Rahmadhani Antu, Annisa Warastri
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3946
police have advanced in terms of professional, moral, and modern performance, the state
police are still often criticized or insulted by the public regarding the performance of its
members and institutions in handling criminal investigation cases that are considered not
to meet expectations (Mahayoni, 2016).
An agency or company has employees who come from good human resources
because without supporting things, of course, an agency or company will experience
obstacles in achieving goals (Efi & Winda, 2022). Human resources (HR) is the core of
an agency or company because human resources can support an agency with energy,
talent and creative ideas. How perfect is the technology and financial resources they have,
if the quality of human resources does not meet the requirements, it will be difficult for
the organization to achieve certain goals (Bali, 2022; Oktasari, 2018). In an organization,
people who work in an industry or company are called employees. In this way, the
employees give their energy, skills, and time to a company or agency. In return, the
company provides wages through salaries, allowances or bonuses (Rahayu & Ajimat,
Performance means achievement or work result, but it has a broad meaning (not
only results) and how the process occurs in ongoing work. Performance is a result
obtained from work that strongly relates to the organization's strategic goals, customer
satisfaction and contribution to the economy, Armstrong & Baron (Wibowo, 2017).
Performance is the result of the quality and quantity of work that has been
achieved by an employee in carrying out tasks according to the responsibilities given (A.
A. P. Mangkunegara, 2017). According to Hasibuan (2016), Performance is the result of
work or output done by a person in carrying out the tasks given to him based on skills,
experience, seriousness and time. Meanwhile, according to Mangkunegara (2015),
Employee performance is the result of qualitative and quantitative work carried out by an
employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him.
In addition to performance, independence is one of the most important things for
the smooth running and growth of a company. Independence means being able to do
something without the help of others; this ability is only possessed by those who are able
to think carefully about what they do or the decisions they make in terms of benefits,
namely the advantages or the negative side, namely the disadvantages, Basri H in
(Armanto & Sumaryati, 2014).
According to Bathi, H.K. in Sa’diyah (2017), independence is a behavior in which
a person does not expect much help from others, even tries to solve his own problems and
his activities are directed at himself. Meanwhile, according to (Desmita, 2017),
independence is a state in which a person has a desire to compete to advance their own
interests and can make a decision and have the initiative to overcome the problems faced.
Independence is "the behavior of being able to take the initiative, overcome obstacles and
problems, have confidence, and be able to do something without the help of others",
(Sudirman, 2015).
Based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers on Poso police
personnel, the researcher obtained data on Poso Police personnel, which is 587 personnel