pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3827
The Role of the Ministry of Industry as the Main Stakeholder
in the Development of IKM Centers in Indonesia
, Asep Jubaedillah
, M. Zidane Qadafi Lubis
Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: the ministry of
industry; IKM center;
small and medium
industries; economic
development; the role of
the government.
Small and medium industries (SMEs) are vital sectors in
Indonesia's economy, with significant contributions to Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) and job creation. The IKM Center,
which groups small and medium-sized business units in one
location, is expected to improve production efficiency and
industrial competitiveness. However, many centers are
experiencing problems in management and revitalization.
This research aims to explore the role of the Ministry of
Industry as the main stakeholder in the development of IKM
Centers in Indonesia. Using a descriptive qualitative
approach, this study examines the role of the Ministry of
Industry as a regulator, facilitator, catalyst, investor, and
strategic planner in developing SME Centers. The results of
the study show that although the IKM Center has great
potential, there are still challenges in policy implementation
and management that require revitalization. The government
is expected to continue to strengthen its role to support the
sustainability and growth of the IKM Center in the long term.
The Industrial Sector is the engine that drives a country's economy. Industry is
defined as a process that provides added value or higher benefits to raw materials.
Industrial activities have an impact on the absorption of labor and the welfare of business
actors and lead to state income or Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Maulidia et al., 2023).
The dominance of the industrial sector is also closely related to the high economic growth
rate which indicates that the country is increasingly advanced. So developing countries
continue to strive to strengthen the industrial structure to increase their contribution to
GDP (Rinta-Kahila et al., 2016).
The contribution of the industrial sector to high national economic growth is
inseparable from the role of small and medium industries (SMEs). The national industrial
structure is formed by 99.7 percent of industries with micro, small, and medium scales.
The Ministry of Industry stated that the number of Indonesian SMEs reached 4.19
business units and was able to absorb a large workforce, which was 65.52 percent of the
total national industrial workforce. SMEs are also considered to have great potential
because they have resilience beyond large-scale industries, especially in difficult times
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3828
(Hutahayan, 2021) such as crises and pandemics, have flexibility in terms of adapting to
market changes (Rinta-Kahila et al., 2016), resource use and process reconfiguration
(Miroshnychenko et al., 2021) and SMEs are the starting point for the development of
innovation and technology transfer (Smallbone et al., 2022).
In line with the increasing importance of SMEs in the country's economic
development and to increase the productivity of SMEs, it is very important to strengthen
the business organization of SMEs (Games et al., 2022) As well as develop and grow
SMEs (Mamun, 2018). To implement it, efforts are needed that focus on improving the
performance of SMEs to maintain and develop their businesses sustainably. Company
performance or business performance is generally defined as the result obtained from the
way a company achieves its strategic goals which can be measured from financial
advantages, competitive advantages, and market share. (Olan et al., 2019).
To facilitate the development of the SME business, one of the efforts of the Central
and Regional Governments is to help build SME centers. According to PP 29 of 2018
related to Industrial Empowerment, an IKM center is a group of SMEs in one area or
place consisting of at least 5 business units that create similar products, use similar raw
materials, and/or carry out the same creation process (Sedyastuti, 2018). The 2020
Indonesian Industrial Center List published by BPS states that the total number of SME
centers in Indonesia is 13,762 out of 516,124 business units. The basic goal of the
development of industrial centers is to equitably distribute and accelerate industrial and
economic development in Indonesia. (Asmara, 2018).
The IKM Center is the gateway to a strong national industrial structure. Building a
center requires a large budget and careful preparation. Not only building physical
facilities but also preparing human resources and the region or region itself. (Ananda,
2018). So that the Ministry of Industry, which is an agency that is given the mandate to
build industrial centers, must focus on developing strategies so that they are not only large
in number but also effective in accelerating their empowerment. From the managerial
side, it must also be more efficient so that operations are more structured and orderly. So
that the products produced have high competitiveness. The government also cannot run
alone. (Wahyudi, 2016). The private sector or large industry helps small business actors
to advance and develop through knowledge sharing and must also take a role in,
collaborate, or participate in facilitating from the technology side.
As a result of the evaluation from the Ministry of Industry and business actors,
many industrial centers were abandoned after being established, such as damaged
facilities and management systems that no longer work (Indonesia, 2015). In fact, in one
industrial center, the management is handed over to business actors consisting of
administrators, managers, members, and technical services of the center. However, this
institution is still not optimal in improving the performance and quality of SMEs. There
is still a hampered supply chain and this indicates a weak structure. The Ministry of
Industry noted that more than 70% of industrial centers need to be revitalized so that their
functions run as the original goal of industrial center development, namely the growth of
The Role of the Ministry of Industry as the Main Stakeholder in the Development of IKM
Centers in Indonesia
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3829
new industries, equal distribution of industries, and strengthening of the national
industrial structure.
The purpose of this study is to explore the role of the Government in the
implementation of the development of IKM Centers in Indonesia.
This study uses a descriptive qualitative method to examine the role of the Ministry
of Industry in the development of IKM Centers in Indonesia. The descriptive qualitative
method is used because this study aims to explore in depth how the government,
especially the Ministry of Industry, plays a role in supporting the development of IKM
Centers, both in terms of policies, regulations, and program implementation.
Research Steps
Data Collection
Primary Data: Interviews with relevant stakeholders, such as officials at the
Ministry of Industry, managers of IKM Centers, and SME business actors who are
members of the center.
Secondary Data: Data collection from official documents, such as laws,
and government regulations, as well as publications and reports from the Ministry of
Industry related to the development of IKM Centers. Data from BPS and the annual report
of the Ministry of Industry will also be used.
Data Analysis Techniques
The collected data is analyzed using thematic analysis, namely by identifying the
main themes that emerge from the data, such as the role of the Ministry of Industry as a
regulator, facilitator, catalyst, and investor.
SWOT analysis can also be used to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats in the development of SME Centers in Indonesia.
Data Validation
Validation is carried out through triangulation techniques, namely by comparing
the results of interviews with secondary data from official documents to ensure the
accuracy and consistency of the data.
Results and Discussion
The results of the study will present a comprehensive overview of the role of the
Ministry of Industry and how the policies and implementation of the SME Center program
have an impact on the development of small and medium industries in Indonesia.
Results and Discussion
To realize economic improvement through the IKM Center, stakeholder
involvement is very necessary. In the most basic concept of governance, it is stated that
three main stakeholders interact with each other and carry out their respective functions,
namely the state (state or government), the private sector (private sector or the business
world), and society (society). Government institutions function to create a conducive
Amirullah, Asep Jubaedillah, M. Zidane Qadafi Lubis
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3830
political and legal environment, the private sector creates jobs and income, while the
community plays a role in building social, economic, and political interactions, including
inviting community groups to participate in economic, social, and political activities.
The Role of the Ministry of Industry in the Implementation of the Development of
IKM Centers in Indonesia
The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Industry, plays a very strategic
role in the development of Small and Medium Industries (SMEs) centers. The IKM
Center is an industrial activity center that groups several small and medium business units
in one location to improve the efficiency of production, marketing, and product
development. By the mandate of Law Number 3 of 2014 concerning Industry, the
Ministry of Industry is given a mandate to carry out the empowerment of small and
medium industries (SMEs), one of which can be done by building an IKM center. In
carrying out the mandate of the Law, there are several important roles of the Ministry of
Industry in the following cases:
a. Government as a Regulator
namely producing policies related to the Industrial Center, be it human, industrial,
institutional, intermediation, and resources and technology. Through regulations
produced by the Ministry of Industry such as Government Regulation Number 29 of 2018
concerning Industrial Empowerment, Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 14
of 2021 concerning the Development of Small and Medium Industries in IKM Centers
Through One Village One Product, and Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 7
of 2023 concerning Technical Instructions for Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of
Small and Medium Industry Centers through Special Allocation Funds Non-physical for
the 2023 Fiscal Year, the Government through the Ministry of Industry can accelerate the
development and growth of the industry through Industrial Centers. Through these
regulations, it is hoped that it can create a conducive business climate for the industry.
b. Catalysts and Facilitators.
In this case, the government provides stimulus, challenges, and encouragement, so
that business ideas move to a higher level of competence.
The form of this catalyst is the implementation of national programs including
the OVOP Program and the Revitalization of Small and Medium Industry Centers. SME
centers generally describe locations that have raw materials and human resources that can
meet the production process at the industrial level. This means that raw materials are
sufficient to create products with certain economies of scale, skilled human resources in
large quantities, and the existence of several SMEs in groups to fill certain production
value chains. The OVOP (One Village One Product) program that was initiated then
became a whip for business actors and local governments to recognize the potential of
their regions and markets and, of course, to initiate to production of superior products by
the potential of the region or region. As for the IKM Center Revitalization Program, it
was initiated based on the physical condition of 70% of the centers that have been built
in Indonesia that are damaged and unmaintained. The revitalization of the IKM Sntra will
target the physical of the center from the implementation of GMP (Good Manufacturing
The Role of the Ministry of Industry as the Main Stakeholder in the Development of IKM
Centers in Indonesia
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Practice), including industrial waste disposal and targeting the management or
management of the institution or structure of the center. This is very important because
improving the management and management of a more professional center will make it
easier for its members to develop their industries related to licensing, halal certification,
HACCP, IMD, SNI, and so on. With the facilitation of the above elements, business actors
will be more concerned about their business development. In addition, the government,
both central and regional, can also take a role in encouraging partnerships and
collaboration between large industries and small industries. Small industries through the
center can supply raw materials for large industries, large industries can transfer
technology and innovation to small industries.
c. The government as an investor.
It was explained that the government must be able to empower state assets to be
productive in the industrial scope and be responsible for industrial infrastructure
investment. Concretely, this activity is to help fund the activities of the IKM center, both
development and revitalization, and synergize with programs across ministries and
institutions through the central budget (APBN), regional (APBD) such as the Physical
and Non-Physical Special Allocation Fund (DAK) in the IKM sector. Some activities to
improve physical facilities and infrastructure, such as the construction of production
houses, UPTs, packaging houses, machinery and equipment, and others. The scope of the
physical DAK of this year's IKM Center consists of two menus, namely the construction
of the IKM center and the revitalization of the IKM center.
d. Strategic Planner.
This is related to the Compiler of the Industrial Center Development Master Plan.
The IKM Center Development Strategy has always been a Priority in the Direction and
Policy of Industrial Development. In this case, it is stated in the RIPIN (National
Industrial Development Master Plan) of the Ministry of Industry, the RPJP and RPJM of
the Ministry of Industry, and the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Industry. The purpose
of all these plans or master plans is to encourage the growth of existing industries to
strengthen the national industrial structure. The importance of empowering small and
medium industries is implemented in the strategy of forming institutions (organizations
and work procedures) that specifically handle small and medium industries at the echelon
1 level in the Ministry of Industry, namely the Directorate General of Small, Medium,
and Miscellaneous Industries.
By adopting the role of regulator, catalyst, facilitator, investor, and strategic
planner, the government ensures that SME centers can develop and contribute
significantly to the national economy. This analysis confirms that a holistic approach
involving cross-sector cooperation and the use of technology is the key to success in
developing SME centers and achieving inclusive and sustainable industrial development
However, to strengthen the role of the government in implementing the
development of IKM centers in Indonesia, several additional aspects need to be
considered, including:
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a. Integration of Inter-Ministerial and Institutional Programs
Cooperation across ministries and institutions is very important to optimize
resources and ensure that the SME development program runs synergistically.
Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
The use of digital technology in the operation and marketing of SMEs must be
further improved. The government can facilitate SMEs' access to e-commerce platforms
and other digital technologies to expand markets and improve production efficiency.
b. Strengthening Supply Chain
The government must encourage vertical and horizontal integration in the SME
supply chain. This includes cooperation between SMEs and large industries as well as the
development of interrelated industrial clusters to create a strong and competitive
industrial ecosystem.
c. Monitoring and Evaluation
The government needs to implement effective monitoring and evaluation
mechanisms to measure the success of implemented programs and policies. Accurate data
and information are essential for making evidence-based decisions and identifying areas
that need improvement.
Objectives of the Ministry of Industry in the Development of IKM Centers in
The industrial area development policy is one of the efforts of the Government of
Indonesia in terms of accelerating the equitable distribution of industrial areas using a
spatial approach, this is by what is contained in Law No. 3 of 2014 concerning Industry
and Government Regulation No. 14 of 2015 concerning the National Industrial
Development Master Plan (RIPIN). One of the programs contained in the regulation is
the construction of Small and Medium Industry Centers (IKM).
This policy is carried out in every Regency/City area in an area where it is not
possible to build an industrial area. This is because it is not technically and economically
feasible and is directed to support large industries, generate added value, absorb labor,
and support the use of local resources and industries that support regional
superior/priority industries.
Small and Medium Industry Centers (IKM) are places to combine small and
medium industry activities that produce the same goods, use the same raw materials,
apply the same production process, and have supporting facilities and infrastructure.
The purpose of the development of the Small and Medium Industry Center (IKM)
is to develop and grow new SMEs and accelerate the spread of industrial equity
throughout Indonesia (Government Regulation No. 123 of 2016 concerning Technical
Instructions for Physical DAK). Due to the existence of an integrated system and reducing
capital barriers, the existence of the IKM Center is expected to make it easier to carry out
business activities (Ellita, 2022).
The policy of developing SME centers is a strategic step that has several important
implications for the national economy:
1. Optimization of Local Resources.
The Role of the Ministry of Industry as the Main Stakeholder in the Development of IKM
Centers in Indonesia
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By directing the construction of IKM centers in areas that have local resource
potential, the government can ensure that these resources are utilized optimally. This not
only increases the added value of local products but also strengthens the regional
2. Integration of production value chains.
The IKM center allows for better integration in the production value chain. By
gathering various business units in one location, synergies between various stages of
production can be optimized, from raw material processing to final product distribution.
3. Increasing the Competitiveness of SMEs
Through the provision of adequate infrastructure and supporting facilities, SME
centers can increase the competitiveness of SME products in the domestic and
international markets. Facilities such as training centers, testing laboratories, and access
to cutting-edge technology are essential to improve the quality of SME products.
4. Creation of a Conducive Business Ecosystem
This policy also creates a conducive business ecosystem for SMEs. With regulatory
support, access to financing, and training programs, SMEs can more easily develop and
innovate. In addition, collaboration with major industries and research institutions can
accelerate the transfer of technology and knowledge.
Development of IKM Centers in Indonesia
The IKM Center development program was carried out starting in 2016 in various
locations and different industries. The dominant IKM centers are located on the islands
of Sulawesi, Sumatra, and Nusa Tenggara. In terms of the investment process, the Small
and Medium Industry Center (IKM), which is financed by the central government through
the Special Allocation Fund (DAK), also depends on the proposal and support of the local
government. The local government helps by providing land availability, compiling
planning documents for the development of the IKM Center, providing operational funds,
preparing the IKM that will occupy the IKM Center, and providing institutions and
management. With a large government investment of 1.2 trillion rupiah from 2016 to
2019, there has been no evaluation of the impact of the development of the IKM Center,
so it provides an opportunity.
Based on information provided by the Directorate General of Small, Medium, and
Miscellaneous Industries (Ditjen IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry through the official
website of the Ministry of Industry, there were 10,514 small and medium industry centers
(SMEs) in Indonesia in 2020. With their business units reaching 456,488 SMEs, and
1,323,191 workers in the IKM center.
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In addition, the 2020 Directory of Indonesian Industrial Centers, released by the
Central Statistics Agency, shows that there are 13,762 industrial centers in Indonesia,
consisting of micro, small, and medium-scale industrial centers. Around 77.30% of this
industrial center is a micro-scale industry.
Over the years, small and medium-sized industries have become an important part
of the national economy. This is shown by 4.4 million SME business units, which
contribute 21.47% to the total value of national industrial output. SMEs have also proven
to be able to survive from year to year in facing various crises that occur in Indonesia.
Therefore, the Ministry of Industry pays special attention to the future of SMEs through
Strengthening Entrepreneurship and MSMEs in the priority program of the Ministry of
Industry's Strategic Plan for 2020-2024.
Based on the analysis carried out, there are several important conclusions related to
the role of the Government, especially the Ministry of Industry, as the main stakeholder
in the development of the IKM Center. First, the Government plays the role of a regulator
tasked with creating policies to create a conducive climate for industry. Second, the
Government also acts as a catalyst and facilitator that encourages programs that make it
easier for SMEs to produce high-value and competitive products. In addition, the
Government acts as an investor that provides funds and budgets for various programs,
both physical and non-physical, that support the construction of the IKM Center. Finally,
the Government has a role as a strategic planner, namely designing priority programs that
can be implemented directly and have a positive impact on the sustainability of small and
medium industry businesses through Industrial Centers.
The Role of the Ministry of Industry as the Main Stakeholder in the Development of IKM
Centers in Indonesia
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