pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3590
Analysis of communication media in emergency warning
visuals; Indonesia Regional Election Bill: Theory and
Rina Megasari Panjaitan
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
Keywords: social media,
communication media,
RUU Pilkada, political
communication, human
This study examines the role of communication media,
particularly in the dissemination of emergency content with
a blue Garuda backdrop related to the Regional Election Bill
(RUU Pilkada) in Indonesia. The primary focus of this
research is to understand how communication, especially
through social media, is utilized to mobilize users and
generate public opinion communication. Using a qualitative
approach, the study analyzes visual demonstration content
spread through social media and applies theories of human
communication and mediated communication to user
perception and political engagement. The findings indicate
that social media has become an extremely effective political
communication tool, allowing information to spread rapidly
and reach a broad audience. Emergency warning visuals
shared on social media platforms are effective in capturing
public attention, triggering mass mobilization, and
stimulating political discussions across different segments of
society. The study concludes that social media plays a
crucial role in shaping public opinion and encouraging
political participation concerning legislative issues such as
the RUU Pilkada. The results highlight the importance of
understanding communication from media communication
perspectives for maintaining healthy and productive
communication practices.
Political information news is freely disseminated through social media from trusted
users and hypocritical users. The development of communication and information
technology has increasingly facilitated the community to interact to influence, motivate,
and reach political communication networks on social media. (Susanto, 2017). Users who
interact through unlimited messages from both trusted and untrustworthy sources tend to
wreak havoc in political life. Statement from the Organizer Association (Lakoro et al.,
Analysis of communication media in emergency warning visuals; Indonesia Regional Election
Bill: Theory and Understanding
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3591
The Indonesia Internet Network (APJII) in 2016 that there were 132.7 million
Indonesians connected to the internet, an increase of 51.8% compared to the number of
internet users in 2014 which was only 88 million internet users. (Kompas, 2016). Social
media users who use communication media for political life in Indonesia are prone to
conflicts between political groups because of the freedom of messages, news, and
information that is full of criticism, excessive prejudice, subjectivity, sectarianism,
communalism, and subnational spirit. Not everyone views social media as a source of
positive information, so it's important to pay attention to its criticisms and weaknesses.
(Mirza et al., 2024).
This analysis will focus on social media users who often post "Emergency
Warnings" as one of the visual demonstrations that flock to adopt the Garuda symbol with
a blue background on social media. The image is a screenshot of various video uploads
of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) Indonesia Concept. In early December 2022, EAS
Indonesia Concept uploaded several analog short films in the horror genre using an
emergency alert system or early warning system as a common thread. In their fictional
work, the Garuda Pancasila emblem on a blue background is an emergency broadcast
from the government when a 'foreign entity' appears that hijacks the country. "An
emergency warning for civilians of anomalous activity that has just been detected by the
Government of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," the warning reads (BBC,
2024). The upload of the image of a blue garuda with the words Emergency Warning is
a screenshot of an analog horror video made by EAS Indonesia Concept entitled
"EAS Indonesia Concept (24/10/1991), ANM- 021 (Mesem) - First Encounter" which
was uploaded on October 24, 2022. EAS Indonesia Concept is a YouTube account that
makes videos with the concept of The Emergency Alert System (EAS) in Indonesia. EAS
itself is a national emergency warning system of the United States designed to spread
emergency alerts amid television and radio broadcasts. The upload of the image of a blue
garuda with the words Emergency Warning is a screenshot of an analog horror video
made by EAS Indonesia Concept entitled "EAS Indonesia Concept (24/10/1991), ANM-
021 (Mesem) - First Encounter" which was uploaded on October 24, 2022. EAS Indonesia
Concept is a YouTube account that makes videos with the concept of The Emergency
Alert System (EAS) in Indonesia. EAS itself is a national emergency warning system of
the United States designed to spread emergency warnings amid television and radio
broadcasts (Kompas, 2024).
The content of "Emergency Warning" with the Garuda symbol on a blue
background has evolved from a television broadcast to a social media Mediated with
different interactions. Communication that is born with old content has a new meaning.
Understanding how communication gives birth to political communication networks, is
assisted by using communication media to describe criticism of the government.
(Sahputra & Nendi, 2024).
The theory used for understanding in analysis is the theory of Human Communication.
The supporting theories of this research include the existence of Mediated
Rina Megasari Panjaitan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3592
This research uses a qualitative method, which aims to explore social phenomena
to understand the behavior and social situation around them. The focus of this research
lies in answering questions about why people behave and culture the way they do, how
views and attitudes are formed, and how people understand the events that are happening
around them. Qualitative research utilizes three main sources, namely document analysis,
interviews, and various publications, both in the form of print and online texts. Such as
Potter's view of documents in qualitative research includes a variety of materials such as
letters, memos, notes, diaries, articles, books, manuscripts, emails, online discussions,
and more (Kim, 2016). This research focuses on understanding the theory of Human
Communication and Media-Based Communication related to the existence of Visual
Demonstrations related to the Election Bill on social media. In this context, social media
includes all communication networks that use the internet, chosen purposively without
restrictions on the location of their use, because the priority is related to the use of social
media to report on visual demonstrations of the Election Bill. The target of this study is
to understand various human communication literature and analyze issues on social media
that are relevant to the topic being researched.
Results and Discussion
The results of this study are available in two findings obtained through searching,
reviewing, and assessing information related to communication in social media users in
the Visual Demonstration of Emergency Warning of the Election Bill. The first finding
concerns the theory of Human Communication applied by users on social media. The
second finding is a follow-up finding and part of the first finding, namely Mediated
Communication as the power of communication and information technology.
Understanding the theory of Human Communication on Social Media in Political
Social media is often associated with freedom in visual democracy for the
dissemination of information in transforming a person from a mere reader to a content
creator. This is a shift from the traditional broadcasting model, which is now based on
interaction between writers, individuals, and peers. There are a few basic elements in
social media: first, social media includes a variety of social channels, with the internet as
the primary platform. Second, social media is dynamic and continues to evolve. Third,
social media is participatory, where "audiences" have the right to speak and are
considered creative, so they can provide comments (Evans, 2008: 34).
Human Communication is the study of how people influence each other through
the way they convey messages and behave (Watzlawick & Jackson, 2010:29). Human
Communication Theory is a theory that develops in communication, which shows the
integration of communication efforts in interpersonal, organizational, and mediation
environments (Bryan, 2000). In the context of users on social media who reinforce each
Analysis of communication media in emergency warning visuals; Indonesia Regional Election
Bill: Theory and Understanding
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3593
other or make each other feel upset. Seemingly behavioral behavior does not necessarily
indicate a disturbing thought, but it may be a reasonable reaction to a strange or
unreasonable communication situation.
The trending "Emergency Warning" has a deep meaning regarding public criticism
of the ongoing Regional Election Bill on Social Media such as Instagram, X, and
YouTube as part of the platforms used by users to channel opinions and criticism to the
State Institution of the Constitutional Court and President Jokowi (Kompas, 2024). The
community influences political organizations and interest groups with various
communication media. Successful communication efforts gave birth to actions in the form
of demonstrations in front of the House of Representatives on Thursday, August 22, 2024.
The demonstration can also be witnessed and take place in various technology-based
The choice to use social media to build a strong political communication network
is a natural thing to gain support. Political communication networks are a systematic
pattern that regulates relationships between individuals, as well as groups in the exchange
of political information. The formation of political communication networks using social
media is a practical reason to foster participation that encourages contribution and
feedback, openness without distance between news sources and audiences that can
strengthen discussions (Burke, 2000: 380).
Human communication plays an important role so that people participating in
demonstrations can gather from various backgrounds, social and cultural groups, as well
as the origin of demonstration participants. The action occurred when there was a source
from the Constitutional Court's Decision which was considered unreasonable, discussed
by one of the political critics or political groups who used political communication on
Najwa Shihab's account on her YouTube link.
The first pioneer to voice the "Emergency Warning" was strengthened by his
explanation to influence the community by using the help of the media. The limitation of
face-to-face interaction is one of the supporting factors for the use of communication
The role of Mediated Communication as a facilitator for the dissemination of
information and communication:
1. Computer-Mediated Communication (C- MC)
The C-MC theory, which is a mediated communication model, is a hyperpersonal
communication model (Walther, 1996), proposed to explain how individuals can use
limited signal channels to develop relationships that may go beyond face-to-face
relationships. Hyperpersonal models, in particular, help understand how humans
communicate and relate when interactions occur entirely online. The hyperpersonal
model argues that individuals can form better impressions when computers become
communication mediators. This model explains how CMC can facilitate interpersonal
imagery that goes beyond desire and intimacy in offline interactions (Walther, 2011).
In the context of a visual demonstration of the trending Regional Election Bill with
a post of the Garuda emblem on a blue background, which is a broadcast video with
Rina Megasari Panjaitan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3594
nuances of horror and threatening danger (Kompas, 2024). How to trend by posting each
other on social media such as Instagram, X, and YouTube which can be accessed on
anyone's computer. This aims to add visual expressions by using text characters to create
images or content to replace the missing nonverbal cues in C-MCs called emoticons
(Walther and D'Addario, 2001). The content of "Emergency Warning" by associating the
Garuda emblem or emoticon with the form of the state emblem of Indonesia. The post
was first uploaded by the Instagram account @najwashihab and subsequently spread on
political communication networks based on criticism of the Constitutional Court's
decision on the Regional Election Bill with the C-MC facility.
2. Technology-Mediated Communication (TMC)
Technology-mediated communication is how technology-mediated communication
is socially constructed as something that has utopian or dystopian consequences for
relationships, and how they are compared experientially with embodied direct contact,
which can result in enduring social values that judge technology-mediated
communication to be inferior to face-to-face; face-to-face. (Burholt et al., 2020). The
software analyzed is the Instagram and YouTube applications that are accessed through
the existence and development of technology. The target of technology-based social
media, which is software from C-MC and mobile media mediated, is used by young
dominant social media users because it is easier to understand the dissemination of
information about the Visual Demonstration of the Election Bill with posts in the form of
text content of the message "Emergency Warning" with Garuda emoticons on a blue
While telephones are commonly used for long-distance communication by older
adults (Moffatt, David, & Baecker, 2013), other types of technology-mediated
communication may require digital skills that vary across populations. (Anwar, 2024).
For example, younger older age groups are more likely to become computer users than
older age groups because they may have learned to use them at work (Carpenter & Buday,
Social Media Mediated
Social media is believed to play an important role in representing, shaping, and
mobilizing public opinion for certain issues. (McGregor, 2019). (Bate & Amrullah, 2022)
States that social media is widely considered to be very effective in providing a safe space
for expression. There is a part of the social media feature that is used to facilitate
communication. One of them is the use of hashtags (#). Hashtags have proven to be an
effective way to shape and mobilize public opinion. In hashtag activism, people use
hashtags on social media to draw attention to a specific issue and connect with others who
are interested in the same cause. This is a form of digital activism that aims to trigger
social change. (Dadas, 2017).
The use of social media such as Instagram, X, and YouTube use the hashtag
#KawalKeputusanMK #Indonesiacemas #RIPKonstitusi even uses # with a withered red
rose emoticon that agrees to define it as a form of condolence. An attempt to write a
hashtag (#) to gather groups that agree with the argument and declare their existence to
Analysis of communication media in emergency warning visuals; Indonesia Regional Election
Bill: Theory and Understanding
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3595
voice criticism of the Constitutional Court's decision on the Election Bill. The report
(share) feature on Instagram, X, and YouTube is another part of communication media
using social media. Communication efforts with communication media can create a unity
of relationship with each other from various accounts, users can simultaneously share the
same content only on the condition that they can use mobile media.
Mobile Media Mediated Communications
The world of information and communication technology will continue to develop,
anyone can use it by having existing features. Mobile media is one of the mediated
communications that helps features that can be used by humans. Humans use these
features to communicate effectively. Mobile media such as the WhatsApp feature can
make communication more effective to use (Almekhlafy, 2016). The app is constantly
updating its version to make human communication even more real. Whatsapp made its
latest version using a channel feature that presents news and forums that are aided by
mediated communication for Whatsapp users. News about the Constitutional Court's
Decision can also be received through the palm of your hand on mobile media where
elderly users and users who have difficulty using the C-MC feature can find out the news.
The forums available on the WhatsApp feature are equipped with emoticons, voicenotes,
image sending, and video calls. The public will very easily disseminate information on
demonstration locations, demonstration meetings, and emoticon expressions to respond
to news related to the Regional Election Bill without having to communicate face-to-face
and speak to 1000 people.
Artificial Intelligence Mediated Communication (AI-MC)
New media offers digitization, convergence, interaction, and finger creation in
message creation. Its ability to offer interactive relationships, allows new media users to
have a choice of what information to consume, as well as control the output of the
information produced and make the choices they want. "The ability to offer an interactive
relationship is the central concept of understanding new media. Artificial Intelligence-
mediated Mediated Communication (AI-MC) is a new medium for interpersonal
communication in which intelligent agents operate on behalf of communicators by
modifying, adding, or generating messages to achieve communication goals (Hancock et
al., 2020). The introduction of AI into interpersonal communication has the potential to
once again change the way people communicate, change assumptions around agency and
mediation, and introduce new ethical questions. CMC is now evolving to include
Artificial Intelligence-Mediated Communication (AI-MC): interpersonal communication
that is not only transmitted by technology, but modified, augmented, or even generated
by computational agents to achieve communication goals (Hancock et al., 2020). Some
of the AI that are often used by humans are Google Search; M-Banking; Gmail and other
social media. The use of AI-MC in this analysis highlights the transmission of technology
to help find literature related to the Constitutional Court's Decision on the Election Bill.
The development of the Constitutional Court's Decision can be searched with the help of
AI without the need to ask the Constitutional Court about the truth directly. This limited
communication supports the birth of AI as a tool to help humans find information. With
Rina Megasari Panjaitan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3596
AI, people can see the content of "Emergency Warnings" to understand the meaning of
trending and communicate to expand their horizons related to the Decision of the Election
Social Media is Mediated Communication that improves access to information and
communication and facilitates the distribution of information equally. Mediated
Communication supports two-way communication, allows for interactive dialogue
between the public and interest groups, and provides constructive feedback. Social media
has a crucial role in urgent political communication, especially in the context of
emergency warnings related to the Regional Election Bill in Indonesia. The findings of
the study show that social media not only serves as a channel of information but also as
a platform for public participation in political discussions, mediated communication
facilitates effective visual dissemination and reaches a wide range of users. The transition
from traditional to digital media has changed the way people receive and process political
information. Interactions on social media reflect new dynamics in messaging and public
responses. The use of visuals using Garuda Emergency Warning content with a blue
background on social media has proven to be effective in shaping public opinion and
mobilizing the masses, as well as reinforcing political messages on important issues.
Social media has become the main channel for communication because of its better
speed and flexibility than traditional media which allows the delivery of messages to be
more responsive. The management and moderation of content on social media are very
important to maintain the quality of information, prevent disinformation, and ensure the
accuracy and relevance of information. Social media plays a vital role in disseminating
information, shaping communication that gives birth to public opinion, and facilitating
two-way communication in the context of politics and so on.
Analysis of communication media in emergency warning visuals; Indonesia Regional Election
Bill: Theory and Understanding
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3597
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