Farisa Aqila, Agus Salim, Mustaqim Setyo Ariyanto
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3989
daily life (Tindangen et al., 2020). The advantages of women that include their role in
daily life give rise to several problems from the role of women themselves. Women are
judged to be less good even in their minds if they do not follow the culture and values
that apply somewhere (Trisnawati & Widiansyah, 2022). One of them is the role of
women in the family which receives attention from time to time, while the role of women
in the family which includes as a child, as a wife, and as mother allows a woman to have
duties to maintain the honor of herself and her family (Lestari, 2016).
The number of working-age population based on SAKERNAS data in February
2021 processed by the Ministry of Manpower's Pusdatik shows that the female working-
age population still dominates with 50.02% of the total working-age population in
Indonesia (Pusdatik, 2021). In this regard, SAKERNAS data for February 2021 also
shows the level of the labor force by province and gender in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta with the number of female labor force of 1,060,469.
Furthermore, a different study that analyzed "Factors Influencing Women Working
as Freelance Day Workers (BHL) at PT. Indosawit Subur Muara Bulian, Maro Sebo Ilir
District, Batanghari Regency" by (Manalu, 2014) Explained that there are 2 (two) factors,
namely economic and sociocultural that affect a woman working as a Freelance Daily
Worker (BHL) at PT. Inti Indosawit Subur Muara Bulian, Maro Sebo Ilir District,
Batanghari Regency. The economic factors that trigger women to work are as follows:
relatively low-income levels of husbands, supporting household finances, family
benchmarks, and diversity of women's integrity. The sociocultural factors that bring a
woman to work include social status, competing and developing, special interests and
skills, and fulfilling leisure time.
Meanwhile, women are seen as happier because of the social role that is involved
by society. In fact, according to the Central Statistics Agency, in 2021, Indonesian women
tend to be more unhappy than men (BPS, 2021). Happiness in general is an internal
experience of positive thoughts that can be obtained through various ways in daily life.
In this regard, (Sekarini et al., 2020) Revealed that happiness in positive psychology is
visualized in flourishing, which is the highest state of well-being based on hedonic and
eudaimonic theories. Hedonic theory states that subjective validity is determined by an
individual's evaluation of himself, while eudaimonic theory emphasizes happiness as
more than just a circumstance because the person who declares happiness does not
necessarily mean that he is psychologically good. (Ryan et al., 2008). The eudaimonic
context promotes human progress through external benefits such as a good society, a good
environment, good topics, good programs, and good activities in the form of essential
elements for a thriving life. Another opinion according to (Fowers & Owenz, 2010)
Reveals that flourishing as a concept in positive psychology is a picture of a satisfying
life, evidenced by the achievement of good, beautiful, and useful things through
meaningful activities in high-quality relationships.
This study aims to test whether there is a positive relationship between workplace
spirituality and flourishing in women based on their job status. Specifically, this study
aims to find out whether workplace spirituality affects the level of flourishing in women