, Breivik and
Geir Lippestad were brought into the interrogation room to explain the purpose of his
Reality Level
A costume is anything that a player wears, along with all the accessories.
Accessories include hats, jewellery, watches, glasses, shoes, canes, and so on. Fashion in
movies does not only function as a body cover, but also has a role that suits the story.
(Farhana RM & Aflahah, 2019).
Luthfi Fathullah, Indah Wenerda
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Scene 1 shows Breivik wearing a police costume. It can be seen from the clothes
worn, starting from Norwegian police clothes and equipped with accessories such as
helmets, vests, and identity cards that are hung. The costume used is intended as a disguise
for Breivik in carrying out his mission to blow up the Oslo government office.
Scene 2 Breivik is still wearing a police costume, seen from the clothes worn,
namely Norwegian police clothes. Equipped with accessories such as vests and firearms.
This costume aims to be a disguise for Breivik to enter the island of Utoya.
Scene 3 shows Breivik in the Norwegian police interrogation room wearing a
prisoner costume. This costume aims to show prisoners who are still being examined by
the police.
According to the Purwadarminta Dictionary of Indonesian Language, terrorism is
the practice of acts of terror, the use of violence to cause fear in achieving goals
(especially political goals) (Sulaiman, 2007). According to the book Terrorism,
Definition, Action, and Regulation, a person is labelled as a terrorist if they fulfil the
following conditions: (1) deliberate use of violence and threats; (2) organised; (3) the
target is the civilian population; (4) creates fear and has a specific reason; (5) damages
important facilities, both national and international; and (6) results in casualties.
(Hardiman et al., 2005). Where it is used to intimidate the public and government by
involving firearms and explosives (Jahroni, 2016).
Scene 1 shows the explosion of the bomb, causing damage to buildings and
targeting civilians as victims. This is part of the terrorist behaviour of causing damage to
public facilities and targeting civilians. The action was carried out to gain public attention
and to threaten the leadership of the Norwegian government.
Scene 2 shows Breivik killing guards, event organisers and several teenagers who
were conducting a summer camp with firearms. Breivik created fear for the teenagers on
the island, so they ran and hid. This is part of the behaviour of terrorism, which is causing
fear and loss of life.
Scene 3 shows Breivik stating the terrorist mission he wants to accomplish. In the
statement, Breivik threatened that he had just started a war and an attack could happen at
any time. This is part of the behaviour of terrorism, which is deliberately making threats.
One of the most frequently used gestures in the communication process is facial
expressions. These natural responses reflect an individual's feelings or emotions when
interacting in certain situations. Facial expressions consist of a variety of different cues,
and each cue has a meaning and can affect the message to be conveyed (Adiatma et al.,
Scene 1 shows Breivik setting off the bomb and walking away from the van with
a neutral expression. A neutral expression can be recognised as a state without emotion
by not showing negative or positive feelings.
Representation of Terrorism in 22 July Movie (John Fiske Semiotic Analysis)
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Scene 2 shows Breivik looking for teenagers who are hiding behind the rock. He
expresses anger and fear at the teenagers. The anger can be seen from the tip of his
eyebrows down, slightly narrowed eyes, and a high tone of voice. (Abubakar & Lasut,
2021). Expressions of fear can be known from both eyebrows rising simultaneously and
raised upper eyelids (Adiatma et al., 2021).
Scene 3 shows Breivik being interrogated with a relaxed expression. This
expression shows calmness and contrasts with the tense expressions of the other
Dialogue (Conversation)
Dialogue is a conversation that takes place between two or more people. It must
represent the character's role, character, and feelings (Tsabitha, 2023). Dialogue serves to
convey information, build character, develop a plot, and express emotions. With dialogue,
the audience will understand the motivations and conflicts that occur in the story.
Scene 2 features the dialogue, "You will all die today, Marxists, liberals, children
of the elite", said Breivik when he found teenagers hiding in the house. And the dialogue
"Where are you? Get out, you Marxists!!!" said Breivik, who was looking for other
Scene 3 features the dialogue "I just started a war to take over Norway, from the
west", said Breivik when asked, "What are you doing today?" by Geir Lippestad as
Breivik's lawyer. And also features the dialogue, "I'm just one of the movers in a network
called the Knights Templar, we want Islam to disappear from Europe", said Breivik when
asked, "Did anyone help you do this?" by a detective in a police interrogation room.
Level of Representation
Camera movement is one of the image elements that actually leads to changes in
size (Type shot), composition, and the angle of the object against the camera screen frame
(Angle shot/Camera angle) (Morissan, 2010).
The scenes in the movie 22 July have several shooting angles that are used to
display acts of terrorism and the main characters in this film.
Scene 1 uses camera angles that strengthen the atmosphere of the scene, namely
medium close-up (Narrow-angle), long shot (Wide angle), and medium shot (Eye level
angle). Taking the medium close-up technique with a Narrow-angle aims to focus on
detail when Breivik burns the bomb fuse. This is because the narrow-angle is the best
angle used as a detail shot, and the medium close-up is a combination of a medium shot
and a close-up shot so that the scene of burning the bomb fuse can be captured clearly.
Taking the long shot technique with a wide angle aims to give the feeling of being
around the environment when the white van exploded. This is because a long shot is a
visual that captures the entire area of the scene, and a wide angle is a wide angle that is
recorded to be in focus.
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Using a medium shot technique with an eye-level angle aims to give the audience
a view parallel to the details of the body parts and facial expressions of the bomb blast
victims. This is because the medium shot is a shooting technique that shows details of the
body parts and the surrounding environment, and the eye-level angle is a shooting angle
parallel to the subject's point of view.
Scene 2 uses camera angles that strengthen the atmosphere of the scene, namely
the Long shot (Wide angle), the Over-shoulder shot (High angle), the Medium shot (Low
angle), and the Medium close-up (High angle). Taking the Full shot technique with a
Wide angle aims to bring the audience into a tense atmosphere when Breivik shoots the
guards, event organisers and teenagers running on the island of Utoya. This is because
the Long shot is a visual that captures the entire area of the scene, and a wide angle is a
wide angle that is recorded to be in focus.
Taking the over-shoulder shot technique with a High angle aims to give the
audience a view from behind the object, watching the terrified expressions of the
teenagers hiding in the house. This is because an over-shoulder shot is a technique of
taking pictures from behind the shoulder of the object used to show that the object is
looking at something, and a High angle is a shooting angle used to show a lack of
superiority and a weakened position.
Using the Medium shot technique with a Low angle aims to give the audience the
impression that Breivik looks like he has prominent strength. This is because Medium
shots are used to show gestures and body language, and low angles make the subject
appear to have power.
Using the Medium close-up technique with a High angle aims to show the details
of the frightened teenagers' expressions while hiding behind the cliff. This is because the
Medium close-up is used to show the subject's face and expression clearly, and the High
angle is a shooting angle to show the subject as a weak figure.
Scene 3 uses camera angles that strengthen the atmosphere of the scene, namely,
Over shoulder shot (Eye level angle) and, Medium long shot (Straight angle). Taking the
shoulder shot technique with A level angle aims to provide focus on the dialogue scene
between Breivik and his lawyer. This is because Over shoulder shot is a technique used
when in a conversation between two people facing each other, and Eye level angle is used
to be parallel to the subject's point of view.
Using the Medium long shot technique with a Straight angle aims to bring the
audience into the interrogation atmosphere. This is because the Medium long shot shows
the character's movements, the environment, and the way the character interacts with
other characters. A straight angle is a shooting angle whose position is at chest level and
is often used in scenes where the image is fixed.
A book titled "Introduction to Camera Management" by Vani Dias Adiprabowo
explains that light is the most important element in designing television/film images.
Apart from its fundamental role in illuminating the subject, light also determines tonal
Representation of Terrorism in 22 July Movie (John Fiske Semiotic Analysis)
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differences, outlines, shapes, colours, textures, and depth. Light can also shape the
performer's mood, atmosphere, and visual continuity.
Scene 1 uses the Low-key lighting technique, using little light to produce a serious
and dramatic scene.
Scene 2 uses minimal lighting to create a tense and gripping atmosphere. This
technique is used to influence the audience's emotions.
Scene 3 uses lighting with a blue colour temperature to create a colder atmosphere,
which can add psychological tension. The blue colour temperature will give an impression
that can affect the mood and feelings of the subject more intensely.
Sound is an audio element used to support the story, atmosphere, and audience
experience. Sound in the film does not only consist of dialogue; other components
complement each other to create a strong and deep atmosphere.
Scene 1 shows the sound of a bomb exploding from a white van. The sound of
explosions used in the context of terrorism is to create fear in the general public and create
anxiety that will affect their attitude or behaviour.
Scene 2 features gunshots and screams of scared teenagers. The gunshots and
screams of the teenagers are useful to be able to trigger emotional responses from the
audience, such as anxiety, fear, and surprise. It also makes the audience feel more
involved in the world of the movie and reinforces the impression that what they are seeing
is part of the real world.
Scene 3 features a calm voice in the interrogation room. This calm voice aims to
reduce the tension in the conversation and allow the subject to speak more freely. The
calm tone of voice gives the impression that the subject is not being cornered but is trying
to gather information more naturally.
Ideology Level
Overall, the scenes chosen by the author indicate the elements of terrorism
committed by Anders Behring. In the theory of terrorism, the elements that fulfil the act
of terrorism are deliberate actions to create fear and threat; the target is the civilian
population, damage to public facilities, and violence that causes casualties (Hardiman et
al., 2005). (Hardiman et al., 2005). All the elements mentioned above fulfil the form of
terrorism in the three scenes of the movie "22 July" chosen by the author.
The result of the data analysis shows that the movie "22 July" depicts terrorist
events. The codes that support terrorism in the visualisation of the film are displayed at
the level of reality in the form of costumes used, actions shown by the actors in terror
scenes, and dialogues that support the elements of terrorism. At the level of
representation, the codes used, including camera, lighting, and sound, to give the
impression of a tense and gripping atmosphere strengthen the meaning of terrorism in
Luthfi Fathullah, Indah Wenerda
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5410
film visualisation. At the level of ideology, every scene chosen by the author shows that
there are elements of the act of terrorism committed by Anders Behring Breivik. In the
theory of terrorism, an act of terror is a deliberate act using violence and threats, targeting
civilians, causing fear, having a specific motive, and causing damage to important
facilities both nationally and internationally, resulting in casualties.
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