p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6069

Consumer Perspective on Food Pairing Low-Sugar Rich in
Antioxidant Tea Ponds Supplemented with Apple Vinegar

Olivia Feny1*, Yohana Sutiknyawati Kusuma Dewi2, Lucky Hartanti3

Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]


Keywords: food pairing,
tea pits, supplementation,
apple cider vinegar.

The purpose of this study is to determine the comparison of
physicochemical and sensory results of apple cider vinegar
supplementation with various concentrations in low-sugar
tea pores and obtain information on complementary foods in
consuming the best low-sugar tea pores as food pairing. This
study was designed using a Group Random Design (RAK)
which consisted of 5 treatments with 5 repetitions with the
addition of apple cider vinegar consisting of 5 levels a0 0 %
(control), a1 0.5 %, a2 1 %, a3 1.5 %, a4 2 % The results of
the food pairing analysis were carried out descriptively. The
0% treatment was declared as the best treatment with a
physicochemical value of pH 5.71, TPT 7.28 °brix, L color
34.02, color a 2.52, color b 3.88, and color sensory value of
4.07 (like), Aroma 4.20 (like), acidity level (3.83) somewhat
liked, and overall acceptance 4.13 (like). In food pairing, the
highest percentage chosen by respondents was fried bananas
(28.6%) out of 49 respondents. Comparison of
physicochemical and sensory characteristics of low sugar
pores of apple cider vinegar supplementation had differences
in each parameter, namely pH, TPT, and the Color parameter
had no significant difference. Meanwhile, the color sensory
parameters had no noticeable differences, while the overall
aroma, acidity, and reception sensory parameters had
significantly different results in each treatment.


Liang teh is a traditional drink that is very easy to find anywhere, both in
restaurants, large restaurants, and traders who peddle carts on the side of the road, and are
known for generations as a health drink (Malm et al., 2021). Liang the is a decoction of
some natural ingredients other than from the tea plant (Camelia chinensis) called "cool
tea" (local name for Pontianak, liang-cha in Chinese), this drink was spread from the
southern part of China spread to Indonesia (Priyatnasari et al., 2024). Dewi et al. 2022
produced invention of tea pores by replacing sucrose sugar with xylitol sugar so that the
calories are lower but do not change the characteristic taste of tea pores so that they can
be categorized as low-sugar tea pores. The result of the invention is still in the form of

Olivia Feny, Yohana Sutiknyawati Kusuma Dewi, Lucky Hartanti

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6070

original low-sugar tea poros or without a certain flavor so that the adolescent community
or millennials are still not interested in enjoying it regularly (Agustono, Rahmaniyah,
Fikri, & Prastiya, 2022).

The addition of apple cider vinegar to the tea pore can add variety to this traditional
drink, considering that the tea pore is very minimal with a variety of different flavors.
One interesting variation to combine in low-calorie drinks in low-sugar tea plows is the
tart taste of apple cider vinegar (Wahyunia & Clarestab, 2024). Apple cider vinegar or
can be commonly called Apple cider vinegar, which is the result of fermentation from
apple cider which has a high content of active chemicals such as phenol/phenol, pectin,
flavonoids, tannins, and acetic acid (Vandorou et al., 2024). The daily habits of people in
Pontianak in consuming drinks such as tea burrows are always accompanied by
accompanying foods. Currently, there is no information on food pairings for tea berries
(Castro, Urzúa, Rodriguez-Malebran, Inostroza-Blancheteau, & Ibáñez, 2017).

Food pairing in low-sugar tea pot drinks aims to be able to better introduce this
traditional drink that is rich in benefits to the wider community, especially millennials by
combining this low-sugar teapot with foods that are very familiar to the wider community
daily so that a combination that provides the perfect taste is obtained so that this low-
sugar teapot drink that is rich in benefits and low in calories and its accompanying foods
became better known by the wider community (Devoney, 2021).


The raw materials for making low-sugar tea pot drinks are obtained from markets
in the Pontianak area which include muje leaves, clam pineapple leaves, fragrant pandan
leaves, oregano leaves, aloe vera peel, sappan wood, xylitol sugar, and the additional
apple cider vinegar and mineral water.


The tools used in making low-sugar teapots are a 100°C water thermometer, a
container, a 60 mesh filter, a kitchen knife, a placemat, a stove, a measuring cup, a stirring
spoon, a measuring spoon, an analytical scale, a pot, a coffee maker, a measuring pipette,
and other analytical tools. Then the low-sugar tea pore will be supplemented with apple
cider vinegar.

Research Design

This study was designed using a Group Random Design (RAK) which consisted of
5 treatments with 5 repetitions with the addition of apple cider vinegar (a) which consisted
of 5 levels, namely:

a0 = 0% addition of apple cider vinegar (control)

a1 = 0.5% addition of apple cider vinegar

Consumer Perspective on Food Pairing Low-Sugar Rich in Antioxidant Tea Ponds
Supplemented with Apple Vinegar

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6071

a2 = 1% addition of apple cider vinegar

a3 = 1.5% addition of apple cider vinegar

a4 = 2% addition of apple cider vinegar

Then an online survey was carried out about the consumption pattern of low-sugar
tea pores and suitable side foods, then low-sugar tea pore supplement foods with apple
cider vinegar supplementation will be obtained.

Research Stages

The procedure for making low-sugar tea pores uses a patent by (Segneanu, 2024).
The manufacturing stage is divided into two groups of ingredients, namely herbal
ingredients and tea ingredients. Herbal ingredients consisting of 32 g of muje leaf slices,
4 g of oregano leaves, 4 g of pandan leaves, 14 g of clam pineapple leaves, 4 g of aloe
vera skin slices, then the making of tea ingredients starts from the bark of the sappan tree
which has been reduced in size and weighed as much as 4g then infused for 12 hours in
cold water as much as 1000 ml then filtered and the tea infusion water is added with
xylitol sugar as much as 140 g. The manufacture of herbal ingredients begins with
weighing brewed in hot water at a temperature of 60-80 °C as much as 1000 ml with a
brewing time of 18 minutes, then infused at room temperature for 2 hours followed by
filtration. Low-sugar tea pore drinks supplement apple cider vinegar with various
concentrations. Then pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TPT), and color tests were carried out
and then it will be followed by sensory tests by 30 semi-trained panelists.

Survey Implementation

The survey was carried out to determine complementary foods that were suitable
for low-sugar tea plows supplemented with apple cider vinegar, the survey was carried
out using the Purposive sampling method which is a sample determination technique with
certain considerations in (Sugiyono, 2016). Where the sample taken is respondents who
are used to consuming tea drinks using Google form media.

Analysis Procedure

pH testing using a pH meter that has been calibrated with a pH 4 and pH 7 buffer
solution, then the pH meter is dipped in the sample and then left until the number on the
pH meter is stable and the value will be displayed on the pH meter-monitor screen. Each
analyzing different sample electrodes should be rinsed 6-8 times using an aquaade.

Total Analysis of Dissolved Solids (Sudarmadji et al. 1986)

Testing Total Dissolved Solids (TPT) using a refractometer with the stages of
rinsing the Daylight plate using an aqueous and then wiping it slowly using a tissue, each
sample is tested one by one by dripping on a prism and making sure there are no bubbles,
then the measurement results can be analyzed with eyepieces so that a dividing line
between white and blue will appear which will show the results of the measurement of

Olivia Feny, Yohana Sutiknyawati Kusuma Dewi, Lucky Hartanti

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6072

the stated brix value (% weight) or Density (Citraningrum, Sari, Rahmatika, Sabarisman,
& Anoraga, 2022).

Color Analysis

The color test was carried out using the AMT506 digital colorimeter, where the
parameters L* for brightness, a* for reddish or greenish color, and b* for yellowish or
bluish color.

Analysis of Sensory Characteristics (Tarwendah. 2017)

This analysis uses an organoleptic test carried out using the hedonic test method
(preference test) using 30 semi-trained panelists who stated their level of preference on a
hedonic scale of 1-5 with a value range of 1 i.e. dislike to a value of 5 i.e. very.

Data Analysis

The data from the research results were statistically analyzed with the F test
(ANOVA), if it had a real effect, it was followed by the Honest Real Difference (BNJ)
test with a level of 5%. The data from the hedonic test results were analyzed using the
Kruskal-Wallis test method. The determination of the best treatment was carried out by
comparing the values of each treatment through the Effectiveness Index test using the
method (De Garmo et al. 1984). The results of food pairing will be presented

Results and Discussion
Acidity or pH analysis aims to find out the acidity level of a product. After

analyzing the diversity using ANOVA, the formulation in the tea pore that had been
supplemented with apple cider vinegar with various concentrations had a real effect on
the pH value of the drink, so the BNJ test at the 5% level was continued.

Table 1

pH of tea pores supplemented with apple cider vinegar of various concentrations
Tea pore supplementation apple cider
vinegar (%)


0 5.71±0.12e
0,5 4.93±0.04d

1 3.88±0.03c

1,5 3.75±0.04b

2 3.64±0.04a

BNJ 5% = 0.06

BNJ test results on the Table. It shows that the lowest pH is found in apple cider
vinegar supplementation with a concentration of 2%, which is 3.64, while the highest is
found in apple cider vinegar supplementation with a concentration of 0% (control), which
is 5.71. The results of the pH analysis of the tea pore supplemented with apple cider

Consumer Perspective on Food Pairing Low-Sugar Rich in Antioxidant Tea Ponds
Supplemented with Apple Vinegar

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6073

vinegar showed that the higher the % concentration of apple cider vinegar supplemented
in the tea pore, the lower the pH of the tea pore drink. This can be affected because apple
cider vinegar contains acetic acid, gallic acid, and other compounds formed from the
fermentation of apples so that the sugar in the apple cider is processed into alcohol and
makes apple cider vinegar have a strong sour taste that This affects the decrease in pH in
drinks supplemented with apple cider vinegar (Samanta & Singhee, 2023).
Total Dissolved Solids (TPT)

The results of the ANOVA TPT analysis on tea pores that have been supplemented
with apple cider vinegar with various concentrations had a real effect on the total value
of dissolved solids in the beverage so the BNJ 5% test was continued.

Table 2

TPT test results on low-sugar tea pores with various concentrations of apple cider vinegar
Tea pore supplementation apple cider
vinegar (%)

Total Dissolved Solids (°brix)

0 7.28±0.15d

0,5 7.20±0.17c

1 7.10±0.09b

1,5 7.04±0.10ab

2 6.98±0.12a

BNJ 5% = 0.09

Based on Table 5. It was shown that tea pores supplemented with apple cider
vinegar had a real effect on the concentrations of 0%, 0.5%, and 1% while the treatment
of 1.5% and 2% had no real effect with an average total dissolved solids of 7.04-6.98
°brix. The smallest total dissolved solids value was found in apple cider vinegar
supplementation with a concentration of 2% with a total average of 6.98°brix while the
largest total dissolved solids value was found in apple cider vinegar supplementation with
a concentration of 0% (control) which was 7.28°brix. This can be due to the higher or
higher % of the solution added, the lower the total dissolved solids. According to
Tampubolon (2001), the decrease in total dissolved solids can be caused by the reduction
of sugar content in the diluted solution.

Color testing is carried out using an instrument colorimeter. The measurement
results are divided into three parameters, namely L (lightness), a (Redness), and b

Table 3
Results of color measurement in low-sugar tea pores with various concentrations of apple

cider vinegar addition
Tea pore supplementation
apple cider vinegar (%)

L+ A+ B+

0 34.02±0.69 2.52±0.59 3.88±1.16
0,5 34.00±1.24 1.22±0.86 3.06±0.68
1 34.66±0.30 1.68±0.79 3.56±0.52
1,5 35.10±0.96 1.92±1.12 4.10±0.28
2 35.20±1.18 2.20±1.02 3.82±0.56

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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6074

The results of the ANOVA test on the color of the tea pore of apple cider vinegar
supplementation at L+, a+, and b+ values did not have a real effect so it was not continued
with a real difference test of 5%, from the data in the table. Then we can note that the
lowest L+ value is in the treatment of adding 0% apple cider vinegar while L+ is found
in the treatment of adding apple cider vinegar by 2% where L+ (lightness) which is the
level of brightness according to the percentage of adding apple cider vinegar to the apple
cider vinegar tea pore where the higher the percentage of adding apple cider vinegar to
the low sugar tea pore, the higher the brightness level. When the value of a+ (Redness)
there was a decrease in the addition of apple cider vinegar which showed that the addition
of apple cider vinegar could affect the level of red color in the tea hole, at the value of a
(Redness) if positive (+) it could be interpreted as red and if negative (-) it meant green
so that the a value in the tea hole was low in sugar and apple cider vinegar
supplementation had a tendency to be red. Meanwhile, the value of b+ (yellowness) has
an unstable number in each treatment so it cannot be concluded whether with the addition
of apple cider vinegar the value of b+ has increased or decreased. B (yellowness) positive
(+) can be interpreted as yellow while negative (-) can be interpreted as blue so that the b
value in the tea pore of low sugar apple cider vinegar supplementation tends to be yellow.
Sensory Characteristics

Sensory tests are carried out to show consumer acceptance of a food ingredient
carried out with sensory devices. The sensory method used was a preference test (hedonic
test) conducted by 30 researchers. The analysis method used is the Kruskall-Wallis test.
The quality characteristics tested in this study are mainly taste, color, texture, aroma, and

Table 4

Sensory characteristics of tea pores supplemented with apple cider vinegar with various

Tea pore
apple cider vinegar

Color Aroma Acidity


0 4.07±0.740 4.20±0.610 3.83±0.805 4.13±0.776
0,5 3,97±0,730 3.47±0.571 3.67±0.809 3.80±0.661
1 4.03±0.669 3.10±0.712 3.37±0.890 3.57±0.817
1,5 3.87±0.629 3.17±0.592 3.10±0.712 3.23±0.568
2 4.23±0.679 3.03±0.765 3,03±0,850 3.30±0.702
KW 5,876 KW 45,508 KW 19,063 KW 25,720

The sensory characteristics of low-sugar tea pore apple cider vinegar

supplementation include color, aroma, acidity level, and overall acceptance. The number
of panelists in this study was carried out by 30 people who stated their level of liking on
a hedonic scale of 1-5 with a range ranging from dislike to very like.

Consumer Perspective on Food Pairing Low-Sugar Rich in Antioxidant Tea Ponds
Supplemented with Apple Vinegar

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6075

Color is one of the physical sensory attributes that is assessed using the sense of
vision. According to Winarno (2008). The results of the Kruskal Wallis test of color
parameters showed P<0.05, H0 was accepted so that there was no real difference in the
treatment (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2%) of the color of the tea pore of low sugar
supplemented with apple cider vinegar so that the Mann-Whitney follow-up test was not
carried out. By 0.5% and 1.5% with the criteria of somewhat like, while the highest value
was in the treatment of adding apple cider vinegar of 2% with the criteria of like. The
addition of apple cider vinegar to low-sugar tea pores up to a certain pH according to
(Segneanu, 2024) causes a discoloration of the system. The lower the pH (acid), the more
apple cider vinegar is added, causing the color of the teapot to be brighter from brownish-
purple to yellowish-purple. Visually, the color factor greatly determines the quality and
has an important role as an attraction for consumers in considering the quality of a

Aroma is one of the important factors for consumers in choosing their favorite food
and beverage products. Winarno (2004), said that in many cases the deliciousness of food
is determined by the aroma or smell of the food and drink. Aroma is a very subjective
taste and smell that is difficult to measure, because everyone has different sensitivities
and preferences, although they can be detected, each individual has different preferences.
The results of the Kruskal Wallis test showed that the color parameters showed P<0.05,
and H0 was rejected so there was a real difference in the treatment of the aroma of low-
sugar tea pores supplemented with apple cider vinegar. The results of the Mann-Whitney
test showed that the level of preference for the aroma of low-sugar tea poros
supplemented with apple cider vinegar was not significantly different (P> 0.05) in
samples of 0.5% and 1.5%, 1% and 1.5%, 1% and 2%, and 1.5% and 2%. However, there
were significant differences (P< 0.05) at 0% and 0.5%, 0% and 1%, 0 and 1.5%, 0% and
2%, and 0.5% and 1% in the level of preference for the aroma of low-sugar tea cavitation
supplemented with apple cider vinegar. From the results of the panelists' preference for
the aroma of tea pore low sugar supplementation apple cider vinegar, the average
preference of the panelists was obtained of 3.03-4.20 where this data showed the lowest
value, namely the treatment of adding apple cider vinegar of 2% with the criterion of
somewhat liking, while the highest value was the treatment of adding apple cider vinegar
of 0% with the criterion of liking.
Acidity Level

The results of the Kruskal Wallis test showed that the acidity level parameter
showed P<0.05, and H0 was rejected so there was a real difference in the treatment of the
acidity level of low-sugar tea pores supplemented with apple cider vinegar. To see which
groups are different, Mann-Whitney further tests were carried out. The results of the
Mann-Whitney test showed that the preference level of the acidity level of low-sugar tea
pore supplemented with apple cider vinegar was not significantly different (P> 0.05) in
the samples of 0% and 0.5%, 0.5%, and 1%, 1% and 2%, and 1.5% and 2%. However,
there was a noticeable difference (P< 0.05) at 0% and 1%, 0% and 1.5%, 0% and 2%,

Olivia Feny, Yohana Sutiknyawati Kusuma Dewi, Lucky Hartanti

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6076

0.5%, and 1.5%, and 0.5% and 2% in the level of preference for the acidity level of low-
sugar tea pore supplementation with apple cider vinegar. From the results of the panelists'
preference for the acidity level of tea pores low sugar supplementation of apple cider
vinegar, the average preference of the panelists was 3.03-3.83 where this data showed the
lowest value, namely the treatment of adding apple cider vinegar of 2% with the criterion
of somewhat liking, while the highest value was the treatment of adding apple cider
vinegar of 0% with the criterion of somewhat liking. Each treatment of adding apple cider
vinegar to low-sugar tea pores greatly affects the level of preference of the panelists,
because the higher the concentration of apple cider vinegar, the higher the acidity level
of low-sugar tea pores, this is because apple cider vinegar from fermentation has a pH of
3.13 which has a very acidic taste.
Overall Acceptance

The results of the Kruskal Wallis test showed that the overall acceptance parameter
showed P<0.05, and H0 was rejected so there was a real difference in the treatment of the
overall acceptance of low-sugar tea pores supplemented with apple cider vinegar. To see
which groups are different, Mann-Whitney further tests were carried out. The results of
the Mann-Whitney test showed that the overall acceptance rate of low-sugar tea pore
supplemented with apple cider vinegar was not significantly different (P> 0.05) in
samples of 0.5% and 1%, 0.5% and 2%, 1% and 1.5%, and 1.5% and 2%. However, there
were significant differences (P< 0.05) at 0% and 0.5%, 0% and 1%, 0% and 1.5%, 0%
and 2%, and 0.5% and 1.5% in the level of preference of the panelists for the overall
acceptance of low-sugar tea with apple cider vinegar supplementation. From the results
of the panelists' preference for the overall acceptance of low-sugar tea pores
supplemented with apple cider vinegar, the average preference of the panelists was
obtained of 3.23-4.13 where this data showed the lowest value, namely the treatment of
adding apple cider vinegar of 1.5% with the criterion of somewhat liking, while the
highest value was the treatment of adding apple cider vinegar of 0% with the criterion of
liking. This can be because the taste and aroma of apple cider vinegar still feel unfamiliar
to the average panelist.
Test the Effectiveness Index

Based on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the tea pore low-sugar
apple cider vinegar supplementation above, the best determination analysis was carried
out with an effectiveness index test.

Table 5

Effectiveness Index Test Results
Tea pore supplementation apple

cider vinegar (%)
Treatment Value (NP)

0 0,92
0,5 0,69
1 0,30

1,5 0,10
2 0,16

Consumer Perspective on Food Pairing Low-Sugar Rich in Antioxidant Tea Ponds
Supplemented with Apple Vinegar

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6077

Based on Table 5. The best treatment was found in low-sugar tea porosity with 0%
apple cider vinegar supplementation with a treatment value (NP) of 0.92%, therefore the
best treatment was not by the hypothesis proposed by the author so the hypothesis was
rejected. So the 0% treatment was declared as the best treatment with a physicochemical
value of pH 5.71, TPT 7.28 °brix, color L 34.02, color a 2.52, color b 3.88, and color
sensory value of 4.07 (like), aroma 4.20 (like), acidity level (3.83) somewhat liked, and
overall acceptance 4.13 (like).
Consumer Profile

Profiles of 49 respondents who were met directly at Tanjungpura University. The
gender of the respondents was dominated by women at 83.7% and males at 16.3%. With
the vulnerable age of respondents being 17-20 years old as much as 24.5%, 21-29 years
old as much as 69.4%, and < 30 years old as much as 6.1% so the vulnerable age of
respondents is dominated by respondents with the age of 21-29 years.

Table 6

Consumer Profile
Criterion Number of

Percentage (%)

Man 8 16,3
Woman 41 83,7
Age Range
17-20 Years 12 24,5
21-29 Years 34 69,4
>30 Years 3 6,1

Survey Results
Based on the results of an online survey on the consumption patterns of tea pores

from 49 respondents, the following data were obtained: the results of the survey on the
types of tea pore complementary foods are as follows: the highest percentage chosen by
respondents is fried bananas (28.6%), bakwan (18.4%), sweet cookies (10.2%), steamed
sponge cakes and salted sponge cakes (8.2%), baked sponge cakes (6.1%), original atomic
beans and salted atomic beans (4.1%), Peanuts, spicy atomic beans, salted banana chips,
spicy cassava chips, fried tempeh, and salted cookies only scored (2%) each. The
complementary foods chosen by the majority of respondents are a reflection of various
factors, especially environmental eating habits (peers, family, and others), and the
availability of food in each respondent's area.


Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the comparison of
physicochemical and sensory characteristics of low-sugar pores supplemented with apple
cider vinegar with various treatments of adding apple cider vinegar, has differences in
each parameter, namely pH, TPT, and Color. In food pairing, the data from the survey of

Olivia Feny, Yohana Sutiknyawati Kusuma Dewi, Lucky Hartanti

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6078

the types of food accompaniment to the tea scene are as follows: the highest percentage
chosen by the respondents is fried bananas (28.6%) out of 49 respondents.

Consumer Perspective on Food Pairing Low-Sugar Rich in Antioxidant Tea Ponds
Supplemented with Apple Vinegar

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6079


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