pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. , No. 11 November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesia Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4848
The Effect of Work-Family Conflict on Social Support for
Career Women in The Special Region of Yogyakarta
Lita Chartika Febriyati1*, Annisa Warastri2
Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Keywords: career
women, work-family
conflict, social support.
This study aims to analyze the influence of work-family
conflict on social support received by career women in
Yogyakarta. Work-family conflict is a condition in which
the demands of work and family conflict with each other,
thus causing stress for individuals. In the context of career
women, these conflicts often cause stress and affect their
psychological well-being. Social support is considered a
factor that can help reduce the negative impact of work-
family conflict. This study uses a quantitative approach with
a survey method. Data was collected through a questionnaire
distributed to 100 career women respondents working in
Yogyakarta. This study uses a quantitative method. The
results of the analysis showed that there was a significant
negative relationship between work-family conflict and
social support. The higher the level of work-family conflict,
the lower the perceived social support. In addition, the study
also found that support from family and co-workers has an
important role in helping career women overcome conflicts
between work and family. These findings highlight the
importance of social support in improving the well-being of
career women and reducing the negative impact of work-
family conflict. The implications of this study are expected
to be a reference for companies and organizations in
designing policies that support work-life balance for female
Career women who are married must face some pressure in work and family, this
is due to the demands of different roles. When they enter the world of work, career women
will experience a situation that is difficult to solve, that situation is an increasing demand
for roles to solve problems at work at the same time as family problems, because it is
tough to solve at the same time, if a married woman prioritizes her career, she is willing
to sacrifice a lot for the sake of her family, to create a meaningful and high-quality life.
Career women also need to balance work and family life. Therefore, women who enter
the world of work need to be professionals to achieve success and life-work balance.
(Tyfani, Purwaningrum, & Ramadhan, 2024).
The Effect of Work-Family Conflict on Social Support for Career Women in The Special
Region of Yogyakarta
Indonesia Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4849
The problem nowadays, when a woman decides to pursue a career, especially in
married woman, she will have various responsibilities that can create additional problems
that are more complicated. The responsibilities of a career woman will increase, in
addition to the pressure to take care of her family, she has the burden of carrying out her
commitments at work, because it is difficult to solve the problem of dual roles for career
women. Both roles require excellent performance, women must make significant
sacrifices for the family. If career women focus more on their careers, then their roles in
the household will decrease, on the other hand, if they prioritize their family, then the
possibility of performance in their office will decrease. (Utami & Wijaya, 2018).
Wives who work need support from their husbands, namely the husband's
understanding attitude shown in the form of positive cooperation, helping to complete
household chores, helping to take care of children, and providing moral and emotional
support to his wife regarding his work. However, the problem is, in Indonesia, the
paternalistic and authoritarian climate is still so strong, that when wives work, husbands
often do not provide support, in fact, it also burdens the role of working mothers. Many
things cause husbands to not support their wives' careers. One of them is related to the
understanding that men should not do women's work, let alone take care of household
problems. Domestic problems are entirely the obligation of a wife, the consequences of
which must be borne by the wife (Kurniawati, Werdani, & Pinem, 2018).
From the results of interviews with several career women on November 1, 2023, in
Yogyakarta, about the problem of the influence of work-family conflict on social support,
several relevant problems were found. In subject A, it was found that subject A had a
problem always feeling a lack of social support, especially family and husband support.
In addition, the husband always demands his wife's time which is divided between work
time and time with family. Subject B is not much different from Subject A but this subject
feels the lack of support from her husband in helping with household life such as taking
care of children and financial assistance, the subject admitted that she often becomes
emotional due to a lack of attention, empathy, and care, this subject also feels a lack of
support from her friends such as entertaining when she is in a complicated problem and
does not give enthusiasm at work. (Yanti & Hermaleni, 2019).
Work-family conflict is when an unhealthy balance between family and work is
disturbed. A person is forced to do work that goes beyond the demands of work needs
and family needs (Nurhaini, Djaelani, & ABS, 2019). Conflicts may arise between family
and work, if career women's work problems are brought into their home life, or problems
in family life begin to affect job performance (Sarafino & Smith, 2014). According to
(Natasya & Pujianto, 2024), the factors that affect the emergence of work-family conflict
are the demands of time, energy, and behavior that create the work-family conflict. That
factor is what causes career women to have difficulty in carrying out two roles at once
because it is not necessarily that the two roles will run according to what is expected.
Other roles are fine, but other roles require maximum participation. This situation gives
the employee a workload so that one of the other roles cannot be carried out or cannot
carry out the task optimally due to the workload, where this workload is a set of work or
Lita Chartika Febriyati, Annisa Warastri
Indonesia Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4850
activity in several groups or individuals, which must be completed by the organizational
unit or the office holders within a certain period (Firdaus, 2017). If a married female
employee has too much workload, it will cause a high level of stress and lead to a decrease
in optimal work performance related to work-family conflict against social support in
career women. The research is entitled The Effect of social support on work-family
conflict in DIY Police Officers. Results of research by (Amaliya, 2015). Research has
found that women who have partner support have lower levels of distress than women
who do not have such support (Bilqis & Rozana, 2023).
Based on the above statement, this study is very important to be carried out, because
this study focuses on finding out the influence of work-family conflict on social support
in career women in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and analyzing the extent of the
impact of the influence of work-family conflict on social support. Theoretically, this has
the advantage of showing the public the importance of social support in work-family
conflicts. In addition, there are practical benefits obtained from this research, because
there are benefits for the community, such as increased support for women, children,
wives, and mothers, as well as employees to optimize the performance of career women
in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. (Kurniawati et al., 2018).
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of work-family conflict on
social support in career women in Yogyakarta. The results of this study are theoretically
expected to contribute ideas to the community in enriching the insight of social support
behavior towards career women in Yogyakarta. This study enriches the study of thinking
and can be used as a basis for overcoming the problem of work-family conflict in career
women and as a source of information and reading discourse that can be used as a
reference for future researchers.
Research Methods
The research was conducted in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, from May 20 to
June 29, 2024, the population of this study was a career woman who was experiencing
family conflicts, work, and lack of social support from their environment, this study had
100 samples taken using the lemeshow technique. Data collection was carried out by
spreading the measurement scale, the scale used in this study was the work-family conflict
scale adopted from the hafid research (2023), and the social support scale was also
adopted from hafid (2023).
Results and Discussion
The characteristics of the subjects of this study are career women with an age range
of 25-50 years, the place of research is conducted in Yogyakarta, and career women who
work in offices or companies in Yogyakarta and are domiciled in Yogyakarta. In the
results of the study, the analysis of the characteristics of the research subjects based on
criteria was obtained from as many as 100 respondents, all of whom were women. There
were 88 respondents aged 25-35 years and 12 respondents aged 41-50.
The Effect of Work-Family Conflict on Social Support for Career Women in The Special
Region of Yogyakarta
Indonesia Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4851
Based on the explanation above, this study was conducted to find out whether or
not there is an influence work family conflict on social support for career women in
Yogyakarta. The results of the analysis based on the results of the research data will be
presented one by one, namely the normality test, the linearity test, and the hypothesis test,
namely the product-moment correlation test and the R square Determinant test.
The first analysis result is a normality test. The results of the normality test show a
significance of 0.262 Based on the decision-making of the normality test, if the
significance value is > 0.05, the data is normally distributed, but if the value < 0.05, the
data is said to be not normally distributed. The statistical value of the normality test is
0.262 which means the significance value is 0.262 > 0.05 and the data work-family
conflict and the social support variable showed normally distributed data.
The next analysis is a linearity test that serves to find out whether or not there is a
linear relationship between two variables, namely the bound variable work family conflict
and the independent variable of social support. The provision for two variables is said to
be linear if the significance value > 0.05 is said to be linear, but if the significance value
is < 0.05 then the two variables are not said to be linear. The statistical results of the
linearity test showed a significance value of 0.000 > 0.05 which showed that the two
variables were linearly related. This happened because of the value of deviation from
linearity > 0.05.
The correlation product moment hypothesis test in the results of this study showed
the acquisition of a significance of 0.000 which means that both variables work-family
conflict and the social support variable have a significant influence. The correlation test
value of the product moment obtained the value so that the result of the coefficient interval
and the degree of influence between the scale work-family conflict with social support in
career women in the special region of Yogyakarta has a strong level of influence and the
type of influence of these two variables is negative because there is no positive sign (+)
In the next discussion, the R square determinant coefficient test was presented
where to determine the ability of the work-family conflict variable to explain the social
support variable, the R Square value was obtained at 0.530 or if presented to 53.0%,
meaning that the ability of the work-family conflict variable to affect social support was
Based on the results of statistical tests that have been passed through each step and
process, prove that work-family conflict has a negative relationship with strong social
support. The negative relationship in question is the bound variable, namely work-family
conflict tends to be very high while the independent variable of social support also tends
to be low or vice versa if the independent variable tends to be low, then the bound variable
is also high.
This study strengthens previous research, following based on the results of
statistical tests from several other studies that show that work-family conflict influences
social support. This research was conducted by Bilqis (2023) with the title "The Influence
of Social Support on the Work-family Conflict on the DIY Police" The results of the study
showed that there was a negative influence between work-family conflict and social
Lita Chartika Febriyati, Annisa Warastri
Indonesia Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4852
support, another study was conducted by Adjiputra, (2023) with the article "The
Contribution of Spouse Social Support to Work-Family Conflict in Bank Employees" The
results of the study showed that there was a negative influence between work-family
conflict and social support for bank employees where the higher the social support, the
lower the social support, another study also by (Akbar, 2017) with the title "The
relationship between social support and work-family conflict in working women" The
results of the study found that social support is negatively correlated with work-family
conflict where the higher the social support, the lower the work-family conflict that is
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the scale of work-family
conflict and social support has a strong significant influence on negative patterns. So, the
higher the work-family conflict A person will have lower social support. And vice versa,
When someone has work-family conflict The lower the social support will be higher when
facing various pressures.
In completing this study, the researcher also realized that there are many
weaknesses in this study, the weaknesses are as follows:
1. In this study, there is still a limitation that the research subject is only taken within
the city of Yogyakarta and does not specify the work of the subject so it is not possible
to know the type of work that also affects the level of work-family conflict of career
2. This research also still produces research that discusses work-family conflict in
general and does not have a level of work-family conflict in particular
3. In this study, only a questionnaire was used in the form of a Google form which was
still very lacking in results because it allowed respondents to fill out this questionnaire
with less seriousness. It is hoped that the next researcher will also analyze the
communication patterns of career women in the family environment and discuss them
in depth so that the work-family conflict on the subject is clearer. But with this
research, hopefully, it can be a reference for literature that can be used as a reference
in future research.
In this study, the relationship between work-family conflict and social support
received by career women in Yogyakarta has been analyzed. Based on the data and
analysis conducted, the results of the study show that the influence of work-family
conflict on social support is negative. This means that the higher the level of conflict
between work and family experienced by career women, the lower the level of social
support they receive. This diminished social support can come from the work
environment, family, or closest friends. This may be due to the pressure that career
women feel in managing their dual roles, which can affect the quality of social interaction
and the time available to build supportive social relationships.
The Effect of Work-Family Conflict on Social Support for Career Women in The Special
Region of Yogyakarta
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