pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3692
Measurement of the Attractiveness of Public Open Spaces to
Visitors at Lifestyle Centers
Afliyah Harni Nasution
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: mobility,
tourism, public open
space, lifestyle center.
This study aims to measure the attractiveness of public open
spaces to visitors in Lifestyle Centers using a modified
Urban Mobility Index (I-MUS). The background of this
research is based on the importance of mobility in the
tourism sector, where transportation mobility plays a role in
facilitating tourist access to various destinations. The
research method uses a quantitative approach by adapting
the I-MUS framework consisting of 6 domains, 16 sub-
domains, and 46 variables. Data was collected through a
closed questionnaire method involving experts from the
Ministry of Transportation, local governments, and
academics. The results of the analysis using the Content
Validity Index (CVI) showed that of the initial 32 variables,
6 variables were declared invalid. The final results show that
the attractiveness of public open spaces in the Lifestyle
Center is influenced by 26 main variables divided into 5
domains. This research makes a significant contribution to
the development of tourism in Indonesia by providing
measurement tools that can be used to monitor and improve
tourism mobility in various destinations.
In the last decade, the retail industry has undergone a significant transformation,
driven by drastic changes in consumer behavior (Pramadyanto, 2022). The era of
digitalization and the popularity of e-commerce have changed consumer behavior for
shopping, prompting developers to find new methods of attracting customers (Riswanto
et al., 2024). Amid competition with online shopping, the importance of a unique and
satisfying shopping experience is becoming more and more apparent. This brings us to
the concept of 'retailtainment', where retail not only focuses on transactions but also
provides an engaging and interactive experience. These trends play an important role in
understanding how retail can survive and thrive in the modern environment (Nugraha,
The COVID-19 pandemic has also introduced new dynamics in the interaction
between retail and public spaces. Changes in people's behavior today tend to lead to work
or study from anywhere, known as WFA (work from anywhere). This trend has had a
Measurement of the Attractiveness of Public Open Spaces to Visitors at Lifestyle Centers
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3693
significant impact, especially on commercial properties in the food and beverage sector,
such as cafes, which now need to provide co-working spaces commonly called co-
working spaces, and make the interior of the space comfortable for working and studying.
The need for more spacious and safe open spaces has become more urgent in response to
social restrictions and concerns about public health (Nadlifah, 2022). This change
encourages retail industry players and urban planners to revise the design and function of
open spaces. With restrictions on enclosed spaces, public open spaces are now an
important element in retail complexes. This is not only a gathering place for the
community, but also an extension of the retail experience that enriches daily life.
In addition, the trend of sustainable development and the addition of green spaces
in urban areas opens up new opportunities in integrating retail with public open spaces.
Policies that support the creation of green spaces and pedestrian areas not only contribute
to a healthier environment but also create a more attractive atmosphere for visitors
(Sudipa et al., 2023). Observing changes in visitor behavior, the application of the
'breathable space' concept can be a consideration in attracting visitors, especially as the
FnB industry continues to innovate in terms of architecture. This provides an opportunity
for developers to innovate in attracting visitors and interacting with the public as
consumers. In addition, developers can also take advantage of open spaces to create
unique and memorable shopping experiences (Joga, 2017).
Throughout history, one of the main functions and attractions of cities has been
their ability to facilitate encounters between people. Urban spaces, with their central role
as meeting places, have become a focal point in people's lives (Saputra et al., 2023). In
the context of an ever-changing society, urban life in its new forms has absorbed and
redefined the function of this traditional meeting. Advances in technology and social
media, for example, have added a new dimension to social interaction, changing the way
we interact within urban spaces (Fajriah & Ningsih, 2024).
Technological developments have also had a significant impact on the relationship
between retail and open space. The use of increasingly sophisticated technology such as
experiential and virtual reality in retail provides a new experience for consumers (Bob et
al., 2021). This has not only changed the way people shop but also how they interact with
the physical spaces around them (Pramiarsih, 2024). This technology opens up new
possibilities in combining the digital world with the physical experience, increasing the
appeal of retail and public open spaces. Retail that focuses on creating a pleasant shopping
experience can leave a positive impression on visitors. An aspect that can leave an
experience in shopping is the atmosphere of the space. By taking advantage of the digital
era, retail complexes can be more innovative in providing an experience that combines
physical aspects, giving a deeper impression to visitors (Bob et al., 2021).
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence and impact of the
relationship of public open space on the attractiveness of retail property in the form of
LSC. This study aims to analyze the influence of the design and quality of public open
spaces on their attractiveness to visitors. The main underlying question is how elements
Afliyah Harni Nasution
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3694
such as accessibility, space connectivity, recreational facilities, and outdoor aesthetics
affect visitor perception and behavior.
The research design used is a cross-sectional survey. Survey research allows the
collection of data from a large sample at a given time, thus providing a representative
picture of visitor perceptions and behaviors in One Satrio and The Breeze. This study also
uses a descriptive and causal survey design. A descriptive survey was used to describe
the characteristics of respondents and their perception of the integration of retail and
public open spaces. Causal surveys are used to test the relationship between independent
variables and dependent variables.
Research Object
In the process of determining the research object, the selection was carried out with
special criteria, namely retail buildings that are directly integrated with open space. Some
of the determinant specifications that are used as the object of research are (a) separate
building designs; (b) spacious parking lots; (c) there is a garden or open pour; (c) there is
a high-end store; and (d) the existence of entertainment (Nooney, P. A, 2003). Judging
from some of these specifications, there are 2 selected research objects, namely One
Satrio and The Breeze Mall. Furthermore, the two OSMs will be referred to as Location
1 and Location 2.
Location 1 or One Satrio is a retail complex located in Mega Kuningan. The
complex stands out for its application to the concept of public open space. Mega
Kuningan, the location where One Satrio is located, is a business district developed with
an integrated concept and is located in Setiabudi District, South Jakarta. The area is
known for its urban design that emphasizes a combination of commercial functions and
public spaces, making it an interesting example for the study of the interaction between
retail and open space in the context of modern urbanism.
Data Collection Aspects
To achieve accurate research results, research is carried out by paying attention to
the variables that determine what data is needed. By measuring these variables,
researchers can assess how various aspects of the integration of retail and public open
spaces affect attraction for visitors. The selection of the right variables is crucial, as it not
only ensures the relevance and focus of the research but also helps in gaining deeper
insights into the factors that influence visitor behavior and preferences. In addition, a
careful analytical approach to manipulating data will make it possible to identify patterns
and trends that may not be immediately apparent, providing broader insights for the
development of effective strategies in urban planning. This approach also helps in
assessing the effectiveness of current design interventions and providing
recommendations for future improvements.
Data Processing and Analysis
This research is causal-comparative. The research is aimed at finding a cause-and-
effect relationship so that there are variables that affect and are influenced. The variables
Measurement of the Attractiveness of Public Open Spaces to Visitors at Lifestyle Centers
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3695
studied are focused on the existence of public and retail open spaces that are integrated
into visitor attractions. In conducting data processing related to research examining the
impact of retail integration and public open spaces on visitor attraction, the following
steps were adopted to complement the exploratory analysis.
The results of field observations in the form of mapping and observations about the
research objects obtained are then analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively from the
analysis units of both space and actors so that the form and character of the outdoor space
and what activities are carried out in a retail complex that adheres to the concept of public
open space. First, the process begins with the collection of data involving information
about the location, characteristics of retail and open spaces, demographic data of visitors,
as well as additional information such as the results of surveys or interviews with related
parties. Once the data is collected, the next step is data cleanup, which includes the
elimination of incomplete or irrelevant data and the correction of data entry errors.
Validity and Reliability Test
To ensure that the questionnaire used is valid and reliable, the following validity
and reliability tests are carried out:
1. Validity Test: The validity of the construct is tested using Exploratory Factor Analysis
(EFA). EFAs help identify the underlying structure of factors and ensure that the items
in the questionnaire measure the construct in question. Bartlett's Test of Sphericity and
the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) Measure were used to test the suitability of the data
for factor analysis.
2. Reliability Test: The reliability of the questionnaire was tested using Cronbach's
Alpha. A Cronbach's Alpha score above 0.7 is considered to indicate good internal
consistency, which means that the items in the questionnaire have a strong correlation
and produce consistent results. The average, as a central measure of tendencies, will
be used to determine the average value of visitors, the duration of the visit, or the level
of satisfaction. This will give you an overview of the data obtained. The median will
be used to identify the midpoint of the dataset, helping to understand the distribution
of data when there are outliers that can affect the average value. Modus will be applied
to determine the greatest frequency of certain variables, such as the type of retail that
is most visited or the activities that are most often done in open spaces.
Cryptic Analysis
Descriptive analysis was used to provide an overview of the characteristics of the
respondents and the distribution of questionnaire answers. Descriptive statistics include
frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. This analysis is important to
understand the demographic profile of respondents and the context of the research.
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Multiple linear regression analysis was used to test the influence of independent
variables (visitor satisfaction, frequency, and duration of visits) on dependent variables
(estimated property values). This analysis helps determine how much influence each
independent variable has on the dependent variable. This technique was chosen because
Afliyah Harni Nasution
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3696
it allows researchers to identify and measure the relationship between multiple
independent variables and one dependent variable.
Test F
The F test is used to test the significance of the regression model as a whole. This
test determines whether there is a significant relationship between independent variables
and dependent variables in the regression model. If the calculated F value is greater than
the F of the table and the p-value < 0.05, then the regression model is considered
significant and H0 is rejected.
Proxy calculation
To calculate the value of a property based on the rental price of a retail store, the
rental income per square meter formula is used, as follows:
After calculating rental income per square meter, property price estimation is done
by multiplying rental income per square meter by the total area of the retail area.
Results and Discussion
The effect of interest in open spaces on visitors
In choosing the scope of a retail business, developers consider several variables that
contribute to determining whether it will be successful or not. To measure the success of
the attraction of an outdoor shopping mall, 2 variables are taken, namely attraction as
variable X and LSC as variable Y.
Descriptive Analysis
1. Gender
Table 1. Gender
e Percent
Based on the results of the data processing, it can be concluded that in the study on
open space in the outdoor shopping mall One Satrio, the gender distribution of the
respondents showed the dominance of women. Of the total 30 respondents, 20 of them
were women, representing 66.7% of the overall sample. Meanwhile, the other 10
respondents were male, who made up 33.3% of the total sample. The average gender
value of the respondents was 1.33 with a standard deviation of 0.480, which indicates that
the majority of respondents are women. The dominance of women in this study may
indicate that women are more interested in or visit the outdoor shopping mall One Satrio
more often.
Measurement of the Attractiveness of Public Open Spaces to Visitors at Lifestyle Centers
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3697
1. Age
Table 2. Age
e Percent
<18 year
18 - 30
31 - 38-
>38 year
Based on the results of the above data processing, it can be concluded that in the
study on open space in outdoor shopping malls (One Satrio), the age distribution of
respondents showed the dominance of the young age group. Of the total 30 respondents,
the majority were in the age range of 18 to 30 years, namely 19 respondents or 63.3% of
the total sample. A total of 6 respondents (20.0%) were under 18 years old, while 2
respondents (6.7%) were between 31 and 38 years old, and 3 respondents (10.0%) were
over 38 years old. The average age of the respondents was 2.06 with a standard deviation
of 0.827, which indicates that the majority of respondents are in the younger age range.
The dominance of the young age group in this study may indicate that the outdoor
shopping mall One Satrio is more popular among young people. Although the dominance
of young age was significant, there was also the presence of respondents from younger
age groups (< 18 years) and older (> 38 years), although the number was relatively small.
Validity Test
Table 3
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of
Approx. Chi-Square
Based on the CFA validity test above, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value for
the sample adequacy measure is 0.753, which indicates that it has passed the minimum
value of 0.5. With a KMO value of 0.753, this indicates that the sufficiency of the sample
is in the "Adequate" category. This means that the data is sufficient for factor analysis,
and the results are likely to be quite good.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3698
Table 4
Outdoor Shopping Mall
Outdoor Shopping Mall
Outdoor Shopping Mall
Outdoor Shopping Mall
Data Tarik 1
Daya Tarik 2
Daya Tarik 3
Extraction Method: Principal Component
Based on the table above, the communality values for the tested items show that
most of the communality values are above 0.5, which according to Hair (2009) is
considered adequate for factor analysis because it shows that more than 50% of the
variance of items can be explained by the extracted factors.
Reliability Test
a. Outdoor Shopping Mall (X)
Table 5
Reliability Statistics
N of Items
Based on the table above, shows that the value of Cronbach's Alpha in the outdoor
shopping mall variable is 0.861. Therefore, the statements in this study in the
questionnaire can be said to be reliable or consistent because they have a Cronbach's
Alpha value of > 0.70.
b. Attraction (Y)
Table 6
Reliability Statistics
N of Items
Measurement of the Attractiveness of Public Open Spaces to Visitors at Lifestyle Centers
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3699
Based on the table above, shows that the value of Cronbach's Alpha in the attraction
variable is 0.871. Therefore, the statements in this study in the questionnaire can be said
to be reliable or consistent because they have a Cronbach's Alpha value of > 0.70.
Uji F
Table 7. Uji F
Sum of
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Daya Tarik
b. Predictors: (Constant), Outdoor Shopping Mall
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the value of fcal is 13.936 with a
significance level of 0.001. This shows that the value of sig. < 0.05 is 0.001 < 0.05 and
fcalculate > ftable with ftable of 4.18 which is 13.936 > 4.18. Thus, it can be concluded
that there is an influence of the integration of retail and public open space on property
value and visitor attraction.
1. Simple Linear Regression
Table 8
Std. Error
Outdoor Shopping
a. Dependent Variable: Daya Tarik
Y = α + βX + є
Y = 10,792 + 0,562X + є
From the multiple regression equation model described above, it can be interpreted
as follows:
2. Konstanta (a)
The constant value of 10.792 states that if the outdoor shopping mall variable is
equal to 0, then the value of the attraction variable is 10.792.
3. Regression Coefficient Outdoor Shopping Mall
Afliyah Harni Nasution
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3700
Based on the regression equation, shows that the value of the regression coefficient
for the outdoor shopping mall variable is 0.562. This shows that the outdoor shopping
mall variable has a positive influence on risk perception which means that for every
increase in one unit of outdoor shopping mall variable, the dependent variable namely
attractiveness will also increase by 0.562 if the other variables are considered fixed or
Descriptive Analysis
1. Gender
Table 9
Based on the results of the data processing, it can be concluded that in the study on
open space in the outdoor shopping mall The Breeze BSD City, the gender distribution
of respondents showed female dominance. Of the total 30 respondents, 17 of them
(56.7%) were women, while the other 13 respondents (43.3%) were men. The average
gender of the respondents was 1.43 with a standard deviation of 0.504, which indicates
slightly more female respondents compared to males. The dominance of female
respondents may indicate that The Breeze BSD City outdoor shopping mall is more
attractive to women. However, a significant number of male respondents indicated that
The Breeze BSD City attracted visitors of both genders.
2. Age
Table 10
e Percent
< 18 tahun
18 - 30
31 - 38
>38 tahun
Measurement of the Attractiveness of Public Open Spaces to Visitors at Lifestyle Centers
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3701
Based on the results of the data processing, it can be concluded that in the study on
open space in the outdoor shopping mall The Breeze BSD City, the age distribution of
respondents shows the dominance of the young age group. Of the total 30 respondents,
the majority were in the age range of 18 to 30 years, namely 22 respondents or 73.3% of
the total sample. A total of 4 respondents (13.3%) were between 31 and 38 years old,
while the age group < 18 years and > 38 years each consisted of 2 respondents (6.7%).
The average age of respondents was 2.20 with a standard deviation of 0.664, which
indicates the predominance of young age in this sample. The dominance of the age group
of 18 to 30 years may indicate that The Breeze BSD City outdoor shopping mall is more
attractive to young people. This age group is likely to have more leisure time, a high
attraction to recreational activities, and a tendency to visit new and modern places.
Although the dominance of young age is significant, there are also respondents from the
older age group, namely 31 to 38 years old, as well as those under 18 years old and over
38 years old. This indicates that The Breeze BSD City attracts visitors from different age
groups, albeit with different proportions.
Validity Test
Table 11
Based on the CFA validity test above, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value for
the sample adequacy measure is 0.889, which indicates that it has passed the minimum
value of 0.5. With a KMO value of 0.889, this indicates that the sample adequacy is in
the "Good" category. This means that the data is sufficient for factor analysis, and the
results are likely to be quite good.
Table 12
Outdoor Shopping Mall
Outdoor Shopping Mall
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of
Approx. Chi-Square
Afliyah Harni Nasution
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3702
Outdoor Shopping Mall
Outdoor Shopping Mall
Data Tarik 1
Daya Tarik 2
Daya Tarik 3
Extraction Method: Principal Component
In the table above, the communality values for the tested items show that most of
the communality values are above 0.5, which according to Hair (2009) is considered
adequate for factor analysis because it shows that more than 50% of the variance of items
can be explained by the extracted factors.
Reliability Test
a. Outdoor Shopping Mall (X)
Table 13
Reliability Statistics
N of Items
Based on the table above, shows that the value of Cronbach's Alpha in the outdoor
shopping mall variable is 0.916. Therefore, the statements in this study in the
questionnaire can be said to be reliable or consistent because they have a Cronbach's
Alpha value of > 0.70.
b. Attraction (Y)
Table 14
Reliability Statistics
N of Items
Based on the table above, shows that the value of Cronbach's Alpha in the outdoor
shopping mall variable is 0.884. Therefore, the statements in this study in the
questionnaire can be said to be reliable or consistent because they have a Cronbach's
Alpha value of > 0.70.
Simple Linear Regression
Measurement of the Attractiveness of Public Open Spaces to Visitors at Lifestyle Centers
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3703
Table 15
Std. Error
Outdoor Shopping
a. Dependent Variable: Attraction
Y = α + βX + є
Y = 3,207 + 0,556X + є
From the multiple regression equation model described above, it can be interpreted
as follows:
1. Konstanta (a)
The constant value of 3.207 states that if the outdoor shopping mall variable is equal
to 0, then the value of the attraction variable is 3.207.
2. Regression Coefficient Outdoor Shopping Mall
Based on the regression equation, shows that the value of the regression coefficient
for the outdoor shopping mall variable is 0.556. This shows that the outdoor shopping
mall variable has a positive influence on risk perception which means that with every
increase in one unit of the outdoor shopping mall variable, the dependent variable namely
attractiveness will also increase by 0.556 if the other variables are considered fixed or
The Effect of Open Space on Property Value
To determine the influence of open space on property value, calculations can be
carried out using rental price and income data from retail stores, this analysis will identify
the extent to which open space can increase property value. Rental price data is taken
from the Colliers Q1 2024 report regarding the retail market report. Here the data is taken
based on data from the city of Jakarta.
Rental price data taken from Colliers for Q1 2024 and various property market
sources, retail store rental prices are used as a proxy to estimate property values, assuming
that higher rental values reflect higher property values.
Based on Colliers' report for Q1 2024, the following is data on retail store rental
prices around One Satrio and The Breeze:
1. One Satrio
Average rental price of retail store: IDR 450,000,000 per year for a unit of 210 m2.
2. The Breeze
Average rental price for retail stores: IDR 300,000,000 per year for a unit of 200 m2.
Proxy Calculation of Property Value Based on Retail Store Rental Price
Afliyah Harni Nasution
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3704
1. One Satrio
From the retail store rental price data, rental income per square meter can be
calculated as follows:
The estimated property value obtained assuming the total area of the retail area is
5,000 m2.
2. The Breeze, BSD
From the retail store rental price data, rental income per square meter can be
calculated as follows:
The estimated property value obtained assuming the total area of the retail area is
7,000 m2.
The integration between retail and public open spaces increases the value of the
property significantly. Properties with good public open spaces have a higher value
because they attract more visitors who spend more time in the location. The results of the
proxy calculation show that the value of properties in One Satrio and The Breeze can be
estimated by using retail store rental price data as an indicator.
This study has examined the influence of the integration between open and retail
spaces on property value and visitor attraction with case studies in One Satrio, Kuningan,
and The Breeze, BSD. The results of data analysis on retail store rental prices, as well as
observations and interviews, show that good integration between public and retail open
spaces significantly increases property value. Properties with well-designed open spaces
have higher rental values compared to properties without such facilities. For example, the
value of property in One Satrio is estimated to reach IDR 10.714 billion per year, while
in The Breeze it reaches IDR 10.500 billion per year.
In addition to increasing property value, comfortable and attractive public open
spaces are also proven to be able to increase visitor attraction. Visitors tend to spend more
time in locations that offer quality open-air facilities, as well as making repeat visits,
Measurement of the Attractiveness of Public Open Spaces to Visitors at Lifestyle Centers
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3705
which not only increases the number of visitors but also increases their satisfaction.
Visitor satisfaction is influenced by various elements of open space, such as attractive
design, adequate facilities, and good accessibility. The results of interviews and
observations show that visitors highly appreciate the existence of parks, comfortable
seating, and children's play areas, which create a more welcoming and attractive
environment. This study also emphasizes the existence of a symbiotic relationship
between retail and public open spaces. A good integration between the two creates
conditions where a well-designed public open space attracts more visitors to the retail
area, while a diverse retail presence enhances the comfort and utility of the open space.
This integration has proven to have a positive influence on property value and visitor
appeal. Properties that have well-designed open spaces not only have a higher value but
also attract more visitors, thus increasing the demand and value of the property.
Afliyah Harni Nasution
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3706
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