pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3550
Escalation of Transportation Service Quality at the
Angkoetan Motor Repoeblik Indonesia (Damri) Surabaya
, Pudji Astuti
, Eka Setyowati
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Waskita Dharma, Indonesia
Keywords: escalation,
quality of service,
The development of the times encourages the community to
focus on the advancement of science and technology, to
create optimal public services. Transportation is one of the
sectors that is greatly affected by technological advances.
The escalation of people's mobility demands has led to an
increase in very significant means of transportation that are
not proportional to the number of existing vehicles, resulting
in congestion on the streets. Given the importance of the role
of transportation, the government needs to provide mass
transportation services that are by the needs of services that
are regular, safe, comfortable, fast, precise, and affordable.
This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach through
observation, direct interviews, and documentation to collect
data. The goal is to collect detailed information on
improving the quality of DAMRI transportation services and
analyze the factors that support and hinder these services.
The results of the study show that the escalation of DAMRI
service quality focuses on the Minimum Service Standards
for Road-Based Mass Transportation, namely security,
safety, comfort, affordability, equality, and order.
Public service escalation is a step or form of action set by the government to provide
goods or services designed to meet the needs of the community and implement laws and
regulations according to service principles (Framudia, 2019). Most government services
are in the form of intangible goods and services, such as transportation. In the current
context, transportation is a very important basic need for the life of the community and
the country (Arwini & Juniastra, 2023). Transportation can be an effective solution to
reduce urban and pedestrian traffic congestion and reduce air pollution. The form of
escalation of people's mobility demands has caused a surge in demand for transportation
facilities, resulting in worsening road congestion due to an incomparable number of
vehicles. Given the importance of the role of transportation, the government needs to
provide mass transportation services that are to the needs of the community, namely
Escalation of Transportation Service Quality at the Angkoetan Motor Repoeblik Indonesia
(Damri) Surabaya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3551
orderly, safe, comfortable, fast, precise, orderly, and affordable (Wulansari & Widowati,
The DAMRI Public Company (Perum), which is one of the public companies
established by the state, is in charge of providing public transportation services for both
passengers and goods. (Al Rasyid, 2015). The Damri Bus Company (PO) is the only mode
of transportation from the type of bus that provides Pioneer Transportation, Intercity
Transportation, Tourist Transportation, Intra-City Transportation as well as Special
Transportation, National Tourism Strategic Area Transportation. However, the problem
that occurs in the field is that at this time payments for passengers only apply to non-cash
payments and departure and arrival schedules (timetables). So some passengers find it
difficult to follow the change in regulations. (Ramly et al., 2023).
Service quality refers to a company's efforts to align customer expectations with its
needs and desires encompassing all the company's steps in providing the best service to
consumers, in the hope of meeting their expectations, which in turn will result in loyalty
and trust from consumers. In addition, it can be a barometer of consumer satisfaction.
(Riyadin, 2019). Therefore, customers prioritize the service factor in choosing a good or
service. According to (Putri & Utomo, 2017) A product can be assessed and measured
from the quality of service, the product is considered successful if it has a function and
function that is right on target. Service quality escalation can also be referred to as a
reference point when evaluating the quality of a product or service. (Akhyar, 2023).
Service quality escalation refers to how well an organization or entity provides services
to customers or consumers. It involves various aspects of the interaction between the
service provider and the customer, including responsiveness to needs, staff level of
expertise and professionalism, ease of transaction processing, and the organization's
ability to meet or exceed customer expectations.
This research applies a qualitative method. The purpose of this study is to present a
detailed and thorough description of describing and wanting to know in depth about the
Escalation of Service Quality of the Djawatan Angkoetan Motor Repoeblik Indonesia
(Damri) Surabaya. This research mainly focuses on the Regulation of the Minister of
Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2012 concerning Minimum
Service Standards for Road-Based Mass Transportation. Minimum Service Standards as
referred to include: Security; Salvation; Comfort; Affordability; Equality; and Regularity.
Furthermore, it was developed concerning Zeithaml. (Hardiyansyah, 2018), namely:
Tangible; Reliable; Responsive; Competent; Courteous; Credible; Security;
communication; and Understanding of the customer. Purposive sampling is used to
identify key informants for this study and are selected because they are considered to be
relevant to the topic at hand, as well as because they have and are willing to share
information that is highly relevant to the research problem. The research targets consist
of DAMRI Surabaya Business Manager, Supervision Coordinator, Driver, and Passenger.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3552
The selected indicators are informants based on relevance, then with research
problems and willingness to provide appropriate information, stories, and data. The data
analysis in this study will follow the steps set by (Engle, 2015), including several stages
such as Data Collection, Data Conditioning, Data Presentation, and
Conclusion/Verification. To test the validity of the data, four criteria are needed to obtain
the validity of the data, namely the credibility test, transferability, dependability, and
Confirmability. (Sugiyono, 2019).
Results and Discussion
Escalation of transportation service quality is an effort to meet the needs and desires
of consumers, both in the form of goods and services, which are expected to provide
opportunities and satisfaction to consumers. Based on the theory developed by Zeithaml
the quality of service is determined by several indicators.
Tangible is various facilities such as equipment provided, personal attitude, and
employee communication. Damri has tried to improve the best service, starting with a
new fleet and an online system that creates customer satisfaction. This is achieved through
the availability of complete facilities and infrastructure that support operations. Tangible
evidence that shows this includes various indicators such as adequate physical facilities,
use of appropriate assistive devices, ease of service, comfort of service providers, and the
appearance of Damri bus drivers who are by standards. This affirmation is supported by
the existence of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) which refers to the Minimum
Service Standards stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2012 concerning Minimum Service Standards for
Road-Based Mass Transportation. This shows Damri's commitment to comply with and
maintain service standards set by government regulations to improve the quality and
reliability of its transportation services.
Reliability involves the ability of a service to assign a properly enabled service.
Damri has tried to maximize in providing excellent service actions to customers. There
are several segments, especially in the KSPN (National Tourism Strategic Area) that have
proven to be consistent without any problems with delays in arrival and departure
schedules. Tangible evidence of this is the discrepancy in schedules monitored in the
Damri Apps. Thus, DAMRI has shown dedication to ensuring service reliability on the
one hand but still needs to increase fleet capacity or schedule setting to overcome the
problem of delays in each segment. This reflects DAMRI's commitment to continuously
improve its services to meet customer expectations in their journey. (Trifira et al., 2022).
Responsiveness is the responsibility of consumers for the quality offered at the time
of service and response to customers. The quality of service provided by the counter staff
in handling passenger complaints has shown empathy, apologies, and expressions of
gratitude for complaints from customers. The good responsiveness of counter officers in
the quality of public transportation services is very important because of the importance
Escalation of Transportation Service Quality at the Angkoetan Motor Repoeblik Indonesia
(Damri) Surabaya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3553
of responsive and empathetic service in improving the quality and effectiveness of public
transportation services as a whole.
Competence is the quality of service that is competent has good insight into existing
facilities and is skilled in serving consumers. Damri's competence is measured based on
the skills and knowledge possessed by each individual, especially the driver, to provide
adequate service to customers and is maximum. The annual training program given to
drivers is a strategy to improve their insight and service quality. Customers noticed that
drivers who took part in this training were able to improve their experience and
knowledge. This has a positive impact on driver performance and directly improves the
quality of service provided to Damri customers. Thus, investments in the training and
development of employees, such as drivers, not only improve individual competencies
but also contribute to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty to the public
transportation services provided by companies like Damri.
Courtesy is to behave responsively, be friendly to meet the wishes of consumers
and have a high spirit in strengthening personal relationships. Generally, consumers will
be satisfied with the services provided by Damri. Damri officers are considered friendly
and helpful, especially in providing information related to routes or travel schedules. A
memorable experience when a customer loses a wallet shows that the staff at the terminal
takes a patient attitude and provides active assistance. This response not only helps
customers find solutions to the problems they face but also increases the feeling of being
supported and directed by the staff. Damri has the potential to increase customer loyalty
by maintaining and maintaining good service standards, especially in demanding
situations such as the loss of valuables. Responsiveness and empathy from officers also
play a crucial role in establishing a positive relationship between the company and
Credibility is an honest attitude in various situations and conditions so that the
public places high trust in the company. Good service quality, especially related to the
honesty of service providers like Damri, can significantly increase customer trust. The
credibility of a company not only includes the aspects of name and reputation, but also
the personal characteristics of the officers, the quality of interaction with customers, and
the ease of communication and transactions. The results of the field findings show that
Damri officers can communicate well and be friendly to customers, which is an important
factor in building positive relationships. In addition, customers observed that there was
no violation of honesty while using Damri's transportation services. The adoption of
cashless transactions also reflects the company's efforts to increase transparency and
convenience for customers in transactions. As such, Damri has managed to build a strong
foundation in terms of credibility and honesty, which has a positive impact on the
company's image and the level of trust that customers place in the services they provide.
Security is a service that is provided free from various risks and threats. Damri has
taken maximum steps to ensure the safety of passengers and their luggage. There are
security officers who check passengers and their luggage before boarding the Damri bus,
including checking bags and personal belongings to ensure there are no dangerous or
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3554
prohibited objects. In addition, there is active monitoring of the situation in the lounge to
detect potential threats or suspicious behavior before passengers board the bus. By taking
these steps, Damri demonstrates their commitment to maintaining the safety and comfort
of passengers during the trip. This is important to build customer trust and ensure that the
public transportation services provided are safe and reliable for the general public.
Access is the ability to contact and connect. Access or ease of access to services or
applications is still not optimal, especially for the elderly who experience problems.
Damri needs to provide additional technical assistance or special support for the elderly
to help them overcome technical obstacles in using the application or service. In addition,
it is necessary to hold special training sessions or provide more understandable and in-
depth guidance for the elderly so that they can use the application or service more
smoothly and efficiently. Companies need to take concrete steps to improve the
accessibility of their services, especially for vulnerable groups such as the elderly, to
improve customer satisfaction and wider use of the app.
Communication is the ability of service companies to hear and understand the
wishes and needs of customers so that they can channel the latest information to the
public. The company (Damri) has been active in improving its services by providing a
means to receive criticism and suggestions from customers. Input from customers is used
effectively to make improvements and increase overall customer satisfaction levels. The
explanation also shows that the company responded quickly to complaints submitted
through Instagram by admins, showing that Damri is serious about handling feedback
from customers and responding to it responsively. This is an indication that the company
is committed to improving the quality of service and improving the customer experience
effectively and proactively.
Understanding the customer is about improving and updating knowledge about new
customer needs. That Damri, despite making various efforts, still has several obstacles
that hinder services from reaching the maximum level. Understanding customers well is
the main key to providing good quality service. This includes the ability to truly
understand and feel the customer's situation and needs. By understanding this deeply,
companies can provide timely and tailored responses to customer needs, thereby building
better relationships and improving overall customer satisfaction. In addition, it is also
important to regularly evaluate customer satisfaction with the services provided. This
allows companies to identify areas that need improvement as well as fix any issues that
may arise, thereby improving the overall customer experience.
From the overall results of the research with several indicators of the form of service
quality escalation, it shows good things and customers also feel the impact of service
changes in the Digital Era. Where almost all of these indicators are carried out
professionally and competently by the Perum Damri Surabaya Branch. If you look more
deeply at the Perum Damri Office and Public Administration Sciences, Perum Damri is a
State-Owned Enterprise that until now is fully owned by the government. Based on Law
of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2003 concerning SOEs, Article 66 Paragraph
1, the government is authorized to assign special tasks to SOEs to carry out their general
Escalation of Transportation Service Quality at the Angkoetan Motor Repoeblik Indonesia
(Damri) Surabaya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3555
functions and benefits, while still considering the goals and intentions of the SOEs'
activities. In addition, there are also several inhibiting factors, including in terms of the
system, if a problem occurs, it will result in a long queue; If there is a problem with the
vehicle, it needs time to be repaired; and some passengers complained about non-cash
payments. The supporting factors include: with the Damri Apps application, passengers
can facilitate online transactions; With the existence of the latest unit/fleet, passengers
feel relieved, safe, and comfortable; With the addition of new routes and customer
support, customer desires and expectations are met.
Damri in providing services to passengers greatly affects the company's image. The
theory put forward by Zeithaml states that service quality is determined by various
indicators, such as Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Competence, Courtesy,
Credibility, Security, Access, Communication, and Understanding of the Customer. From
the overall results of the study, several factors inhibit and support the realization of service
quality that need to be evaluated and reviewed. So that what customers expect is as
desired and can improve the corporate image of PERUM DAMRI Surabaya.
Irawan, Pudji Astuti, Eka Setyowati
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3556
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