pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3988
The Relationship Between Workplace Spirituality and
Flourishing in Women Reviewed from Employment Status
Farisa Aqila
, Agus Salim
, Mustaqim Setyo Ariyanto
Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: workplace
spirituality; flourishing;
employment status;
psychological well-being;
Women's problems seem to be a theme that society will
never forget. This issue is further strengthened by the role of
women which begins to roll along with the development of
the times. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that as
of 2022 there are 133,542,018 female residents in Indonesia.
This study aims to examine the relationship between
workplace spirituality and flourishing in women, with an
overview of job status. Through a quantitative approach with
a correlational method, this study was conducted on 304
women in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, both working
and non-working. The results showed that workplace
spirituality had a positive effect on flourishing in women,
and job status moderated this influence. Working women
had higher rates of flourishing than those who did not work,
suggesting that job roles provide meaning in daily life that
affects psychological well-being. These findings emphasize
the importance of promoting workplace spirituality in
creating a balance between personal and professional lives,
as well as improving women's psychological well-being.
Women's problems seem to be a theme that society will never forget. This issue is
further strengthened by the role of women which begins to roll along with the
development of the times. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that as of 2022 there
are 133,542,018 female residents in Indonesia. Women have a similar meaning to women.
According to the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBBI), women are
essentially human beings who have reproductive organs that allow them to experience
menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. According to (Lestari, 2016), in
essence, women are creatures of God who are created with special qualities. Pregnancy,
childbirth, breastfeeding, and childcare are women's duties and cannot be replaced by
(Ong et al., 2023) describes women as gentle and beautiful creatures because of
their gentle emotions. Many topics are raised with a female background because women
are creatures who have many advantages. Women's strengths are reflected in their role in
Farisa Aqila, Agus Salim, Mustaqim Setyo Ariyanto
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3989
daily life (Tindangen et al., 2020). The advantages of women that include their role in
daily life give rise to several problems from the role of women themselves. Women are
judged to be less good even in their minds if they do not follow the culture and values
that apply somewhere (Trisnawati & Widiansyah, 2022). One of them is the role of
women in the family which receives attention from time to time, while the role of women
in the family which includes as a child, as a wife, and as mother allows a woman to have
duties to maintain the honor of herself and her family (Lestari, 2016).
The number of working-age population based on SAKERNAS data in February
2021 processed by the Ministry of Manpower's Pusdatik shows that the female working-
age population still dominates with 50.02% of the total working-age population in
Indonesia (Pusdatik, 2021). In this regard, SAKERNAS data for February 2021 also
shows the level of the labor force by province and gender in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta with the number of female labor force of 1,060,469.
Furthermore, a different study that analyzed "Factors Influencing Women Working
as Freelance Day Workers (BHL) at PT. Indosawit Subur Muara Bulian, Maro Sebo Ilir
District, Batanghari Regency" by (Manalu, 2014) Explained that there are 2 (two) factors,
namely economic and sociocultural that affect a woman working as a Freelance Daily
Worker (BHL) at PT. Inti Indosawit Subur Muara Bulian, Maro Sebo Ilir District,
Batanghari Regency. The economic factors that trigger women to work are as follows:
relatively low-income levels of husbands, supporting household finances, family
benchmarks, and diversity of women's integrity. The sociocultural factors that bring a
woman to work include social status, competing and developing, special interests and
skills, and fulfilling leisure time.
Meanwhile, women are seen as happier because of the social role that is involved
by society. In fact, according to the Central Statistics Agency, in 2021, Indonesian women
tend to be more unhappy than men (BPS, 2021). Happiness in general is an internal
experience of positive thoughts that can be obtained through various ways in daily life.
In this regard, (Sekarini et al., 2020) Revealed that happiness in positive psychology is
visualized in flourishing, which is the highest state of well-being based on hedonic and
eudaimonic theories. Hedonic theory states that subjective validity is determined by an
individual's evaluation of himself, while eudaimonic theory emphasizes happiness as
more than just a circumstance because the person who declares happiness does not
necessarily mean that he is psychologically good. (Ryan et al., 2008). The eudaimonic
context promotes human progress through external benefits such as a good society, a good
environment, good topics, good programs, and good activities in the form of essential
elements for a thriving life. Another opinion according to (Fowers & Owenz, 2010)
Reveals that flourishing as a concept in positive psychology is a picture of a satisfying
life, evidenced by the achievement of good, beautiful, and useful things through
meaningful activities in high-quality relationships.
This study aims to test whether there is a positive relationship between workplace
spirituality and flourishing in women based on their job status. Specifically, this study
aims to find out whether workplace spirituality affects the level of flourishing in women
The Relationship Between Workplace Spirituality and Flourishing in Women Reviewed from
Employment Status
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3990
with certain job statuses, as well as identify the level of flourishing in women based on
their job status.
The expected benefits of this research include theoretical and practical benefits.
Theoretically, this research is expected to expand the understanding of workplace
spirituality and become a practical learning medium for researchers in applying the
knowledge gained during lectures. Practically, the results of this study can be a reference
for further research and in-depth studies, as well as provide benefits for the institution or
company where the research is conducted, in understanding the role of workplace
spirituality in increasing flourishing among women workers.
This study uses a quantitative method with a correlational approach (Statistical
Correlation) to test the relationship between variables and their correlations, which can
be done under realistic conditions. (Azwar, 2017). Correlational analysis helps test
hypotheses and understand the significance of the relationship between variables.
(Sugiyono, 2019), revealed that quantitative methods are used to analyze population and
sample data using research instruments, statistical data analysis, and testing
predetermined hypotheses. Meanwhile, according to (Sunyoto, 2013), quantitative
research involves exact numbers that can be put together to make it easier for researchers
to understand them.
Research Variables
According to (Siyoto & Sodik, 2015) Variables are attributes of descriptive objects
that are used as the focus of a research study. Siregar (2017) stated that a variable is a
concept that has a value and a construct that has been given a number. This is
distinguished in this study, namely independent variables and dependent variables.
Population and Sample
1. Population
According to (Sugiyono, 2019), population is a generalization area consisting of
several objects and several subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics that
need to be determined by researchers to study and draw conclusions. Population is not
only people but other objects that have characteristics and qualities. The subjects needed
in this study are:
1) Women aged at least 19-40 years old
2) Working and not working
3) Minimum vocational/high school education
4) Domiciled in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
2. Sample
According to (Amin et al., 2023), a sample is defined as a part of a population and
is the actual source of data for a study. In other words, a sample is a portion of a population
that represents the entire population. The use of samples in this study uses a purposive
sampling technique or a purposeful sampling technique. According to Sugiyono (2013),
purposive sampling is a technique for determining samples with certain considerations.
Farisa Aqila, Agus Salim, Mustaqim Setyo Ariyanto
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3991
Data Collection Tools and Methods
The data collection technique in this study uses primary data sources. Sugiyono
(2015) explained that primary data sources consist of data obtained directly from
respondents. This study will obtain primary data from the results of distributing
questionnaires online through Google Forms to respondents who meet the predetermined
criteria so that the results are obtained from primary data. The questionnaire in this study
is in the form of statements filled out by respondents. The questionnaire in this study uses
a scale. Furthermore, Sugiyono (2013) explained that scale is a convention as a reference
for determining the length of the short interval in the measuring tool so that if the
measuring tool is used, it can produce quantitative data. The use of the type of scale in
this study is the Likert scale. The Likert scale is used to measure the attitudes, opinions,
and perceptions of a person or a group of people about social phenomena. With this Likert
scale, the variables will be measured and then elaborated into variable indicators, these
indicators will be used as the center for compiling instrument items, this instrument can
be in the form of statements or questions.
Data management techniques/processes
The data analysis technique used is a pre-existing statistical method. Data
management is carried out when the data is complete and then scoring the responses of
each scale, namely the flourishing scale and workplace spirituality.
Data Analysis Techniques
Sugiyono (2013) said that the data analysis techniques used in quantitative research
are clear, namely directed to answer the formulation of the problem or test the hypothesis
that has been formulated in the introduction. This study will use descriptive statistical
data analysis techniques. According to Dajan (1986), descriptive statistical analysis is an
analytical technique that collects, processes, simplifies, presents, and analyzes
quantitative data descriptively to provide an overview of events in order in the form of
tables or graphs. Here are some of the data analysis techniques that will be used in this
Validity Test
This study used 100 respondents in the trial. To find out whether or not the
statement items in the questionnaire are valid or not, it is carried out by comparing the
value of calculation and Sig (2-tailed) of each questionnaire item with a level of
significance (a = 1%) where the significance level is a = 1%, N = 100 obtained the value
of F
= 0.258. If the value of the > F
or Sig (2-tailed) is less than the significance
level of 5%, then the question item in the questionnaire is valid.
According to (Sugiyono, 2019), an item is said to be valid if the value of the total
correlation calculation of the corrected item is greater than 0.3. However, if the total
correlation value of the corrected item is less than 0.3, the declared item is considered
invalid. The total correlation of the corrected item is the correlation between the item in
question and the total number of items on the SPSS Reliability Test screen.
In this study, the calculation of the flourishing variable was obtained in two rounds,
the invalid items in the first round, namely numbers 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, and 21, the
The Relationship Between Workplace Spirituality and Flourishing in Women Reviewed from
Employment Status
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3992
value of the correlation coefficient of these items was less than 0.3 so that the statement
on these items was declared invalid. Then in the second round of items with numbers 1,
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, and 22 have a calculation greater than 0.3, starting
from 0.440 to 0.766 so that the statement in the item numbers is declared valid and can
be used as a final statement.
Reliability Test
The study used a reliability test with a one-shot measurement. Reliability
measurements were carried out by Cronbach's alpha statistical test through the SPSS 16.0
program. A variable can be said to be reliable if a Cronbach's alpha value> 0.70.
Table 1
Uji Reliabilities tap variable
Cow. Alpha
Based on the number of alpha coefficient values in each variable studied, it was
found that each variable had an alpha coefficient value greater than 0.70. So that the
statement items in each research variable can be said to be reliable.
Uji Hipotesis
The purpose of the hypothesis test is to find out whether there is a significant
positive influence between independent variables on dependent variables both partially
and simultaneously. This study uses a hypothesis test with covariant analysis
(ANCOVA). According to (Gunawan, 2019) Covariance analysis is a multivariate
analysis technique used to distinguish the average of two or more data groups by
comparing their variances. To use the Ancova formula as a parametric statistical tool, an
assumption test must first be performed.
Meanwhile, to compare the averages of the two independent groups to find out
whether there is a statistically significant difference between the two groups, an
independent sample t-test is needed with the criterion that if the p-value < 0.05, then H0
is rejected, and it is concluded that there is a significant difference between the averages
of the two groups. However, if the p-value ≥ 0.05, then H0 is accepted and it is concluded
that there is no significant difference between the averages of the two groups.
Results and Discussion
Employment Status
The following is a table of respondent characteristics based on job status:
Table 2
Respondent Characteristics by Gender
Farisa Aqila, Agus Salim, Mustaqim Setyo Ariyanto
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3993
Based on the table of respondent characteristics above, it can be seen that as many
as 152 respondents with working status and as many as 152 respondents with non-
working status. So the total number of respondents is 304 people.
The following is a table of respondent characteristics by age:
Table 3
Respondent Characteristics by Age
19-21 Years
22-24 Years
25-27 Years
28-31 Years
32-34 Years
35-37 Years
38-40 Years
Total responden
Based on the table of respondent characteristics above, it can be seen that there are
157 respondents aged 19-21 years, 81 respondents aged 22-24 years, 29 respondents aged
25-27 years, 23 respondents aged 28-31 years, 8 respondents aged 32-34 years, and 3
respondents aged 35-37 years and 38-40 years respectively. So the total number of
respondents is 304 people.
The following is a table of respondent characteristics based on education:
Table 4
Respondent Characteristics Based on Education
High School/Vocational High
School Equivalent
Diploma III (D3)
Diploma IV (D4)
Not Working
Total Responden
The Relationship Between Workplace Spirituality and Flourishing in Women Reviewed from
Employment Status
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3994
Bachelor of Strata One (S1)
M. Strata One (S2)
Total responden
Based on the table of respondent characteristics above, it can be seen that there are
137 respondents with a high school/vocational school education equivalent, 36
respondents with Diploma IV (D4) education, 129 respondents with Bachelor of Strata
One (S1) education, and 1 respondent each with Diploma Three (D3) and Bachelor of
Strata Two (S2) education. So the total number of respondents is 304 people.
Normality Test
The following is a summary of the normality test table along with a summary of the
normality test results:
Table 5
Summary of Normality Test Results
Sig (p)
Normal Distributed
Based on the summary table of the normality test above, it was found that the
significance value was 0.811 which in the provisions of the one sample test value of
Kolmogrof Smirnov was 0.811 > 0.05 so it can be concluded that the data is distributed
normally and is suitable for use.
Linearity Test
The following is a summary of the linearity test table along with a summary of the
linearity test results:
Table 6
Summary of Linearity Test Results
Deviation from Linearity
Sig (p)
ce Spirituality
Based on the results of the linearity test in the table above, it can be seen that in
Deviation from Linearity, the significance value (Sig) of the F value produces 0.799
which means that this value is greater than 0.05 so that there is no significant deviation
between the Flourishing and Workplace Spirituality variables and the relationship can be
considered linear.
Homogeneity Test
The following is a summary of the homogeneity test table along with a summary of the
homogeneity test results:
Farisa Aqila, Agus Salim, Mustaqim Setyo Ariyanto
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3995
Table 7
Ringkasan Hasil Uji Homogenitas
Homogeneity Index
(Levene Statistic)
Sig (p)
Based on the results of the homogeneity test in the table above, it was found that
the significance value of the Homogeneity Index (Levene Statistic) was 0.289 where the
value of the sig (p) was greater than 0.05 and it can be concluded that there is no
significant difference between the variances between the groups so that the variance
between the groups can be considered homogeneous.
Uji Hipotesis
According to (Gunawan, 2019) Covariance analysis (ANCOVA) is a multivariate
analysis technique used to distinguish the average of two or more data groups by
comparing their variances. To use the Ancova formula as a parametric statistical tool, an
assumption test must first be performed.
Table 8
Summary of ANCOVA Test Results
Coefficient of
Difference (F)
Sig (p)
Employment Status
Based on the results of the ANCOVA hypothesis test in the table above, it was
found that the sig value (p) for the work status variable was 0.000 where the significance
value was less than 0.05, this shows that the results are very significant. Meanwhile, in
the workplace spirituality variable, a sig (p) value of 0.017 was obtained, where the
significance value was less than 0.05, this shows that the results are significant. In other
words, the results showed that both job status and workplace spirituality had a significant
influence on flourishing in women, so the null hypothesis was rejected, which means that
there was a significant relationship between workplace spirituality and flourishing in
women from the perspective of job status.
Uji Independent Sampel t-Test
The t-test or t-test is one of the parametric statistical testing methods. According to
(Gunawan, 2019), the statistical t-test is a test that shows the magnitude of the influence
of an individual independent variable in explaining the dependent variable. This statistical
t-test or t-test was performed at a significance level of 0.05 (α = 5%).
Table 9
Summary of Independent Test Results of t-Test Samples
The Relationship Between Workplace Spirituality and Flourishing in Women Reviewed from
Employment Status
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3996
Coefficient of
Difference (t)
Sig (p)
Flourishing and
reviewed by job
Based on the results of the Independent Sample t-test hypothesis test in the table
above, it was found that the sig value (p) of workplace spirituality and flourishing was
0.050 with a coefficient of difference (t) value of 1.968. The value of the sig (p = 0.050)
indicates the exact limit of significance. To follow strict conventions, the sig value (p =
0.50) in this study is considered significant. This shows that there is strong enough
evidence to be considered statistically significant. Thus, the null hypothesis (H₀) stating
that there is no difference between the two groups can be rejected. These results are right
at the significance value that may indicate the potential for small differences that could
be further explored in other studies. Meanwhile, the t-value indicates the size of the
difference between the two groups (employment status) with workplace spirituality and
The results of this study show that there is a significant positive relationship
between workplace spirituality and flourishing in women who have different employment
statuses (working and non-working women). This finding is in line with the PERMA
theory from Seligman (2002) which emphasizes the importance of the five pillars of well-
being (positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning of life, and
achievement) in increasing flourishing. In this context, women who feel meaning in their
work and have a spirituality that aligns with their workplace are more likely to experience
higher flourishing, as supported by a previous study by Huppert and So (2009), which
stated that individuals with high levels of flourishing had better quality of social
relationships and productivity in the workplace.
This research reinforces the findings from (Ajala, 2014) This shows that workplace
spirituality plays an important role in creating meaning in work and improving employee
well-being. Women who feel that their work is meaningful and in line with their spiritual
values are more likely to connect with their work environment, feel fulfilled, and achieve
a balance between personal and professional lives.
This research strengthens a study conducted by (Nurtjahjanti, 2010) Which found
that spirituality in the workplace has a positive impact on work efficiency and individual
well-being. In this study, women with high workplace spirituality tended to have a
stronger sense of connection to their organization, as well as having a higher flourishing
than those who did not work. This finding is also supported by research by (Ong et al.,
2023) This shows that workplace spirituality can increase employee engagement with the
organization, which in turn increases their flourishing.
Farisa Aqila, Agus Salim, Mustaqim Setyo Ariyanto
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3997
However, these results also add a new dimension that has not been paid much
attention to in previous studies, namely the impact of employment status on flourishing.
Based on the results of the analysis, there was a significant difference between working
and non-working women. Working women tend to have a higher flourishing because they
are more likely to find meaning and involvement in their work, as also found by (Harumi
et al., 2021).
Based on the results of the study, a significant positive relationship was found
between workplace spirituality and flourishing in women. The higher the spirituality in
the workplace, the higher the level of flourishing experienced, both in working and non-
working women. Workplace spirituality, which includes aspects of the meaning of work,
a sense of community, and alignment of values, has been proven to play a role in
improving women's emotional well-being and life engagement. Research also shows that
employment status affects flourishing, where working women tend to have higher rates
of flourishing than those who do not work. Spirituality in the workplace has proven to be
an important factor in improving psychological well-being, both for women involved in
formal and informal work.
In conclusion, workplace spirituality promotion is an effective strategy to improve
women's emotional well-being, although more research is needed to understand the causal
relationship between these two variables.
The Relationship Between Workplace Spirituality and Flourishing in Women Reviewed from
Employment Status
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3998
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