pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4338
Development of Flipbook-Based Learning Media on
Entrepreneurial Materials for Class XI SMK Tunas
Lutfiah Islamiah
, Henry Eryanto
, Maulana Amirul Adha
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: learning
media; flipbook; research
and development.
The purpose of this research is to develop interactive
learning media based on flipbooks in office facilities and
infrastructure subjects and to determine the feasibility of
flipbook-based learning media in the subject of creative
products and entrepreneurship class XI at SMK Tunas
Pempembangunan. The type of research used is research and
development (RnD) using the ADDIE (Analysis, Design,
Development, Implementation, Evaluation) development
method. Data collection was conducted using interviews
with teachers of SMK Tunas Pempembangunan. The
feasibility of learning media is assessed by media experts
and material experts. Data analysis was carried out by
qualitative and quantitative analysis. Based on research that
has been carried out on flipbook-based interactive learning
media that has been developed as a result of expert
validation, it is known that interactive learning media using
heyzine flipbook in the subject of creative products and
entrepreneurship class XI is very feasible to use. The average
result of media experts is 85.36%. And material experts
92.19%, so it is categorized as "very feasible" as an
interactive learning medium.
The development of information and communication technology has had a
significant impact on several areas of life, including education. These advances drive
innovation in educational materials, resulting in a continuous transformation of teaching
strategies and resources. (Andani & Yulian, 2018). In the era of globalization, the
education sector must be able to keep pace with rapid advances in technology,
information, and communication to create curricula for different levels of education. In
the modern world, technology and education are inseparable. Article 40 (1) (g) of
Government Regulation No. 57 of 2021 concerning National Education Standards, which
mandates that advances in science, technology, and the arts be considered in developing
curricula at all levels of education, confirms this. (Irwandani & Juariyah, 2016).
Development of Flipbook-Based Learning Media on Entrepreneurial Materials for Class XI
SMK Tunas Pembangunan
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4339
According to (Susilawati, 2022), technological developments have resulted in a
paradigm shift in the world of education, where technology produces global
developments that ultimately affect the learning process. An educator must develop and
make adjustments in learning activities to be in line with technological developments.
The development of technology today is one of the options for creating diverse
educational materials. (Kinasih & Sulistyowati, 2022).
According to (Manzil et al., 2022), Heyzine flipbook is a free online tool that
converts PDF files into flipbooks by offering an e-book effect that opens on each page
like a real book. The e-module flipbook has some unique aspects such as animation,
moving visuals, music, movies, and audio. The researcher will create the material in Word
and then save the material in PDF form. Later the PDF file will be converted into a
flipbook using heyzine flipbook. Researchers will add learning videos to improve
students' understanding in improving learning outcomes.
The research was conducted by (Manzil et al., 2022), with the title "Development
of a Scientific-Based Heyzine Flipbook Interactive E-Module of Water Cycle Materials
for Grade V Elementary School Students"
In this study, the model used is the ADDIE model, namely (1) analysis, (2) design,
(3) development, (4) implementation, and (5) evaluation. This study uses observations,
interviews, and questionnaires as data collection instruments. The material validity test
score was obtained by 93 percent, the media validity test score was 75 percent, the teacher
feasibility test score was 98 percent, and the student trial score was 96.5 percent and
received a positive response from students. From the results of the score, the electronic
module for class V water cycle material in elementary schools is classified as very valid
and suitable for use. (Nugraha et al., 2023).
The research was conducted by (Ashari & Puspasari, 2024), with the title
Development of Teaching Materials Through Heyzine Flipbook Software for Grade 1
Elementary School Students.
In this study, the method used in this study is development through the ADDIE
model. The results of product validation were obtained by a percentage of 95% by
material experts and 93.4% by media experts. The student response to the developed
teaching materials was 99.46%. The conclusion is that the teaching materials using
Heyzine HTML flip software are worth using. (Moto, 2019).
The purpose of this study is to develop flipbook-based learning media on
Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Behaviors in the subject of Creative Products and
Entrepreneurship in grade XI of SMK Tunas Pempembangunan and to obtain information
about the feasibility of the learning media (Muhaimin et al., 2024). Theoretically, this
research is expected to provide an understanding of the benefits of flipbook-based
learning media and become a reference and source of information for future research
(Azizah et al., 2022). From a practical point of view, this research is useful for schools as
a reference for building flipbook-based learning facilities and infrastructure as well as
developing flipbooks for other subjects. For teachers, this learning media can be an
alternative source to explain the concepts of entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors,
Lutfiah Islamiah, Henry Eryanto, Maulana Amirul Adha
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4340
which is expected to increase student involvement in the learning process. Meanwhile,
for students, this flipbook can increase the spirit of learning by providing easy access to
learning materials, so that students can learn anytime and anywhere.
This research will be carried out at SMK Tunas Pempembangunan which is located
at Jl. KH. Moh. Naim I No.68 5, RT.5/RW.11, North Cipete, Kec. Baru, South Jakarta
City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12150. The selection of the research site aims to
improve interactive learning and motivate students to learn
Research Time
This research was conducted in May 2024 and ended in July 2024 to observe and
analyze the results of the response.
Type of Research
This research uses a research and development (R&D) approach. This type of
research will assess the quality of the products made and the process will help in the
creation of flipbook-based learning materials. According to (Sugiyono, 2010), the
Research and Development (R&D) method is a research method used to produce certain
products and test the effectiveness of debut products.
Development Model
In the product development process, the researcher will use the ADDIE
development module, which is a development model consisting of five stages, namely
Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The ADDIE model
was chosen because it corresponds to the stages related to each other and this model is
aligned with the product that needs to be developed to produce standards at a level that is
appropriate for product development.
Research Subject
In this study, there are only two research subjects consisting of media experts who
are lecturers in Office Administration Education and media experts who are the heads of
the Automation and Office Governance (OTKP) program at SMK Tunas Pembangunan
Data Type
In this study, two categories are used for data collection that will be used in product
development and product feasibility testing.
1. Qualitative data, researchers obtain data based on the results of suggestions or
comments that are only given to media experts and materials for the feasibility of the
2. Quantitative data, the researcher obtained data based on questionnaires given to media
experts and material experts regarding the assessment or feasibility of products from
the media developed by the researcher.
Data Collection Techniques
The data collection technique used by the researcher in this study uses a
questionnaire. According to Prof. Dr. Sugiyono (2014), a Questionnaire is a data
Development of Flipbook-Based Learning Media on Entrepreneurial Materials for Class XI
SMK Tunas Pembangunan
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4341
collection technique that is carried out by providing a set of questions or written
statements to respondents to be answered. In this case, the questionnaire in this study was
conducted on expert reviews, namely media experts and material experts.
Research Instruments
The data collection instrument is compiled by questionnaire as follows:
1. Interactive Learning Media Eligibility Questionnaire for Media Members
The questionnaire distributed to media experts consisted of several aspects that
were adjusted to the development of learning media, namely usability, functionality, and
visual communication. In this study, there is a grid to make it easier to know the indicators
in the questionnaire.
2. Feasibility Questionnaire for Interactive Learning Media for Material Experts
The feasibility questionnaire distributed to material experts using the feasibility
instrument contains the suitability of the learning media in which there are three aspects,
namely learning design, material content, language, and communication. These three
aspects are adapted from (Sutjipto & Kustandi, 2011) In the example of an online teaching
material evaluation instrument.
Data Analysis Techniques
In this study, the researcher uses qualitative and quantitative data analysis
techniques to process data. The technique was chosen to facilitate the analysis of research
data. The following is an explanation of the two techniques:
1. Qualitative Analysis
This analysis is carried out by including comments and suggestions from both
experts regarding the products that have been tested. After that, the data will be checked
to ensure whether the product is feasible and whether the product can be repaired after
being tested by experts.
2. Quantitative Analysis
In quantitative analysis, the analysis is carried out using scores derived from the
results of expert and student assessments obtained from questionnaires. According to
Priadana & Sunarsi (2023), quantitative analysis is data that is available or expressed in
numbers obtained from the field. After the data is collected, it is then processed and
analyzed according to the established method (Siyoto & Sodik, 2015). Quantitative
analysis determines the feasibility of the flipbook product on the Product subject.
Questionnaire scoring uses a Likert scale guide.
After successful data collection, this study conducted a descriptive analysis. This
analysis uses the following percentage of eligibility calculations:
Eligibility Percentage (%) =
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑖𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑠𝑖
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑖ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑘𝑎𝑛
𝑥 100%
Finally, after the data is successfully calculated using the percentage formula above,
an assessment will be obtained that will determine the feasibility level of the learning
media that has been developed. In this study, the categories are divided into five
categories, namely:
Lutfiah Islamiah, Henry Eryanto, Maulana Amirul Adha
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4342
Table 1
Eligibility Categories
Highly Worthy
81% - 100%
61% - 80%
Quite Decent
41% - 60%
Not Eligible
21% - 40%
Very Unworthy
0% - 20%
Based on the eligibility criteria above, it is known that the product developed is
considered feasible or very feasible to use if it gets expert validation results and
questionnaires of more than 61%. However, if the results of the media feasibility test are
less than 61%, then the product developed needs to be improved and revised until it is
declared suitable for use.
Results and Discussion
Analysis Stage
a. Needs Analysis
The needs analysis was taken by conducting an online interview with the head of
the Automation and Office Governance (OTKP) program at SMK Tunas Pembangunan
Jakarta. The data from the interview results is used as a basis for analyzing problems in
the implementation of learning activities. The results of the interviews obtained at this
stage are the use of printed books provided by the school or books obtained by individual
teachers that can be used as learning resources to carry out the learning process.
Teachers can carry out the learning process by using the available learning
resources. However, the demands of students have not been sufficiently overcome by the
learning media used. It is common knowledge that every child in the classroom has unique
learning characteristics and traits. Sometimes during the learning process, students need
to review material that they have not fully understood during the meeting. For this reason,
teachers believe that using media resources that support students' self-paced learning is
essential, as it allows them to review concepts that they may not fully understand yet.
Technology must be incorporated into the learning materials so that students can
learn on their own. Teachers at SMA Tunas Pembangunan have not made good use of the
available facilities to support the use of technology in the learning process. While the use
of integrated learning materials through the use of technology is not yet available,
educators are only limited to showing movies on YouTube and using power points during
the learning process.
Development of Flipbook-Based Learning Media on Entrepreneurial Materials for Class XI
SMK Tunas Pembangunan
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4343
Based on the needs analysis, educators urgently need electronic modules that
combine visual, audio, and video to support students in meeting learning objectives. They
also require non-print instructional resources.
b. Media Analytics
In this study, media analysis is used to select the right media for learning activities
related to product subjects. The data collected by researchers shows that teachers continue
to use the whiteboard as a tool to explain information in the classroom. In addition,
teachers also use visual aids such as power points and physical books to help students
understand the topic. However, there are situations where using such media will cause
certain students to become bored or become passive learners, which will lower their drive
to learn.
The use of learning media is still less varied after the researcher successfully
conducted interviews. In addition, even though schools allow students to use their phones
to search for information, the effectiveness of learning media is still not maximum.
Based on this analysis, the researcher will use flipbooks in developing learning
media to create interactive learning books. Students will find it easier to access these
flipbook texts, videos, and learning materials.
c. Material Analysis
Finding the learning objectives for the product subject is the goal of material
analysis. This identification will result in a product that will eventually be assembled into
a flipbook.
Design Stage
The product design stage is the stage of designing and developing learning media
using Heyzine Flipbook software. The design process carried out is:
a. First stage
In collecting material content to make flipbooks, researchers use books and the
internet as reference sources. Furthermore, the reference source is processed using
Microsoft Word.
b. Second stage
At this stage, the researcher made a flipbook design which began by designing a
cover in the Canva software application for the front and back pages.
c. Third stage
At this stage, the researcher unites the materials that have been designed using the
application, namely Heyzine, to make it look like an E-book in the form of HTML.
Development Stage
The purpose of this development is to create a Heyzine-based flipbook that
functions as a learning medium for creative and entrepreneurial products with material
covering the right entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors for entrepreneurs. To improve
students' understanding, motivation, interest, and learning activities, the Heyzine flipbook
is a computer program that can be used to create engaging learning materials, including
being able to add photos, videos, and other types of media.
Lutfiah Islamiah, Henry Eryanto, Maulana Amirul Adha
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4344
The first stage in the development of heyzine flipbook learning media is to use the
help of the Canva application to create front and back covers. Next, to write flipbook
material, the researcher uses the help of Microsoft Word. If the flipbook design is
complete, then save it in PDF format and then combine the cover and material content.
Then, continue with the help of the Heyzine flipbook application to convert PDF files
into flipbooks and add additional features such as image, video, audio, and website
features. If it is finished, the flipbook is saved and shared via the link provided.
After carrying out the development process, the researcher processes the data that
has been obtained in research and development which will be taken from the assessment
data by media and material experts. The data was finally analyzed so that the results of
the assessment data were obtained. The data is presented as follows:
a. Media Qualification Data Analysis
Media experts analyzed the results of the feasibility test from three perspectives:
usability, functionality, and visual communication. Testing is carried out by giving a
questionnaire to one examiner, namely the teacher. The score is calculated using a Likert
scale with a range of 1 to 5. The following table shows how the subject matter experts
calculated the assessment results:
Table 2
Perhitungan Hasil Penilaian oleh Ahli Media
t Aspects
Number of
Scores for
Number of
Development of Flipbook-Based Learning Media on Entrepreneurial Materials for Class XI
SMK Tunas Pembangunan
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4345
The following is an assessment analysis produced by the researcher after calculating
the results of the evaluation of learning media by material experts:
Table 3
Analysis of Research Results by Media Experts
for Each
Number of
Average Score
In the table above, it can be seen that the results of the assessment by material
experts obtained a percentage score of feasibility from the Usability aspect of 85%, the
Functionality aspect of 98%, and the Visual Communication aspect of 82.5% so that the
average percentage of feasibility was obtained which was 85.36%. Based on the
feasibility category in the table, the learning media based on Heyzine Flipbook Software
in this study is in the eligibility criteria of "Very Feasible".
Data Analysis of Material Expert Feasibility Test
The material experts analyzed the results of the feasibility test from three
perspectives: learning design, material content, and language and communication.
Testing is carried out by giving a questionnaire to one examiner, namely the teacher. The
score is calculated using a Likert scale with a range of 1 to 5. The following table shows
how the subject matter experts calculated the assessment results:
Table 4
Calculation of Assessment Results by Material Experts
Number of
Scores for
Number of
Lutfiah Islamiah, Henry Eryanto, Maulana Amirul Adha
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4346
Number of
Scores for
Number of
Isi Materi
Language and
The following is an assessment analysis produced by the researcher after calculating
the results of the evaluation of learning media by material experts:
Table 5
Analysis of Research Results by Material Experts
of Scores
for Each
Number of
Average Score
In the table above, it can be seen that the results of the assessment by material
experts obtained a percentage score of feasibility from the Usability aspect of 85%, the
Functionality aspect of 98%, and the Visual Communication aspect of 82.5% so that the
average percentage of feasibility was obtained which was 85.36%. Based on the
feasibility category in the table, the Heyzine Flipbook-based learning media in this study
is in the feasibility criteria of "Very Feasible".
Product Revision from the Aspect of Media and Material Experts
The revision of this product is carried out based on comments or suggestions for
improvement from media experts and material experts. The suggestion then researcher
understood to make several changes to the learning media based on Heyzine Flipbook
Development of Flipbook-Based Learning Media on Entrepreneurial Materials for Class XI
SMK Tunas Pembangunan
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4347
Software that had been made by the suggestion. The following researchers present
comments and suggestions from experts.
Media Aspects
The part of the learning media that is revised and improved based on the results of
comments and suggestions from media experts only adds illustrations of images
according to the material presented.
Figure 1 Before the revision
Figure 2 After the Revision
Material Aspects
Based on comments and suggestions from material experts, there are no comments
and suggestions that are revisions that result in changes to the material in Heyzine
Final Products
The development of flipbook-based learning media for creative product and
entrepreneurship subjects in class XI resulted in a final product that passed a feasibility
test. In the subject of creative products and entrepreneurship in class Xi Office
Lutfiah Islamiah, Henry Eryanto, Maulana Amirul Adha
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4348
Management at SMK Tunas Pembangunan Jakarta, teachers and students can use the final
results of the learning media as a means of learning.
Researchers make adjustments or updates to the product in response to feedback
and recommendations from validators, which include material experts and the media. The
purpose of this update is to create a web-based learning medium that is suitable for
educational use. There was input from media experts to add illustration images according
to the content of the material that previously the researcher did not add images to each
content of the material. While the input from material experts does not show revised
comments, there is no need for improvement in the content of the material.
In this flipbook product, users when opening the main page will be displayed menu
navigation in the form of share, download, print, zoom in/out, full screen, search text, and
sound that can be turned off or turned on. This flipbook learning media can be used in
learning activities by sharing, namely https://heyzine.com/flip-book/c549c19c29.html.
The link can be shared in the class WhatsApp group or Google Classroom.
In this study, the points described in the problem formulation are used to inform the
discussion of the research findings. In addition, this problem is examined based on the
findings of testing for flipbooks of learning media. The following researcher explains how
the results of the study are discussed:
Development of Learning Media
In developing learning media, the researcher uses a five-stage development model
of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) in creating
flipbook learning materials for creative product and entrepreneurship subjects. However,
due to time constraints, the researcher only reached the development stage. In addition,
the learning media developed is a flipbook-based learning media using the heyzine
flipbook platform. In the development of flipbook-based learning media, it begins with
an analysis of needs analysis, media analysis, and material analysis.
The next stage is design, planning to design the product to be made. Planning in
designing products is adjusted to the analysis that has been obtained. At this planning
stage, the researcher made a flowchart to make it easier to develop the flipbook product.
After the design is carried out on the product to be made, it is continued at the
development stage. This stage of development is based on a flowchart that has been
created and then developed into a flipbook form using the help of a zine flipbook. After
that, the researcher uploads the learning media into the zine flipbook application and then
becomes a product with a URL address, namely https://heyzine.com/flip-
book/c549c19c29.html. Then it will be continued with validation by media experts and
matri experts who will later provide assessments and comments on the product.
Eligibility of Learning Media
a. Results of Media Qualification
In the feasibility test, there are three assessment components, namely the aspects of
usability, functionality, and visual communication adapted from Wahono (2006) used by
media experts to determine the feasibility of flipbooks. One media expert is a lecturer
who is the source of data, while Microsoft Excel is used to process data. Based on the
Development of Flipbook-Based Learning Media on Entrepreneurial Materials for Class XI
SMK Tunas Pembangunan
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4349
results of feasibility tests by media experts, the average result on the Usability aspect of
85% is included in the "very feasible" category, the Functionality aspect of 98% is
included in the "very feasible" category, and the Visual Communication aspect of 82.5%
is included in the "very feasible" category so that the average feasibility percentage is
Based on the feasibility category in the table, the Heyzine Flipbook-based learning
media in this study is in the feasibility criteria of "Very Feasible". This research is
supported by the results of Suhati & Astuti (2022), media expert validators obtained an
average score of 4.79 out of 5 which is interpreted into the very feasible category.
b. Material Expert Qualification Results
In the feasibility test, there are three components of learning design assessment,
content, language, and communication adapted from (Sutjipto & Kustandi, 2011) To be
used by material experts in determining the feasibility of flipbooks. One subject matter
expert is a teacher who is the source of data, while Microsoft Excel is used to process
Based on the results of the feasibility test by material experts, a feasibility
percentage score of 100% from the Learning Design aspect, 98% from the Content aspect,
and 91.4% from the Language and Communication aspect, so the average feasibility
percentage was 96.19%. Based on the feasibility category in the table, the Heyzine
Flipbook-based learning media in this study is in the feasibility criteria of "Very
Feasible". This research is supported by the results of research by (Auwaliyah et al.,
2023), material expert validators obtained an average of 92.19% which was interpreted
into the very feasible category.
Based on the results of research conducted on the development of flipbook-based
learning media on Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Behaviors for Creative Products and
Entrepreneurship class XI subjects at SMK Tunas Pempembangunan it can be concluded
that flipbook-based interactive learning media is very feasible to be used as a learning
medium. This is evidenced by the results of validation by media experts and material
experts which show a very high average feasibility result, with a percentage of 85.36%
for media experts and 96.19% for material experts, which is included in the category of
"very feasible."
The use of Heyzine-based flipbooks has proven to be effective in increasing student
engagement and motivation in the learning process, as well as providing easy access to
interactive learning materials. In addition, this media also helps students to learn
independently anytime and anywhere, which is to the needs of learning in the digital era.
Overall, the development of this learning media not only supports a more interactive
and effective teaching and learning process but can also be a reference for the future
development of learning media for other subjects at the secondary education level.
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4350
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