pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4112
Development of Local Economic Potential for Women
through the Cracker and Mujair Fish Brains Business in
Dukuh Tunggal Village, Glagah District, Lamongan Regency
Bisri Mustofa
*, Inayatur Rosyidah
, Makhiulil Kirom
, Mubasyiroh
Mutammimah Putri
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Indonesia
Keywords: otak-otak,
mujair fish crackers, local
economic potential,
women's empowerment.
Women who have free time can be used as capital and
opportunities to carry out productive activities that can
generate income. Women of Dukuh Tunggal Village who
are members of the 10 PKK (Family Welfare Development)
group try to make crackers and major fish brains to increase
people's income and welfare. The purpose of this activity is
to strengthen the local economic capacity of women in
Dukuh Tunggal Village by taking advantage of the business
opportunities around them. The implementation method is
Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) which
includes three stages, namely the preparation stage, the
implementation stage of counseling and training, and the
mentoring stage. This study concludes that the service in
Dukuh Tunggal Village, Glagah District, Lamongan
Regency, was carried out well, with the material presented
can be accepted by participants through counseling, training,
and assistance in the aspects of production and management
of otak-otak and major fish crackers. Participants hope that
there will be a technology transfer related to the fishery
business to support their business in the future.
The potential of fisheries in Lamongan Regency is quite large, in the aquaculture
sub-sector, activities are cultivated in an area of around 20,487.40 Ha, including Ponds
covering an area of 932.29 Ha, Paddy Ponds of 19,503.54 Ha, Ponds of 51.35 Ha,
Karamba of Floating Nets (KJA) of 0.08 Ha and Karamba Tancap of 0.14 Ha
(Zulkarnaen, 2016). Lamongan Regency also has potential in Inland Public Waters (PUD)
with a total area of 5,275.50 Ha, of which the area includes 1,090.00 Ha of Swamp,
2,723.00 Ha Reservoir, and 1,462.50 Ha River. Glagah District is one of the largest fish
farming areas in Lamongan Regency with a pond land area of 3,210,000 m2 and pond
rice fields of 38,563,500 m2 in 2021 (Hastin, 2021).
Development of Local Economic Potential for Women through the Cracker and Mujair Fish
Brains Business in Dukuh Tunggal Village, Glagah District, Lamongan Regency
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4113
With a large fishery production, Glagah District has great potential in processing
fishery products. However, unfortunately, the production of processed fish in Glagah
District is still very low compared to other fish farming areas (Yaskun & Sugiarto, 2017).
Some of the factors that may cause the low production of processed fish in Glagah District
include: (a) Lack of training for farmers and fishery business actors on processing
techniques and good business management can affect the quality and quantity of
processed fish production, (b) The use of less modern and efficient processing technology
can hinder the increase in the added value of fishery products and (c) Limited capital and
investment to increase processing capacity And introducing new technologies can be a
major obstacle (Rahim & Safitri, 2022).
Dukuh Tunggal Village as the largest fish farming area in Glagah District has an
industrial center for processing household-scale fishery products processed from mujair
fish. Mujair fish is a native fish of freshwater waters that has a relatively fast growth rate.
When the harvest arrives the abundant fishery products will not be able to be spent in a
short time, if left unchecked, it will undergo a process of change that leads to damage and
resulting in a decrease in prices (Jaya et al., 2021).
To overcome this problem, women from Dukuh Tunggal Village who are members
of the 10 PKK (Family Welfare Development) group try to make crackers and mujair fish
otak-otak. Mujair fish was chosen because it has a soft, thick, and savory meat texture, so
it is suitable for processing into crackers and otak-otak. Mujair crackers are usually
slightly black or deep black because of the base layer of the mujair fish skin. However,
in the hands of the women of Dukuh Tunggal Village who are members of the 10 PKK
group, the crackers produced are white (Soleh, 2017). After being fried, these crackers
have a very savory, crispy, and taste that is not inferior to milkfish or carp crackers. In
addition, mujair fish is also processed into otak-otak. Usually, otak-otak is made of
milkfish. However, in the hands of these women, the major fish brains produced are no
less delicious than milkfish brains. Moreover, the relatively more affordable price of
major brains makes this commodity marketable to embrace the lower middle economic
class (Mulyana et al., 2017).
The efforts of the 10 PKK group in processing mujair fish into crackers and otak-
otak provide several benefits, including: (a) Reducing Losses, by processing mujair fish
into products that have a longer shelf life, losses due to fish damage can be minimized,
b) Increasing Added Value, processed products such as crackers and otak-otak have a
higher selling value than selling fresh fish, c) Providing Employment: This processing
activity provides employment for women in Dukuh Tunggal Village, increasing family
income and the welfare of the local community and d) Women's Empowerment:
Involving women in economic activities and processing of fishery products strengthens
their role in the economic development of the village (Rahmatunnisa, 2021). With this
strategy, Dukuh Tunggal Village not only maximizes the potential of mujair fish
cultivation but also develops a processing industry center that is beneficial to the local
economy and community welfare.
Bisri Mustofa, Inayatur Rosyidah, Makhiulil Kirom, Mubasyiroh, Mutammimah Putri
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4114
The center of the processing industry of household-scale fishery products processed
by mujair fish in Dukuh Tunggal Village is still very simple. The products produced are
still of low quality because they use poor raw materials, the production process is still
simple, and lack hygiene (Maharani, 2024). The market is still limited to local and without
having a clear brand branding. The high desire of women in Dukuh Tunggal Village to
support the family economy and the lack of knowledge and skills in processing fishery
resources are reasons for us to provide assistance as well as knowledge on how to process
mujair fish into a typical product that is worth selling and become a culinary center typical
of mujair fish in the Glagah District area. To support the sustainability of these efforts, it
is necessary to diversify processed products in the form of crackers and mujair fish brains
which will be the forerunner of the culinary flagship products of Dukuh Tunggal Village.
With the right assistance and product diversification efforts, Dukuh Tunggal
Village can develop a more advanced mujair fish processing industry center and become
a culinary icon typical of the Glagah District. This not only boosts the local economy but
also empowers women and improves the well-being of the local community.
The implementation method used in this service is Asset-Based Community
Development (ABCD). The ABCD method is based on the principle of recognition of the
potential, strengths, talents, and assets of individuals and the general public, to inspire
positive change by focusing on the needs and problems at hand. This approach not only
sees the glass half full but mobilizes the energy of each individual to participate in a more
meaningful way in the development of community assets. This method was chosen
because ABCD emphasizes asset-based development and the potential owned by the
community itself. This is due to the characteristics of women in Dukuh Tunggal Village
who have a variety of skills and economic potential that can be further developed. ABCD
not only identifies existing problems but also focuses on the strengths and resources
available in the community.
This activity was carried out on May 1 - August 1, 2024, in Dukuh Tunggal Village,
including a location survey of the stages of implementing training activities. The target
of this activity is women who are members of the 10 PKK (Family Welfare Development)
group of Dukuh Tunggal Village which consists of 15 participants. This community
service activity is an educational activity to support the family economy for women by
providing counseling, training, and assistance related to production aspects and aspects
of business management of crackers and mujair brains in Dukuh Tunggal Village, Glagah
District, Lamongan Regency.
Results and Discussion
Preparation Stage
The preparatory stage to support the development of crackers and major fish brains
in Dukuh Tunggal Village, Glagah District, Lamongan Regency, includes: 1) Location
Development of Local Economic Potential for Women through the Cracker and Mujair Fish
Brains Business in Dukuh Tunggal Village, Glagah District, Lamongan Regency
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4115
Survey and Interview: Conduct a location survey to identify the potential of fishery
resources, especially major fish. As well as conducting interviews with women who are
members of the 10 PKK group of Dukuh Tunggal Village. The goal is to understand their
existing conditions, needs, and expectations related to the development of crackers and
major fish brains. 2) Local Potential Analysis: Conclude that mujair fish fishery resources
are very abundant around the location. This is supported by the fact that some of the
husbands of culinary business actors are local farmers. As well as identifying that the
market demand for fish crackers and mujair otak-otak is quite stable, especially during
the fasting month and Eid al-Fitr. 3) Selection of Location and Time of Implementation:
Determine that training activities for crackers and major fish brains will be carried out in
early May 2024. And decided to provide community assistance, which includes
counseling, training, and assistance related to aspects of production and business
management. Thus, this preparation stage is a strong foundation to drive and optimize
local economic development activities through the cracker and major fish brains business
in Dukuh Tunggal Village.
Counseling and Training Implementation Stage
The purpose of this activity is to provide information, knowledge, and work
experience to participants regarding the production of crackers and major fish brains, both
in terms of production and management. This training took place in a classical format
with discussions, where the speakers delivered training materials through presentation
slides. The material discussed includes:
1. Production aspects include identification of fresh fish, selection of raw materials,
sanitation, and hygiene, benefits of packaging, packaging and packaging design,
storage of major fish crackers and otak-otak, stages of making major fish crackers and
otak-otak and demonstration and evaluation In this activity, the direct practice was
carried out of processing mujair fish into snacks in the form of major fish otak-otak
and major fish crackers. From the results of the discussion during the fish brain
processing demonstration activity, participants had an interest in the processed
product. This was marked by the active discussion activities related to the use of
spices/spices during the demonstration activities. The finished processed products are
then tested by the participants and the results of the tester have a good taste (delicious)
and with a good level of chewiness.
2. Management aspects include setting selling prices, financial bookkeeping, and online
marketing for major fish crackers and otak-otak products. The main goal is to increase
participants' understanding of effective financial management so that they can
calculate capital and profits accurately, as well as maintain business sustainability. The
discussion showed that the participants' financial records were still carried out simply,
and sales were still direct (door to door). Therefore, the concept of online marketing
was introduced as a new strategy to expand the market. Through the digital platform,
participants are expected to reach a wider range of consumers, increase sales, and build
brand awareness. Thus, an increasing understanding of financial management and the
Bisri Mustofa, Inayatur Rosyidah, Makhiulil Kirom, Mubasyiroh, Mutammimah Putri
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4116
implementation of online marketing strategies is expected to help participants develop
their businesses in a sustainable manner.
Figure 2
Counseling and Training on Making Mujair Fish Brains and Crackers
Assistance Stage
The mentoring stage after the counseling and training activities for the major fish
crackers and otak-otak business was carried out online via WhatsApp to help participants
overcome problems after the training of major fish otak-otak and mujair fish crackers in
Dukuh Tunggal Village. As a result, participants began to develop fish brain products,
marketing through orders and storage at stalls around Dukuh Tunggak Village and Glagah
District. Material modules are provided during the training to support participants'
understanding. This activity went well, as evidenced by the activeness of the participants
in the question and answer session and their involvement in the entire series of activities.
The community considers this activity important because it opens up new trade
opportunities that characterize the local food of mujair fish in Glagah District.
Development of Local Economic Potential for Women through the Cracker and Mujair Fish
Brains Business in Dukuh Tunggal Village, Glagah District, Lamongan Regency
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4117
The results of the assistance in developing local economic potential for women
through the cracker and mujair fish brains business in Dukuh Tunggal Village, Glagah
District, Lamongan Regency include:
Women's Empowerment
One of the concrete results of this assistance is the formation of a group of women
who are members of the 10 PKK group of Dukuh Tunggal Village. Previously, the
mothers processed mujair fish into crackers and otak-otak individually. However, after
mentoring, they managed to organize themselves to be involved together in processing,
production, and marketing collectively.
Skill Enhancement
The training and guidance provided by resource persons who are competent in the
field of fish processing and already have various trademarks of processed fish products
of various products have been quite successful in improving women's skills in processing
mujair fish into high-selling value products such as crackers and otak-otak. Here are the
aspects that have been successfully improved through the training and guidance:
1. Good and Correct Fish Processing Techniques
2. More Efficient Use of Production Equipment
3. Creativity in the Development of Flavor Variations and Product Packaging
Figure 3
Mujair Fish Brains and Crackers Before and After Assistance
Business Sustainability
Business sustainability The impact of assisting the development of local economic
potential for women through the cracker and mujair fish brain business includes the
development of branding and digital marketing (Maq et al., 2024).
This activity helps business groups in creating strong and attractive branding. This includes
creating a logo, designing attractive packaging, and defining a brand identity that reflects the
quality and uniqueness of the product. In addition, teaching digital marketing strategies to village
women, including the use of social media (such as Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp) to
promote products (Asfahani et al., 2023).
Bisri Mustofa, Inayatur Rosyidah, Makhiulil Kirom, Mubasyiroh, Mutammimah Putri
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4118
Figure 4 Branding Development
The service activities in Dukuh Tunggal Village, Glagah District, Lamongan
Regency, were carried out well, with the material presented being accepted by the
participants through counseling, training, and assistance in the aspects of production and
management of the otak-otak and mujair fish cracker business. Participants hope that
there will be a technology transfer related to the fishery business to support their business
in the future. Overall, this program has a positive impact by improving women's living
standards, strengthening social cohesion, and encouraging the spirit of mutual
cooperation in the Dukuh Tunggal Village community.
Development of Local Economic Potential for Women through the Cracker and Mujair Fish
Brains Business in Dukuh Tunggal Village, Glagah District, Lamongan Regency
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4119
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