Samuel Christian Hamonangan Silitonga Nim, Firman Hawari
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4052
and efficient employees are in working, the use of technology in the warehousing system,
the use of warehouse area, and the quality of goods in the warehouse (Jae, 2024).
In manufacturing companies, the problem that often occurs is the occurrence of poor
control of the stock in the warehouse, both raw material warehouses and finished
warehouses. Organizations or manufacturing companies store inventory including raw
materials, supplies used for production, and finished goods (Samsudin et al., 2023).
PT. XYZ is a manufacturing company where manufacturing is a company that
processes raw materials into a finished product (finished goods) with process stages
including, product design, material selection, and process stages (Amri et al., 2023). PT.
XYZ is a company engaged in textiles that are integrated from cotton to yarn, yarn to raw
fabric, raw fabric to color fabric, and color fabric into apparel. At all times, production and
delivery activities are carried out to increase customer satisfaction and commitment. At PT.
XYZ inventory control process at PT. XYZ such as recording production realization, stock
inventory management, recording of outgoing goods, and recording of incoming and
outgoing goods are still done manually by recording in books (Fujiati, 2023). This takes a
long time because the data that is worked on often experiences human error due to manual
processing. This system also has other problems, namely it takes a long time to work, less
effective and efficient (Dewi et al., 2022).
This study aims to discuss the improvement of warehousing administration through
the design of an Excel-based stock system with the Design Thinking, Economic Order
Quantity (EOQ), and Periodic Order Quantity (POQ) approaches. Where this system is
expected to be a strategy that aims to increase efficiency and effectiveness in managing
inventory in the warehouse and is included in the product development business process.
In identifying problems, field studies and literature studies are carried out. The field
study was carried out by taking and seeing the real situation of the problem in the
warehouse of PT. XYZ. In the initial stage, interviews will be conducted with the
warehouse admin and warehouse staff related to the inventory system in the warehouse.
Through the interview, problems in the warehouse will be found regarding the inventory
system that is still not optimal (Kuantitatif, 2016).
In the literature study conducted in this study by studying theories related to problems
in the field that will be solved in this study, including theories about production, planning,
and control supply chain management. The theory will later be used as a guideline in
solving existing problems.
Data Collection Techniques
At this stage, several things must be done, including the following:
a. Observation
Observation is carried out by observing ongoing activities and data that is treated to
meet the needs of the system to be created. Then observations were made by finding several
problems, including the processing of the inventory system. The observation carried out is