p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4889From Watching to Purchasing: The Influence of ITAffordance Dimensions on Live Streaming MarketplaceEvi Yulianti1*, Hasnawati2Universitas Trisakti, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]*CorrespondenceABSTRACTKeywords: IT affordance,visibility, menacing,guidance shopping,trading affordance.Live streaming marketplace saat ini sangat berkembangpesat dan memudahkan berbagai pihak untuk berinteraksi,berbelanja, serta mempromosikan produk secara real-time.Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh faktor-faktor dalam ITAffordance (Visibility, Metavocing, Guidance Shopping,Trading Affordance, Triggered Attending, dan Interactivity)terhadap Immersion secara langsung dan terhadap ActualPurchase secara tidak langsung pada media live streaming dimarketplace. Data penelitian ini diperoleh denganmenggunakan kuesioner dalam bentuk google form dandisebarkan melalui jaringan pertemanan WhatsApp dansocial media lainnya seperti Instagram dan Twitter atau Xdan sebanyak 183 google form telah terisi. Semua jawabantelah memenuhi syarat untuk diolah. Hasil dari penelitian inimenunjukkan bahwa Metavocing, Trading Affordance,Triggered Attending, dan Interactivity berpengaruh positifterhadap Immersion, sedangkan Visibility dan Guidanceshopping tidak berpengaruh terhadap Immersion, danImmersion berpengaruh positif terhadap Actual Purchase.Namun semua variabel dalam IT Affordance (Visibility,Metavocing, Guidance shopping, Trading Affordance,Triggered Attending, dan Interactivity) tidak berpengaruhsecara tidak langsung terhadap Actual Purchase yangdimediasi oleh Immersion.IntroductionIndonesia is included in the ranks of the 10 countries that carry out the most onlineshopping activities. (Muthmainnah et al., 2022). The shift from traditional shoppingbehavior to digital shopping behavior has changed the shopping behavior of theIndonesian people, which is supported by the emergence of various e-commerceplatforms, marketplaces, and digital payment innovations. According to Similarweb data,throughout 2023 there are the top five most visited marketplaces, namely Shopee with 2.3billion visits, Tokopedia with 1.2 billion visits, Lazada with 762.4 million visits, Blibliwith 337.4 million visits, and Bukalapak with 168.2 million visits. (Alana & Sharif,2023). Evi Yulianti, Hasnawati
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Technological developments affect all activities, including the way of shopping,
which is currently increasingly modern with the presence of live streaming features on e-
commerce applications. This is further strengthened by the COVID-19 outbreak since
2020 which has caused physical restrictions and a decrease in direct shopping activities.
All people's needs, ranging from clothes to household needs, can be easily accessed from
home using an e-commerce application coupled with a live streaming feature. According
to data from GlobalWebIndex.com and Hootsuite.com, live streaming has become a
social media trend since 2020 which began with the enactment of the lockdown system,
making many outdoor activities turn into virtual activities. People spend a lot of time
watching live-streaming events 57% then followed by podcast listeners 14%.
According to a survey conducted by IPSOS Indonesia in 2023, Shopee Live is the
most chosen feature by sellers, followed by TikTok Live then Lazada Live, and
Tokopedia Play. This is because the live streaming feature provides many benefits,
namely increased sales turnover, wider market reach expansion, and promotion cost
efficiency. From the results of the survey, it is also known that the categories that make
the most use of the live streaming feature are sellers with categories of clothing, beauty,
health, household needs, and lifestyle needs.
The phenomenon of the development of live streaming has attracted attention to the
world of academia so there have been many studies that use live streaming media as the
object of their research topic. Research conducted by (Saffanah et al., 2023), and (Zhang
et al., 2023) Used one of the live streaming media as their research object and used the IT
Affordance variable with several dimensions as an independent variable. IT Affordance
is the ability of how technology can meet consumer needs through live-streaming media.
(Usadi & Prayoga, 2023). Live streaming media is a form of human and computer activity
that involves information technology features and human psychological conditions.
Sales activities in live streaming media that involve consumers and sellers create an
atmosphere as if purchasing activities such as asking for product information to
bargaining prices occur in real life. Consumers who watch live streaming with frequent
frequencies will make consumers feel happy and satisfied so that a feeling of Immersion
arises, which is a deep feeling felt when consumers focus their attention on live streaming
media while listening to the products displayed by the seller, thus affecting the emotional
state of consumers to make purchase decisions. (Putra & Hayadi, 2024).
Several research results on the influence of IT Affordance on a person's purchase
intention when watching a live streaming show that the dimensions of IT Affordance such
as Visibility, Metavoicing, Shopping Guidance, Interactivity, and Trading Affordance
affect consumer intention in buying a product but there are limitations, namely in the
study only examines consumer purchase intentions rather than actual purchases (Chang
& Yu, 2023). Then the next study showed the results that IT Affordance with the
dimensions of Visibility, Metavoicing, Shopping guidance, Triggered Attending and
Trading Affordance only affects Immersion involvement and interactivity but is not
optimal enough in influencing actual purchase and purchase intentions because some live
streaming features through Instagram still need to be improved, this is also one of the
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limitations in this study because it only uses one live media streaming, namely Instagram
Live Shopping.
Furthermore, the results of research conducted by (Puspawati & Febrianta, 2023)
Show that visibility, metavoicing, and shopping guidance have a significant positive
impact on Live Shopping engagement, which consists of Immersion and presence and has
a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. However, the results of research
conducted by (Putra & Hayadi, 2024) Shows that only Trading Affordance and
metavoicing affect impulse buying, while Visibility has no effect. Then, research
conducted by (Bygstad et al., 2016) Shows that Visibility, metavoicing, shopping
guidance, and trade affordability have a positive effect on Immersion, and Immersion can
mediate the relationship between Visibility, metavoicing, shopping guidance, and trade
affordability on purchase intention. The results of research conducted by (Aji et al., 2024)
That metavoicing does not have a positive influence on buying interest, only metavoicing
and shopping guidance.
This study is a combination of several previous studies, namely there is a study that
only uses a few dimensions of IT Affordance as independent variables, therefore as a
novelty in this study is that combines all dimensions of IT Affordance and uses live
streaming media objects in general rather than specifically which only uses one live
streaming media as in the research that has been conducted by (Puspawati & Febrianta,
2023), (Saffanah et al., 2023).
Then, this study still uses the same S-O-R framework as the framework carried out
by previous researchers. (Puspawati & Febrianta, 2023), but using IT Affordance
variables with more complete dimensions, namely shopping guidance, meta voicing,
Visibility, Trading Affordance affordability, Interactivity, and Triggered Attending as
stimulus, Immersion variables as organisms such as research conducted by (Shiu et al.,
2023), the Actual Purchase variable as a response to fill in the limitations in the research
conducted by (Zhang et al., 2023).
This study aims to see if there is a relationship between Visibility, Metavocing,
Guidance Shopping, Trading Affordance, Triggered Attending, and Interactivity Towards
Immersion & Actual Purchase in the live-streaming marketplace media. This research is
expected to contribute to traders in related marketplaces about what factors can encourage
consumers to make purchases of products offered through live-streaming media.
This research is a type of descriptive research that is analyzed with a quantitative
approach. This quantitative approach is carried out by distributing online questionnaires
distributed through various social media and short messaging applications. The method
of determining the sample of this study uses a purposive sampling technique with the
criteria of consumers who have purchased products through the live streaming feature in
the marketplace. The distribution process of distributing this questionnaire will be carried
out starting in May 2024. The collection is carried out using Google form media which
consists of general consumer information such as name, age, education, and frequency of
Evi Yulianti, Hasnawati
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use of live streaming. Then the next part contains statements that are by the variables used
in this study. Each statement will be presented with a choice of answers using a Likert
scale of 1-6 (1=strongly disagree, 2= disagree, 3= somewhat disagree, 4= somewhat
agree, 5= agree, and 6= strongly agree).
The analysis tool used is IBM Statistics SPSS version 27. To test the quality of the
data, it is by conducting a validity test and reliability test first to check that each question
indicator is valid and reliable. The validity test with a significance value of <0.05 and the
reliability test with a Cronbach Alpha value of >0.70 was then carried out as a hypothesis
test by conducting a multiple regression test and a Sobel test (Ghozali, 2016). Below are
the indicators used to measure each variable:
Table 1
Statement Indicator
Variable Indicator Source
I love Live streaming because it
provides detailed images and videos
of the product.
Saffanah, Handayani,
& Sunarso (2023),
Zhang, Chen, & Zamil
(2023) dan Author
I love Live streaming because it
makes the product attributes
displayed visible.
I love Live streaming because it
contains information on how to use
the product visible to me.
My Live streaming helps me
visualize the products displayed as
they are in the real world.
During the live streaming, I was
allowed to give comments on the
product via the comment column.
Saffanah, Handayani,
& Sunarso (2023),
Zhang, Chen, & Zamil
(2023) dan Author
When live streaming allows me to
react to streamers' responses to
When the live streaming took place,
it allowed me to share the experience
of shopping for products with the
I can interact with other viewers
about the product when
purchasing the live stream.
When I livestream, I feel like the
streamer (seller) can give me
information about alternative
products. Saffanah, Handayani,
& Sunarso (2023),
Zhang, Chen, & Zamil
(2023) dan Author
When live streaming, I feel that
streamers do not limit service
requests regarding a product.
When I livestream, I feel that
streamers can help me choose the
product that best suits my needs.
From Watching to Purchasing: The Influence of IT Affordance Dimensions on Live Streaming
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When I livestream, I feel like
streamers can provide product
customization based on my request.
I can choose from a variety of
payment options to complete my
purchase during the live stream.
Saffanah, Handayani,
& Sunarso (2023),
Zhang, Chen, & Zamil
(2023) dan Author
I was able to complete the purchase
effectively on the Live stream.
I can complete the purchase quickly
on the Live stream.
I can complete the purchase easily on
the Live stream.
I was given a 24-hour waiting time
to make a payment if I used a certain
payment method.
I was given a voucher in the form of
a discount or cashback if I used a
certain payment method during live-
I was able to find product updates
quickly through Live streaming.
Saffanah, Handayani,
& Sunarso (2023) dan
I can tell if there is a quick
improvement in product quality
through live-streaming
I can quickly find changes to the
products I am interested in through
I can find out about new product
promotions through Live streaming.
I can easily find out which products
are being discussed and displayed by
the streamer with a notification
feature on the live-streaming screen.
I feel that the live streamers are very
happy to communicate with the
Saffanah, Handayani,
& Sunarso (2023),
Zhang, Chen, & Zamil
(2023) dan Author
I feel like the live streamers are
actively responding to viewers'
During the live stream, I was able to
get information from the streamer
very quickly about the product I was
asking about.
During the live stream, I felt as if the
streamer was talking to me in person.
I think shopping through the live-
streaming feature is fun.
Saffanah, Handayani,
& Sunarso (2023)
I think shopping through the live-
streaming feature is interesting.
I feel focused when shopping
through the live-streaming feature.
Evi Yulianti, Hasnawati
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4894
I feel directly involved in live
streaming when shopping through
the live feature on the marketplace.
I often buy products from the live-
streaming feature.
Saffanah, Handayani,
& Sunarso (2023) dan
I buy on live streaming as needed.
I bought on a live stream because I
was affected by the live streaming
feature (impulsive)
I bought on a live stream because I
was affected by the live streaming
feature (impulsive)
I purchased a product from the live
streaming feature because it was
affected by the live discount
presented by the app platform.
I bought a product from a live stream
because I felt confident that the
product was safe as shown by the
Results and Discussion
Respondent Demographics
This section describes the demographics of respondents which describe the
characteristics of respondents consisting of gender, age, education level, income/pocket
money, domicile, and frequency of online shopping.
Table 2
Respondent Demographics
Characteristics Respondent Frequency Percentage
a. Man 61 33.3%
b. Woman 122 66.7%
Total 183 100.0%
a. < 25 years 160 87.4%
b. 25 - 30 years old 16 8.8%
c. 30.1 - 35 years old 6 3.3%
d. 35.1 - 40 years old 1 0.5%
Total 183 100.0%
Last Education
a. SMA 121 66.1%
b. D3 9 4.9%
c. D4/S1 51 27.9%
d. S2 2 1.1%
Total 183 100.0%
Income or Allowance per Month
a. < Rp 5.000.000 167 91.3%
b. Rp 5.000.000 - Rp 10.000.000 9 4.9%
From Watching to Purchasing: The Influence of IT Affordance Dimensions on Live Streaming
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c. Rp 10.000.001 - Rp 15.000.000 3 1.6%
d. Rp 15.000.001 - Rp 20.000.000 2 1.1%
e. Rp 20.000.001 - Rp 25.000.000 0 0.0%
f. Rp 25.000.001 - Rp 30.000.000 2 1.1%
Total 183 100.0%
A. 165 90.2%
Total 183 100.0%
Shopping Frequency
a. 1 - 5 caliber 150 82.0%
b. 6 - 10 times 27 14.8%
c. 11 - 15 kali 3 1.6%
d. 16 - 20 times 3 1.6%
Total 183 100.0%
Source: Processed with SPSS 27
Table 2 shows that the gender proportion of female respondents is more than twice
that of male respondents. The majority of respondents were under the age of 25 years
with the last level of education taken being high school (66.1%) and income or allowance
below Rp 5,000,000 (91.3%). The majority of respondents who filled out this
questionnaire were domiciled in JABODETABEK (90.2%). As many as 82% of
respondents do online shopping 1 to 5 times a month.
Figure 2
Percentage of Marketplace Live Streaming Media Used
Figure 2 shows that the most used live streaming marketplace media by respondents
is TikTok Live at 79.8%, followed by Shopee Live at 68.3%, Tokopedia Play at 11.5%,
Lazada Live at 8.7%, and Facebook Live at 1.6%.
Figure 3
Frequently purchased product categories in the live-streaming feature.
Evi Yulianti, Hasnawati
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Figure 3 shows that the top three product categories that respondents often buy in
the marketplace live streaming feature are fashion products, beauty & care, and food &
beverages. Then the bottom three product categories that respondents often buy in the live
streaming marketplace feature are mom & baby products, health, and electronics.
Figure 4
Online Shopping Payment Methods
Figure 4 shows that the majority of respondents use digital wallets (Shopeepay,
Gopay, Ovo, and Dana), Bank Transfer (VA), and pay on the spot (COD) as their means
of payment in online shopping compared to using payment services through agent
partners (Alfamart, Indomaret, Pegadaian, and Post Office) and through debit/credit
Hypothesis Results
The data collected had passed a quality test to see the seriousness of the respondents
in answering the questions and to see situational factors at the time the study was
conducted. The tests carried out were validity tests using Pearson Correlation < 0.05 and
reliability tests using Cronbach's Alpha > 0.70. All of the question initiators of each
variable have been proven valid because all significance values are at values below 0.05
and each variable has been proven to be reliable with Cronbach's Alpha values being
above 0.70.
This study uses multiple regression to test the hypothesis using the determination
coefficient (adjusted R2), model feasibility test (F test), and partial test (t-test). Table 3
and Table 4 show the results of hypothesis testing.
Table 3
First Regression Results
From Watching to Purchasing: The Influence of IT Affordance Dimensions on Live Streaming
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4897
From Table 3, it can be seen that the Adjusted R² value is 0.755. This means that
75.5% of the variation in the Immersion variable can be explained by the variables
Visibility, Metavoicing, Guidance shopping, Trading Affordance, Triggered Attending,
and Interactivity. While 24.5% is due to other factors that are not included in this model.
A significant value of F indicates the number 0.001 which means the model is fit. From
the results of the partial t-test, it was found that Metavoicing, Trading Affordance,
Triggered Attending, and Interactivity affect Immersion. This can be seen from the
significance value of t/2 which is smaller than 0.05.
Table 4
Second Regression Results
From Table 4, it can be seen that the Adjusted R² value is 0.656. This means that
65.6% of the variation in the Actual Purchases variable can be explained by the
Immersion variable. While 34.4% is due to other factors that are not included in this
model. A significant value of F indicates the number 0.001 which means the model is fit.
From the results of the partial t-test, it was found that Immersion affects Actual Purchases.
This can be seen from the significance value of t/2 which is smaller than 0.05.
Table 5
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Third Regression Results
From Table 5, it can be seen that the Adjusted R² value is 0.705. This means that
70.5% of the variation in the Actual Purchases variable can be explained by the variables
Visibility, Metavoicing, Guidance shopping, Trading Affordance, Triggered Attending,
Interactivity, and Immersion. While 29.5% is due to other factors that are not included in
this model. A significant value of F indicates the number 0.001 which means the model
is fit.
From the results of the second regression, a path analysis has been carried out. The
results showed that the beta value of the direct influence of the variables Visibility (0.010
< 0.131), Metavoicing (0.069 < 0.266), Guidance shopping (0.008 < 0.078), and Trading
Affordance (0.157 < 0.234) on Immersion was greater than the beta value of the indirect
influence mediated by the Immersion variable on the Actual Purchases variable.
Furthermore, the variables Triggered Attending (0.134 > -0.009) and Interactivity (0.148
> -0.067) had a greater beta value of direct influence than indirect influence, but the
direction of the B value was negative.
H1a: Visibility has a positive effect on Immersion
H1b: Visibility has a positive effect on Actual Purchases mediated by Immersion.
The results of the H1a hypothesis test failed to be proven because the t-test result
was greater than 5%. The results of this study contradict the research conducted by
Saffanah, Handayani, & Sunarso (2023), which showed that Visibility has a significant
effect on Immersion. However, in line with research conducted by (Putra & Hayadi,
2024), Visibility does not affect Immersion. Furthermore, the test of the results of the
H1b hypothesis also failed to be proven because the beta value of the direct influence of
the Visibility variable (0.010 < 0.131) was smaller than the indirect influence. This is in
line with research conducted by (Putra & Hayadi, 2024) That Visibility does not affect
Actual Purchases mediated by Immersion.
The difference in the results of this study can occur because the research conducted
by Saffanah, Handayani, & Sunarso (2023) and Puspawati & Febrianta (2023) only refers
to one live-streaming marketplace specifically. Meanwhile, this study uses all live-
streaming marketplace media in Indonesia. In addition, even though in the marketplace
live streaming, sellers/streamers have provided detailed information, not necessarily
consumers fully believe it so there is no immersion and no real purchases occur.
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H2a: Metavoicing has a positive effect on Immersion
H2b: Metavoicing has a positive effect on Actual Purchases mediated by Immersion
The results of this H2a hypothesis test were accepted because the t-test results were
smaller than 5%. The results of this study are in line with Maharani and (Aprilia &
Alfansi, 2024) and (Usadi & Prayoga, 2023) This shows that Metavoicing has a positive
effect on Immersion. The influence of metavoicing can make consumers interested and
feel immersive because in live streaming many features are easy to use to interact with
sellers/streamers and with other consumers through the comment column or reaction
However, the effect of metavoicing on Actual Purchases mediated by Immersion
has not been shown to have an effect. The test of the results of the H2b hypothesis failed
to be proven because the beta value of the direct influence of the Metavoicing variable
(0.069 < 0.266) was smaller than the indirect influence. These results contradict research
conducted by Putra and Hayadi (2024). The difference in the results of this study can
occur because the majority of respondents in this study are < 25 years old with an income
or pocket money of less than 5 million rupiah so they are still reluctant to make a real
purchase due to low-income considerations or still dependent on pocket money from
parents. So the conclusion is that the respondents did enjoy live streaming with various
features presented in the application but did not necessarily make a purchase in real life.
H3a: Guidance shopping has a positive effect on Immersion
H3b: Guidance shopping has a positive effect on Actual Purchases mediated by
The results of the H3a and H3b hypothesis tests were declared to be unsuccessful
because the results of the t-test were greater than 5% and the beta value of the direct
influence of the Guidance shopping variable (0.008 < 0.078) was smaller than the indirect
influence. The results of this study contradict the research conducted by Maharani and
(Maharani & Dirgantara, 2023). The difference in the results of this study can occur due
to the lack of explanation provided by the seller when the live stream takes place related
to product recommendations or how to apply discounts. In addition, this can also happen
because usually the atmosphere of live streaming in which there are many viewers makes
the waiting time for products or discounts that consumers ask for a long time or even not
answered by the seller. So consumers are not interested and do not get enough immersion
in the live streaming which in the end also does not make a real purchase.
H4a: Trading Affordance has a positive effect on Immersion
H4b: Trading Affordance has a positive effect on Actual Purchases mediated by
The results of the H4a hypothesis test were accepted because the t-test results were
smaller than 5%. The results of this study are in line with (Maharani & Dirgantara, 2023).
The availability of various payment methods makes it very easy for buyers ranging from
e-wallets, virtual accounts, and agent partners, to debit and credit cards. In addition, many
live-streaming marketplaces present special offers and discounts that are limited by time
Evi Yulianti, Hasnawati
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by using certain payment methods. This can make consumers interested in the live-
streaming marketplace so that they enter their immersion unconsciously.
However, the results of the H4b hypothesis test were rejected or failed because the
beta value of the direct influence of the Trading Affordance variable (0.157 < 0.234) was
smaller than the indirect influence. The difference in the results of this study can occur
because attractive price offers only exist on certain payment methods that not all
respondents have so real purchases cannot occur.
H5a: Triggered Attending has a positive effect on Immersion
H5b: Triggered Attending has a positive effect on Actual Purchases mediated by
The results of this H5a hypothesis test are accepted because the t-test results are
smaller than 5%. The results of this study are in line with research conducted by (Aji et
al., 2024). This Triggered Attending ability is a stimulus to stimulate the minds of buyers
to attract attention and enthusiasm to listen to all changes in product information in the
live streaming activity. This gives a good feeling to the feelings of consumers because
information related to changes in a product will affect the purchase decision. However,
the results of the H5b hypothesis test were rejected or failed because the direction of the
B value was negative even though the beta value of the direct influence of the Triggered
Attending variable (0.134 > -0.009) was greater than the indirect influence. The
difference in the results of this study can occur because not all information related to
product changes can be well received by consumers, sometimes some make a sense of
disappointment because the product change is not by their expectations which in the end
does not make a real purchase.
H6a: Interactivity has a positive effect on Immersion
H6b: Interactivity has a positive effect on Actual Purchases mediated by Immersion
The results of the H6a hypothesis test are acceptable because the t-test results are
smaller than 5%. The results of this study are in line with research conducted by (Zhang
et al., 2023). An interactive atmosphere is a stimulus that will have an impact on the
feelings of buyers involved in the live stream. The role of the seller in live streaming is
very important to create an atmosphere that can make the audience feel emotionally and
intellectually involved so that it will provide satisfaction and loyalty to consumers.
However, the results of the H6b test were rejected because the direction of the B value
was negative even though the beta value of the direct influence of the Interactivity
variable (0.148 > -0.067) was greater than the indirect influence. The difference in the
results of this study can occur because the audience feels involved in the live streaming
but does not necessarily have a sense of trust until they finally make a real purchase. This
can be caused by various other factors such as low income or pocket money, declining
purchasing power, and price differences.
H7: Immersion has a positive effect on Actual Purchase
The results of the H7 hypothesis test are acceptable because the t-test result is less
than 5%. The results of this study are in line with research conducted by (Shiu et al., 2023)
showing that Immersion affects Actual Purchase. The deep feeling experienced by the
From Watching to Purchasing: The Influence of IT Affordance Dimensions on Live Streaming
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4901
audience makes it seem as if they are connected to the product that the seller is promoting.
So that they finally make a real purchase to meet their needs or desires.
This study found that Metavocing, Trading Affordance, Triggered Attending, and
Interactivity have a positive effect on Immersion. This finding is useful for sellers in the
marketplace to continue to improve the quality of live streaming. This quality is in the
form of interactive communication with the audience conveyed through the comment
column and reactions given through the screen buttons. So that it will provide an
interesting and relevant experience for the audience. In addition to the quality of live-
streaming services, sellers must also be able to provide attractive price offers and
adequate payment methods. This phenomenon is also useful for marketplace companies
to provide training for online sellers who do not have much knowledge to start selling
products on the live streaming feature. Sales made through live streaming have proven to
be able to replace the role of offline stores since the last COVID-19 pandemic. So this is
an opportunity to be able to increase sales for sellers. In addition, these findings are useful
for the government to provide financial support such as providing subsidies and tax
incentives for online sellers as well as providing promotional support for local products.
This study has several limitations, the first is the use of questionnaires as a data
collection instrument. Questionnaire media has limitations in terms of ensuring the
honesty and seriousness of respondents in answering statements in the questionnaire.
There is a possibility that respondents have different interpretations of statement items so
there can be bias in answering. This has been anticipated by the researcher by using
language that is as easy as possible, avoiding technical terms as much as possible so that
the statement items can be understood properly. Control procedures to minimize
respondent bias have also been carried out by distributing questionnaires in Google form
format through friend networks to ensure that the respondents who answer are the
expected people. The second limitation is that the majority of respondents are < 25 years
old with an income or pocket money of < 5 million, so they cannot represent other
generations of age and income levels.
Evi Yulianti, Hasnawati
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4902
Aji, Y. B., Wijoyo, S. H., & Rachmadi, A. (2024). Analisis Pengaruh Keterjangkauan
Teknologi Informasi pada Live Streaming Shopping Platform Shopee terhadap
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