pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3235
Innovation in Political Communication Strategy: A
Qualitative Approach in Examining the Influence of
Campaign Messages
Patricia Ruth
Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Keywords: political
communication strategy,
campaign messages,
qualitative approach.
This research investigates innovations in political
communication strategies through a qualitative approach,
focusing on the influence of campaign messages in the
context of general elections in Indonesia. Through content
analysis of campaign messages, this research identifies the
main themes, framing strategies, and rhetoric used to
influence voter perceptions. The findings of this research
have practical implications for designing more effective
campaign strategies, increasing more informed voter
participation, and contributing new thinking to political
literature and political marketing in Indonesia.
Campaigns are an important political process in the formation and distribution of
power in society, especially in the context of decision-making within a country. These
campaigns are usually known as elections where people elect their representatives, such
as members of parliament or village heads. (Yoteni et al., 2023) . In Indonesia, the general
election system is regulated by Law Number 9 of 2012 concerning the General Election
of Members of the House of Representatives, which emphasizes the importance of
elections in the life of the nation and state. (Pardede, 2014) . Through elections, the people
elect their representatives to sit in various government institutions. (Khairazi, 2015) .
Active participation in the campaign is expected to increase understanding and
positive attitudes towards the implementation of elections. This positive attitude is
reflected in people's participation by using their voting rights to elect representatives they
trust (Juditha, 2014) . The campaign also becomes a channel for the community to express
their aspirations in electing leaders who can represent and advance shared hopes for a
better future. However, there are still people who choose not to vote (abstention) (Juditha,
2014) .
Campaigns are also carried out through political communication in terms of
political marketing which is specifically used in efforts to win elections. The concept of
marketing itself is known in economic studies, but in politics, political marketing refers
to the way political actors convince voters about the political products they offer. This
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3236
approach involves a series of strategic and tactical activities to influence voters in both
the long and short term, to maximize support for candidates or political parties.
According to Candrasari (2022) , a campaign is a series of organized
communication activities to create a certain impact on targets sustainably within a certain
period. IFEX defines campaigns as activities with practical goals to change social society,
involving two-way communication that influences public opinion through certain media.
Khoirudin (2016) , defines political marketing as the application of marketing
concepts in politics, with a focus on identifying and meeting stakeholder needs. The basic
concept of commercial marketing emphasizes the importance of satisfying consumers
(stakeholders) in company planning and operations.
This research aims to explore innovations in political communication strategies by
using a qualitative approach to examine the influence of campaign messages. This
research is important considering the crucial role of political campaigns in Indonesia's
democratic process. With a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of campaign
messages, better voter participation and more informed decision-making in general
elections can be expected.
The research objectives include identifying key elements in campaign messages,
analyzing effective political communication strategies, and exploring contextual factors
that moderate the effectiveness of campaign messages in Indonesia. It is hoped that the
results of this research can provide practical guidance for political practitioners in
designing more effective campaign messages, increase public understanding of political
communication strategies, and contribute new thinking to the literature on political
marketing and political communication in the Indonesian context. The implications of
this research include the development of smarter political communication strategies,
providing an empirical basis for decision-making in political campaign management, and
stimulating further scientific discussion about the use of qualitative methods in the study
of politics in Indonesia.
This research uses a qualitative approach with a focus on content analysis of
political campaign messages. This approach was chosen to gain an in-depth
understanding of how campaign messages influence voter perceptions and attitudes. The
research subject is political campaign messages conveyed by candidates or political
parties in the context of general elections in Indonesia. The data analyzed includes
campaign materials in the form of speeches, advertisements, and social media. Data will
be collected through literature study and direct observation of publicly available
campaign materials. Content analysis will be carried out on text, images, and messages
conveyed on various communication platforms. Data will be analyzed using a content
analysis approach. The analysis steps will include identifying the main themes in the
campaign message, analyzing the message framing, and identifying rhetorical strategies
used to influence voters. This analysis will help in understanding how political campaign
messages are designed to achieve specific political goals.
Innovation in Political Communication Strategy: A Qualitative Approach in Examining the
Influence of Campaign Messages
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3237
Results And Discussion
Identify Key Themes in Political Campaign Messages
The dominant themes in the political campaign messages investigated reflect the
policy priorities and communication strategies used to influence voter perceptions. The
following is a more in-depth analysis with support from theory and data.
1. Economy and Welfare
Economic framing theory, as proposed by George Lakoff, illustrates that political
campaign messages tend to use economic framing to shape public opinion about the
success or failure of economic policies. Research by Ramadhan (2024) Shows that voters
tend to give high priority to economic issues in general elections. Analysis of data from
the Institute for Fiscal Studies shows that voters are often more responsive to messages
that promise continued economic growth and increased employment compared to
messages that emphasize the risks of inflation or social inequality.
2. National Security
Based on national security theory and public perception, campaign messages often
use security framing to build an image of trust and strength. The "securitization" theory
by Widjajanto (2013) Explains that national security issues can be raised to escalate issues
into threats that require an emergency or high-priority response from the government.
Data from the Gallup Poll shows that public confidence in a candidate's ability to
safeguard national security can significantly influence election results.
3. Public health:
Crisis and public response theory indicates that campaign messages responding to
pandemics such as COVID-19 tend to use crisis framing to highlight leadership and rapid
responses to public health emergencies. Research from the Pew Research Center shows
that public health policy and the response to the pandemic are important factors in voters'
evaluations of government and candidate performance.
4. Education and Human Resources Development:
Human investment theory, as proposed by Theodore Schultz, highlights the
importance of investment in education and human resource development to achieve
sustainable economic development. Data from UNESCO indicates that better access to
education and job training can directly increase labor productivity and reduce socio-
economic disparities.
Message Framing in Political Campaign Messages
Framing analysis shows that political campaign messages are structured using
various framing techniques to influence voter perceptions. Following are some of the
framing techniques used.
1. Framing the Economy as Recovery or Failure
Candidates often use economic framing to present the successes or failures of past
economic policies and to offer different visions of the future. For example, the use of
economic data, such as the unemployment rate or GDP growth, can be chosen to show
the achievements or challenges facing the country. Economic framing theory, as proposed
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by Zaenuddin, illustrates that voters can be influenced by the way economic information
is presented, either as a recovery from a crisis or as a sign of the failure of existing
2. Framing Security as a National Priority
National security issues are often presented as national priorities that require strong
leadership and firm policies to protect the country's interests. Securitization theory, as
proposed by Kuncoro (2023) , explains that security issues can be "securitized" to
increase the urgency and urge the need for an effective response from the government or
candidate. Campaign messages use this framing to build an image of security and trust
among voters.
3. Framing Health as a Response to Crisis
Health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, are often used to demonstrate a
candidate's ability to tackle major challenges and offer responsive solutions. The use of
crisis framing in a public health context can strengthen perceptions of a candidate's
leadership and managerial skills. The crisis framing theory by Nuraliza (2024) Shows that
responses to a crisis can shape public opinion about the ability of a government or
candidate to manage a difficult situation.
4. Framing Education as an Investment in the Future:
Education is often raised as a crucial investment for building a skilled and globally
competitive society. This framing uses human investment theory, as proposed by
Maulyan (2019) , which highlights the importance of education in increasing individual
capabilities and improving overall quality of life. Campaign messages that use this
framing aim to convince voters that the candidate has a clear and effective plan to improve
the education and job training system.
Rhetorical Strategy in Political Campaign Messages
Rhetorical strategies used in political campaign messages can play an important
role in influencing voter perceptions and support. The following are some commonly
found rhetorical strategies.
1. Emotional Appeal
Emotional appeal is used to connect emotionally with voters through universal
values or shared experiences. For example, the use of national pride or social concern can
evoke positive emotions that influence voters' attitudes and behaviour. The emotional
appeal theory, as proposed by Umar (2023) , shows that emotions can be a strong factor
in political decision-making.
2. Logos and Ethos
Logos (ratio) and ethos (credibility) are used to build beliefs about the candidate's
success and competence. The use of empirical evidence, statistical data, or policy analysis
can increase confidence that candidates have the knowledge and skills to address the
challenges facing society. The theory of logos and ethos, as taught in the classical rhetoric
Innovation in Political Communication Strategy: A Qualitative Approach in Examining the
Influence of Campaign Messages
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3239
of Aristotle, emphasizes the importance of evidence and strong character to win public
3. Values and Identity Affirmation:
Assertions of values such as justice, loyalty to one's country, or family values can
be used to strengthen a candidate's identity and attract voters who identify with those
values. The use of this strategy reflects political identity theory, which emphasizes that
voters often choose based on social identities or values that they consider important
(Aliano & Adon, 2023) .
In political campaigns, key themes such as the economy and prosperity, national
security, public health, and education have become the main focus in efforts to influence
voters. The use of economic framing strategies to present policy successes or failures, as
well as emphasis on national security issues and responses to health crises, is an integral
part of communications designed to build a positive image. In addition, rhetorical
strategies such as the use of emotional appeal, logos, and ethos, as well as affirmation of
values, play an important role in shaping public perceptions of the candidate's competence
and vision. By utilizing this combination, campaigns can be more effective in attracting
and retaining voter support in tight political competition.
Comparison and Interpretation
The findings will be compared with existing theories in the literature regarding
political marketing and political communication. Interpretation will be carried out to
relate the findings to the Indonesian political context and its implications for political
participation and voter support.
1. Practical Politics: A Guide for Candidates and Political Parties
Analysis of key themes in campaign messages such as the economy, national
security, public health, and education provides valuable insights for candidates and
political parties in designing more effective campaign strategies. It appears that research
shows that effective economic framing can increase the appeal of campaign messages by
highlighting past economic achievements and a clear vision for the future. Based on
political communication theories such as framing theory, candidates can utilize these
approaches to build a strong image in the eyes of voters. Thus, this research provides
concrete direction for candidates and political parties in adapting their campaign
messages to political dynamics and voter preferences in Indonesia.
2. Voter Participation: Increased Understanding and More Informed Participation
Disseminating the findings of this research can increase public understanding of
political communication strategies. More informed voters tend to be better able to
critically evaluate the campaign messages conveyed. It is likely that, by knowing how
candidates use national security framing or responses to health crises to influence public
opinion, voters can better differentiate between political rhetoric and the substance of the
policies on offer. This implication not only strengthens voter participation in the
democratic process but also increases the people's ability to elect leaders who can
respond effectively to their demands and aspirations.
3. Political Literature: Contribution to the Development of Knowledge
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The findings of this research also contribute to developing political literature about
Indonesia, especially in the context of political marketing. By analyzing contextual
factors that moderate the effectiveness of campaign messages, such as local political
culture, level of political literacy, or demographic characteristics of voters, this research
provides deeper insight into political dynamics in Indonesia. This contribution is
important to expand the scope of academic literature that includes the specific context of
Indonesia in the study of global political communication.
By considering practical implications, more informed voter participation, and
contributions to the political literature, the findings of this research are not only relevant
for political practitioners and researchers but also for the wider public interested in better
political processes and decision-making in the future. Thus, maintaining the continuity of
research in this field can help Indonesia move towards a more dynamic and inclusive
Research Limitations
Although the results of this study provide valuable insights, several limitations need
to be noted:
1. Limitations in Data Access
This research may be limited by access to complete and representative data
regarding existing political campaign messages. Limited access to primary data from
ongoing political campaigns or internal data from political parties can affect the overall
representation of variations in campaign messages in the field. These constraints may
limit the ability to provide a comprehensive and in-depth picture of the diverse political
communication practices in Indonesia.
2. Limitations of Generalization of Results
The research focus on specific case studies may limit the generalizability of the
results of this study. While specific findings may provide in-depth insights into that
specific context, the generalizability of the results to the broader political situation in
Indonesia may be limited. Variability in political practices between regions or differences
in voter preferences could influence the extent to which these findings can be applied
generally across the country.
These limitations need to be considered in the interpretation and application of the
findings of this study in a broader context. Future research could expand the scope of the
data or use a more inclusive methodological approach to overcome these limitations and
deepen our understanding of the dynamics of political communication in Indonesia.
This research illustrates the importance of innovation in political communication
strategies through a qualitative approach to examine the influence of campaign messages.
In the Indonesian context, political campaigns are not only a general election process, but
also a forum for building active community participation in democracy. The research
findings highlight that key elements in campaign messages, such as economic framing,
Innovation in Political Communication Strategy: A Qualitative Approach in Examining the
Influence of Campaign Messages
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3241
national security, public health, and education, play a central role in influencing voter
perceptions and attitudes. The rhetorical strategies used, such as emotional appeal, logos,
ethos, and affirmation of values, are important in shaping the candidate's image and
winning voter support.
Patricia Ruth
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