pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3881
The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Statement Audit
Nurul Fachriyah
, Octadila Laily Anggraeni
Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Keywords: artificial
intelligence; audit;
financial statement.
The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has
transformed various industries, including financial auditing,
by improving efficiency, accuracy, and fraud detection. This
study investigates the extent of AI adoption in financial
audits in Indonesia, with a focus on both Big 4 audit firms
and smaller, local firms. Through a literature review and
interviews with auditors from eight firms, the research
explores the current state of AI utilization and the barriers to
its implementation. The results indicate that while Big 4
firms are in the developmental phase of integrating AI into
their auditing processes, smaller firms face significant
obstacles, such as financial limitations, lack of expertise, and
regulatory uncertainties, which hinder AI adoption. Despite
the challenges, auditors from larger firms anticipate that AI
will play a crucial role in future audits. The study concludes
that AI adoption in Indonesian financial audits is uneven,
and further efforts are required to support smaller firms
through accessible AI tools, clearer regulations, and targeted
training. These measures are essential for closing the gap in
audit quality between large and small firms, ensuring
broader AI implementation in the auditing sector.
The rapid advancement of information technology has brought transformative
changes to various sectors, with the financial industry being among the most affected
(Rukmana et al., 2024). A key driver of this transformation is the rise of Artificial
Intelligence (AI), which has permeated multiple domains, including banking, investment
management, accounting, and notably, the auditing of financial statements. AI’s ability
to analyze vast quantities of data, identify hidden patterns, and optimize traditionally
manual and time-consuming processes holds immense potential for enhancing both the
efficiency and accuracy of financial audits (Khokhar & Khan, 2022). Despite its
advantages, the adoption of AI in financial auditing in Indonesia remains limited and
fragmented. As the complexity and volume of financial transactions increase globally,
and especially in Indonesia, traditional audit methods, which often rely on sampling and
manual review, may no longer be sufficient. One of the critical areas where AI can bring
about substantial improvements is in fraud detection. Traditional auditing techniques
Nurul Fachriyah, Octadila Laily Anggraeni
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3882
typically involve examining a subset of transactions, which can leave room for undetected
fraud. In contrast, AI allows for the analysis of entire datasets, enabling auditors to
identify anomalies and potential fraud more effectively (Beemamol, 2024). This shift
from selective sampling to full population testing significantly enhances the reliability of
the audit process (Tiwari et al., 2019). However, Indonesia’s financial audit sector still
relies heavily on conventional methods, which may not fully address the challenges posed
by increasing transaction volumes and the demand for real-time analysis. Additionally,
AI has the potential to improve compliance with financial regulations and standards, such
as the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Given the frequent updates to
financial regulations and the regional variations in compliance requirements, staying up-
to-date can be challenging. AI tools can be programmed to automatically incorporate
these updates, ensuring that financial statements are prepared according to the latest
guidelines, thereby reducing the risk of non-compliance (Wilform Jr, 2023). Despite these
clear advantages, there is limited research on the barriers and facilitators of AI adoption
in financial audits in Indonesia. Factors such as regulatory constraints, technological
infrastructure, auditor expertise, and organizational culture may contribute to the slow
uptake of AI in the country (Pasyarani, 2023).
This research is important for several reasons. First, the financial sector plays a vital
role in Indonesia's economic development, and the integrity of financial audits is essential
to maintaining investor confidence and regulatory compliance. As the complexity of
financial transactions grows, so does the need for advanced audit tools that can analyze
large volumes of data quickly and accurately. AI has been proven to improve the
efficiency and accuracy of financial audits by automating routine tasks, identifying
anomalies, and providing deeper insights into financial data. (Pratama et al., 2023).
Second, the regulatory environment in Indonesia is becoming increasingly stringent, with
new laws and standards aimed at improving corporate governance and financial
transparency. The adoption of AI in audits could help auditors comply with these
regulations by ensuring more rigorous oversight and detection of non-compliance.
However, without a clear understanding of the challenges faced by auditors and firms in
adopting AI, it will be difficult to realize these benefits. Finally, the research will
contribute to the broader field of accounting and auditing by addressing a significant gap
in the literature. While there has been extensive research on the use of AI in auditing in
developed economies, the specific factors that affect AI adoption in emerging markets
like Indonesia have not been adequately explored. This study aims to fill that gap by
providing insights into the Indonesian context and offering recommendations for
practitioners and policymakers.
Research Methods
This research will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining a comprehensive
literature review with semi-structured interviews. The objective is to explore the current
use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in financial audits and the factors affecting its adoption
in Indonesia. The research method will be divided into two parts: (1) a literature review
The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Statement Audit
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3883
to compare and analyze recent studies on AI in financial auditing, and (2) interviews with
auditors from both large (Big 4) and small audit firms in Indonesia to gather practical
insights on AI adoption.
Figure 1 Research Method Design
The first phase of the research involves a systematic review of the latest academic
articles, industry reports, and relevant publications on the use of AI in financial audits.
The focus will be on identifying key advancements in AI technology as applied to
auditing, including fraud detection, automation of routine tasks, compliance with
regulations, and predictive analytics. Specifically, the literature review will compare
findings from studies conducted in developed economies with those from emerging
markets, with a special emphasis on any existing research regarding Indonesia’s audit
sector. The literature review will serve three main purposes:
1. Identify Best Practices: Review current AI applications in financial audits to outline
best practices, especially in areas such as fraud detection, compliance, and
2. Highlight Gaps in Research: Examine the gaps in the literature concerning the
adoption of AI in auditing in Indonesia and other emerging markets.
3. Develop Interview Themes: The findings from the literature will inform the
development of interview questions, ensuring the interviews are grounded in existing
theoretical and practical insights.
The second phase of the research involves conducting semi-structured interviews
with auditors to gain a deeper understanding of AI adoption in Indonesia’s financial audit
sector. The interviewees will include auditors from both Big 4 audit firms and smaller
audit offices, ensuring a diversity of perspectives regarding the challenges and
opportunities associated with using AI in financial audits. A total of 8 auditors will be
interviewed, divided as follows:
1. 4 auditors from Big 4 firms: Auditors from the Big 4 firms are expected to have
exposure to global best practices and cutting-edge AI technologies in auditing.
2. 4 auditors from small audit firms: Auditors from smaller firms may face unique
challenges in AI adoption, such as limited resources or access to technology, and their
insights will provide a comparative understanding of the local auditing environment.
The semi-structured interviews will include open-ended questions to allow
participants to provide detailed responses while also covering key themes identified in
the literature review. The interview questions will focus on the following areas:
Semi Structured
Data Analysis
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3884
1. Current AI Adoption: What AI tools are currently used in their auditing processes,
and what tasks are they used for?
2. Barriers to AI Implementation: What challenges do auditors face in adopting AI
technologies, such as cost, lack of technical expertise, or resistance from
3. Perceived Benefits: How do auditors perceive the benefits of AI, such as improved
audit efficiency, fraud detection, and compliance with regulations?
4. Future Outlook: How do auditors see the future of AI in financial auditing, and what
factors might drive or hinder its wider adoption in Indonesia?
The interviews will be conducted either in person or via video conferencing
platforms, depending on the availability and preference of the respondents. Each
interview is expected to last approximately 45 to 60 minutes, and all sessions will be
recorded (with the consent of the participants) to ensure accurate transcription and
The findings from the literature review will be organized into thematic areas,
including AI applications in fraud detection, audit automation, compliance, and predictive
analytics. A comparative analysis will be conducted to assess how AI adoption in
financial audits in Indonesia aligns with or differs from global trends, highlighting
specific contextual factors that may affect its implementation. The interview transcripts
will be analyzed using a thematic coding approach. Key themes such as barriers to AI
adoption, benefits of AI, and differences in adoption between large and small firms will
be identified and categorized. The data will then be compared across respondents from
Big 4 and smaller firms to identify any significant differences or commonalities in their
experiences with AI. The combination of literature review and interview data will allow
for a comprehensive understanding of the current state of AI adoption in financial auditing
in Indonesia, while also providing practical insights into the challenges and opportunities
auditors face. The research will adhere to ethical guidelines for conducting interviews,
including obtaining informed consent from all participants, ensuring confidentiality, and
allowing participants the right to withdraw from the study at any time. The findings from
the interviews will be anonymized to protect the identities of the respondents and their
This mixed-methods approach, incorporating a literature review and semi-
structured interviews, will provide a comprehensive analysis of AI adoption in financial
auditing in Indonesia. The literature review will offer a global perspective on AI
advancements, while the interviews will provide valuable insights into the practical
challenges and benefits of AI implementation in the Indonesian audit context. The results
of this study will contribute to the broader understanding of AI's potential in emerging
markets, with a focus on the specific factors influencing its adoption in the financial audit
sector in Indonesia.
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Results and Discussion
AI Utilization in Financial Audit
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in financial auditing has gained significant
attention in recent years, as the auditing profession experiences rapid technological
advancements. (Bakri et al., 2023). The literature reveals that AI is revolutionizing
traditional audit processes by enhancing efficiency, improving accuracy, and offering
deeper insights into financial data. AI’s ability to process vast datasets, detect anomalies,
automate repetitive tasks, and predict future risks has positioned it as a valuable tool for
auditors, particularly in markets where financial transactions and regulations are
becoming increasingly complex. This section provides a detailed summary of how AI is
being utilized in various aspects of financial auditing. (Juliyani et al., 2024).
Fraud Detection and Anomaly Identification
One of the primary applications of AI in financial audits, as highlighted in the
literature, is its capability to enhance fraud detection and anomaly identification.
Traditional audit techniques often rely on sampling methods, where a subset of financial
transactions is selected for review. This approach, while practical, leaves room for
oversight, as only a fraction of the total transactions are scrutinized. In contrast, AI allows
auditors to conduct full population testing, analyzing all financial data for irregularities,
thus significantly increasing the likelihood of identifying fraudulent activities. Emphasize
that AI systems equipped with machine learning algorithms can detect subtle patterns in
financial records that may indicate fraudulent behavior, such as unusual transaction
patterns, unauthorized access, or irregular accounting entries. This capability is
particularly valuable in large organizations where the volume of transactions can make
manual reviews impractical. AI tools continuously learn from historical data, refining
their fraud detection capabilities over time and becoming more accurate in identifying
emerging fraud schemes. As a result, AI-powered audits provide auditors with a robust
mechanism to enhance the integrity of financial reporting.
Automation of Routine Audit Tasks
Another significant contribution of AI in financial auditing is its ability to automate
repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Tasks such as data entry, transaction reconciliation,
and document verification are integral to the audit process but typically require substantial
manual effort. AI tools have proven effective in automating these routine processes,
thereby freeing up auditors to focus on more complex, analytical, and judgment-intensive
aspects of the audit. AI-driven automation reduces the risk of human error, which can be
prevalent in manual processes, especially when dealing with large volumes of data.
Furthermore, automation enhances the speed and efficiency of audits, allowing auditors
to meet tight deadlines without compromising the quality of their work. For instance,
(Hariyanto & Hidayatullah, 2024) Discuss how AI-powered systems can quickly cross-
check thousands of transactions against set criteria, flagging any inconsistencies or
unusual patterns for further review. This level of automation not only increases the
precision of audits but also reduces the workload for audit teams.
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Enhancing Compliance with Financial Regulations
AI is also playing a critical role in helping auditors navigate the complexities of
financial regulations, which are subject to frequent updates and vary significantly across
different jurisdictions. Compliance with these regulations, such as the International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), is essential for maintaining transparency and
accountability in financial reporting. However, keeping up with regulatory changes can
be challenging, especially for multinational corporations operating in multiple countries.
AI systems can be programmed to automatically update audit procedures to reflect the
latest regulatory changes, ensuring that financial statements are always in compliance
with current standards. This is particularly beneficial in industries where regulations are
stringent and non-compliance can result in hefty fines or reputational damage. (Wilform
Jr, 2023). AI tools can also analyze financial statements for discrepancies that may
indicate non-compliance, alerting auditors to potential issues before they escalate. By
reducing the complexity associated with compliance, AI helps auditors provide more
accurate and timely assessments of a company’s adherence to regulatory requirements.
Predictive Risk Management and Decision Support
AI’s predictive capabilities represent another area where it is making a significant
impact on financial audits. Through machine learning and advanced data analytics, AI
systems can identify trends, predict future risks, and provide auditors with valuable
decision-making insights. This predictive function allows auditors to move from a
reactive approach, where they address issues after they arise, to a proactive approach,
where they can anticipate potential problems before they occur. For instance, AI can
analyze a company’s financial performance over time and predict areas of potential risk,
such as cash flow shortages, debt repayment difficulties, or market volatility. These
predictive insights enable auditors to focus their attention on high-risk areas, ensuring
that audits are more targeted and effective. (Fotache & Bucsă, 2024) Further argue that
AI’s ability to simulate various financial scenarios helps auditors make better-informed
recommendations to management, ultimately leading to more robust risk management
Improving Audit Quality and Efficiency
AI’s capacity to handle large datasets and complex analyses significantly improves
both the quality and efficiency of audits. Traditional audit methods are often time-
consuming and may miss critical insights due to the limitations of manual data analysis.
AI, on the other hand, can process massive amounts of structured and unstructured data
at unprecedented speeds, uncovering patterns and relationships that might otherwise go
unnoticed. This capability is particularly important as financial markets become more
complex and interconnected, increasing the volume and diversity of data that auditors
must review. (y Mpofu, 2023) highlight that AI tools can process not only numerical
financial data but also unstructured data sources, such as contracts, emails, and other
documents, to provide a more comprehensive view of a company’s financial health. This
broader scope of data analysis contributes to more accurate audit conclusions and allows
auditors to deliver higher-quality reports. Moreover, AI-driven audits can be conducted
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more efficiently, enabling audit firms to reduce costs and allocate their resources more
AI Learning and Adaptation
One of the unique advantages of AI in financial auditing is its ability to learn and
adapt over time. As AI systems are exposed to more data and audit scenarios, they
continuously refine their algorithms, improving their accuracy and relevance. This
adaptive learning process is especially beneficial in dynamic financial environments,
where new types of fraud, regulations, and financial instruments are constantly emerging.
(Yang et al., 2024). As AI systems become more sophisticated, they can provide auditors
with increasingly precise insights, making them indispensable tools for navigating the
complexities of modern financial audits. Yang, Amrollahi, and (Yang et al., 2024) Predict
that future advancements in AI, such as deep learning and natural language processing,
will further expand AI’s capabilities in areas such as analyzing contracts, understanding
financial narratives, and detecting subtle financial irregularities. As AI continues to
evolve, its role in financial auditing is expected to grow, making it an integral part of audit
firms’ operations worldwide.
Current AI Adoption in Indonesia
To gain a comprehensive understanding of how AI is utilized in financial auditing
in Indonesia, interviews were conducted with auditors from both Big 4 audit firms and
smaller, local audit firms. These interviews provided critical insights into the current state
of AI adoption, the challenges faced by auditors in integrating AI into their workflows,
and the prospects of AI implementation in the Indonesian auditing industry.
The interviews revealed that contrary to global trends observed in the literature, the
use of AI in financial audits in Indonesia remains in its infancy. Neither Big 4 firms nor
small audit firms in Indonesia have fully adopted AI tools in their audit processes.
However, there is a clear difference in the approach between larger and smaller firms.
While Big 4 firms are actively working on integrating AI into their audit tools and
processes, smaller firms have not yet begun the development or adoption of AI
technologies due to various constraints. The auditors from Big 4 firms indicated that AI
implementation is currently in the developmental phase. These firms are investing
resources into research and development to create AI-driven audit tools that will enhance
their ability to handle large datasets and perform more sophisticated analyses. Although
AI is not yet fully operational in these firms, there are ongoing pilot projects that aim to
incorporate specific AI features, such as machine learning algorithms for data analysis
and anomaly detection. The auditors expressed optimism about the future, with
expectations that AI will become an integral part of their auditing processes within the
next few years. In contrast, auditors from smaller firms admitted that they have not made
any significant strides toward AI adoption. Due to limited financial resources, technical
expertise, and infrastructure, these firms face substantial barriers to integrating AI into
their operations. While they recognize the potential benefits of AI, such as increased
efficiency and improved audit quality, the cost and complexity of implementing AI tools
have hindered their ability to adopt this technology. As a result, smaller audit firms
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continue to rely on traditional manual auditing methods, which are more labor-intensive
and less efficient compared to AI-powered audits.
Development and Integration of AI
The interviews with auditors from Big 4 firms revealed that these global firms are
at the forefront of AI development in Indonesia’s auditing sector. Although they have not
yet fully integrated AI into their auditing processes, several initiatives are underway to
incorporate AI features into existing audit tools. (Rasyid, 2024). These initiatives are
driven by the need to stay competitive in an increasingly digital and data-driven business
environment, where the ability to process vast amounts of financial data quickly and
accurately is crucial. According to the interviewees, Big 4 firms are focusing on
developing AI tools that can automate repetitive tasks, such as data entry, transaction
matching, and account reconciliation. (Fajrillah et al., 2024). These tasks are time-
consuming and prone to human error, making them ideal candidates for AI-driven
automation. By automating these processes, auditors can allocate more time and resources
to high-risk areas of the audit that require professional judgment and analysis.
Furthermore, these firms are exploring the use of AI in anomaly detection, fraud
prevention, and compliance checks, where AI can provide a more comprehensive review
of financial data compared to traditional sampling methods. One key area where AI is
being developed is fraud detection. Auditors from Big 4 firms highlighted that fraud
detection is a high priority in their AI development efforts, as AI’s ability to analyze entire
datasets and detect irregular patterns offers a significant advantage over conventional
auditing techniques. Machine learning algorithms, which can learn from historical data to
identify suspicious transactions, are being integrated into audit tools. These AI-driven
tools can flag anomalies in real time, enabling auditors to investigate potential fraud more
quickly and thoroughly. Another focus of AI development in Big 4 firms is the
enhancement of audit quality through predictive analytics. By using AI to analyze
historical financial data, auditors can identify patterns that may indicate potential risks or
financial misstatements in the future. This proactive approach allows auditors to address
risks before they materialize, improving both the efficiency and effectiveness of the audit
process. The interviewees believe that these predictive tools will play a critical role in the
future of financial auditing, as they shift the focus from reactive auditing to a more
forward-looking, risk-based audit approach.
Despite these advancements, the interviewees also acknowledged several
challenges in fully implementing AI within their firms. These challenges include the high
cost of developing and maintaining AI systems, the need for specialized training for
auditors to effectively use AI tools, and concerns about data security and privacy.
Additionally, they mentioned that the regulatory environment in Indonesia is still catching
up with technological developments, and there is uncertainty about how AI-driven audits
will be viewed by regulatory bodies. Nonetheless, the interviewees expressed confidence
that these challenges will be addressed in the coming years, and AI will eventually
become a core component of their auditing processes.
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In contrast to Big 4 firms, smaller audit firms in Indonesia face significant
challenges in adopting AI technologies. The interviews with auditors from small firms
revealed a consensus that AI, while desirable, is currently beyond their reach due to
several key barriers. The most frequently cited challenge was the high cost of AI
implementation. AI tools, especially those tailored for financial auditing, require
substantial investment in software, hardware, and infrastructure. For small firms with
limited budgets, these costs are prohibitive. Unlike the Big 4 firms, which have the
resources to invest in cutting-edge technologies, smaller firms must prioritize their
expenditures, often focusing on more immediate operational needs rather than long-term
technological advancements.
Another major barrier is the lack of technical expertise. Implementing and
maintaining AI systems requires specialized knowledge in data science, machine
learning, and software development skills that are not typically found within small audit
firms. The auditors interviewed indicated that their firms do not have the personnel or
resources to hire AI specialists, making it difficult to even begin exploring the use of AI
in their audits. This lack of expertise also extends to understanding how AI can be
integrated into existing auditing practices, further limiting the potential for AI adoption.
Smaller firms also expressed concerns about the regulatory and legal implications of
using AI in financial audits. They noted that there is little guidance from Indonesian
regulators on how AI-driven audits should be conducted or how the results should be
evaluated. This uncertainty creates hesitation among small firms, as they fear that reliance
on AI could lead to regulatory challenges or conflicts. Additionally, auditors from these
firms voiced concerns about data security and the risk of breaches, which could be
exacerbated by the use of AI systems that require access to sensitive financial data. While
small firms acknowledge the potential benefits of AI in improving audit efficiency and
accuracy, they emphasize that without external support such as government incentives,
industry partnerships, or affordable AI solutions they are unlikely to adopt AI shortly.
The interviewees suggested that collaborations between larger firms and smaller firms
could help bridge this gap by providing access to AI tools and training for small firm
auditors. Furthermore, they advocated for clearer regulatory guidelines on AI use in
auditing, which could provide the necessary assurance to explore AI technologies.
Future Prospects for AI in Indonesian Auditing
Despite the current lack of widespread AI adoption, the interviewees from both Big
4 and small audit firms expressed optimism about the future of AI in Indonesian auditing.
Auditors from Big 4 firms, in particular, are confident that within the next few years, AI
will be fully integrated into their audit processes. They believe that as AI technology
matures and becomes more affordable, it will become an essential tool for auditors across
firms of all sizes. For smaller firms, while the path to AI adoption is more challenging,
there is hope that as AI tools become more accessible and cost-effective, they too will be
able to leverage these technologies to improve their audit practices. The interviewees
emphasized that government support, industry collaboration, and ongoing education and
training will be critical in helping smaller firms overcome the barriers to AI adoption. In
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summary, while AI is not yet fully utilized in financial audits in Indonesia, the interviews
indicate that efforts are underway, particularly in Big 4 firms, to develop and integrate AI
tools into the audit process. However, smaller firms face significant challenges, including
financial constraints, lack of expertise, and regulatory uncertainty, which must be
addressed before AI can be widely adopted in the Indonesian auditing industry.
This research aimed to examine the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
financial audits in Indonesia, revealing a significant gap between global trends and local
practices. While AI has demonstrated its potential to enhance audit efficiency, fraud
detection, and data analysis globally, its use in Indonesia remains limited. Big 4 audit
firms are in the early stages of AI integration, whereas smaller firms face barriers such as
high costs, limited expertise, and regulatory uncertainty, preventing adoption. The
findings indicate that AI adoption in Indonesia's audit sector is uneven, with larger firms
leading the way and smaller firms lagging due to resource constraints. To close this gap,
future research should focus on developing accessible AI tools, fostering industry
collaboration, and establishing clear regulatory guidelines. Additionally, targeted training
programs could equip auditors with the skills needed to effectively utilize AI, ensuring
broader adoption and improved audit quality across the industry.
The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Statement Audit
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