p-ISSN: 2723-6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3945
Independence Relationship to Police Member Performance of
Poso Police Station
Rahmadhani Antu
, Annisa Warastri
Universitas ‘Aisyiyah, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Members of
the Independence;
National Police;
This study aims to analyze the relationship between independence
and the performance of police members. The research approach
carried out is quantitative. The data collection technique in this
study is a list of questions (questioner). Data was collected
through a questionnaire distributed to 155 respondents who were
members of the Poso Police. In this study, the results of the
analysis showed that there was a significant positive relationship
between independence and performance. So, it can be said that
there is a relationship between independence and performance.
The findings of this study highlight the importance of
independence for individual performance. The suggestions that
can be given to agencies are that they can be a reference to
increase the independence of members in order to improve the
performance of their members.
The National Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri) is an organization that
has a high responsibility in maintaining order and peace in a country, which can be carried
out by further enforcing the law and reducing countless criminal activities (Lambert et
al., 2018). Being a police officer is also a job that is not easy and has a great risk
(dangerous). The police are considered to have high standards. They are inversely
proportional to ordinary people because the police must be able to solve a problem that
occurs in society in the event of a conflict (Adegbile, 2017).
Based on Article 13 of Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police of
the Republic of Indonesia, which regulates the duties of the National Police, namely: The
existence of the obligation to maintain public security and order, enforce the law, provide
safety and security services to the community. Therefore, the main task and function of
the National Police is not only to protect the community but also as a law enforcement
agency (Anshar & Setiyono, 2020).
Based on the duties of law enforcement officials, it can be seen that the work of
the police is not an easy task. With all the limitations, expertise when conducting
investigations needs to be improved in order to "teach" increasingly complex forms of
crime (Koni, 2020). The country's police are constantly facing challenges in their
increasingly difficult and complex work, such rapid changes in the environment require
the police to continue to develop in accordance with existing changes. Although the state
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3946
police have advanced in terms of professional, moral, and modern performance, the state
police are still often criticized or insulted by the public regarding the performance of its
members and institutions in handling criminal investigation cases that are considered not
to meet expectations (Mahayoni, 2016).
An agency or company has employees who come from good human resources
because without supporting things, of course, an agency or company will experience
obstacles in achieving goals (Efi & Winda, 2022). Human resources (HR) is the core of
an agency or company because human resources can support an agency with energy,
talent and creative ideas. How perfect is the technology and financial resources they have,
if the quality of human resources does not meet the requirements, it will be difficult for
the organization to achieve certain goals (Bali, 2022; Oktasari, 2018). In an organization,
people who work in an industry or company are called employees. In this way, the
employees give their energy, skills, and time to a company or agency. In return, the
company provides wages through salaries, allowances or bonuses (Rahayu & Ajimat,
Performance means achievement or work result, but it has a broad meaning (not
only results) and how the process occurs in ongoing work. Performance is a result
obtained from work that strongly relates to the organization's strategic goals, customer
satisfaction and contribution to the economy, Armstrong & Baron (Wibowo, 2017).
Performance is the result of the quality and quantity of work that has been
achieved by an employee in carrying out tasks according to the responsibilities given (A.
A. P. Mangkunegara, 2017). According to Hasibuan (2016), Performance is the result of
work or output done by a person in carrying out the tasks given to him based on skills,
experience, seriousness and time. Meanwhile, according to Mangkunegara (2015),
Employee performance is the result of qualitative and quantitative work carried out by an
employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him.
In addition to performance, independence is one of the most important things for
the smooth running and growth of a company. Independence means being able to do
something without the help of others; this ability is only possessed by those who are able
to think carefully about what they do or the decisions they make in terms of benefits,
namely the advantages or the negative side, namely the disadvantages, Basri H in
(Armanto & Sumaryati, 2014).
According to Bathi, H.K. in Sa’diyah (2017), independence is a behavior in which
a person does not expect much help from others, even tries to solve his own problems and
his activities are directed at himself. Meanwhile, according to (Desmita, 2017),
independence is a state in which a person has a desire to compete to advance their own
interests and can make a decision and have the initiative to overcome the problems faced.
Independence is "the behavior of being able to take the initiative, overcome obstacles and
problems, have confidence, and be able to do something without the help of others",
(Sudirman, 2015).
Based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers on Poso police
personnel, the researcher obtained data on Poso Police personnel, which is 587 personnel
Material Flow Analysis of Plastic Waste for Circular Economy Potential: A Case Study of
Wijaya Kusuma and Sidomakmur Waste Banks in Metro City
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3947
and is divided into several functions that are in direct contact with the community,
namely: the function of Traffic, Binmas, Criminal Investigation, Drugs and the function
of Intelkam. Cases that occurred at the Poso Police reached 100%. From the results of the
interview, it was found that there are still many personnel who often arrive late or
deliberately to be late, personnel who come to the office only for a short time and leave
their work just like that, relax more while working and tend to procrastinate their work,
go home prematurely, there is a rotation/mutation of personnel so that personnel with the
ability to function initially are transferred to other functions based on organizational
policies (for example, personnel who are functioned Initially, Binmas was transferred to
the Criminal Investigation function). One of the impacts of personnel rotation itself is
when personnel are rotated to areas that experience network constraints and access to
areas that are not good. Constraints on the network are a problem that needs to be
considered because, over time, the personnel are required to send data/reports on time and
require the use of applications; when the network is unstable, the reports sent will be
pending and will not be recorded by the system. The demand for the use of multimedia
devices is one of the obstacles, due to the lack of personnel who are able to operate the
multimedia devices. In addition, there are still personnel who prioritize personal interests
over the interests of the office in carrying out their duties, personnel who cannot complete
work according to the time frame determined by the agency, and poor relationships
between personnel, can be seen from the lack of close cooperation, lack of mutual respect
so that it looks disharmonious. This has an impact on the low performance produced by
personnel because many jobs will be neglected and not completed on time, which means
a lack of independence in a person resulting in personnel performance not being achieved
Independence has a relationship with performance because when personnel
independence is not applied in the work, personnel performance decreases. Good
independence in personnel will have a good impact on the effectiveness of personnel
performance, responsibility, discipline and initiative. This research needs to be carried
out to train the extent of independence of Poso Police personnel. That way, it is hoped
that there will be continuous performance improvement so that the goals of the company
or agency are achieved more effectively and efficiently.
Research Methods
The research was conducted from June 4 to July 18, 2024, in the Poso area of
Central Sulawesi, with the target being members of the Poso Police District relating to
independence and performance in personnel. The study consisted of 155 samples
collected using data collection techniques with questionnaires. Data is collected by
distributing measurement scales through Google Forms to get fast and accurate responses.
The scale used in this study is the independence scale adopted by modification from
Steinberg's research in Desmita (2014), which means that the independence scale from
previous researchers is taken and changes are made to statements or questionnaires for
specific purposes. Then, the performance scale adopted from Dewi's research,
Rahmadhani Antu, Annisa Warastri
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3948
2023, means taking statements or questionnaires directly without changing the content of
statements or questionnaires from previous researchers.
Figure 1. Research Framework
Results and Discussion
The characteristics of subjects of this study are members of the National Police
with an age range of 19-50 years, where the research was conducted in Poso and members
of the National Police who work at the Poso Police and are domiciled in Poso, Central
Sulawesi. Some factors related to a person's independence can be seen in parenting, the
surrounding environment, especially the family environment, the economy, the education
system at school and society, and friendship relationships. these factors have a
relationship with a person's independence; therefore, to build independence a person can
start from the closest environment, namely parents.
The study's results show that the characteristics of the research subjects were
Problem Identification Ma
Data Collection Ma
Interview Ma
Questionnaire Distribution Ma
Organize Data
Material Flow Analysis of Plastic Waste for Circular Economy Potential: A Case Study of
Wijaya Kusuma and Sidomakmur Waste Banks in Metro City
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3949
analyzed based on criteria from as many as 155 respondents, all women and men: 134
respondents aged 19-35 and 21 aged 36-50.
Based on the explanation above, this study was conducted to determine whether
there is a relationship between independence and performance in Poso Police members.
The results of the analysis, based on the value of the research data, will be presented one
by one: validity, reliability, normality, linearity, and hypothesis tests, namely, product
moment correlation tests.
The results of the first analysis, namely validity test, the results of the validity test
of the independence variable, have 20 valid items out of 40 items and the performance
variable has 23 valid items out of 40 items, so the total valid items are 43 items out of a
total of 80 items with a reliability value of 0.9 where the item requirements can be said to
be reliable if the value is> 0.05.
The results of the normality test analysis show a significance of 0.106 based on
the decision-making of the normality test; if the significance value is > 0.05, the data is
normally distributed, but if the value is < 0.05, the data is said to be not normally
distributed. The statistical value of the normality test is 0.106, which means the
significance value is 0.106 > 0.05, and the independence data and performance variables
show normally distributed data.
The next analysis is the linearity test which functions to determine whether or not
there is a linear relationship between the two variables, namely the dependent variable of
independence and the independent variable of performance. The provisions for two
variables are said to be linear if the significance value> 0.05 is said to be linear, but if the
significance value is <0.05 then the two variables are not said to be linear. The statistical
results of the linearity test show a significance value of 0.118, meaning 0.118> 0.05 which
indicates that the two variables are linearly related. This happens because the value in
deviation from linearity > 0.05.
The correlation product moment hypothesis test in the results of this study showed
the acquisition of a significance of 0.000 which means that both the independence
variable and the performance variable have a significant relationship. The correlation
product moment test value obtained a value of 0.000 so that the results of the coefficient
interval and the level of relationship between the independence scale and performance in
members of the Poso Police in the Poso area of Central Sulawesi had a strong relationship
Based on the results of statistical tests that have been passed through each step
and process prove that independence has a strong positive relationship with performance.
The positive relationship in question is a bound variable, namely the higher the
independence, the higher the performance of Poso Police members.
This study strengthens the previous research, which discusses "The effect of
independence on the performance of civil servant agricultural extension workers in Riau
province (Case study in Dumai city and Siak regency)." The research results show that
independence has a positive influence on the performance of civil servant agricultural
extension workers (Harahap, 2023).
Rahmadhani Antu, Annisa Warastri
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Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the scale of
independence and performance has a strong relationship with positive patterns. So, the
higher a person's independence, the higher his performance.
In completing this study, the researcher also realized that there are many
weaknesses in this study, the weaknesses are as follows:
a) In this study, there is still a limitation that the research subject is only taken within
the scope of the city of Poso and does not specify the specific division of the subject
so it cannot be known what type of division is related to the level of independence
of members of the National Police.
b) This research also still produces research that discusses independence in general
and does not have a specific level of independence
c) In this study, only a questionnaire was used in the form of a Google form, which
was still very lacking in results because it allowed respondents to fill out this
questionnaire with less seriousness. With this research, it is hoped that it can be a
literature reference that can be used as a reference in future research.
In this study, the relationship between self-reliance and the performance of Poso
police officers has been analyzed. Self-reliance in Poso Police Station members and the
performance produced during their duties. This research is expected to increase self-
awareness in police members, especially Poso police officers, that independence in a
person has a significant relationship with performance. This means that this research is
expected to provide awareness to the poso police agency that independence is related to
performance. Based on the data and analysis, the results showed that the relationship
between independence and the performance of Poso police officers is positive. That is,
the higher the independence possessed by police members, the higher the resulting
performance. This finding is expected to provide insight for agencies that independence
is related to performance. Therefore, agencies need to increase members' independence
to improve their members' performance. For future researchers, this study opens up
opportunities for further exploration of other factors that may be more related to the
independence of Polri members. Future researchers should consider other untested
variables or different research methodologies to obtain a more comprehensive picture..
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Wijaya Kusuma and Sidomakmur Waste Banks in Metro City
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3951
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