Damay Rusli, Anwar Sanusi, Dandan Haryono, Dian Andriani
1736 Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 2, No. 10, Oktober 2021
were problems with the ineffectiveness of P3-TGAI, among others, the existence of
irrigation channels that had not received P3-TGAI and lack of socialization of P3-
TGAI by UPTD employees. From these problems, the author formulates the problem.
How is the Effectiveness of the Program for Accelerating the Improvement of
Irrigation Water Use (P3-TGAI) at the UPT of the Public Works, Spatial Planning,
Housing and Settlement Areas of Sukaratu, Tasikmalaya Regency. The purpose of
this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Program for Accelerating the
Improvement of Irrigation Water Use (P3-TGAI) at the UPT of the Public Works,
Spatial Planning, Housing and Settlement Area of Sukaratu, Tasikmalaya Regency.
This study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. Data
collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation studies.
Interviews and triangulation were conducted on research informants, namely the
Head of UPTD, Head of Sub-Division of Administration, Implementer of UPTD,
Chair of WUA, two WUA members and 2 farmers. Techniques of data analysis are
data reduction, data display and verification and conclusion drawing. Based on the
results of the research and discussion, the authors conclude that the effectiveness of
the Program for the Acceleration of Improvement of Irrigation Water Use (P3-TGAI)
at the UPT of the Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Settlement Area of
Sukaratu, Tasikmalaya Regency has not been achieved. Of the five dimensions of
effectiveness analyzed, two dimensions of effectiveness have not been implemented
properly, namely the dimensions of program success and the dimensions of target
success, while the dimensions of effectiveness that have been well implemented are
the dimensions of satisfaction with the program, dimensions oflevels input and
output, and dimensions of overall goal achievement.
Keywords: Effectiveness; P3-TGAI program.
Pembangunan nasional merupakan rangkaian upaya pembangunan yang
berkesinambungan dan meliputi seluruh kehidupan masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara untuk
melaksanakan tugas mewujudkan Tujuan Nasional. Pelaksanaan pembangunan
mancakup aspek kehidupan bangsa, yaitu aspek politik, ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan
pertahanan keamanan secara berencana, menyeluruh, terarah, terpadu, bertahap dan
berkelanjutan untuk memacu peningkatan kemampuan nasional dalam rangka
mewujudkan kehidupan yang sejajar dan sederajat dengan bangsa lain yang lebih maju.
Oleh karena itu, sesungguhnya pembangunan nasional merupakan pencerminan
kehendak untuk terus menerus meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran rakyat
Pembangunan pedesaan merupakan bagian yang penting dari pembangunan
Nasional. Selama ini banyak program pembangunan yang dilakukan di Desa dirancang
oleh Pemerintah.Pembangunan Desa merupakan kegiatan yang mencakup seluruh aspek
kehidupan dalam masyarakat Desa. Tujuan pembangunan Desa adalah untuk
meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Desa, serta untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup
manusia dan untuk penanggulangan kemiskinan.