pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3524
Application of Surveillance and Monitoring in the Mature
Waterflood Field
Muhammad Iqbal Arrasyid
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: waterflood,
surveillance, production.
Waterflood is one of the keys to maintaining reservoir health
and carrying out oil recovery in the secondary stage. In its
development, the implementation of surveillance and
monitoring activities is carried out to monitor waterflood
performance both from the production and injection sides
regularly to maximize production optimization. However,
many challenges must be faced in developing waterfloods,
some of which are maintaining the Voidage Replacement
Ratio (VRR) and the production of unexpected water.
Therefore, a simpler and easy-to-apply surveillance and
monitoring approach is needed. This paper describes how
the application of waterflood surveillance and monitoring
principles and practices is carried out in the oil recovery
process and monitoring reservoir health. The reservoir health
monitoring process includes several aspects such as the
Voidage Replacement Ratio (VRR) and Water-Oil Ratio
(WOR), as well as the identification of areas of interest in
accumulated oil through the Production Attribute approach.
The application is carried out on Field 'X' which has a typical
production with a fairly high water cut. This approach was
successfully applied to Field 'X' and gave the results of the
approach that was quite ideal to be applied.
In general, the development of oil fields is oriented towards maximizing the profits
of a reservoir with existing conditions. To maximize these profits, many problems are
faced. (BaniHammad et al., 2019). Therefore, management is needed in developing oil
fields, especially old fields with the character of sandstone reservoirs that have natural
aquifers, artificial water drives, or a combination of both. This old field requires treatment
based on the character of the problems faced and of course, is a challenge in efforts to
maintain oil production. (Rini et al., 2021).
Application of Surveillance and Monitoring in the Mature Waterflood Field
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3525
One of the efforts that can be made in maintaining the production of old oil and gas
fields is to carry out the Waterflood injection method. (Samsudin et al., 2017). The
success of waterflood is a comprehensive method to maintain the health of the reservoir.
By maintaining the health of the reservoir, production optimization can be carried out
optimally and increase oil recovery. (Noer et al., 2021).
The main problem that usually occurs in the waterflood injection process is the
increase in the Water/Oil Ratio (WOR). This causes the processing of produced water to
increase. In addition, environmental aspects are also beginning to be considered, so it is
necessary to have strict supervision and monitoring of waterfloods. (Simbolon et al.,
2019). This research will be carried out in the scope of the waterflood field with data and
research carried out only covering aspects of reservoirs and production engineering in
certain fields. (Sandra & Witcahyo, n.d.).
Water Oil Ratio can be used to monitor production performance and can be used to
identify water coning, early breakthrough, and channeling problems. (Satter & Iqbal,
2015). This method is urgently needed because of the problems faced by the development
of waterflood fields that produce water so oil experiences a sharp decline in production.
In dealing with these problems, the approach with the Chan Plot method is often
used. This method is a technique to be able to diagnose and evaluate reservoir problems.
This technique uses WOR plots and WOR derivatives plots plotted on a logarithmic scale
so that the trend character of the well data will be seen that show the behavior or
production mechanism of the well.
Research Design
The type of research that will be carried out is quantitative and qualitative research
on field case study 'X'. The study aims to obtain an actual picture of the performance of
waterflood and its effect on oil production and injection so that the conditions and
problems that occur in the reservoir in field 'X' can be known. (Agustianti et al., 2022).
Data Collection Methods
The data collection methods used are divided into quantitative secondary and
qualitative secondary data collection. Quantitative secondary data is obtained from Field
"X" where the field is currently producing with a high-water cut (more than 97%), this
data is used to analyze and evaluate the performance of waterflood against oil production.
Qualitative data collection methods were obtained from various literature such as
scientific journals, and books that are on the research topic. The data needed are:
1. Data reservoir
2. Production and injection data
3. Well data
Data Processing and Analysis
The scope of analysis in the field, area, or well includes:
1. Performance of oil production rate, water injection, and voidage replacement ratio
(VRR) over time
Muhammad Iqbal Arrasyid
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3526
2. Water Oil Ratio (WOR)
3. Plot diagnosis (water coning and hall plot injection)
4. Production Attribute
Results and Discussion
Analisa Voidage Replacement Ratio
In this study, the evaluation of waterflood performance includes the evaluation of
VRR, pressure, and oil production performance. This VRR calculation uses historical
production-injection data and is then calculated through equation (1). With the current
production and injection conditions of the 'X' field, the instantaneous VRR obtained is
around 4.01 (Aidira, 2022). In the period from 2018 to the present, VRR trending tends
to decrease. This is due to a gradual increase in fluid production, but injection conditions
tend to be stable at a rate of around 28 to 34 MBWIPD. This decrease in VRR does not
affect oil production performance so the decline rate remains stable as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 VRR Graph on Field Production and Injection
The decrease in VRR also did not hurt reservoir pressure, as seen in Figure 1, the
reservoir pressure of one reservoir seam sample taken on new well drilling (RFT data)
tended to be stable at the level of 420 to 470 psi. This is because the injection volume
injected is greater than the volume of the fluid produced and the reservoir pressure can
remain at the same level.
Application of Surveillance and Monitoring in the Mature Waterflood Field
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3527
Figure 2 Reservoir pressure (based on RFT) on time
Analisa Water Oil Ratio
Along with the cumulative increase in oil in Field 'X', the Water/Oil Ratio (WOR)
also tends to increase, although there are several WOR improvements in 2018 and 2023,
due to the workover program that has had a positive impact on oil production. The WOR
graph against the cumulative oil can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2 WOR graph against oil cumulative
Muhammad Iqbal Arrasyid
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3528
WOR has experienced a fairly high increase in recent times, showing indications of
an increase in water cuts so that the cumulative oil produced has not increased significantly
in recent years (Panuju, 2019). Although WOR rose quite sharply in 2023-2024, this trend
is normal for WOR where typical reservoirs produce a fairly high water cut. The typical
tendency of reservoirs in the 'X' field is evidenced by a sample of the Chanplot diagram
on two wells, namely X-15 in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Sample of Chan Well Plot X-15
The Chanplot graph shows a normal indication of displacement with a typical high
water cut.
Hall plot Analysis
In this study, Hallplot analysis was also carried out from the injection site, by
calculating the cumulative injection volume and wellhead pressure from 2011 to 2024, and
then a hall plot derivative was carried out using the hallplot equation, as attached to Figure
Application of Surveillance and Monitoring in the Mature Waterflood Field
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Figure 4 Derivative Hallplot of the X-14 Well
The X-14 well, which currently has a cumulative injection of 159.6 MMBWIPD,
tends to have a typical normal injection with a trending cumulative injection volume and
wellhead pressure that continues to rise and is stable. The upward trend was due to changes
in the completion and change of injection layers, but the graph still showed indications of
normal injection.
Mapping Attribute Production
After the analysis in terms of production and injection performance is carried out,
the results of the analysis show that the current performance of field 'X' can be categorized
as normal displacement with typical high-WOR where, therefore, field 'X' still has
residual oil that can be developed. Identification of remaining oil can be done by mapping
areas that have been significant contributors over the past year. From the calculation
results, the largest PoA comes from the X-19 well with a PoA value of 10.571 bbl, and
the main contributor comes from the N-1600 layer. Meanwhile, X-27 and X-18 have PoA
values of 3,276 bbl and 2,722 bbl.
Table 2
Wells with the Largest Oil Contributors based on PoA Calculations
PoA, bbl oil
Biggest Sand
The results of the calculation are then plotted into a bubble map that is
superimposed on the base map as shown in Figure 5.
Muhammad Iqbal Arrasyid
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3530
Figure 6 Base Map Overlay with Bubble Map
On the base map, it can be seen that throughout the past year, the N-1600 layer has
been produced quite well so the cumulative oil produced is quite large, so there is still the
potential for bypass oil in the surrounding area that is a yellow bubble (central area). As
for the M-1880 and M-1910 layers, they developed in each area, where M-1880 sand
contributed enough to the northern and central areas (the area around the orange bubble
and M-1910 contributed to the southern area (green bubble).
Based on the results of the above analysis, the researcher concluded that Field "X"
has a character produced in a hi-watercut manner, where the Chan Plot diagram shows an
indication of normal displacement even though the WOR graph has increased quite a bit
in the last two years. In addition, Field "X" also has a fairly stable reservoir pressure based
on the RFT results, even though the VRR is valued at more than 1. In terms of injection,
the typical injection in the injector well is quite normal as reflected in the Hallplot in the
X-15 well. The identification of residual oil is quite reflected in certain areas, where the
N-1600, M-1880, and M-1910 layers have a fairly high PoA value in the past year.
Overall, Field 'X' still has the potential to be developed.
Application of Surveillance and Monitoring in the Mature Waterflood Field
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3531
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