pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4018
Assistance in the Preparation of Research Grant Proposals
for STAI Ihyaul Ulum Gresik Lecturers
Inayatur Rosyidah
, Zeid B. Smeer
, Taa'ib Maghfur
, Sayyidaturrohimah
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Indonesia
Keywords: grant fund,
lecturer, STAI haul
Lecturers have the main task in carrying out the Tri Dharma
of Higher Education, namely Education, Research, and
Community Service. Through research, they contribute to
the development of useful new theories and discoveries in
various fields. However, until 2023, only 10.6% of STAI
Ihyaul Ulum lecturers are actively involved in research and
community service programs. The method used for the
implementation of this service is Participatory Research for
Action (PAR). The main obstacle faced is the limitations in
formulating problems and preparing proposals by standards.
To overcome this, an intensive training and mentoring
program was held using the Participatory Research Action
(PAR) method for 10 permanent lecturers. The conclusion is
that PAT increases the knowledge and understanding of
participants, but further assistance is needed so that
participants are more proficient in compiling credible
research and critical literature reviews. Specifically, this
activity succeeded in increasing the knowledge and
understanding of participants, continuous assistance is
needed to ensure that all participants have a deep and
consistent understanding in compiling previous research,
critical literature review, and credible research methods.
Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 49 of 2014 concerning National Standards for Higher Education explains that
lecturers are professional educators and scientists with the main task of transforming,
developing, and disseminating science, technology, and art through education, research,
and community service. (Zulkifli et al., 2019). The regulation also regulates national
standards that must be met by universities, including the duties of lecturers in carrying
out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which consists of Education, Research, and
Community Service. (Johnson et al., 2024).
In the field of education, lecturers are responsible for transforming science,
technology, and art to students through the teaching and learning process. This includes
Assistance in the Preparation of Research Grant Proposals for STAI Ihyaul Ulum Gresik
Journal Indonesian Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4019
the preparation of effective curriculum, teaching, and evaluation as well as the use of
innovative learning methods. Meanwhile, lecturers are also expected to research to
develop and deepen science, technology, art, and sports. This research not only enriches
the nation's culture and identity but also increases competitiveness in the global arena.
Through research, lecturers contribute to discoveries and the development of theories that
can be applied in various fields (Rahmat & Mirnawati, 2020). In Community Service,
lecturers play a role in disseminating the results of research and science to the community.
This can be done through various service programs that aim to improve community
welfare and provide solutions to problems faced by the community (Jobling & Naldi,
In addition to fulfilling the obligations contained in the Tri Dharma, research and
publication activities also play an important role in the development of lecturers'
academic careers. (Darmalaksana, 2020). Through the publication of research results in
scientific journals, lecturers can gain recognition for their scientific contributions, which
in turn can support their promotion to functional positions. These functional positions,
ranging from Expert Assistant to Professor (Professor), not only reflect academic
achievement but also determine the position and role of lecturers in academic decision-
making at the institution where they work. (Noor, 2010). Lecturers who are active in
research and publications also have the potential to obtain research grants, both
domestically and internationally, which can further support their research activities.
These grants often include funding for research equipment, publication costs, and costs
for attending scientific conferences, all of which contribute to the scientific development
of lecturers. Therefore, lecturers need to continue to deepen their knowledge, innovate in
learning methods, and be active in scientific research and publications. All of this is not
only to fulfill the obligations of the profession but also to contribute to the advancement
of science and technology as well as the welfare of the wider community. (Carrión-Mero
et al., 2021).
To support the career development of lecturers, foundations and the government
provide various research grants. One of the strategic forms of this effort is through
research assistance programs, scientific publications, and community service
(Litapdimas) held by the Directorate of Islamic Religious Higher Education (Diktis) of
the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag). The Litapdimas program aims to improve the quality
of research and community service within Islamic Religious Universities (PTKI). In the
2023 fiscal year, Diktis will provide a larger assistance quota for private PTKI lecturers.
This step aims to provide more space and opportunities for lecturers at private PTKI so
that they can develop their research, publish research results, and carry out community
service. With this support, it is hoped that the academic quality and lecturers' contribution
to the development of science and technology can be further improved. (Retnowati et al.,
According to Zulkifli et al., basic writing skills are very important for lecturers who
want to participate in competitive grants, because research proposals and community
service require a good ability to convey ideas and arguments in writing. It seems that the
Inayatur Rosyidah, Zeid B. Smeer, Taa'ib Maghfur, Sayyidaturrohimah
Journal Indonesian Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4020
efforts that have been made to improve the competence of lecturers in the preparation of
research grant proposals and community service have been quite diverse and inclusive
such as seminars, trainings, workshops, and assistance in the preparation of research
proposals with online and offline (face-to-face) approaches have been used to ensure that
lecturers can access the necessary training and resources according to their preferences
and availability (Lalu Zulkifli, 2019). With these various methods, educational
institutions can effectively support lecturers in developing their skills in drafting
competitive grant proposals. This not only improves their academic abilities but also
prepares them to succeed in competing for grants that support research and community
The Islamic College (STAI) Ihyaul Ulum is a private Islamic higher education
institution under the auspices of the Ihyaul Ulum Dukun Gresik Islamic boarding school.
This institution was established in 2002 and obtained an operating permit from the
Director General of Islamic Institutions of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of
Indonesia in 2003. STAI Ihyaul Ulum Gresik manages two undergraduate (S1) study
programs, namely Islamic Religious Education and Islamic Economics. In 2023, STAI
Ihyaul Ulum Gresik will have 16 permanent lecturers and 17 non-permanent lecturers
who play an active role in developing the institution. As of 2023, only 10.6% of STAI
Ihyaul Ulum lecturers have been actively involved in research assistance and community
service programs, both financed by the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) and by other
agencies. Meanwhile, the other 89.4% have not and/or missed the opportunity to
participate in the assistance program, both as chairmen and members. One of the main
obstacles faced by lecturers in active involvement in research assistance programs is their
limited ability to formulate problems and strategies for preparing proposals by the
established template. This resulted in their proposals not being approved and funded.
The very limited participation rate of lecturers in national grants has a significant
impact on the self-development of lecturers and the progress of institutions and
universities as a whole. In Indonesia, as in many developing countries, national grants are
one of the main sources of support for scientific research and academic development.
However, the limited number of lecturers who manage to obtain these grants is often a
major obstacle to improving the quality of higher education and research contributions.
Among the impacts of limited lecturer participation in national grants are (a) low self-
development of lecturers. Lecturers who do not have access to or opportunities to
participate in national grants tend to have more limited opportunities to develop research
and scientific publication skills. This can hinder their ability to generate new knowledge,
innovate, and update curricula and teaching methods. And (b) limitations in the
development of institutions and universities. National grants are not only important for
the development of individual lecturers but also the progress of the institution as a whole.
Institutions that support their lecturers in obtaining grants usually have a competitive
advantage in research and publication, which in turn increases the institution's reputation
and attractiveness for students and researchers.
Assistance in the Preparation of Research Grant Proposals for STAI Ihyaul Ulum Gresik
Journal Indonesian Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4021
The method used for the implementation of this service is Participatory Research
for Action (PAR). The cycle of steps to implement PAR includes several main stages,
which can be adapted in the context of improving the ability to prepare research grant
proposals, namely problem identification, action planning, implementation of actions,
evaluation and reflection, revision actions, and dissemination of results and
implementation. The mentoring activity aims to improve both the quantity and quality of
research grant proposals prepared by STAI Ihyaul Ulum Gresik lecturers. The target of
this mentoring program is 10 permanent lecturers from the Islamic Religious Education
and Islamic Economics Study Program at STAI Ihyaul Ulum Gresik. (Sugiyono, 2013).
Results and Discussion
Assistance in the Preparation of Research Grant Proposals for STAI Ihyaul Ulum
Gresik Lecturers using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method in this service
activity using the sharing-session, training, clinic, and evaluation methods. This method
does not wait until the completion of the nine materials to do exercises and clinics, but all
problem-solving strategies are applied simultaneously along with the learning of each
material. The nine materials in question are (1) Understanding Grant Requirements, (2)
Identification of Research Problems, (3) Formulating Research Titles, (4) Background
Preparation, (5) Preparation of Previous Research, (6) Preparation of Literature Review,
(7) Research Methodology, (8) Budgeting and Work Plan, and (9) Preparation of
This activity aims to improve the ability of STAI Ihyaul Ulum Gresik lecturers to
prepare research grant proposals, focusing on the practical experience of resource persons
who have successfully obtained grants from various clusters. Discussions between
participants and resource persons refer to existing research guidelines and emphasize
strategies that are not explicitly stated in the guidelines. Some of the key points discussed
included an understanding of grant criteria and requirements, as well as best practices in
drafting proposals. The speakers highlighted common mistakes and provided tips for
meeting grant requirements, especially for lecturers who have a great chance of becoming
the leader of the proposing team in the interdisciplinary cluster. However, only a few
lecturers took advantage of this opportunity, with only one proposal successfully passing
funding out of several submitted. Proposers are required to pay attention to aspects such
as the number of team members, college clusters, relevance of disciplines, as well as
academic degrees and functional positions. The importance of formulating a short,
concise, and clear research title is also emphasized, as well as how to design a strong,
evidence-based background. In the literature review, the proposer is encouraged to use
references from scientific journals published in the last ten years and compile a research
roadmap. The preparation of research methods must include approaches, methods, data
sources, instruments, and analysis techniques, arranged in detail but concisely. In
Inayatur Rosyidah, Zeid B. Smeer, Taa'ib Maghfur, Sayyidaturrohimah
Journal Indonesian Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4022
budgeting and work plans, the resource persons emphasized the importance of realistic
and detailed budgeting and the preparation of a structured work plan. Proposers are also
reminded to ensure the references used come from credible sources and list the
bibliography completely and consistently, using reference management applications such
as Mendeley or Zotero.
Figure 1 Sharing-Session between Resource Person and Participants
Assistance in the Preparation of Research Grant Proposals for STAI Ihyaul Ulum Gresik
Journal Indonesian Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4023
In this training method, the training process is carried out gradually per session. The
first to third sessions are focused on refreshing the material and affirming concepts that
will be applied in the hands-on exercises in the following sessions. Starting from the
fourth session, participants began to engage in hands-on exercises, such as drafting an
effective and persuasive research background. In the fourth session, after the speakers
explained the material, participants were asked to immediately practice the preparation of
the background based on the title they had determined. This method allows participants
to understand and master the material through hands-on application so that their ability to
construct an effective background can be improved.
Participants are directed to compile paragraphs by following certain indicators that
have been explained in the sharing session. These indicators include (1) Usefulness of the
Problem: Explain the importance of the problem raised and the benefits that can be
obtained from its solution. (2) Problem Exploration: Dig deeper into the problem,
including the causes, impacts, and who is affected. (3) Results of Previous Research:
Refer to relevant previous research to provide context and a strong theoretical basis. (4)
Problem Solving Solutions: Propose concrete solutions to solve problems based on
previous analysis and research results (Yuliastini et al., 2024).
By following these indicators, participants are expected to be able to construct
coherent and comprehensive paragraphs, which not only describe the problem clearly, but
also demonstrate relevance, and usefulness, and offer solutions that are data-driven and
The implementation of the clinic is almost the same as training. After the exercise,
the results of the participants' work were immediately reviewed by the resource persons
who provided notes on the participants' Word documents. During the clinic session, some
sentences were replaced because they were less assertive or too long, to ensure a dense
redaction and make room for other indicators in the background. Participants often have
not been critical in determining the position of the indicators, so the development of the
background is less convincing of the importance of the research. Participants have
reached the problem-solving solution stage, and resource persons help find digital
references to complete the study. In conclusion, the clinic session is a process of
diagnosing the participant's negligence in preparing a proposal, as well as providing
recommendations and improvements to improve the participant's work results.
Inayatur Rosyidah, Zeid B. Smeer, Taa'ib Maghfur, Sayyidaturrohimah
Journal Indonesian Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4024
Figure 2
Resource persons are clicking the results of the participants' work.
The evaluation in this service activity is only focused on increasing the knowledge
of the participants, by the material provided, and is more exploratory to the participants'
answers after participating in all the materials from the first to the ninth session. This aims
to ensure that participants understand the concepts and information conveyed during the
training. Regarding the skills aspect, the evaluation showed that some participants had
completed a simple draft of their proposals. This indicates that there has been progress in
their ability to apply the knowledge gained into practice. In addition, one proposal is ready
to be submitted, indicating that the participant has reached the expected level of readiness.
However, given the time constraints that existed, many participants have not been
able to fully complete their draft proposals. Therefore, mentoring continues to help them
refine their proposals. This mentoring aims to ensure that all participants have the
opportunity to develop proposals that are ready to be submitted for the 2025 Litapdimas
research grant. With continuous guidance, it is hoped that all participants can improve
their skills in writing quality research proposals and meet the set grant requirements.
Assistance in the Preparation of Research Grant Proposals for STAI Ihyaul Ulum Gresik
Journal Indonesian Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4025
Table 1
Results of evaluation of service activities
Assessment Results
What is the Litapdimas
research cluster along
with the requirements
for the proposer and the
outcome of each
What are the ways to
identify research
What are the steps in
compiling a good and
appropriate research
What are the indicators
to consider in
formulating the
research background?
What are the effective
strategies for
developing previous
How to compile a
critical and in-depth
literature review
How to concoct
credible and credible
research methods?
What are the right
strategies for drafting
budgeting and effective
research work plans
How to compile a
bibliography by the
applicable rules
All criteria get a good average score, ranging from 3.00 to 3.50. This shows that in
general, participants have a fairly good understanding of the various aspects of the
research assessed. Criterion 3 (preparation of research titles) and Criterion 9 (preparation
of bibliography), both have the highest average values (3.50 and 3.40) with the lowest
standard deviation (0.707 and 0.699). This shows that the participant's understanding of
the preparation of titles and bibliographies is very good and consistent. Participants
demonstrated a strong understanding and a positive assessment of these two aspects,
which are important components of structured research. Criterion 5 (strategies for
structuring previous studies) This criterion obtained the lowest mean score (3.00) and a
larger standard deviation (0.816), indicating a greater variation in assessment among
Inayatur Rosyidah, Zeid B. Smeer, Taa'ib Maghfur, Sayyidaturrohimah
Journal Indonesian Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4026
participants. This indicates that participants may have difficulties or have a mixed
understanding of strategies for structuring previous research. As a result, this activity
succeeded in increasing the knowledge and understanding of participants, specifically in
the preparation of previous research, literature review, and research methods. Although
the mean scores for literature review and research methods were also quite good (3.20),
the variation in assessment (standard deviation of 0.789 for both criteria) suggests that
some participants may need more guidance. Thus, continuous assistance is needed to
ensure that all participants have a deep and consistent understanding of compiling
previous research, critical literature review, and credible research methods.
Based on the agreement between the service team and lecturers who participated in
the assistance activities for the preparation of research grant proposals at STAI Ihyaul
Ulum Gresik, to continue to support the improvement of lecturer qualifications, a
discussion forum and study group, as well as a mentorship program, were formed that are
members of the WhatsApp group. This establishment aims to facilitate communication
and collaboration between participants so that the proposal preparation process can run
more effectively and directionally. Here's the explanation:
1. Discussion forums and study groups
Bi-weekly during/online discussions that discuss various research methodologies
with case studies and experience sharing. In addition, discussions about tutorials on the
use of research databases, access to scientific literature, and other resources.
2. Program Mentorship
Tri-weekly mentoring sessions during/online by experienced mentors who provide
direct feedback and guidance. With these steps, it is hoped that STAI Hyaul Ulum Gresik
lecturers can improve their ability to prepare quality research grant proposals so that more
proposals succeed in obtaining funding.
This training succeeded in increasing participants' knowledge about strategies for
drafting research grant proposals. However, participants must remain proactive in seeking
up-to-date information related to various changes, especially in the requirements for
preparing research grant proposals such as Litapdimas. Specifically, this activity
succeeded in increasing the knowledge and understanding of participants, continuous
assistance is needed to ensure that all participants have a deep and consistent
understanding in compiling previous research, critical literature review, and credible
research methods.
Assistance in the Preparation of Research Grant Proposals for STAI Ihyaul Ulum Gresik
Journal Indonesian Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4027
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