pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3817
The Impact of Inflation, Stocks, Sukuk, and Sharia Mutual
Funds on Economic Growth in 2017-2023
Achmad Wildan Zakariya
, Trischa Relanda Putra
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
Keywords: inflation;
sukuk; stocks; sharia
mutual funds.
This study aims to ascertain, at least in part: 1) The impact
of inflation on the development of the national economy 2)
The performance of sharia stocks and the expansion of the
national economy 3) The impact of sukuk on the
development of the national economy, as well as the impact
of sharia mutual funds on the same, which are the third and
fourth impacts 5) Correlation between the development of
the national economy in 2017-2023 through inflation, sharia
mutual funds, sukuk, and stocks. Bank Indonesia (BI), the
Financial Services Authority (OJK), the Central Statistics
Agency (BPS), and other reliable sources of information
provided the population used in the study. To sort the sample
based on criteria set as independent variables, the monthly
data source is used once a year. Data sources include time
series data published for 2017-2023, which is considered
secondary data. The analysis of the data is double linear, this
research strategy uses a quantitative-associative
methodology. It can be concluded that inflation has a
significant adverse impact on the development of the
national economy (sig. 0.0001 < 0.05), indicating that
increasing inflation causes economic decline, in line with
Simanungkalit's (2020) research. Sharia stocks and sukuk
show a positive and significant impact on the national
economy, with a value of sig. 0.0021 and 0.0019 (< 0.05),
respectively, which means that an increase in the instrument
will increase economic growth.
A metric that can display an interval is economic growth, or whatever term is used
to describe it (Auliyatusaa’adah et al., 2021). Business activities that generate income for
a community within a predetermined period. A country views a period of economic
expansion as an opportunity for its people to create commodities and services. Economic
growth according to (Sukirno, 2011) can be used as a metric to show how to advance the
economic development of a country in a certain period. Economic development is a
problem that constantly occurs in the economy of a country, especially in Indonesia
Achmad Wildan Zakariya, Trischa Relanda Putra
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3818
(Permadi et al., 2022). The disruption of Indonesia's economic development, including
inflation, is caused by various things. Indonesia's economy with a high unemployment
rate, high inflation rate, and increasing investor interest in the Islamic capital market
(Ardi, 2018).
Indonesia seeks to increase its economic growth in several ways. Stabilizing
domestic inflation and growing the capital market investment sector are two possible
strategies to achieve this. (Putri & Yudiantoro, 2023). The current capital market is
changing as an intermediary for investors in terms of capital supply and demand so that
the evolution of the capital market can be shown along with the increasing choice of
capital market instruments. (Safitriawati et al., 2021). However, this is different from the
inflation component itself; That is, from an economic point of view, inflation is a financial
event that usually results in financial instability and goes up, down, and up again. For
most countries, the main goal of macroeconomic policy is to maintain price stability. This
results in long-term economic expansion (Radjak & Kartika, 2019).
The increase in unemployment and poverty rates is also directly affected by rising
inflation. What's more, poverty is increasing. The high rate of poverty and unemployment
is detrimental and hurts the community and the government. It is impossible to maximize
the individual in society. (Salim et al., 2021). Maximizing welfare, deaths due to
unreasonable prices, and low costs of manufacturing products and services disrupt the
stability of people's basic needs. Unemployment hurts society and the economy by
reducing prosperity, creating socio-economic instability, and increasing poverty. This can
also complicate economic progress. (Kartika & Zamzami, 2022). The events of 1970,
when growth rates began to slow in countries through high inflation, particularly in Latin
America, reinforced the idea that inflation hurt economic growth, even though the impact
was good at the time. (Fasa, 2016). Nevertheless, in addition to the issue of inflation,
instrumental developments according to the information released, the market situation is
very favorable. Statistics of the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
Conventional mutual funds allow investors to buy and sell them whenever they
want, based on risk tolerance, timeframe, and financial goals. Investors can use the
services of brokers or brokers to buy or sell shares directly in the traditional capital
market. Therefore, speculators can manipulate prices, which means that stock rate
fluctuations are driven by market forces and not by the stock's innate score. (Wahyudi et
al., 2023). In addition to providing a forum for the public to invest by Islamic law, Sharia
mutual fund products stand out because they have a process of clearing money received
through zakat payments; They are not instruments that produce riba. If the instrument he
buys is in the form of shares, the company is a company that is not affiliated with goods
that are haram according to Islamic law, such as alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, and
pornography. (Lestari, 2015).
According to Harrod-Domar's theory, the main driver of economic growth is the
formation of capital or investment. Sharia bonds, stocks, and mutual funds are some of
the ways to boost investment. The findings of the study (Rinanda, 2018) ensure that there
is a good and significant correlation between economic development through the
The Impact of Inflation, Stocks, Sukuk, and Sharia Mutual Funds on Economic Growth in 2017-
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3819
distribution of sharia, sukuk, and sharia investment funds. And have a significant impact
on economic development (Simanungkalit, 2020). Based on theoretical research and the
findings of previous studies, it can be concluded that the Sharia capital market, which
includes sukuk, Sharia funds, and Sharia equity instruments, can significantly encourage
economic growth.
The research uses the research design of associations and quantitative
methodologies. The OJK website, www.ojk.go.id, provides secondary data for this
research. Public data on the nation's economic growth is sourced from www.bi.go.id,
www.bps.go.id, and the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). On December 23, 2023,
monthly Indonesia (IDX) data collection was carried out. The researcher then used the
time series type to reprocess the data. Using E-Views, researchers investigated research
instruments in more detail.
The research population consists of various data sources sourced from the Central
Statistics Agency (BPS), Bank Indonesia (BI), and the Financial Services Authority
(OJK). The www.ojk.go.id, www.bi.go.id, and www.bps.go.id websites are used in each
monthly registration period of 20172023. Sharia bonds and mutual funds are the data
sources that are activated for the purposive sampling sample of this study. Requirements
regarding the data sources are inflation, sukuk, Sharia stocks, and Sharia mutual funds
that will operate from 2017 to 2023.
The following is the similarity design to be estimated in the study:
Y = α + β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ e.................................................(1)
Y = National Economic Growth
a = Constanta
= Regression coefficient of inflation development rate (percent)
= Regression coefficient of sharia stocks (millions of rupiah)
= Sukuk regression coefficient (thousands of rupiah)
= Regression coefficient of sharia mutual funds (thousands of rupiah)
= Inflation
= Sharia shares
= Sukuk (Sharia bonds)
= Sharia mutual funds
e = Exit the residue
Achmad Wildan Zakariya, Trischa Relanda Putra
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3820
Figure 1
Conceptual Framework
Based on this information, it can be explained that there are free variables, namely
inflation, Sharia stocks, sukuk, and Sharia funds. Sharia as a bound variable is the
development of the country's economy. Based on the conceptual framework, his research
was to find out how these variables affected the country's economic development.
Although the hypotheses of the study include:
H1: It is believed that inflation has a negative and significant impact in terms of economic
H2: Sharia stocks are suspected to have a good impact and are important for economic
H3: It is suspected that sukuk has a good and significant impact in terms of economic
H4: Sharia mutual funds (investments) are considered good and have a great influence
on economic development.
H5: Inflation, Sharia stocks, sukuk, and Sharia mutual funds are assumed to have an effect
on economic development at the same time. Sharia funds have a positive impact and are
important for economic growth.
Results and Discussion
Results of the Classic Assumption Test
The purpose of the test is to show the existence of several deviations from the
alleged regression design class. It is very important to consider classical conjectures in
regression models because if classical assumptions are not met, several variables used as
explanatory variables lose their effectiveness. If the classical conditions are met, then it
can be said that the model is good. (Meryati et al., 2020). The findings of the classic
assumption test are:
Multicollinearity Test
Table 1
Multicollinearity Test Results
The Impact of Inflation, Stocks, Sukuk, and Sharia Mutual Funds on Economic Growth in 2017-
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3821
Table 1 shows that the VIF score on variable X1 is below 10.00 which shows that
it does not contain problems, but on variables X2, X3, and X4 it is above 10.00 which
shows that the regression design contains multicollinearity problems.
Uji Autokorelasi
Figure 2
DW Table Test Chart
The autocorrelation test through the results of the Durbin-Watson calculation, can
be described that the qualification is in the score k (4) on the independent variable and n
(72) on the total group of the total data of the panel through its significance of 5%, DL
(1.5029) > DW (0.2524). So it can be concluded that positive autocorrelation markers are
Normality Test
Figure 3
Normality Test Results
Achmad Wildan Zakariya, Trischa Relanda Putra
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3822
Based on Figure 3, it can be seen that the magnitude of Jarque-Bera is 3.023108
through the probability value of 0.220567 which is> 0.05 which means that the data in
his research is rotated normally or normally.
Multiple Linear Regression Estimation Results
Using the help of the Eviews 12 application, it can be found that the findings of the
t and f tests that it shows are:
Table 2
Multiple Linear Estimation Results
Std. Error
Sharia Stocks
Bond Sukuk
Based on the findings of the double linear regression analysis, in the similarity
design, several independent variables (X) over dependent variables (Y) are found,
Y = 18.41650 + 134.4512*X1 - 0.052029*X2 + 0.065908*X3 - 0.021031*X4
The interpretation of the findings of the double regression analysis is:
1. The constant has a positive score of 18.41650 in terms of whether the independent
variables of inflation, sukuk, Sharia mutual funds, and Sharia stocks have increased by
18.41650 percent.
2. Variable X1 is inflation with a regression coefficient of 134.4512, which means that
in every increase in one share, the variable inflation in the development of the national
economy has met an increase of 134.4512 percent.
3. Variable X2 is a sharia stock with a basic regression coefficient of -0.052029, which
means that in each increase in one stock, the stock variable in the development of the
national economy has met a large decline of 0.052029 percent.
4. Variable X3 is sukuk with a regression coefficient of 0.065908, which means that in
every increase in one share, the variable of sharia stocks that in the development of the
national economy has met a large development of 0.065908 percent.
5. Variable X4 is a Sharia mutual fund with a large regression coefficient of -0.021031,
which means that for every increase in one share, the variable of Sharia mutual funds
that in the development of the national economy has experienced a decrease of
0.021031 percent.
Coefficient of Determination
Table 3
Coefficient of Determination Test
Adjusted R-
The Impact of Inflation, Stocks, Sukuk, and Sharia Mutual Funds on Economic Growth in 2017-
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3823
Based on Table 3, it is shown that the Adjusted R-squared score is 0.782610. This
means that the variables of economic development can be explained by the variables of
Inflation, Sharia Stocks, Sukuk, and Sharia Mutual Funds amounting to 78.26% and the
remaining 21.74% are described as other variables outside of the variables used.
Test t
Based on Table 2, the findings of the t-test can be seen among them.
1) Inflation (X1)
Based on the test findings, a t-estimated score of 4.061504 > 1,668 t-tables was
achieved. His application was rejected by Ho. The matter concludes that variable inflation
has a negative and significant impact on economic growth.
2) Sharia Stocks (X2)
Based on the test findings, a t-estimated score of -3.203819 < 1,668 t-tables was
achieved. That his submission was allegedly achieved, namely that Ho was accepted. The
matter concludes that the Sharia Stock variable has a good and significant impact on
Economic Growth.
3) Sukuk (X3)
Based on the test findings, a t-estimated score of 3.232430 > 1.668 t-tables was
achieved. His submission alleges that H0 was rejected. The matter concludes that the
Sukuk variable ensures a negative and significant impact on Economic Growth.
Sharia Mutual Funds (X4)
Based on the test findings, a t-estimated score of -1.241733 < 1,668 t-tables was
achieved. That his submission was allegedly achieved, namely that Ho was accepted. The
matter concludes that the Sharia Mutual Fund variable has a positive and significant
impact on Economic Growth.
Test F
Table 4
Test Result F
Based on Table 4, it is shown that the F-statistic score is excessive in F-table
(20.33995 > 2.51). Until H1 is accepted it can be quoted as concluding that inflation,
Sharia stocks, sukuk, and Sharia mutual funds simultaneously (simultaneously) have a
significant impact on the dependent variable (Y) on the development of the national
Based on the findings of the analysis in this study, it can be concluded that inflation
has a significant negative impact on the development of the national economy, with a
significance level of 0.0001 which is less than 0.05. This shows that the increase in
inflation has the potential to cause a decline in national economic development, in line
with the results of the Simanungkalit (2020) study which also found a similar impact with
a significance level of 0.039 < 0.05. In addition, Sharia stocks have a positive and
significant impact on the development of the national economy, with a significance level
of 0.0021 < 0.05, which indicates that an increase in Sharia stocks can contribute to
Achmad Wildan Zakariya, Trischa Relanda Putra
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3824
national economic growth. Furthermore, sukuk also has a positive and significant impact
on the development of the national economy, with a significance level of 0.0019 < 0.05,
meaning that an increase in sukuk can encourage an increase in national economic
development. Which also found a significance level of 0.0025 < 0.05. However, Sharia
mutual funds showed a negative but not significant impact on the development of the
national economy, with a significance level of 0.2187 > 0.05. Although the results suggest
that the increase in Sharia mutual funds may be related to economic development, the
impact is not significant. Which found a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. Overall, this
study provides an overview of the significant influence of inflation, sharia stocks, and
sukuk on the development of the national economy, as well as the importance of
considering policies related to these variables.
The Impact of Inflation, Stocks, Sukuk, and Sharia Mutual Funds on Economic Growth in 2017-
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