pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3386
Integrated Application for Optimizing Budget Management
and Procurement of Consumables in Laboratories in
Educational Institutions Using Odoo
Vanya Syalmah
, Umar Yunan Kurnia Septo Hediyanto
, Taufiq Maulana
Universitas Telkom, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: laboratory;
budget; consumables;
enterprise resource
planning; odoo.
Laboratory management in Educational Institutions is
important to support students' practical learning because
laboratories are a means for students to delve into the material
directly. An important aspect of laboratory management is
budget management and consumables. Not a few Educational
Institutions use spreadsheets to manage the budget and
procurement of Consumables, which are often inefficient and
poorly integrated. These limitations make it difficult to
monitor budgets and the status of goods requests in real-time,
hinder transparency, and increase the risk of human error,
which can ultimately reduce accountability in laboratory
management. This research aims to develop a more
integrated budget management and procurement system for
Consumables using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
with Odoo software, involving the Accounting and Purchase
modules. The QuickStart method is used to ensure smooth
implementation by actively involving users throughout the
development cycle. This system includes budget creation and
monitoring, purchase order creation, and validation of goods
received. The results of the Black Box Testing and Expert
Judgement show that the developed system has met all the
testing objectives, although improvements are still needed,
such as the addition of graphs for budget visualization. The
implementation of this system is expected to increase
transparency and accountability in budget management and
procurement of consumables in educational institutions.
Educational institutions have an important role in improving students' knowledge
and skills through the use of various learning methods, both theoretical and practical. One
of the important elements in this process is the laboratory, which serves as a means to
delve into the material firsthand (Hardianti & Guntur, 2021). A laboratory is a place
where students are trained to develop their skills through practice, demonstration,
Integrated Application for Optimizing Budget Management and Procurement of
Consumables in Laboratories in Educational Institutions Using Odoo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3387
experimentation, research, and scientific development. All activities carried out in the
laboratory such as practicum, observation, research, and development of learning models,
are carried out to support teaching and learning activities (Riyadi, 2019).
For activities in the laboratory to run smoothly, a laboratory unit was formed that
is responsible for the overall management of the laboratory, including the management
of budgets, laboratory assets, and consumables (BHP), as well as supervision of every
activity carried out. (Ramadhani, 2020).
Laboratory management in Educational Institutions is very important to support the
learning process. One of the most important aspects is budget management and
Consumables. Not a few educational institutions today use simple software such as
Spreadsheet for this management. (Furqorina, Triandika, Syarif, Mahardika, &
Wulandari, 2023). However, this becomes inefficient, as Spreadsheet has weaknesses,
especially in terms of data integration that makes it difficult to monitor budgets and the
status of Consumable requests. real-time (Astutik & Muzakkir, 2020).
The problems that are often faced include the inability to recap data consistently
due to limited time in the procurement process. This results in difficulties in monitoring
the status of goods requests, whether they are still in process, have been completed, or
have not been processed at all. In addition, Spreadsheet does not have an adequate
integrated system, so if there are any unrecorded data gaps, then it is difficult to keep
track of them. Unable to keep track of who requested goods, lack of alerts against
deadlines for item requests, and prone to human error. This can result in inaccuracies in
budget management and recording of the procurement of Consumables. These limitations
not only reduce efficiency but also hinder transparency and accountability in laboratory
To increase transparency and accountability in laboratory management, educational
institutions need to implement a more sophisticated and integrated system. The system
must be able to record every transaction and request for goods in real time so that all
interested parties can easily access information related to budget management and
procurement of Consumables. Therefore, the implementation of Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) technology and supporting applications such as Odoo is needed.
Table 1
System Implementation
An information system model
that allows an organization to
automate and integrate its key
business processes. ERP is
designed to support a wide range
of enterprise functions, allowing
companies to operate more
efficiently (Nur Wulandari Dewi
Ayu, Anggraeni Sita, & Simon,
ERP provides an adequate
integrated system, can record
every transaction and request for
goods in real-time, can track who
requests goods, and provide
alerts against deadlines for
requests for goods.
Software Odoo
Platform open source designed
for business purposes, offering
Odoo provides modules that suit
the needs of laboratory
Vanya Syalmah, Umar Yunan Kurnia Septo Hediyanto, Taufiq Maulana Firdaus
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3388
integrated modules that can be
tailored to the specific needs of
the Company (Suminten, 2019).
management, allow for better
integration of data between
modules, are user-friendly and
accessible online, and enable
collaboration between users.
One of the methods that can be used to implement software Odoo is the QuickStart
method. This method aims to ensure a smooth implementation process by involving users
actively throughout the development cycle. This method allows users to provide input as
well as understand the system developed. (Rahmi, 2021).
This research is different from previous research that only focused on ERP
implementation in general. This research develops an Odoo-based budget management
and Consumables procurement system with the QuickStart method, providing a practical
solution for many Educational Institutions. The implementation of the Accounting and
Purchase module is expected to overcome the limitations of management that still uses
Spreadsheets and improve the efficiency of budget management and procurement of
Research Methods
Figure 1 is a diagram of the research systematics that illustrates the differences of
each activity. The systematics of this study has four different stages of activity, including;
The first stage, Strategic Planning the stage of analyzing current business processes to be
used as a reference for implementation. The second stage, Business Analysis is the stage
of analyzing the current business process before starting development. The third stage,
Gap Analysis is a stage of comparing current business processes with those proposed for
improvement. The fourth stage, Testing as the stage ensures the development of
configurations and testing by the objectives.
Integrated Application for Optimizing Budget Management and Procurement of
Consumables in Laboratories in Educational Institutions Using Odoo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3389
Figure 1 Research Systematics
QuickStart Method
QuickStart is one of the methods that can be applied to implement software Odoo.
This method is designed to ensure that the implementation process is carried out
comprehensively. (Indriyani, Budiono, & Witjaksono, 2021). Based on Figure 2, there
are four stages in the QuickStart. The first stage is a kick-off call to identify the needs of
stakeholders. The second analysis is to identify existing business processes as a reference
for targeting. Third configuration Conduct a review of the flow of the Odoo system
according to specific needs based on the gaps analysis that has been done. Fourth
production focuses on application implementation including installation and
configuration that has been developed and tested. (Nafianto, Puspitasari, & Saputra,
Figure 2 Stages of Methodology
Black Box Testing
Black Box Testing is a test method that verifies the results of application execution
based on test data input, to ensure that the functionality of the application is by the set
requirements. (Febrian, Ramadhan, Faisal, & Saifudin, 2020). Three stages are carried
out, namely; making a test case for testing functions, creating a test case to test the
suitability of the program's functions to the needs and demands of users, and searching
for bugs/errors. (Siagian, 2019).
Vanya Syalmah, Umar Yunan Kurnia Septo Hediyanto, Taufiq Maulana Firdaus
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3390
Figure 3 Black Box Testing
The method used in this Black Box Testing is Equivalence Partitions. The
Equivalence Partitions method is a testing technique that is carried out based on input
data on each form in the performance appraisal information system. In this method, each
input menu is tested and grouped according to its function to determine whether the
results are appropriate or not as expected. (Trengginaz & Yusup, 2020).
Expert Judgement
Expert Judgement is a testing method to collect information from experts. By
utilizing the assessment of experts, it is possible to obtain views and advice from
individuals who have specialized knowledge in a particular field, which can help in the
decision-making process. (Stander, Cohen, Harrison, & Broadhurst, 2023).
The scale that will be used in the Expert Judgement of this research is the Likert
Scale. The Likert scale is a psychometric scale that is commonly used in questionnaires
and is the most widely used scale in survey research. (Taluke, Lakat, Sembel, Mangrove,
& Bahwa, 2019). The following is a table of the accumulator index Expert Judgement.
The following is a table of the accumulator index Expert Judgement.
Table 2
Likert Scale
Assessment Scale
Pretty Good
Very Bad
Results and Discussion
At this stage, an analysis of laboratory needs in educational institutions related to
research on the configuration of budget management systems for the procurement of
consumables is carried out.
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning shows that many Educational Institutions currently use
Spreadsheets to manage budgets and procurement of Consumables, but the data is not yet
Table 3
Strategic Planning
Basic Knowledge
Implementation of the
Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system for budget
Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP).
Accounting system design.
Integrated Application for Optimizing Budget Management and Procurement of
Consumables in Laboratories in Educational Institutions Using Odoo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3391
management for the
procurement of Consumables
using Odoo 15.0 software.
Purchase system design.
Based on Table 3, a system is needed that can integrate budget management and
procurement of consumables, such as the implementation of an Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) system using Odoo 15.0. As well as a basic understanding of ERP
processes and systems, an Accounting module for budget management, and a Purchase
module for the procurement of Consumables so that the implementation runs well.
Business Need Analysis
Focuses on analyzing current business processes to identify shortcomings in
existing flows. The results of this analysis are expected to be the basis for improvements
in the design of the proposed business processes.
Budget Management
Figure 4 shows information about the existing business process flow of budget
management. This process starts with the Head of Laboratory Affairs making a budget
plan for various categories including BHP and having discussions with the Head of Study
Programs. The Head of the Study Program will provide input on the draft budget that has
been prepared. Then the Head of Laboratory Affairs prepares the final budget based on
the results of the discussion and sends the final budget to be submitted. The Head of the
Study Program re-examines the final budget before it is submitted whether there is a
revision or not. If so, then the Head of Laboratory Affairs will rearrange the final budget.
If not, then the Head of the Study Program submits the final budget document to the
University Finance. The University's Finance will submit the approval of the final budget
along with the nominal budget to the Head of the Study Program. Then the Head of
Laboratory Affairs monitors the use of the budget periodically so that it is efficient and
Vanya Syalmah, Umar Yunan Kurnia Septo Hediyanto, Taufiq Maulana Firdaus
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3392
Figure 4 Existing Business Process of Budget Management
Procurement of Consumables
Figure 5 shows information about the existing business process flow of
procurement of Consumables. This process starts with the Laboratory Assistant making
a list of BHP needs requests and submitting them to the Head of Laboratory Affairs. Then
the Head of Laboratory Affairs checks whether the request is by the needs or not. If it is
not suitable, the Laboratory Assistant must resubmit the revised list of item requests. If
appropriate, then the Laboratory Staff will check the availability of the proposed BHP in
the laboratory warehouse. If the goods are available, the Laboratory Staff will remove the
goods from the warehouse according to the proposed needs and give them to the
Laboratory Assistant. If the goods are not available, the Laboratory Staff makes an order
based on the results of the availability check and sends it to the Vendor. After the goods
arrive, the Laboratory Staff will check the condition and quantity of the goods received
and record them in the laboratory warehouse inventory. Then the Laboratory Staff takes
out the goods according to the proposed needs and gives them to the Laboratory Assistant.
Integrated Application for Optimizing Budget Management and Procurement of
Consumables in Laboratories in Educational Institutions Using Odoo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3393
After receiving the goods, the Laboratory Assistant fills out the goods handover form and
the Laboratory Staff will update the stock of goods.
Figure 5 Existing Business Process of Procurement of Consumables
Fit Gap Analysis
Table 4 shows a comparison of the current business processes with the proposed
ones. Fulfillment in Fit Gap Analysis is divided into three, namely; Null (N) means that
the business process is not yet using Odoo. Partial (P) which means that the business
process has been using Odoo but needs improvement. Full (F) which means that the
business process has fully used Odoo (Nurhasanah, 2023).
Table 4
Fit/Gap Analysis
An integrated system is
needed to monitor the
budget in real time and
A system that can record
every transaction,
validate vendor bills, and
Vanya Syalmah, Umar Yunan Kurnia Septo Hediyanto, Taufiq Maulana Firdaus
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3394
record every Consumables
purchase transaction.
generate direct financial
Procurement of
An integrated system is
needed to monitor the
status of goods requests
and track requesters.
A system that can make
procurement easier,
integrated for automatic
stock updates, and
financial accuracy.
Budget Management
Figure 6 shows information about the proposed business process flow of budget
management. This process starts with the Head of Laboratory Affairs making a budget
plan for various categories including Consumables and submitting confirmation of the
budget plan to the Head of the Study Program. The Head of the Study Program will check
whether the budget needs to be revised or not. If so, then the Head of Laboratory Affairs
must correct the budget and send it back. If not, then the Head of the Study Program will
confirm the budget and submit approval to the University Finance. If the budget and
nominal have been approved, the Head of the Study Program and the Head of Laboratory
Affairs will monitor the use of the budget periodically to be efficient and effective.
Figure 6 Business Process Budget Management Proposal
Procurement of Consumables
Figure 7 shows information about the business process flow of the proposed
procurement of Consumables. This process starts with the Laboratory Assistant making
a list of Consumable needs requests and submitting confirmations. After being submitted,
Integrated Application for Optimizing Budget Management and Procurement of
Consumables in Laboratories in Educational Institutions Using Odoo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3395
the Head of Laboratory Affairs will first check whether the request is by the needs or not.
If it is not suitable, then the Laboratory Assistant must revise the request for the item. If
appropriate, the Head of Laboratory Affairs will confirm the request, and the Laboratory
Staff will check the availability of the submitted Consumables in the laboratory
warehouse. If the goods are available, the Laboratory Staff will validate the number of
goods from the warehouse according to the proposed needs. If the goods are not available,
then the Laboratory Staff will make a purchase order based on the results of checking
availability and send it to the Vendor. After the goods arrive, the Laboratory Staff will
check the condition and determine the quantity of the goods received. Then validate the
number of goods from the warehouse according to the proposed needs and the Laboratory
Assistant accepts the request for Consumables and makes an invoice.
Figure 7 Business Process of Proposed Procurement of Consumables
Accounting Module Configuration
At this stage of the Accounting module configuration, several adjustments will be
made to adapt to the business processes and needs of laboratories in educational
institutions. This adjustment is done to facilitate the creation of a Budget Work Plan to
better monitor the use of the budget.
Creating a Budget Plan
The configuration of making a budget plan can be seen in Figure 8. The first layer
on the screen displays some data such as; budget name, person in charge, and budget
period. The second layer on the screen has a budget line section that shows the details of
the budget plan during the budget period.
Vanya Syalmah, Umar Yunan Kurnia Septo Hediyanto, Taufiq Maulana Firdaus
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3396
Figure 8 Creating a Budget Plan
In Figure 8, it can be seen that the user has filled in the budget classification which
is divided into four quarterly periods in the Budgetary Position column. Each quarter has
an Analytic Account with a start and end date that corresponds to the duration of a quarter.
The Planned Amount column is populated with the planned budget for each quarter.
Meanwhile, the Practical Amount will be automatically updated according to the
expenses that occur, and the Theoretical Amount will adjust to the rest of the budget after
deducting expenses. For the Note at the bottom of the layer, it was added to detail the
Monitoring Budget Usage
Figure 9 shows how to filter the budget for monitoring. For example, to see your
completed budget, click Filters, select Status, then select Done and click Apply. The
results display the names of the budgets that have been created, along with the start and
end dates according to the budget period, the person in charge, and the status of the budget
according to the filtered whether drafted, confirmed, validated, or done.
Figure 9 Monitoring Budget Usage
Purchase Module Configuration
In the Purchase module configuration stage, adjustments will be made to ensure that
the purchase system in the Odoo application can function according to the needs of
laboratories in educational institutions. These adjustments are made to facilitate the
creation of a purchase order list and determine the quantity of goods received.
Create a Purchase Order (PO)
The configuration of creating a purchase order can be seen in Figure 10. The first
layer on the screen displays some data such as; order number, vendor name, currency,
order deadline, and receipt date. While the second layer on the screen contains the order
line section.
Integrated Application for Optimizing Budget Management and Procurement of
Consumables in Laboratories in Educational Institutions Using Odoo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3397
Figure 10 Create a Purchase Order (PO)
In Figure 10, it can be seen that the user has filled in the Product and Description
columns with the name and description of the product to be ordered. Users must also fill
in an Analytic Account to link the total order with the budget that has been created
previously so that the budget is cut. The Quantity column lists the number of items you
want to order, and UoM shows the unit of the item. Unit Price contains the unit price of
the goods, while the Taxes column lists the amount of tax in percentages. Subtotals are
automatically calculated based on the multiplication between Unit Price and Quantity.
Determining the Quantity of Goods Received
The configuration of setting the quantity of goods received can be seen in Figure
11. The first layer on the screen displays several data such as; order number, supplier
name, scheduled date for receipt of goods, actual date of receipt of goods, and related
document number. While the second layer on the screen contains the order line section.
Figure 11 Determining the Quantity of Goods Received
In Figure 11, it can be seen that the orders that have been placed and delivered to
the vendor are automatically saved upon receipt of the product. The Product and
Description columns include the name and description of the ordered product. Date
Scheduled indicates the scheduled date for receipt of goods, while Deadline lists the
Vanya Syalmah, Umar Yunan Kurnia Septo Hediyanto, Taufiq Maulana Firdaus
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3398
deadline for receipt. The Demand column shows the number of goods ordered, Done
records the number of goods that have been received, and UoM shows the unit of goods.
Black Box Testing
Black Box Testing is a test method that verifies the results of application execution
based on test data input, to ensure that the functionality of the application is by the set
requirements (Febrian, et.al, 2020). Black Box Testing is carried out on a budget
management system for the procurement of Consumables in Odoo that has been adapted
to the laboratory's business processes. Table 5 contains what was tested with the Black
Box test and the results show that the test of the system has successfully met all the test
objectives with the expected results.
Table 5
Black Box Testing
Expected Results
Create a
budget plan.
The process of
preparing a
budget for a
specific period
Ensure that users
can enter and
change budget
data, and manage
budget periods
and associated
The budget data
entered must be
precise and by the
parameters. The
system needs to
verify the data to
avoid input errors.
budget usage
The process of
expenditures in a
budget period.
Ensure that budget
reports are easily
accessible to see
details of budget
The details of
budget usage in
the system can be
easily accessed
and viewed by
Create a
purchase order
The process of
creating an order
to purchase
Ensure users can
enter purchase
data for BHP
The purchase data
entered must be
precise and by the
the quantity of
goods received
The process of
checking and
recording the
number of goods
received in the
Ensure that the
system can record
the number of
items received
according to the
The system can
record the number
of items received
The Accounting & Purchase system testing in this study was conducted using the
Black Box Testing method. Based on the tests that have been carried out, no system errors
were found, which means that the system has successfully functioned as expected. The
success of this system is proven by its ability to store data accurately, according to the
input provided by the user. This shows that the system is functioning well and meets user
Integrated Application for Optimizing Budget Management and Procurement of
Consumables in Laboratories in Educational Institutions Using Odoo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3399
Expert Judgement
A supervisor acts as an Expert Judgement to make decisions regarding a trainee's
progress in practice. (Castanelli, Weller, Molloy, & Bearman, 2020). In this study, the
researcher acts as a trainee, namely a student who is supervised by a supervisor. Testing
is carried out on the budget management process and procurement of Consumables by
testing the Accounting, Purchase, Sales, and Inventory modules that have been adapted
to the needs of the laboratory.
Table 6
Expert Judgement
Test Class
Test Item
User 1
Process of
process for
making a
budget plan
Depending on the
policy, it can be
changed again.
The technical
process for
budget usage
Each role can be
detailed and
customized so that it
can generate reports
according to needs.
process in
creating a
purchase order
The process of making
a purchase order (PO)
is by the policy.
process in
the quantity of
goods received
The process of
determining the
quantity of goods
received is by the
User 2
Process of
process for
making a
budget plan
Planned amounts can
be made error handling
if they are not filled and
rules so that they
cannot make a budget
plan in the same
The technical
process for
budget usage
The process of
monitoring the use of
the budget is good, if a
chart can be added, the
representation is better.
process in
creating a
purchase order
The process of creating
a purchase order is
quite good, but the
purchase can be made
without entering an
analytic amount which
can cause the budget
money to go unused.
Vanya Syalmah, Umar Yunan Kurnia Septo Hediyanto, Taufiq Maulana Firdaus
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3400
process in
the quantity of
goods received
The process of
determining the
quantity of goods
received from the
Vendor is very good
and there are no
Based on Table 6, the overall Accounting and Purchase system in Expert Judgement
has met the needs of laboratories in Educational Institutions in managing the budget for
the procurement of Consumables, although there is one process of good value that needs
to be improved to be more optimal.
The importance of implementing an Odoo-based Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system in budget management and procurement of Consumables in Educational
Institutions. Research shows that the use of Spreadsheet to manage budgets and
procurement of Consumables is currently inefficient and has many limitations, such as
lack of data integration, difficulties in monitoring budgets, and real-time Consumables
demand status. By implementing ERP, Educational Institutions can increase transparency
and accountability and optimize the process of budget management and procurement of
goods. The system developed includes creating a budget plan, monitoring the budget,
creating a purchase order, and validating the number of goods received. This shows that
this system is effective in meeting the needs of the laboratory, although there is one
process that still needs to be improved. It is recommended to add graphs or charts to the
accounting dashboard, which will make it easier to visualize the planned use of the budget
with its realization. Thus, Odoo's Accounting and Purchase system is expected to
overcome existing limitations and increase transparency and accountability in budget
management for the procurement of Consumables in Educational Institutions.
Integrated Application for Optimizing Budget Management and Procurement of
Consumables in Laboratories in Educational Institutions Using Odoo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3401
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