Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi: pISSN: 2723 - 6609
e-ISSN : 2745-5254
Vol. 2, No. 8 Agustus 2021
Siti Maemunah
, Raden Ardano Pasha
Postgraduate Directorate, Trisakti Institute of Transportation and Logistics,
Jakarta, Indonesia
, Universitas Trisakti
The problem of this reasearch has entered the industrial revolution 4.0 (4IR), then
strategy implementation need to be done through 4IR road map. Specific aspect
which has effect to Industry 4.0 Technology Adoption are technology intensity, strict
capital & human resources investment, therefore performances measurement which
consider whole organization become more relevant. The purpose of this research was
to test moderation effect of Industry 4.0 Technology process-related and
product/service-related into the lean manufacturing implementation to business
performance. The methodology of this research is using PLS-SEM approach with
SMART-PLS software. Measurement of variable datas were obtained through 1-5
Likert scale survey which was distributed to PT.XYZ employee. The finding of this
research show those Industry 4.0 Technology process-related and product/service-
related were not moderating implementation of lean manufacturing to business
performance in PT. XYZ. The limitation in this study were only for PT. XYZ
operational scope and were using data from Aug Nov 2020. Conclusion of this
research can not be generalized to other research object or to describe PT. XYZ in
another time.
Keyword: industry 4.0 technology; lean manufacturing, business performance,
process-related, product/service-related.
The Ministry of Industry (2019) the manufacturing industry is a sector that forms
the backbone of the economy in Indonesia. The manufacturing industry in Indonesia
contributes 20 percent of the total National Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Indonesia is
ranked 5th among the G-20 member countries. When compared with the average GDP
value of countries around the world which is only 15 percent, the manufacturing industry
in Indonesia is quite good. In 2018, the manufacturing industry also became the largest
contributor to state revenue in the form of taxes amounting to IDR 363.60 trillion or a
total of 30 percent of total tax revenue.
Ministry of Industry (2018) Indonesia has entered the fourth industrial revolution
or industrial revolution 4.0 (4IR), it is necessary to implement a strategy through the 4IR
road map in Indonesia which involves stakeholders in the manufacturing industry. The
aim is to provide a clear direction for the movement of Indonesian industry in the future.
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(Tortorella, Giglio, & Van Dun, 2019) the concept of industry 4.0 has not been
fully understood by practitioners, but some researchers (Rüßmann et al., 2015) agreed to
define industry 4.0 as an industry that involves a set of digital technologies such as
embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, 3D printing, cloud computing, & big data
that have been developed before the year (Wan, Cai, & Zhou, 2015). 2011 (Lasi, Fettke,
Kemper, Feld, & Hoffmann, 2014) explain the implementation of industry 4.0 related to
digital elements that monitor and control physical devices, sensors, information &
communication technologies (ICT), and the Internet of Things (IoT).
(Tortorella & Fettermann, 2018) defines that industry 4.0 represents an industry
characterized by interconnectivity between machines, systems and smart products, as well
as interrelated solutions. (Tortorella et al., 2019) classifies industrial technology 4.0 into
two directions, namely process-related technology and product / service-related
Lean manufacturing (LM) or lean production (LP) is a common practice in
industry, especially the manufacturing industry. (Shah & Ward, 2003) explained that LM
practice focuses on reducing activities that do not provide added value and at the same
time improving productivity and quality from the customer's point of view. The practice
of LM has been started since the 3.0 industrial revolution along with the presence of the
Just In Time (JIT) practice promoted by Toyota. (Al Haraisa, 2017) explains the effect of
implementing JIT which consists of equipment layout, suppliers quality, setup time
reduction and pull production which has a positive effect on operational excellence in
industrial companies in Jordan.
Previous research related to industrial technology 4.0, (Tortorella et al., 2019)
regarding the adoption of industrial technology 4.0 as a moderating effect of LM
implementation and its impact on the operational performance (OP) improvement of
companies in Brazil. The results of this study found a partial relationship between the
aspects of industrial technology adoption 4.0. Research related to LM (Nawanir, 2016)
examined the effect of LM implementation on business performance (BP) in
manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The study found that overall LM practices
contributed significantly to improving business performance as measured by profitability,
sales, and customer satisfaction.
(Nawanir, 2016) examined the influence of LM and its positive impact on business
performance. (Tortorella et al., 2019) examined the relationship between LM variables
and moderation of industrial technology adoption 4.0 to OP. Research related to LM and
its impact on OP and business performance has been widely studied, but the measurement
of LM application on company business performance with moderation in the adoption of
industrial technology 4.0 is still very little. (Anderl, 2014), one of the specific aspects that
affect the adoption of industrial technology 4.0 into manufacturing companies in
developing countries is low technology intensity, tight investment in capital & human
Performance measurements in terms of the overall organization such as profit,
sales and customer satisfaction are more relevant when compared to measurements from
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the operational level alone. Therefore, this study examines the impact of LM
implementation moderated by the adoption of industry 4.0 technology on business
performance (profitability, sales, & customer satisfaction).
DeLoitte University Press (2016) explains that at the beginning of the 21st
century, industry 4.0 connects the internet of things (IOT) with manufacturing techniques
to allow the system to share information, analyze and use it as an intelligent execution
guide. It also combines various cutting-edge technologies such as additive manufacturing,
robotics, artificial intelligence and all cognitive technologies, cutting edge materials, and
augmented reality.
Research Methodology
Testing on the outer model aims to measure how well each indicator is related to
reflect and explain latent variables. Things that need to be considered are the validity and
reliability of the data generated from the research instruments. Testing the validity in this
study using convergent validity and discriminant validity, while for reliability using
indicators of reliability and internal consistency reliability.
Convergent validity is done by measuring the average variance extracted (AVE).
There are three discriminant validity measurements, namely Fornell-Larcker criterion,
cross loading, and heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) ratio. Indicator reliability is based on
measuring indicators of outer loading, while internal consistency reliability uses
Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability.
Inner model testing is used to measure the level of suitability or feasibility of data
in a modeling using test (GoF). The GoF test on the outer model can be done through 2
approaches, namely measuring the relationship between variables (R2) or predictive
relevance (Q2). The coefficient of determination explains the proportion of variability Y
described by the least square X regression. The coefficient of determination is determined
by the value of R2.
Discussion of Research Results
The discussion of the research results includes the results of the validity test,
reliability test, GoF test and hypothesis testing. Target respondents at PT. XYZ totaled
60 employees, but only 55 employees filled out the questionnaire, so the data used became
n = 55. Based on the level of position, respondents who had staff positions were 39
respondents (70.9%), supervisors were 8 respondents (14.5%), managers were 5
respondents (9.1%), deputy general managers were 3 respondents (5, 5%), while for the
General Manager level, no one filled out the quisoner.
Based on shop, respondents who work in shop casting are 11 respondents (20%),
shop welding is 8 respondents (14.5%), shop painting is 12 respondents (21.8%), shop
machining is 9 respondents (16.4 %), and shop assembling as many as 15 respondents
Reliability in this study considers indicator reliability using indicators of outer
loading and internal consistency reliability using Cronbach's alpha and composite
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reliability. Based on the results of the calculation of 1st order construct, the indicator's
outer loading on each latent variable shows that there are several values that do not meet
the criteria value> 0.6 (Hair, Hult, Ringle, Sarstedt, & Thiele, 2017). Indicators that do
not meet the criteria are not used in the next stage.
(Sarstedt, Ringle, & Hair, 2014) discriminant validity refers to the extent to which
constructs actually differ from one another empirically, also measuring the degree of
difference between overlapping constructs. Discriminant validity can be measured using
the fornell-larcker criterion, cross-loading, or HTMT method. Based on the test results,
the fornell-larcker criterion on the 1st order construct and 2nd order construct of all
variables was declared valid and sufficient to meet the discriminant validity requirements.
Testing the feasibility of the model through GoF considers the GoF value with the
input coefficient of determination (R2). Based on the results of the calculation of the R2
value in table 15., the simultaneous effect of LM to PROF is 0.042 (4.2%), the
simultaneous effect of LM to SALE is 0.204 (20.4%), and the simultaneous effect of LM
to CUST is 0.111 ( 11.1%). This value shows that R2 for LM against the dependent
variable SALE is categorized as weak, while the dependent variables PROF and CUST
are outside the recommended value category. Based on this value, the effect of LM on
SALE at PT. XYZ is the biggest and can be explained by LM at 20.4%.
The results of hypothesis testing show that none of the interactions of industrial
technology 4.0 process-related (H1; H3; H5) moderate the application of LM to BP.
(Tortorella et al., 2019) moderation by industrial technology 4.0 process-related to OP is
the practice of LM low setup. The low setup aspect in LM practices in this study lies in
the QS variable (Nawanir, 2016). Outer loading on the QS variable in the 2nd order
construct shows values that do not meet the criteria so they are eliminated in hypothesis
testing. PT. XYZ does not fully practice QS in its operations. Therefore the results of
hypothesis testing are in line with (Tortorella et al., 2019) that apart from low setup
practices, industrial 4.0 process-related technology does not moderate OP. (Nawanir,
Teong, & Othman, 2013) Partially OP is a mediating variable for the relationship between
LM and BP.
The results of hypothesis testing show that none of the interactions of industrial
technology 4.0 product / service-related (H2; H4; H6) moderate the application of LM to
BP. (Tortorella et al., 2019) moderation by industrial technology 4.0 product / service-
related to OP is the practice of LM flow. (Tortorella et al., 2019) practice flow includes
improvement through planned layout arrangements according to product families and
balancing work station cycle time. This flow practice is actually in line with CL practice
involved in hypothesis testing. The difference between (Tortorella et al., 2019) and this
study occurs due to the industrial 4.0 product / service technology involved, IND6 (3D
printing) and IND7 (simulation) which are industrial technology 4.0 which is less closely
related to the manufacturing process of PT. XYZ.
PT. XYZ produces mass production automotive components, 3D printing or
additive manufacturing is not suitable for mass production because of the low processing
speed in making one item. Therefore, IND6 (3d printing) technology investment is not
Siti Maemunah, Raden Ardano Pasha
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suitable for strengthening LM practices at PT. XYZ. (Tortorella & Fettermann, 2018)
virtual models and IoT technology aim to support processes related to product
development and service innovation, so that the use of virtual model technology (IND7)
alone will not strengthen LM practices related to processes.
This study concludes that industry 4.0 process-related & product / service-related
technology does not moderate the implementation of lean manufacturing on business
performance in terms of profitability, sales, and customer satisfaction at PT. XYZ. From
the lean manufacturing side, the factor that affects this is the implementation of lean
manufacturing which is not done completely by PT. XYZ. In terms of industrial
technology 4.0, the influencing factor is the adoption of industrial technology 4.0 PT.
XYZ focuses on technology to improve the design stage rather than the process. Besides
that, the understanding of the practitioners of PT. XYZ on industrial technology 4.0 to
moderate the implementation of lean manufacturing may be another factor.
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