Lintang Cahaya Prita, Yuspa Sarah Lestari, Fadel Firdaus, Hilal Quthbirrobbaani, Indah
Mia Ningsih, Dini Rahmawati.
1816 Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 2, No. 10, Oktober 2021
Garbage is still a trending problem topic in almost all developing countries.
Especially in Indonesia, the quality of post-consumption waste is generally still low.
Many types of waste are still mixed between one type and another. The mixed waste
must be sorted so that the waste can be separated between types which can then be
processed to the next stage as a form of utilization or anything else such as recycling.
This research will focus on making a tool that can perform automatic waste selection
for sorting organic, inorganic and metal types of waste which aims to help the waste
sorting process which is expected to facilitate the recycling process. From the results
of testing tools, garbage can be sorted automatically with the help of a proximity
sensor. The proximity sensors used are inductive, capacitive, and optical proximity
sensors. The inductive proximity sensor is used to detect metal/non-metallic waste,
the capacitive proximity sensor is used to detect organic/inorganic waste, and the
optical proximity sensor is used to detect the presence of waste. In addition, the tools
made have limitations, namely the incoming waste must be dry so as not to interfere
with sensor readings, especially the capacitive proximity sensor, and also the
dimensions of the waste must be at a minimum size (pxWxH) 5cm x 5cm x 5cm and
a maximum of 12cm x 5cm x 5cm.
Keywords: Garbage Sorter; Automatic; Inductive Proximity Sensor; Capacitive
Proximity Sensor; Optical Proximity Sensor.
Perkembangan teknologi di era globalisasi khususnya dibidang mikrokontroler
dan sensor berdampak kepada kehidupan manusia. Banyak sekali lahir berbagai inovasi
teknologi baru dan terbarukan yang semuanya ditunjukan untuk mempermudah dan
membantu aktivitas manusia (Yoni & Hermawan, 2019). Dengan perkembangan
teknologi mikrokontroler dan sensor melahirkan alat bantu untuk meningkatkan
kesadaran pentingnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan (Aritonang, Bayu, & Prasetyo,
Pemilahan sampah menjadi salah satu kegiatan yang sudah seharusnya tersentuh
oleh kemajuan teknologi (Hakim, 2019). Terlebih lagi sampah merupakan masalah yang
sering menjadi trending topik dihampir semua negara berkembang. Khususnya di
Indonesia kualitas sampah pasca konsumsi umumnya rendah. Salah satunya kerap
tercampur antara satu jenis sampah dengan yang lainnya, sehingga sampah berada pada
keadaan kotor dan sulit diolah (Dini Trisyanti, Director of Suistanable Waste Indonesia
(SWI)) (Widyaningrum, 2020). Definisi sampah itu sendiri menurut UU-18/2008 tentang
Pengelolaan Sampah adalah sisa kegiatan sehari-hari manusia dan/atau proses alam yang
berbentuk padat. Dari permasalahan tersebut perlu adanya alat pemilah sampah untuk
mempermudah proses pemilahan sampah.