pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3716
Evaluation of IT Governance at Credit Union XYZ Financial
Institutions Using COBIT 5 Framework
Vinsensius Rekat
*, Gunawan Wang
Universitas Bina Nusantara, Indonesia
Keywords: credit union
xyz, IT governance, cobit
5, recommendations,
capability level.
Since 2002, Credit Union XYZ has been utilizing
information technology in its lending operations. However,
the utilization of IT governance has not been optimal due to
various weaknesses, obstacles, and issues such as server
problems, downtime for maintenance, system change
requests, human resources, and recurring IT-related
problems. This research aims to assess the current IT
governance capabilities at Credit Union XYZ. The method
used is the COBIT 5 standard with a focus on the APO and
DSS domains tailored to the existing issues. Data were
collected through questionnaires distributed to the IT team
and relevant stakeholders. The selected COBIT 5 processes
include APO06 (Manage budget and costs), APO07
(Manage human resources), DSS01 (Manage operations),
DSS02 (Manage service requests and incidents), and DSS03
(Manage problems). The evaluation reveals a 1-level gap in
IT governance capabilities, with the current level at level 2
in Credit Union XYZ, while the target is level 3 in the future.
The researcher's recommendation to Credit Union XYZ is to
align IT processes with the standards and regulations
established by COBIT 5.
Credit Union XYZ is one of the growing credit cooperatives at present. Established
on March 25, 1993, with an initial membership of 26 people, it has experienced rapid
development until now (Martin & Roychowdhury, 2015). As of December 2023, it has
had 73 branch offices serving 211,929 members. From 1993 to 2001, Credit Union XYZ
provided services and recorded transactions manually. Subsequently, computerized
systems were adopted from 2002 onwards. Despite the long-standing use of information
technology, its utilization is still perceived as suboptimal, prompting the need for further
evaluation due to various ongoing issues related to its implementation and governance at
Credit Union XYZ. These issues include non-standard server backup facilities, server
monitoring policy, prolonged downtime during IT asset problems, policies regarding
system requests, changes, and updates, human resources in the field of information
Evaluation of IT Governance at Credit Union XYZ Financial Institutions Using COBIT 5
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3717
technology, areas with poor signal coverage (blank spots), and recurring transaction
recording system issues at Credit Union XYZ (Rosenthal et al., 2010).
With the advancement of technology, the role of information technology becomes
increasingly crucial in supporting daily activities. (Jamesh & Prakash, 2018). Therefore,
efficient IT management is essential to ensure the security, reliability, and maximum
performance of Credit Union information systems. Rapid technological advancements
demand that Credit Union XYZ continuously strive to optimally utilize information
technology to remain relevant and competitive in the current era.
According to Nugrahanti, this competition drives every company to manage its
resources as optimally as possible to produce high-quality products and services that are
always available when needed. (Nugrahanti, 2015). IT Governance is a series of processes
to ensure the effective and efficient use of information technology to achieve the
organization's goals.
Credit Union XYZ, as a financial institution providing financial services to its
members, needs to continuously evaluate and improve its IT governance. This research
will explain the process of evaluating IT governance at Credit Union XYZ using COBIT
5. COBIT 5 provides a structured approach to managing and controlling IT, emphasizing
critical aspects such as compliance, security, and business value (Stockdale & Standing,
DOUGHT, 2015 also states that IT is an important part of the company and consists
of leadership and ensuring the organization's IT supports and expands its strategies and
goals (Doughty & Grieco, 2005). IT Governance will be the answer to ensuring that
investments in IT are aimed at providing maximum and beneficial results for the
institution. (Adikara, 2013). This research is expected to provide an in-depth
understanding of the maturity level of IT governance at Credit Union XYZ, identify areas
for possible improvement, and guide to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of IT
management at Credit Union XYZ.
According to the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning
banking, "A bank is a business entity that collects funds from the public in the form of
deposits and channels them to the public in the form of loans and other forms to improve
the standard of living of the people" (Indonesia, 1998).
Based on the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 11/POJK.03/2022
regarding the implementation of information technology by banks/financial institutions,
it is stated that the application of good IT governance applies to all units and functions of
banks in managing IT, and IT users. (Luthfah, 2024). In implementing good IT
governance, banks/financial institutions carry out at least the following activities:
1. Evaluation of strategic choices, direction of IT implementation strategies, and
monitoring of strategy achievement.
2. Alignment, planning, and organization of all units, strategies, and activities that
support IT implementation.
3. Definition, acquisition, and implementation of IT solutions and their integration into
Bank business processes.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3718
4. Provision of operational IT service support to stakeholders; and
5. Monitoring performance and compliance of IT implementation with internal
performance targets, internal controls, and regulatory provisions.
According to the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 25 of 1992 concerning
Cooperatives, "A cooperative is a business entity consisting of individuals or legal entities
Cooperatives, based on cooperative principles as well as a people's economic movement
based on family principles" (Susetyo et al., 2024).
According to Government Regulation Number 9 of 1995 concerning the
Implementation of Savings and Loan Business Activities by Cooperatives, "Savings and
loan business activities are activities carried out to collect funds and channel them through
savings and loan business activities from and for the members of the respective
cooperatives, prospective members of the respective cooperatives, other cooperatives,
and their members" (Sembiring, 2006).
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium
Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2017 concerning electronic
service networks, "KSPPS and USPPS Cooperatives can develop electronic service
networks for savings and loan and Sharia financing businesses by utilizing information
technology" (KOPERASI & DAN, 2018).
Research Methods
COBIT 5 Framework
This research examines the condition of Information Technology (IT) governance
implemented by Credit Union XYZ using a capability model adapted from the COBIT 5
framework. (Syuhada, 2021). The main objective is to identify existing IT processes with
a particular focus on the APO and DSS domains.
Research Flowchart
In this research, the researcher collected data using a qualitative method based on a
case study approach. The research flowchart, as shown in Figure 2 :
Evaluation of IT Governance at Credit Union XYZ Financial Institutions Using COBIT 5
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3719
Figure 2. Research Flowchart
Based on Figure 2 above, here are the explanations for each stage of the research
1. Research Planning
This stage begins with collecting data and information regarding the IT governance
conditions at Credit Union XYZ through the use of primary data (observations and in-
depth interviews with selected informants) as well as the use of secondary data (literature
reviews and document studies) on the research object. This is done to identify the domain
processes in COBIT 5 that are selected according to the scope of the research needs.
2. Mapping Scenario
In this stage, mapping is carried out to align the strategic targets of Credit Union
XYZ with the goals of COBIT 5 to identify the strategic target needs. This phase aims to
obtain the processes that will be used as a reference for designing evaluation
3. Capability Levels and GAP Analysis
In this stage, what will be done is to calculate the level of capability and perform
gap analysis by compiling and elaborating evaluation findings for each process in
Stage 1: Research Planning
Stage 2: Mapping Scenario
Goals Target
Enterprise Goals
Mapping IT
Related Goals
To Process
Stage 3: Capability Level and GAP Analysis
y Level
Vinsensius Rekat, Gunawan Wang
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3720
domains APO06, APO07, DSS01, DSS02, and DSS03. The Process Assessment Model
(PAM) is a process assessment model within the COBIT 5 framework that applies a new
approach based on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 15504 (Almeida et al., 2018). There are 6 levels of
capability that each process can achieve, namely:
1. Level 0: Incomplete
At this level, the process is either not implemented or fails to achieve its objectives.
There is little to no achievement of the process.
2. Level 1: Performed
At this level, the process exists and achieves its process objectives.
3. Level 2: Manage
At this level, the processes have been executed and implemented in a more
organized manner and establish, control, and maintain the resulting products effectively.
4. Level 3: Established
At this level, IT implementation has utilized specific processes that have been
agreed upon and achieved outputs as expected.
5. Level 4: Predictable
At this level, processes have been executed within defined boundaries to achieve
process outputs as expected.
6. Level 5: Optimizing
At this level, there is continuous improvement of processes to ensure that current
and future business objectives can be met.
After the capability level assessment stage is completed, the next stage is to conduct
a gap analysis. This gap analysis is used to compare the current capability levels obtained
from the evaluation with the expected capability levels. GAP analysis is applied to each
selected domain process.
Results and Discussion
Enterprise Goals Target
In determining the company's objectives, reference is made to the COBIT 5 goal
cascade, which includes 17 overarching company goals grouped according to the
balanced scorecard dimensions. (Syuhada, 2021). To establish the company's objectives,
COBIT's company goals are identified and then aligned with the objectives of Credit
Union XYZ. (Deng et al., 2000). This process yields the mapping results of Credit Union
XYZ's objectives, as depicted in Figure 3.
Evaluation of IT Governance at Credit Union XYZ Financial Institutions Using COBIT 5
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3721
Figure 3 Mapping results of the objectives of Credit Union XYZ
Mapping Enterprise Goals To IT-Related Goals
The mapping illustrates how each objective related to IT is supported by processes
associated with COBIT 5 (Syuhada, 2021). Figure 4 shows the mapping results of
company objectives for IT-related targets, where P stands for Primary, indicating a
significant relationship where IT-related objectives are the main support for company
objectives. Meanwhile, S stands for Secondary, indicating a strong but less critical
relationship where IT-related objectives are secondary support for company objectives.
Determining whether the relationship is P or S refers to COBIT 5 processes (Syuhada,
Figure 4. Mapping result Enterprise Goals to IT-Related goals
Mapping IT-Related Goals To Process
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3722
Based on the mapping results previously conducted, 5 domain processes have been
identified with a primary scale where IT-related objectives are the main support for
company objectives. These 5 domain processes are APO06, APO07, DSS01, DSS02, and
DSS03 as shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. When creating the questionnaire, reference is
made to the COBIT 5 processes, specifically PAM from ISACA (Almeida et al., 2018).
Figure 5 Mapping result IT-Related Goals to Process Domain APO.
Figure 6. Mapping Result IT-Related Goals to Process Domain DSS
Capability Level Measuring Process
Evaluation of IT Governance at Credit Union XYZ Financial Institutions Using COBIT 5
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3723
This stage involves assessing the selected domain processes, where each domain
process is checked gradually to determine if it meets the requirements at each level,
ranging from level 1 to 5. To meet the assessment criteria, there are category requirements
for each level. A process will be categorized as "Largely achieved (L)" if the score
obtained is between 50-80%, and if the score achieved is between 85-100%, the category
obtained is "Fully achieved (F)" (Syuhada, 2021).
The results of the capability level calculations are displayed in a graph illustrating
the capability level calculations, as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7 illustrates the results of
the capability level calculation for the APO and DSS domain processes as follows:
Level 2 with an attainment of 5, consisting of domains APO06, APO07, DSS01, DSS02,
and DSS03.
Figure 7. Capability Level Calculation Graph
From the graph of capability level calculations shown in Figure 7, a spider diagram
is then created to indicate the achieved capability levels, target capability levels expected,
and the gaps for each APO and DSS process assessed as depicted in Figure 8.
Figure 8. GAP Analysis Spider Web Diagram
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Hasil Perhitungan Capability Level (Current)
GAP Capability Level
Level Target GAP
Vinsensius Rekat, Gunawan Wang
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3724
Based on The calculation results of the 4 selected domain processes, they serve as
a reference to determine the gap analysis by first establishing the desired targets. The
results of the gap analysis are presented in Table 1.
Table 1
GAP Analysis Result
Process Description
Manage budget and costs
Manage human resources
Manage operation
Manage service requests and
Manage problems
Based on the above GAP analysis results, calculations are carried out to determine
the average Capability Level achieved in the IT function.
Capability Level = (0*1) + (1*0) + (2*5) + (3*0) + (4*0) + (5*0)
= 10
Capability Level = 2
Based on the analysis of Information System governance at Credit Union XYZ, it
can be concluded that the relevant COBIT 5 processes, including APO06, APO07,
DSS01, DSS02, and DSS03, are critical to addressing governance issues. Currently, the
average capability level for managing these Information Systems is at Level 2, while the
desired future target is Level 3, indicating a gap of 1 level that needs to be addressed.
Evaluation of IT Governance at Credit Union XYZ Financial Institutions Using COBIT 5
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