Evaluation of IT Governance at Credit Union XYZ Financial Institutions Using COBIT 5
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3717
technology, areas with poor signal coverage (blank spots), and recurring transaction
recording system issues at Credit Union XYZ (Rosenthal et al., 2010).
With the advancement of technology, the role of information technology becomes
increasingly crucial in supporting daily activities. (Jamesh & Prakash, 2018). Therefore,
efficient IT management is essential to ensure the security, reliability, and maximum
performance of Credit Union information systems. Rapid technological advancements
demand that Credit Union XYZ continuously strive to optimally utilize information
technology to remain relevant and competitive in the current era.
According to Nugrahanti, this competition drives every company to manage its
resources as optimally as possible to produce high-quality products and services that are
always available when needed. (Nugrahanti, 2015). IT Governance is a series of processes
to ensure the effective and efficient use of information technology to achieve the
organization's goals.
Credit Union XYZ, as a financial institution providing financial services to its
members, needs to continuously evaluate and improve its IT governance. This research
will explain the process of evaluating IT governance at Credit Union XYZ using COBIT
5. COBIT 5 provides a structured approach to managing and controlling IT, emphasizing
critical aspects such as compliance, security, and business value (Stockdale & Standing,
DOUGHT, 2015 also states that IT is an important part of the company and consists
of leadership and ensuring the organization's IT supports and expands its strategies and
goals (Doughty & Grieco, 2005). IT Governance will be the answer to ensuring that
investments in IT are aimed at providing maximum and beneficial results for the
institution. (Adikara, 2013). This research is expected to provide an in-depth
understanding of the maturity level of IT governance at Credit Union XYZ, identify areas
for possible improvement, and guide to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of IT
management at Credit Union XYZ.
According to the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning
banking, "A bank is a business entity that collects funds from the public in the form of
deposits and channels them to the public in the form of loans and other forms to improve
the standard of living of the people" (Indonesia, 1998).
Based on the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 11/POJK.03/2022
regarding the implementation of information technology by banks/financial institutions,
it is stated that the application of good IT governance applies to all units and functions of
banks in managing IT, and IT users. (Luthfah, 2024). In implementing good IT
governance, banks/financial institutions carry out at least the following activities:
1. Evaluation of strategic choices, direction of IT implementation strategies, and
monitoring of strategy achievement.
2. Alignment, planning, and organization of all units, strategies, and activities that
support IT implementation.
3. Definition, acquisition, and implementation of IT solutions and their integration into
Bank business processes.