pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5079
The Relationship between Resilience and Psychological Well-
Being in New Students Migrating at 'Aisyiyah University
Zakia Ahnaf Hanifa
Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Keywords: student
psychological well-being;
overseas students.
New students who migrate outside their home areas often
face adaptation challenges, both academically and socially.
This creates emotional distress that can affect their
psychological well-being. Resilience, or a person's ability to
bounce back from pressure, is considered to play an
important role in maintaining the psychological balance of
regional students. This study aims to examine the
relationship between resilience and psychological well-
being in new students who migrate to the University of
'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. This study uses a quantitative method
with a correlational approach. The sample of this study is 97
new students of the 2022-2023 batch taken using a simple
random sampling technique. Data were collected through
questionnaires that measured the level of resilience and
psychological well-being and then analyzed using the
Spearman correlation test. The results showed that there was
a strong and significant positive relationship between
resilience and the psychological well-being of overseas
students. The high level of resilience in migrant students has
been proven to correlate with improved psychological well-
being. Resilience plays a significant role in maintaining the
psychological well-being of new students who travel.
Therefore, educational institutions need to provide support
that helps students develop resilience to face challenges
during their studies.
According to (Fitriyani, n.d.), education in a general sense includes all efforts and
deeds of the older generation that provide experience, knowledge, skills, and skills to the
younger generation to perform their life functions in association as well as possible. The
definition of education is even broader in scope as activities and phenomena. Education
as an activity means a conscious effort designed to help a person or a group of people
develop their outlook on life (how a person lives and utilizes something in their life), life
attitudes, and life skills both manually (practical instructions) and mental and social,
Ardi Aprianus Benu, Susanti, Pardamaean Dauly
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5080
while education as a phenomenon is an event of a meeting between two people or even
more that has an impact, namely the development of a view of life, attitude to life, or life
skills on one or more parties.
(Pramitha & Astuti, 2021) Argues that the demands of education today and in the
future are to improve the quality of intellectual and professional abilities as well as the
attitudes, personalities, and morals of Indonesian society in general. Lectures are a
process of advanced learning in the formal field where in lectures there are many majors.
If in elementary school, or junior high school, students have to learn everything, in college
a student only needs to learn things that are relevant to his chosen major. So, what you
learn will be more specific according to your interests. One of the main goals of the lecture
is to expand knowledge and insights, which in lectures students will also practice more
Nowadays, many teenagers are pursuing higher education outside their
hometowns so they have to live outside the home or the area for a certain period to
complete their education often referred to as migrant students. According to data from the
Ministry of Research and Technology (2019), the best universities in Indonesia are
generally still concentrated on the island of Java. Data released by the Ministry of
Research, Technology, and Higher Education on the 100 non-vocational universities with
the highest ranking shows that nine out of ten of the best universities in Indonesia are on
the island of Java. The good quality of education on the island of Java causes people from
various regions of Indonesia to compete to win the available seats at the university. The
better quality of education on the island of Java compared to outside the island of Java
makes students try to get the opportunity to study on the island of Java (Hutabarat and
Nurchayati, 2021). Because students who are from outside Java have a dream of enjoying
education with superior quality in Java, they must migrate and leave their hometowns.
(Rufaida & Kustanti, 2018) Said that students who migrate will automatically
survive in a new environment that is certainly different from their home environment so
students in the region go through changes and differences in various aspects of their lives,
such as responsibilities, lifestyles, and social interactions faced in each of their actions.
(Hasibuan et al., 2018) Said that first-level migrant students basically need help to
adjust to their new status in various social and study problems. Difficulties in students
revolve around the difference in the nature of education in high school to college, social
relations, economic problems, and the choice of field of study. Many of the first-level
nomadic students were able to overcome the problems that occurred during this transition
period, but not a few students also failed to overcome these problems.
Resilience is the ability of individuals to cope with adverse and stressful situations.
Resilience can also be interpreted as a mental attitude that encourages a person to seek
new experiences and view life as an ever-evolving process. People who have high
resilience tend to have a positive attitude, are confident, and dare to take risks. Resilience
is a person's ability to overcome difficulties and challenges in life. This ability can be
manifested in various forms, such as a positive attitude, confidence, daring to take risks,
and being able to adapt to change. Resilience makes a person remain resilient and bounce
Analysis of the Implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 4 of
2010 concerning Guidelines for Integrated Sub-district Administrative Services in South Central
Timor Regency
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5081
back after experiencing difficulties or trauma. According to Connor and Davidson (2003),
resilience can be measured by an individual's ability to cope with stress, anxiety, and
depression. Resilience is also a dynamic process that can be developed by individuals
(Cope et al., 2016).
Research objectives
1. General Purpose
Knowing the relationship between resilience and psychological well-being in new
students who migrated to the University of 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta.
2. Special Purpose
1) Knowing the psychological well-being level of new students who migrate at
'Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta
2) Knowing the level of resilience of new students who migrate at 'Aisyiyah
University Yogyakarta
This study uses quantitative research. In this study, a quantitative correlational
research method was used. Research with the quantitative correlational method is
research to obtain knowledge by the process of analyzing data in the form of numbers,
which is then processed statistically so that the significance of the relationship between
variables or groups can be obtained. (Periantalo et al., 2020).
Research Variables
A variable is the object of research or what is the point of attention of research.
Variable identification is a step in determining the main variables in the research and the
function of each variable. The variables in this study consist of 2, namely the resilience-
free variable and the psychological well-being-bound variable.
Population and Sample
1. Population
The research population is the party that provides data relevant to the problem being
investigated in the study. The research population in this study is all new students who
migrate, namely students of the 2022-2023 batch who are currently studying at 'Aisyiyah
University Yogyakarta. The total number of new students who entered was 2,409 students
divided into 3 faculties, namely FIKES as many as 1698 students (70%), FST as many as
180 students (7%), and FEISHUM as many as 510 students (23%).
2. Sample
The sample is a part of the population that is used to represent the population
(Sugiyono, 2015). In this study, the sample was calculated based on the Slovin formula
based on a population of 2,409 new students with an error margin of 10% (0.1). The
sample is calculated based on the following formula:
𝑛 = 𝑁
1 + (𝑁 x 𝑒2)
Ardi Aprianus Benu, Susanti, Pardamaean Dauly
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5082
N = Total Population
n = Number of samples
e = Error percentage (0,1)
𝑛 = 2.409
1 + (2.409 x 0,12)
n = 96,02
n = 97
Based on calculations, the minimum sample needed is 97 respondents (Sugiyono,
Sampling Techniques
The sampling technique in this study uses random sampling. Random sampling is
a type of probability sampling in which everyone across the target population has an equal
chance of being selected. The sample is randomly selected which is intended to be an
unbiased representation of the total population. In this study, simple random sampling is
used where this method is intended that as many as n samples are taken from the N
population and each member of the population has the same chance to be taken.
Data Collection Methods and Tools
The data in this study was collected using the questionnaire distribution method.
The Student Resilience Scale is measured by adopting The Connor-Davidson Resilience
Scale (CD-RISC) to measure the level of resilience of students. The resilience scale
measured includes 7 dimensions, namely emotional regulation, impulse control, empathy,
self-efficacy, optimism, causal analysis, and achievement. Based on the validation results,
CD-RISC shows Crobach's alpha of 0.87 and a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.76 which
indicates the validity and reliability of the adopted scale.
Reliability and Validity
The last step of a study is to conduct data analysis. (Bahartiar & Arwadi, 2020).
The analysis used in this study is:
1. Content Validity Test
A questionnaire that is said to be valid indicates that the measuring tool used to
obtain the data is valid or can be used to measure what is supposed to be measured. The
test uses the validity test method using the Pearson product-moment correlation by saying
that the instrument is valid if the calculated value is > table or sig. > 5%.
2. Reliability Test
The reliability test determines the extent to which the research instrument used can
be trusted. In the reliability test, the goal is to see the consistency of the measuring tool
and consistency if it is carried out repeatedly using the same tool. The reliability test of
the instrument is a tool used in the measurement of questionnaires. A reliable
questionnaire means that in the respondents' answers, there are consistent questions. The
Cronbach Alpha technique was used to ensure that the measuring instrument to be used
Analysis of the Implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 4 of
2010 concerning Guidelines for Integrated Sub-district Administrative Services in South Central
Timor Regency
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5083
in the study was reliable. In this study, Cronbach Alpha was used with a minimum score
of 0.70 with the help of SPSS (Faradiba & Musmulyadi, 2020).
Data Management and Analysis Methods
1. Normality Test
The normality test was used to see whether the research data obtained followed the
normal distribution curve or not. The normality of data must be fulfilled because it can
represent the entire population. The normality test in this study was carried out with the
Kolmogorov Smirnov Test which is one of the menus in the SPSS software used to see
the distribution of data whether it is normal or abnormal. If the value of Asymp. Sig. of
variables > level of significant 5% (>0.05), the distribution of data is said to be normal,
while if Asymp. Sig. < level of significant 5% (<0.05) then the distribution is said to be
This normality test determines the statistical analysis method to be used. If the data
obtained is obtained from a normally distributed population, a parametric approach can
be used as a follow-up test. However, if the data obtained from the population is
abnormally distributed, a nonparametric approach is used as a follow-up test. (Chyan et
al., 2024).
2. Bivariate Analysis
The data obtained in this study will then be quantitatively analyzed using statistical
techniques. The reason the researcher chose this technique is that statistical analysis
techniques can show the conclusion of the research by taking into account the validity
factor. For the research hypothesis, the statistical technique that will be used is Product
Moment correlation analysis. Correlational analysis was carried out with the help of a
computer program from the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).
Results and Discussion
Categorization Psychological Well-Being
Psychological well-being, as one of the important indicators of mental health,
encompasses various aspects related to how individuals assess the overall quality of life
of students. (Angraini & Rahardjo, 2023). According to Carol Ryff, a psychologist known
for her theories of psychological well-being, psychological well-being consists of six
main dimensions: self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, autonomy, control
of the environment, life goals, and personal growth. Self-acceptance refers to a positive
attitude toward oneself and acceptance of various aspects of life experiences. Positive
relationships with others indicate an individual's capacity to have warm, satisfying, and
affectionate relationships. Autonomy indicates the ability to self-regulate and feel
independent in making decisions. Environmental mastery reflects an individual's ability
to effectively manage and influence the environment around students. Life goals include
having direction and goals in life, while personal growth refers to the feeling of growth
and continuous self-improvement. (Fauzia et al., 2020).
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This psychological well-being is rooted in various theories and research that support
the importance of balancing internal and external factors in a person's life. Internal factors
include aspects such as emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and resilience, which help
individuals overcome challenges and stressors in daily life. Meanwhile, external factors
include social support, healthy working conditions, and access to adequate mental health
services. The interaction between these internal and external factors is key in determining
a person's level of psychological well-being. Research also shows that psychological
well-being not only affects mental health, but also plays an important role in physical
health, academic achievement, and job satisfaction. (Mansur & Rafiudin, 2020).
Table 1
Hypothetical and Empirical Overview of Psychological Well-Being Variables
Data Type Aitem Minimum
Mean Standard
From the
97 115 148 134,31 9,13
Empirical 97 42 168 105 21
Based on the results of the calculation in Table 1, the subjects can be grouped into
3 categories, namely low, medium, and high. The details of the categorization of
Psychological Well-Being variables are as follows:
Table 2
Categorization of Empirical Data on Psychological Well-Being in New Students
Tingkat Psychological Well-Being Frekuensi Persentase
Sedang 97 100%
Total 97 100%
Based on Table 2, it is known that all new students who live overseas and study at
Universitas 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta are students who have a moderate level of
psychological well-being, which is as much as 100%.
Hypothesis Testing
In this study, hypothesis testing uses a correlation test, namely between the Pearson
correlation test and the Spearman correlation test. The determination of the type of
correlation test used is based on the results of the normality test. If the results of the
normality test show that the data is distributed normally, then the correlation test used is
the Pearson correlation test, but if the results of the normality test show that the data is
abnormally distributed, then the correlation test used is the Spearman correlation test. The
following are the results of the normality test in this study.
Table 3
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2010 concerning Guidelines for Integrated Sub-district Administrative Services in South Central
Timor Regency
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5085
Normality Testing
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
N 97 97
Normal Parametersa,b Mean 93.8763 134.3093
Std. Deviation 9.36111 9.13482
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .146 .129
Positive .146 .087
Negative -.113 -.129
Test Statistic .146 .129
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000c .000c
Based on Table 3, it is known that the significance value of the two research
variables in the normality test is <0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that the data in this
study is abnormally distributed.
Based on the results of the normality test, in this study hypothesis testing using the
Spearman correlation test.
Table 4
Hypothesis Testing
Spearman's rho Resilience Correlation
1.000 .770**
Sig. (2-tailed) . .000
N 97 97
al Well-
.770** 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .
N 97 97
Based on Table 4, it is known that the correlation values and significance values in
the correlation test are 0.770 and 0.000. The correlation value indicates that the
relationship between the two variables is positive and is categorized as strong.
Meanwhile, the significant value < 0.05 which shows that there is a significant
relationship between the two variables.
In this study, it was found that resilience had a strong and significant positive
relationship with psychological well-being in new students who migrated to the
University of 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. Resilience, as an individual's ability to cope with
challenges, stress, and trauma, is closely linked to psychological well-being. In the
context of overseas students, who often face additional pressures from adapting to a new
environment, away from the support of old family and friends, the level of resilience can
be a determining factor in the student experience. Students who have a high level of
resilience tend to be able to cope with various challenges that students face, such as
Ardi Aprianus Benu, Susanti, Pardamaean Dauly
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5086
academic pressure, loneliness, and future uncertainty, more effectively. As a result,
college students tend to exhibit higher psychological well-being, including better levels
of happiness, life satisfaction, and academic motivation.
This seems to be in line with what is explained. (Tasalim et al., 2023) That resilience
in students is an important factor that can affect students' ability to face various challenges
that often arise in the academic and social environment. The high level of resilience
allows students to respond more effectively to academic pressure. In this context, students
who have a high level of resilience tend to have the ability to manage stress resulting from
academic demands such as tight lecture schedules, tight assignment deadlines, and
competition between peers. Students may be better able to identify effective coping
strategies, such as good time management or social support seeking, to maintain optimal
emotional balance and academic performance.
In addition, students who have a high level of resilience may also be better able to
overcome feelings of loneliness that often arise during college. The transition period from
a familiar social environment to a new and unfamiliar environment can lead to feelings
of loneliness and social isolation. However, students who have a high level of resilience
tend to have the ability to build healthy social relationships and gain support from the
surrounding environment. Students can create strong social networks among classmates,
lecturers, or members of student organizations, which can provide emotional and practical
support in facing social challenges. (Syafriani et al., 2022).
A high level of resilience also plays an important role in helping students deal with
future uncertainties. The college period is often marked by uncertainty related to career,
finance, and personal life. Students who have high resilience may be better able to
develop an adaptive attitude to this uncertainty. Students tend to have the ability to stay
focused on the student's long-term goals, despite being faced with unexpected challenges
and changes. In addition, resilience can also help students see uncertainty as an
opportunity for growth and learning, rather than as an insurmountable obstacle (Hapsari
& Eva, 2021).
Further explanation of the relationship between psychological well-being
and resilience, (Pratama et al., 2022) explained that the level of resilience is an important
factor in determining a person's psychological well-being, especially for students in the
academic environment. Students with high levels of resilience tend to have better
adaptation skills in the face of academic, social, and emotional pressures that are often
part of the college experience. Students are better able to handle challenges and failures,
thereby reducing the risk of experiencing excessive stress or mental health disorders.
In addition, students who have a high level of resilience also tend to have strong
social support. College students may have a solid social network that can provide
emotional and practical support when facing difficulties. This social support can help
students feel more confident and able to overcome obstacles, as well as provide students
with the sense of security and comfort needed to achieve high psychological well-being.
Thus, the level of resilience is not only a direct indicator of psychological well-being but
Analysis of the Implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 4 of
2010 concerning Guidelines for Integrated Sub-district Administrative Services in South Central
Timor Regency
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5087
can also be an important mediator between social and psychological factors that affect
student well-being (Indrawati et al., 2019).
However, it is important to remember that resilience is not an innate trait alone.
Resilience can be improved through various interventions and self-development
strategies, both through psychological skills training programs and through social support
and a supportive environment. Therefore, in the context of higher education, higher
education institutions can play a significant role in helping students develop student
resilience through the provision of appropriate resources and support, such as counselling
services, personality development programs, and an inclusive learning environment
(Mahendika & Sijabat, 2023).
Based on the findings in Table 4, it is known that the majority of new students who
experience life outside the city and attend lectures at 'Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta
show a level of resilience that is at a moderate level, reaching as much as 99%. This
indicates that most of the students can overcome pressures and challenges in facing
changes in the environment and academic demands in a new environment. However, there
is a small fraction, about 1% of the total students, who show a high level of resilience.
This may indicate that students have stronger abilities in dealing with stress and
difficulties, as well as have effective coping strategies in dealing with various situations
that may arise during the transition period of overseas life and studying in a new
Based on the findings in Table 4.3, it is known that all new students have a moderate
level of psychological well-being, reaching 100%. This shows that despite the challenges
of living abroad which may include social adaptation, being away from family, and
academic pressures, students are still able to maintain a fairly good mental balance
This seems to be in line with the explanation (Angraini & Rahardjo, 2023) that
students who live overseas are often faced with a complex set of challenges. One of the
main challenges is social adaptation. As students move into a new environment, separated
from their family and social surroundings, they must overcome a sense of isolation and
find ways to integrate into a new community. This adaptation process often requires
significant time and effort, as students must build new relationships and understand
different social dynamics (Angraini & Rahardjo, 2023).
In addition, being far from family can also be a psychological burden for overseas
students. Longing and the need for emotional support from family can be factors that
cause stress and anxiety. While technology allows for long-distance communication,
nothing can replace the warmth and support felt when you're with your family in person.
Therefore, migrant students often have to develop effective coping strategies to overcome
feelings of loneliness and anxiety that may arise due to separation from family (Halim &
Dariyo, 2017).
Another challenge faced by migrant students is the academic pressure that may be
higher. Students must cope with academic demands that are often more complex while
Ardi Aprianus Benu, Susanti, Pardamaean Dauly
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5088
maintaining a balance between social life, extracurricular activities, and the student's
mental health. The feeling of need to succeed in a new environment can add to the
psychological burden of students, which requires a high level of mental resilience
(Ardiwinata & Ismuniar, 2021).
Despite these challenges, most of the migrant students are still able to maintain a
good mental balance. This can be due to factors such as social support from peers, the
availability of mental health services in college, as well as the individual's ability to
develop effective coping strategies. Although student journeys may be fraught with
obstacles, migrant students often exhibit an extraordinary level of resilience.
Based on the results and discussion, the conclusions of this study are as follows.
1. All new students who live overseas and study at 'Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta are
students who have a moderate level of psychological well-being, which is as much as
2. Most of the new students who live overseas and study at Universitas 'Aisyiyah
Yogyakarta are students who have a moderate level of resilience, which is 99%, while
the rest are students who have a high level of resilience of 1%.
3. Resilience has a strong and significant positive relationship with psychological well-
being in new students who migrate to the University of 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta.
Analysis of the Implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 4 of
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Timor Regency
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