Dina Febria Puspita, Tamrin Bangsu, Desy Afrita
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4216
and nutrition. The program also aims to reduce social disparities, helplessness, and
alienation that are often experienced by the poor. PKH participants have responsibilities
related to health and education (Yasin, 2021). In terms of health, they are required to
undergo pregnancy checks, health checks, regulate nutritional intake, and immunizations
for children under five. In the field of education, they are required to send their children
to elementary to secondary levels (SD, STP/SMP, to high school).
PKH provides both short-term and long-term benefits. In the short term, this
program reduces the burden of spending on poor households. In the long term, it is hoped
that this program can break the chain of poverty between generations by improving
children's health, nutrition, education, and income ability in the future. (Kamariani et al.,
2024). In addition, PKH also gives hope and confidence to children regarding their future.
In general, health and education are closely related to the poverty level of a household,
both based on facts and theories. Very low incomes cause families to be unable to meet
their basic health and education needs. (Rahmawati & Kisworo, 2017).
Sumber Urip Village is one of the villages located in Rejang Lebong District. This
village has an area of 650 hectares, where most of the people work in the agricultural
sector, namely as vegetable farmers and also fruit farmers. (Suleman & Resnawaty,
2017). Of course, this village is also to improve the welfare and the community and
poverty alleviation, this village runs one of the programs from the central government,
namely the Family Hope Program (PKH) (Sumbawati, Asmini, Juliawati, & Pamungkas,
In Sumber Urip Village, 112 families are recipients of the Family Hope Program
(PKH) out of a total of 875 families in the village. It is hoped that the existence of these
PKH recipients can help overcome the problems of poverty and inequality that occur in
the people of Sumber Urip Village. The reason I conducted this research is to find out
whether the Family Hope Program (PKH) has a role in improving the welfare of people
who receive assistance from the government. In addition, as a social welfare student, I
want to analyze whether the PKH program in Sumber Urip Village faces obstacles in its
implementation and whether there is a need for improvement to achieve the expected
The purpose of the research with the title The Role of the Harapah Family Program
(PKH) in improving the welfare of the community in Sumber Urip Village, Selupuh
Rejang District, Rejang Lebong Regency is to see how this program has a role or impact
in improving the welfare of the people of Sumber Urip Village, besides that the purpose
of this study is also used to see what factors are inhibiting and also supporting in the
implementation of this program in the village community Source: Urip.
Research Methods
This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach to understand the role of the
Family Hope Program (PKH) in improving community welfare in Sumber Urip Village,
Selupuh Rejang District, Rejang Lebong Regency. (Sholikhah, 2016). Data collection
was carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation techniques.