Wisnu Wicaksono
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3486
Data from a questionnaire filled out by 99 respondents shows that TNI AU finance
officers generally have good competence. This is reflected in the average score of the
competency variable which is 82.61 (on a scale of 39-91). This score shows that overall,
TNI AU finance officers have a good understanding of their duties, functions, and roles,
and can carry out the assigned tasks.
A more in-depth statistical analysis using multiple linear regression confirmed a
positive relationship between competence and job performance. The regression
coefficient for the competency variable is 0.365, with a significance value of 0.000. These
results show that every increase in one unit in the competency variable will be followed
by an increase in work performance by 0.365 units, assuming the other variables are
constant. The resulting statistical significance value of 0.000 which is well below 0.05
further strengthens that the positive relationship between competence and work
performance is not a coincidence, but rather shows a real and substantial influence.
This finding is in line with various theories and definitions of competence that have
been put forward by experts as follows: Competence as a Determinant of Success:
Armstrong (in Priansa, 2017: 253) defines competence as "the capacity possessed by
employees that leads to behavior that is by the demands of the job and by organizational
regulations" which will ultimately "bring the desired results". This definition underlines
that competence is a key factor in achieving success at work. TNI AU finance officers,
by having good competence, will be able to show behavior by the standards and demands
of the organization, which in turn will have a positive impact on their work performance,
Edison et al. (2018: 140) emphasized that competence includes the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes necessary to "carry out a job correctly and have excellence". This definition is
in line with the finding that TNI AU finance officers are required to master the vision,
mission, and goals of the organization, as well as solve problems, create documents, and
operate equipment, and McShane and Glinov (2010:36) stated that "Competence is the
characteristic of a person who produces superior performance". They explained that
competencies include knowledge, abilities, values, motivations, and personal traits. This
statement corroborates the finding that TNI AU finance officers with high competence
tend to show better work performance.
The three main dimensions of the competence of TNI AU finance officers that need
to be considered include Knowledge of the Field of Duty: Including mastery of the vision,
mission, objectives, concepts, theories, and regulations relevant to the task. Data shows
that finance officers are required to master the vision, mission, and goals of the Diskuau.
This is in line with the need for an in-depth understanding of the duties, functions, and
regulations of the Indonesian Air Force for effective decision-making, Expertise/Skills of
Task Areas: Includes the ability to solve problems, prepare documents, and operate task
support equipment. Finance officers are required to be able to solve task problems, make
documents, and operate task support equipment. This ability reflects the application of
skills and knowledge in the real world Behavior: Includes aspects of leadership, service
orientation, self-development, cooperation, and discipline. Finance officers are expected
to show a leadership attitude, orientation towards service, and commitment to self-