pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3663
The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) on
Retail Property Rental Value in Jakarta's Block M Area
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: transit-
oriented development
(TOD); rental value; retail
properties; block m;
regional development.
This study aims to analyze the impact of Transit-Oriented
Development (TOD) development on the rental value of
retail properties in the Blok M area, Jakarta. The background
of this research is based on the increasing adoption of TOD
as a solution to traffic congestion and increased accessibility
in urban areas. This research uses a qualitative method with
an approach to interviews, observations, and document
analysis. The results of the study showed a significant
increase in the rental value of retail properties after the
implementation of TOD, especially in three main shopping
centers: Blok M Square, Blok M Plaza, and Blok M Mall.
The percentage increase in rental prices per year reaches an
average of 15%. These findings show that TOD contributes
positively to the increase in retail property value in areas
with high accessibility. In conclusion, TOD has an important
role in supporting the economic growth of urban areas
through increasing the value of retail properties.
The development of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) areas has become one
of the main strategies in urban planning in various major cities in the world. The TOD
concept, which integrates land use with public transportation systems, aims to create a
more sustainable and efficient urban environment. (Arsyad & Handayeni, 2018).
According to a report (WRI, 2021), the implementation of TOD can improve
accessibility, reduce congestion, and reduce carbon emissions. In Indonesia, especially in
Jakarta, the development of TOD has begun to be implemented in several areas, one of
which is Block M. (Heriyanto, 2018).
According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the retail sector accounted for
15.24% of the total GDP in 2016 and absorbed around 22.4 million workers, or around
31.81% of the total non-agricultural workforce (Wildison, 2017). Retail's contribution to
the economy continues to grow every year. According to Aprindo data, the value of
modern retail sales in Indonesia reached Rp205 trillion in 2016, increased by 3.7% in
2017 to Rp212 trillion, and is expected to reach Rp233 trillion in 2018 (Modigliani et al.,
2024). In addition to providing goods and services to consumers, the retail sector also has
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3664
a positive impact on the economy through job creation, which also contributes to overall
economic growth (Agus Budi Purwantoro, 2020).
One of the challenges faced by the leisure sector in Indonesia is traffic congestion,
which limits consumer mobility and accessibility. (Khairunnisa et al., 2021). To
overcome this obstacle, one of the proposed solutions is to implement the concept of
Transit Oriented Development known as TOD. TOD is a development strategy that
focuses on mass public transportation, by integrating mixed land use, high-density, and
pedestrian facilities. The application of TOD can be found in the Blok M area, South
Jakarta. This business and shopping area, which is located in Kebayoran Baru District
and is bounded by Jalan Iskandarsyah, Jalan Bulungan, Jalan Falatehan, and Jalan
Melawai (Mungkasa, 2023), applies the TOD concept by having three main integrated
malls, namely Blok M Square, Blok M Mall, and Plaza Blok M, all of which are less than
400 meters away from the Blok M TOD station (Asfarinal et al., 2022).
TOD emerged as a planning paradigm that emphasizes the role of transportation in
urbanization amid rapid urban growth. TOD not only aims to improve accessibility and
change the preference from private vehicles to public transportation, but is also
considered a solution that has the potential to provide economic benefits, reduce carbon
emissions, and increase government investment (EFAB, 2012).
The transit-oriented urban development approach, or TOD, has become a dominant
trend in urban planning. The main focus of TOD development is on transit stations,
involving mixed-use developments that include residential, retail, and offices. The
general criterion limits the distance from the transit station to no more than 0.5 miles
(about 400 meters) (Harahap et al., 2022). TOD is an integral part of theories that explain
the relationship between the environment and TOD, as well as the exploration of the
concept of sustainability in urban development. In urban development, sustainability,
especially through TOD, is applied to achieve various goals. An increase in property value
is one of the indicators of TOD's success. Factors such as proximity to transit and the
presence of TOD in areas that have experienced early growth are closely correlated with
the increase in property values. Therefore, understanding the impact of transit and TOD
on property value is critical in planning for sustainable urban growth. (Rochman &
Ratriningsih, 2019).
However, the retail sector also faces challenges in adapting to environmental
changes caused by the implementation of TOD. Changes in retail property prices are an
important issue that is influenced by various factors, including location, accessibility,
demand, supply, and level of competition. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to
investigate the impact of TOD implementation on retail property prices in the Blok M
area, Jakarta.
This study has a novelty value in the local context of Indonesia because it focuses
on the specific impact of TOD on the rental value of retail properties in Jakarta. Although
the concept of TOD has been widely researched in global cities, this study adds to the
knowledge of how TOD affects the retail sector in Indonesia's fast-growing metropolis.
The study also compares rental prices before and after the implementation of TOD,
The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) on Retail Property Rental Value in
Jakarta's Block M Area
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providing new insights into price dynamics and the economic impact of TOD in the local
The urgency of this research lies in the need to understand the impact of TOD
implementation on retail property rental values, especially in developing cities such as
Jakarta. With the increasing adoption of TOD as an urban planning strategy, it is
important to evaluate how these policies affect the retail sector which is a vital component
of the city's economy. This research will provide useful data for decision-makers,
developers, and property owners in planning and managing areas that are integrated with
public transportation systems.
The main objectives of this study are to:
1. Analyze the impact of TOD implementation on the rental value of retail properties in
the Blok M area, Jakarta.
2. Identify the factors that affect changes in rental values before and after the
implementation of TOD.
3. Measuring the effect of proximity to TOD stations on the rental value of retail
4. Provides insight into how TOD affects consumption patterns and location
attractiveness for retail businesses.
This research provides the following benefits:
1. For Decision Makers: Provide relevant information for urban planning and TOD
development policies, as well as assist in formulating strategies to improve property
value and transportation accessibility.
2. For Property Developers: Provide data that can be used to plan retail property projects
that are integrated with TOD, as well as understand the potential economic impact of
such developments.
3. For Researchers and Academics: To add insight and literature related to TOD and its
impact on the retail sector, as well as provide a basis for further research in the field
of urban planning and urban economics.
This study is designed to understand the impact of Transit-Oriented Development
(TOD) development on the rental value of retail properties in the Blok M area, Jakarta.
This research method uses a qualitative approach, which focuses on collecting and
analyzing descriptive data to provide an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon being
studied. This method aims to dig deeper into the influence of TOD on retail property
rental values through interviews with stakeholders, direct observation, and analysis of
relevant documents.
Research Strategy
This study applies a qualitative descriptive design that focuses on thematic analysis
to answer research questions about the impact of TOD on the rental value of retail
properties. The design of this study aims to explore the changes that have occurred in the
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rental value of retail properties after the implementation of TOD, especially in the Blok
M area, which has become one of the main business and shopping centers in Jakarta.
This study is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the impact of TOD
in areas that have high accessibility to public transportation. The main focus is to
understand the relationship between the development of transportation infrastructure and
the dynamics of retail property rental prices, as well as other factors that also affect these
price changes.
Research Location
The location of this research is focused on the Blok M area, Jakarta, which is one
of the largest shopping centers in the city. The Block M area was chosen because it is one
of the areas that has experienced TOD development, with several public transportation
stations such as the MRT that have been integrated with shopping centers. Blok M is a
strategic area for this research because it is located in the heart of the city, surrounded by
various public facilities and commercial centers, as well as its high level of accessibility
to public transportation.
Data Collection Techniques
Data is collected through several techniques designed to gain an in-depth
understanding of the research topic:
In-Depth Interview: Interviews were conducted with various related parties such as
retail property managers, developers, business owners, and government officials involved
in the development of the Block M area. The interview questions were prepared to explore
information related to changes in rental prices before and after the implementation of
TOD, factors that affect price fluctuations, and challenges faced in the process of adapting
to TOD.
Field Observation: Direct observation was carried out at the research site to obtain
visual data and context related to infrastructure development around the Block M area.
This observation also serves as validation of the data obtained from the interview.
Document Analysis: The documents used in this study include property
development reports, retail rental price statistical data, zoning regulations, and urban
development plans related to TOD. This document is analyzed to understand the
dynamics of development in the Block M area, as well as the factors that contribute to
changes in the rental value of retail properties.
Secondary Data: Retail property price data in the Blok M area is collected from
various reliable sources such as government statistical reports, data from property
developers, and market research reports. This secondary data is used to supplement
information from interviews and observations, as well as provide a broader context related
to property price dynamics in the Block M area.
Data Analysis
Data analysis was carried out using a thematic coding approach, where data
obtained from interviews, observations, and document analysis were categorized based
on certain themes that were relevant to the research objectives. The main themes analyzed
The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) on Retail Property Rental Value in
Jakarta's Block M Area
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3667
are the impact of TOD development on retail property rental values, price dynamics
before and after the implementation of TOD, and factors that affect these price changes.
Each data obtained through interviews and observations is coded according to
predetermined themes, such as "increase in rental prices," "transportation accessibility,"
and "changes in consumption patterns." This coding process helps in identifying common
patterns that emerge from the data, as well as relating them to the research questions
In addition, the analysis was also carried out with a cause-and-effect approach,
where the relationship between the development of TOD and changes in the rental value
of retail properties was analyzed in depth. This study tries to identify the factors that cause
an increase or decrease in retail property rental prices in the Blok M area, as well as how
these changes are affected by the implementation of TOD.
Research Design
This study uses a descriptive-qualitative design, which means that this research
aims to describe the phenomena that occur in detail and depth without any intervention
or experimentation. This design was chosen because it is suitable for answering
exploratory research questions, where researchers seek to understand how the
development of TOD affects the rental value of retail properties in a particular area.
This study also uses a case study approach, where Block M as an area integrated
with the TOD system was chosen as the main research object. This case study allows
researchers to delve into the specific phenomena that occur in the area, as well as explore
the unique factors that affect the dynamics of retail property prices.
Data Validation
Data validation is carried out through triangulation techniques, namely by
combining data from various sources (interviews, observations, documents) to ensure that
the research findings are reliable and accurate. In addition, the researcher also validates
by involving stakeholders in the process of preparing research findings, so that the results
of the resulting analysis reflect the reality in the field.
Presentation of Findings
The findings of the study are presented in the form of a descriptive narrative that
summarizes the results of interviews, observations, and document analysis. The
researcher uses concrete examples from cases in the Block M area to illustrate how the
development of TOD has an impact on the rental value of retail properties. This
presentation also includes thematic analysis related to rental price dynamics before and
after the implementation of TOD, as well as factors that affect these changes.
Results and Discussion
Blok M MRT Station Density
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3668
Figure 1 Motion flow
The increase in the density of MRT passengers at Blok M Station has a direct impact
on the rental value of retail properties in the area. Several key factors link passenger
density to the dynamics of retail property rental values: (i) Increased Foot Traffic, the
more MRT passengers use Blok M Station, the higher the foot traffic around the nearest
station and shopping center. This creates greater opportunities for retail property owners
to attract customers, which can ultimately increase their revenue and business
attractiveness. (ii) Investment Attractiveness, the increase in MRT passenger density
increases the attractiveness of investment in the Blok M area. This has an impact on the
increase in the rental value of retail properties due to the increasing demand for
commercial space. (iii) Accessibility Efficiency, the existence of the MRT which
increases the accessibility of the Blok M area for residents from various areas of Jakarta
makes Blok M a more competitive shopping and business destination. Retail properties
that are close to MRT stations benefit more due to ease of access for customers.
Evaluation of passenger density at Blok M MRT station, based on data on the
number of daily passengers and station area that has been obtained. The average number
of daily passengers at Blok M MRT Station reaches 102,041 people. This information
was obtained from the official report of PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) (MRT, 2024). In
addition, the area of the station has also been known, with a length of 175 meters and a
width of 26 meters, which results in a total area of 4550 square meters (MRT, 2024).
From the data provided, it can be calculated the passenger density at the Blok M
MRT Station using the formula: Passenger Density =
Jumlah Penumpang Harian
𝐿𝑢𝑎𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑢𝑛
After the calculation was carried out, the passenger density at the Blok M MRT
Station is estimated to be around 22.42 people per square meter. With such significant
densities, a good understanding of the number of passengers and the use of stations
The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) on Retail Property Rental Value in
Jakarta's Block M Area
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3669
becomes essential in operational planning and management, including security, facilities,
and passenger services.
Analysis of the Impact of TOD on Retail Property Rental Value
This study analyzes the impact of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)
development on the rental value of retail properties in the Blok M area, Jakarta, with a
focus on two main shopping centers, namely Blok M Square and Blok M Plaza. The
development of TOD, especially with the Blok M MRT Station, is expected to have a
significant impact on the rental value and occupancy rate of retail properties in this area.
To understand the impact of TOD on the rental value of retail properties, here is a
table that presents data on rental values and the number of units filled in Blok M Square
and Blok M Plaza from 2015 to 2023. This data will be analyzed to see trends and changes
that occur along with the development of TOD in the Block M area.
Table 1
Rental value of Blok M Square property
Table 2
Rental value of Blok M Plaza
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3670
Table 3
Rental value of Blok M Mall property
Blok M Square
Rental Value Trends: The rental value of retail properties in Blok M Square shows
fluctuations from 2015 to 2023. In 2015, the rental price was Rp 450,000 per square meter
and had stagnated until 2017. However, since 2018, the rental value has started to
increase, reaching Rp 600,000 per square meter in 2023. This increase reflects the positive
impact of TOD development, which increases the attractiveness of the Blok M area as a
strategic business location.
Factors Affecting the Rental Value of Retail Properties in the Block M Area
BOT Transition Time
The transition period of land lease extension between PT Indonesia Prima Property
Tbk. and the Jakarta government affects the dynamics of rental values and rental interest
which will not increase significantly. Uncertainty regarding the future of land ownership
has led investors and tenants to be more cautious in making decisions, potentially
depressing the rental value of retail properties in the area.
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 to mid-2022 caused global economic disruptions,
including in the retail property sector. Data from those years showed a decline in rental
values and occupancy rates, reflecting an abnormal situation. Therefore, this data is
The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) on Retail Property Rental Value in
Jakarta's Block M Area
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3671
considered less relevant for long-term analysis and is more appropriately seen as an
Effect of TOD Development
TOD developments, such as the construction of the Blok M MRT Station, generally
have a positive impact on the rental value of retail properties by increasing the
accessibility and attractiveness of the area. However, the existence of external factors
such as the BOT transition period can hinder the potential increase in rental value even
though TOD has been implemented. This can be seen from the rental value data which
shows fluctuations and does not always increase significantly even though it is integrated
with the MRT.
Blok M Square
Blok M Square is one of the major shopping malls in the Blok M area that has
experienced fluctuations in the rental value of its properties from 2015 to 2023. In 2015,
rental prices in Blok M Square were included in the "low to medium" category and
stagnated until 2017. However, starting in 2018, rental prices showed a significant
increase, reaching a "high" in 2023. This increase reflects the positive impact of the
development of this MRT-based TOD, which has succeeded in increasing the
attractiveness of this area as a strategic business location.
In addition to the increase in rental value, the occupancy rate of retail units in Blok
M Square also shows a positive trend. From 71% in 2015, occupancy increased to 100%
in 2023 from a total of 3,338 retail properties. This shows that the development of TOD
has managed to attract more tenants, which in turn increases economic activity in the
To give you a visual idea, here is a plan of Block M Square showing the layout and
location of the retail units inside:
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3672
Figure 3 Block M Square
This photo helps to understand the distribution of commercial space and
accessibility within the mall, which is one of the determining factors of high and low
tenant interest. In addition, some of the following photos of Blok M Square provide a
visualization of the actual condition of the mall, showing the atmosphere and facilities
Blok M Plaza
Blok M Plaza also experienced a significant increase in rental value during the same
period. In 2015, rental prices were included in the low category and then gradually
increased until they reached the "high" category in 2023. This increase shows that the
development of TOD has a strong positive impact on the value of retail properties in this
The occupancy rate in Blok M Plaza also showed a steady increase from 74% in
2015 to 100% in 2023 from a total of 200 retail properties. This indicates that Blok M
Plaza has managed to attract tenants consistently, making it one of the desired locations
for retail businesses.
The following overview of Blok M Plaza shows the layout of the mall, highlighting the
strategic location and distribution of retail space that makes it easy for visitors to access.
Blok M Mall
In contrast to Blok M Square and Blok M Plaza, Blok M Mall experienced a
significant decrease in rental value from 2015 to 2023. In 2015, rental prices in Blok M
Mall were included in the "high" category in this retail, then continued to decline until
they reached the "lowest" category in 2023. This decline reflects the challenges faced by
Blok M Mall, such as competition with other shopping malls and changing consumer
preferences. In the case of Blok M mall itself, other factors can cause prices to drop in
that category, namely the expiration limit of the BOT (Build Operate Transfer) agreement
which has not been extended for certainty.
The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) on Retail Property Rental Value in
Jakarta's Block M Area
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3673
The occupancy rate at Blok M Mall also showed a decrease from 60% in 2015 to
only 24% in 2023. This decline indicates a lack of attraction for tenants and the need for
revitalization or new strategies to increase commercial interest and activity in the mall.
The following M Mall Block Overview shows the layout of the mall, which may
help identify areas that need to be upgraded or changed in strategy. The following photos
of Blok M Mall provide a visualization of the condition of the mall that may require
Figure 4 M Mall Block
It should be underlined that data from 2020 to mid-2022 were not included in this
analysis. The main reason for the data exclusion was the significant impact of the COVID-
19 pandemic that hit the world during that period. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused
major disruptions to various sectors of the economy, including the retail property sector.
Social restrictions, temporary closures of shopping malls, and drastic changes in
consumer behavior resulted in a sharp decline in business activity. This situation creates
unusual and unstable market conditions, so the rental value of the property in that period
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3674
does not reflect normal market conditions. Therefore, to ensure a more relevant and
accurate analysis, the COVID data was excluded, allowing us to focus on long-term trends
before and after the pandemic period. By ignoring the pandemic period, a clearer picture
of the impact of TOD on the rental value of retail properties in the Blok M area can be
obtained, without being distorted by market anomalies caused by the temporary global
With the development of MRT-based TOD increasing the density of the Blok M
area by 102,041 people per day, it is proven that it can increase the price of retail
properties in Blok M Square and Blok M Plaza, it is directly proportional to the increase
in the occupancy percentage in the two retails, but for Blok M Mall, it has decreased due
to other factors such as the expiration of the BOT period. This is another factor in the
price and also the occupancy of the retail property of Blok M.
This study aims to evaluate the impact of the implementation of Transit-Oriented
Development (TOD) on the dynamics of retail prices in the Jakarta Block M area. Based
on the analysis of the data and the findings obtained, several key conclusions can be
The implementation of TOD in the Block M area is closely related to the increase
in retail prices. This happens through increasing the accessibility of public transportation
which encourages economic activity in the region. With the integrated MRT station, the
area becomes more accessible to the public, which in turn increases the value of the
surrounding retail properties. This increase reflects how TOD can affect the economic
value of an area by improving accessibility. Environmental transformation due to TOD
has led to changes in consumer behavior. People are more likely to use public
transportation and visit easily accessible areas. This behavior change created a surge in
economic activity and visits to areas around MRT stations, which contributed to an
increase in retail prices. Consumers now prefer to shop in areas that are integrated with
public transportation because of the convenience and efficiency offered.
TOD encourages changes in development patterns in the Block M area. The
existence of good infrastructure not only attracts consumers but also investors who see
the potential long-term benefits of investing in a rapidly growing region. The
implementation of TOD has a significant positive impact on the Blok M area. TOD not
only provides economic but also social and environmental benefits, creating a more
orderly, efficient, and sustainable area.
The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) on Retail Property Rental Value in
Jakarta's Block M Area
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3675
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