Arief Rahman, Warto Utomo, Bangbang Panca Kusuma, Muhammad Thariq
1770 Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 2, No. 10, Oktober 2021
Kata kunci: Analisis; Korupsi; Tindak Pidana.
Corruption which is categorized as an extraordinary crime (extraordinary crimes)
requires eradication efforts in extraordinary ways (extraordinary measure). The
KPK has duties, authorities, and obligations in terms of handling corruption crimes
which have been regulated in such a way in the KPK Law, this means that in the
enforcement of criminal law, especially corruption, the KPK can be interpreted as
a special law enforcement agency so that the efforts to be achieved in terms of
eradication (both in prevention and prosecution) of corruption in Indonesia can be
maximized. The formulation of the problem that the author discusses in this thesis
are: 1) How does the Legal Analysis of the Corruption Eradication Commission
carry out its duties in preventing corruption?, 2) What is the legal strategy of the
Corruption Eradication Commission in preventing corruption? The research
method that the author does is descriptive using a normative juridical method,
which provides an overview of the performance of the Corruption Eradication
Commission in carrying out its duties and functions to check the Legal Strategy of
the Corruption Eradication Commission in preventing the occurrence of criminal
acts of corruption, based on statutory regulations. Data obtained through literature
study or secondary data, consisting of primary legal materials in the form of laws
and regulations relevant to the thesis research, especially those that regulate the
performance of the Corruption Eradication Commission in carrying out its duties
and functions to prevent corruption, and other laws and regulations. related to the
problem. Finally, the author concludes that the authority of the KPK is more
prominent in the field of prosecution than prevention. This was also acknowledged
by the KPK, one of which was because what was sticking out to the media was
more of the KPK's efforts in the field of prosecution. The KPK in preventing
corruption based on legal analysis is carried out through several strategies, namely
the Legal Politics Approach Strategy, law enforcement and legal culture as well as
cooperating with the Ministry of Education and Culture, therefore at least through
anti-corruption education it is absolutely necessary to include it in the education
curriculum in each strata whose development is through modules for educators and
education staff to make schools/colleges a place to grow the character of integrity
Keywords: Analysis; Corruption; Criminal act.
Menurut bahasa, "korupsi berasal dari bahasa latin corruptio atau corruptus, dan
bahasa latin yang lebih tua dipakai istilah corrumpere. Dari bahasa latin itulah turun ke
berbagai bahasa bangsa-bangsa di Eropa. Seperti Inggris : corruption, corrupt,; Prancis:
corruption; dan Belanda : corruptive atau korruptie, yang kemudian turun ke dalam
bahasa Indonesia menjadi korupsi". Arti kata itu ialah kebusukan, keburukan, kebejatan,
ketidakjujuran, dapat disuap, tidak bermoral, penyimpangan dari kesucian (Hamzah,
Pengertian lain dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, korupsi adalah :
1) Penyelewengan atau penggelapan (uang Negara atau perusahaan dsb) untuk
kepentingan pribadi atau orang lain.