pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3627
Consumer Protection of Tiket.Com Application Services
Noor chalimah hapsari
, Rusito
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia
, Universitas Wijayakusuma Purwokerto,
Keywords: consumer
protection, unilateral
cancellation, tiket.com.
The agreement between consumers and Tiket.com as
organizers are included in the electronic agreement because
it is carried out online by utilizing the sophistication of the
internet Internet sophistication does not always have a
positive impact, but also risks, such as abuse by irresponsible
parties, for example, the case of unilateral cancellation
carried out by Tiket.com due to the ban on homecoming by
the government. Tiket.com canceled the trip and the
consumer submitted a refund request to Tiket.com. The
Tiket.com to consumers due to indications that they did not
provide honesty and clarity to consumers regarding the
refund. This study aims to determine and analyze consumer
protection of Tiket.com application services and find legal
remedies for these problems. The method used in compiling
this research is a normative juridical method with descriptive
research specification analysis, using secondary data
obtained through literature studies with primary material.
The results of this study show that Tiket.com who make
unilateral cancellations related to flight tickets for
indications of not providing honesty and vagueness of
refunds are included in Unlawful Acts (PMH) and for the
cancellation policy, Tiket.com contrary to the Consumer
Protection Law and the ITE Law. To protect consumer
rights, consumers can file a claim for compensation for PMH
based on Article 1365 of the Civil Code.
The country of Indonesia has entered the digital era, where almost all joints of
human life can be fulfilled easily thanks to the help of technology and the rapid use of the
internet. (Mundzir et al., 2021). This is seen from every aspect such as transportation,
health, transaction needs, education, social, and even vacation needs can be accessed
easily, quickly, and practically if we have adequate internet devices. (Maharani, 2022).
This is marked by the entry of electronic system operators who provide e-ticket
purchase facilities, one of which is Tiket.com. The organizers provide e-ticket purchase
facilities for transportation and accommodation tickets, as well as entertainment tickets
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(Tuasalamony et al., 2023). The definition of electronic transactions is regulated in Article
1 Number 2 of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic
Transactions which states that electronic transactions are legal acts carried out using
computers, computer networks, and/or other electronic media (Hassanah, 2015). The
various dynamics of technological growth that occur so quickly cause the relationship
between countries around the world to be limitless. On the one hand, the public as
consumers will feel easy with the development of technology that is so fast and advanced
according to its use. On the other hand, the public needs to be aware that the sophistication
of technology can be used by irresponsible parties to commit illegal acts (PMH) carried
out virtually by utilizing this internet infrastructure (Malinda, 2019). When using an
application or an electronic transaction occurs, there is an agreement available in the form
of an electronic contract (e-contract) that must be agreed upon by the consumer before
using the application. Consumers who have downloaded the Tiket.com application,
before being able to run or use the application, will see a request for approval based on
the terms of use or application terms and conditions that must be approved, and if it is not
approved, the services on the application will not be able to be used directly. These terms
and conditions are the basis of the agreement between consumers and application
providers, namely Tiket.com which will be binding for the parties who sign it.
Article 1 Number 10 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection
(hereinafter referred to as UUPK) says that a standard clause in every rule or provision
and condition that has been prepared and determined in advance unilaterally by business
actors which is outlined in a document and/or agreement that is binding and must be
fulfilled by consumers. (Handayani, 2020). In addition, with the existence of this standard
agreement, it is very possible to contain certain requirements that are beneficial to the
maker, namely Tiket.com. The existence of consumers' ignorance of the rights owned by
consumers, as well as the lack of a critical attitude to read and review the terms of use
before using the application, are often used by application providers in making e-contracts
to include clauses that may alleviate or eliminate certain burdens and obligations that
should be the responsibility of the application provider. (Putri, 2020). The clause
contained in an agreement in which one party avoids fulfilling its obligation to pay
compensation in whole or in part due to a breach of promise or unlawful act is called an
exoneration clause. (Hikmah, 2017).
Regulations regarding the exoneration clause are regulated in Article 18 number 1
letter a of the UUPK which states that business actors offering goods and/or services
intended for trading are prohibited from making or including standard clauses in each
document and/or agreement when declaring the transfer of responsibility of business
actors (Rizal et al., 2019). The inclusion of this clause in an agreement results in losses
to consumers, because the burden that should be borne by business actors shifts to
consumers. The inclusion of standard clauses in the terms and conditions of use of the
application Tiket.com includes detailed terms regarding the limitation of liability and
scope of power between the two parties., in reality, Tiket.com parties do not obey the
agreements that have been stated with various existing problems such as unilaterally
Consumer Protection of Tiket.Com Application Services
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canceling consumers who have bought e-tickets, being late or not having the certainty to
return the money that has been paid, in its implementation, the electronic system is not
spared from problems, including in the purchase of e-tickets on Tiket.com. For example,
in February 2021 bought a flight ticket for the Jakarta to Medan route with the booking
code SUEOIM and airline number JT382 on Tiket.com for May 6, 2021 (Naviah, 2021).
This is because of the ban on going home by the government, so the trip was cancelled
by Tiket.com and submitted a refund request to Tiket.com.On April 26, 2021, Tiket.com
approved the refund process with ID number: 111808121 and said that it had refunded to
the independent CC limit. The refund process takes about 6 to 14 working days, but after
checking according to their promise, the funds never come in. During that time, continue
to communicate with Tiket.com through email, WA chat, and so on. The answer is always
the same, the refund process has been completed and the funds have been returned with
evidence attached.
When checking with Bank Mandiri several times, via email and phone, until the
consumer came to the Bank Mandiri office, last June 4, 2021, according to the consumer,
there was no refund transaction from Tiket.com. The consumer by showing evidence from
Tiket.com said it was not proof of a fund transfer. Every time I asked for proof of transfer,
Tiket.com did not respond. So all they have said is that it is done and just waiting to enter
the account is just a trick to delay payment, even until the application transaction history
Tiket.com is deleted.
This results in consumers feeling disadvantaged because Tiket.com does not
provide honesty about refunds and clarity unilaterally. Losses suffered by consumers can
be in the form of material and immaterial losses. Consumer material losses are losses that
can be calculated or nominated such as money that has been spent to buy airline tickets,
while immaterial losses are abstract losses such as consumer disappointment with
Tiket.com due to the unilateral cancellation and there is also a sense of consumer fear to
buy airline tickets in Tiket.com. This is the need for consumer protection as enshrined in
Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection (hereinafter referred to as
UUPK) to anticipate uncertain, unclear, dishonest indications regarding unilateral
cancellation and refunds that should be the consumer's right by the e-contract Tiket.com.
This study uses a normative juridical approach method with the specification of
descriptive research analysis, using secondary data obtained through literature studies
with primary materials in the form of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer
Protection. Then the data obtained was analyzed in a qualitative normative manner.
Results and Discussion
A form of consumer protection for Tiket.com Application Services
Based on Article 4 of the Consumer Protection Law (hereinafter referred to as
UUPK) which reads:
"Consumer rights are:
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3630
1) The right to comfort, safety, and/or security in consuming goods and/or services;
2) The right to clear, true, and truthful information regarding the condition and guarantee
of goods and/or services used;
3) The right to be heard for complaints and opinions regarding the goods and/or services
4) The right to appropriate advocacy, protection, and consumer settlement;
5) The right to education and consumer development;
6) The right to be served and treated honestly, correctly and non-discriminatory;
7) The right to compensation, compensation, and/or harassment if the goods and/or
services received are not by the agreement or are not as they should be;
8) Rights regulated in the provisions of other laws and regulations."
Based on Article 4 of the Law on Consumer Protection, tiket.com should provide
clarity for refunds to consumers who are not fulfilled. The legal relationship that occurs
between business actors and consumers is continuous and mutually sustainable. "The
legal relationship between consumers and business actors begins during the process of
production, distribution, marketing, supply, to the consequences of consuming these
goods and/or services". Both business actors and consumers each have rights and
obligations. A loss will arise and be experienced by one party if the other party is unable
to fulfill its obligations. Both business actors and consumers each have rights and
obligations. A loss will arise and be experienced by one party if the other party is unable
to fulfill its obligations. As a result of these losses, the party that caused the loss is obliged
to fulfill its liability.
The party that feels disadvantaged is the community (hereinafter referred to as
consumers) by Tiket.com. In this problem, some parties are disadvantaged because they
do not get their rights. If it is connected with the theory of civil liability, it is the parties
who are responsible for the relationship and/or legal event, which causes losses to the
other party. One of them is the theory of error, that liability is based on the principle that
there is an element of fault on the part of the defendant in an unlawful act (onrechtmatig-
daad) as regulated in Article 1365 of the Civil Code. In the common law system, the
principle of liability based on fault called the "principle based on fault" applies generally
to both civil and criminal law. According to the "principle based on fault", a person can
only be asked for juridical "responsibility" if there is an element of fault in the defendant.
Regarding the principle of liability based on fault, according to the provisions of Article
1365 of the Civil Code which is classified as an unlawful act, it is necessary to observe
the elements that must be met, namely:
1. the existence of deeds;
2. the existence of an element of error;
3. the existence of material and non-material losses;
4. There is a causal relationship between error and loss.
It should be explained that the element of error contains a meaning that is not only
contrary to the law in a material sense but also contrary to the propriety and decency of
Consumer Protection of Tiket.Com Application Services
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3631
society. The liability of Tiket.com for violating Article 4 letter c and Article 7 of the
UUPK based on unlawful acts is obliged to provide compensation in the form of a refund.
In addition, in reality, the policy did not run as it should. Tiket.com unilaterally
canceled air tickets due to the government's ban on homecoming, but there were
indications of a lack of honesty and unclarity Tiket.com regarding refunds. Tiket.com
said they would refund in about 6 to 14 working days, but after checking according to
their promise, the funds never came in. During that time, continue to communicate with
Tiket.com through email, WA chat, and so on. The answer is always the same, the refund
process has been completed and the funds have been returned with evidence attached.
When checking with Bank Mandiri several times, via email and phone, until
consumers came to the Bank Mandiri office, last June 4, 2021, according to them there
were no refund transactions from tiket.com. The consumer by showing evidence from
Tiket.com said it was not proof of a fund transfer. Every time I asked for proof of transfer,
Tiket.com did not respond. So all they have said is that it is done and just waiting to enter
the account is just a trick to delay payment, even until the application transaction history
Tiket.com is deleted.
Tiket.com as the organizer has mentioned in the terms and conditions of ticket
purchase and cancellation, precisely in point 8 it says that "Neither tiket.com nor our
Provider Partners can be responsible or bear your losses, if We are unable to deliver the
Product or provide Services to You, as a result of things that occur due to compelling
circumstances or that are beyond the control of Us or the Provider Partners to control,
Such as, but not limited to wars, riots, terrorism, industrial disputes, government actions,
epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters, fires or floods, extreme weather, and so on''
meaning that this provision is a void condition agreed upon by the parties to the agreement
and refunds by existing provisions. This, until the specified time, there is no honesty and
clarity regarding the refund that has been agreed in the terms of the Tiket.com agreement.
The interests and rights of consumers in Indonesia are protected by Article 4 of the
Consumer Protection Law mentioned above. Before the unilateral cancellation was
carried out, Tiket.com did not provide an opportunity for consumers to confirm in
advance. When consumers ask Tiket.com for clarity regarding the indications of fraud
found, Tiket.com cannot provide it.
Tiket.com as a business actor has obligations that must be carried out based on
Article 7 of the Consumer Protection Law, which reads: "The obligations of business
actors are:
1. In good faith in carrying out their business activities;
2. Provide true, clear, and truthful information regarding the condition and warranty of
the goods and/or provide explanations of use, repair, and maintenance;
3. Treat or serve consumers correctly and honestly and non-discriminatory;
4. Ensuring the quality of goods and/or services produced and/or traded based on the
provisions of the applicable quality standards of goods and/or services;
5. Providing opportunities for consumers to test and/or try certain goods and/or services
as well as providing guarantees and/or guarantees for goods made and/or traded;
Noor chalimah hapsari, Rusito
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6. Providing compensation, compensation, and/or reimbursement for losses due to the
use, use, and utilization of goods and/or services traded;
7. Providing compensation, compensation, and/or reimbursement if the goods and/or
services received or utilized are not by the agreement.
Referring to Article 7 Letter A of the Consumer Protection Law, business actors are
required to carry out their business in good faith. The implementation of the agreement
in good faith means that all parties are obliged not to violate the rules of decency and
propriety, so that there is a guarantee of justice for the parties and prevents losses for both.
Not only that, but good faith in an agreement also means that each party must be open
and provide comprehensive and detailed information that can have an impact on the other
party's decision to agree or not to agree to an agreement.
This is due to the non-disclosure of Tiket.com information related to consumer
orders that have been paid, Tiket.com does not have good faith in carrying out their
business activities and does not treat their consumers properly and honestly. This is
contrary to Article 4 letters c and g, and Article 7 letters A, b, and c of the Consumer
Protection Law. Many consumers have submitted their complaints to Tiket.com about
this unilateral cancellation. In response to this, Tiket.com stated a new provision where
consumers must attach proof of screen recording when purchasing tickets so that tickets
can be revalidated. This provision does not exist and is not socialized before ticket sales
begin, so not many consumers have proof of the screen recording. As a result, consumers
whose rights are threatened with harm have no other choice but to accept the cancellation
of the ticket and refund the money. This settlement mechanism is considered
inappropriate because the issuance of the new provisions is unfair and detrimental to
consumers. As stipulated in Article 4 letter e of the Consumer Protection Law, consumers
have the right to obtain proper dispute resolution efforts, while dispute resolution
provided by Tiket.com does not heed the position and rights of consumers. Therefore,
Tiket.com has not fulfilled the provisions of Article 4 letter e of the Consumer Protection
This results in consumers feeling disadvantaged because Tiket.com does not
provide honesty about refunds and clarity unilaterally. Losses suffered by consumers can
be in the form of material and immaterial losses. Consumer material losses are losses that
can be calculated or nominated such as money that has been spent to buy airline tickets,
while immaterial losses are abstract losses such as consumer disappointment with
Tiket.com due to the unilateral cancellation and there is also a sense of consumer fear to
buy airline tickets in Tiket.com.
Based on these problems, the applicable provision in Indonesia is the Consumer
Protection Law. This is with legal protection for consumers against the non-fulfillment of
rights that have not been fulfilled by Tiket.com. That in legal protection for consumers is
very important because the position of consumers is often neglected, then a legal balance
is needed, namely protection between business actors and consumers. Consumer
protection regulations in Indonesia are regulated in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning
Consumer Protection (hereinafter referred to as UUPK). According to Article 1 number
Consumer Protection of Tiket.Com Application Services
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3633
1 of the UUPK, consumer protection is any effort that guarantees legal certainty to protect
consumers. The ratio of the existence of UUPK is:
1. Balancing the bargaining power of consumers to business actors, and
2. Encourage business actors to be honest and responsible in carrying out their activities.
The UUPK intends to provide a balance between the parties because the legal
protection provided to consumers is not intended to kill the business of the actors, but
rather to encourage a healthy business climate and improve the quality of goods and/or
This is due to the regulation of consumer protection legislation that forces business
actors psychologically, namely Tiket.com to fulfill consumer rights. From the above
problem, the Tiket.com Party has violated the UUPK. Supposedly, with the regulation of
the UUPK, business actors do not violate consumer rights, but the reality is that many
business actors violate consumer protection rights as contained in the research results in
the three news, Tiket.com violate the rights of the community (consumers) that should be
protected. So business actors, namely Tiket.com, must be given sanctions by consumer
laws and regulations.
Legal Remedies Against Consumer Protection of Tiket.com Services
Based on the description of the problems that consumers can overcome by filing a
lawsuit for compensation based on the PMH above, the regulation of consumer dispute
settlement in the UUPK is regulated in Articles 45 to 48. In the regulation, it is explained
that aggrieved consumers can sue business actors through institutions in charge of
resolving consumer disputes or through courts in the general court environment. Article
48 of the UUPK explains that the litigation route is taken by filing a lawsuit through the
court referring to the provisions on the applicable general judiciary by paying attention to
Article 45 of the UUPK. This UUPK has provided four ways to file a lawsuit in court,
namely a lawsuit by an aggrieved consumer or the heir concerned (individual), a lawsuit
filed by a group of consumers who have the same interests, non-governmental consumer
protection institutions, and the government.
The non-litigation route in resolving consumer disputes is taken through
conciliation, mediation, and arbitration where the goal is to reach an agreement on the
form and amount of compensation and/or regarding certain actions to ensure that there
will be no recurrence or recurrence of losses suffered by consumers. So in practice,
conciliation is a dispute resolution taken on the initiative of one of the parties or parties,
while the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency assembly, hereinafter called BPSK, is
active so that the BPSK Assembly is only an intermediary between the parties to the
dispute. BPSK as a conciliator clarifies the problems that occur and joins amid the parties,
providing approaches to the parties even though they are not very active and completely
left to the parties and bringing together different views among the parties who must meet.
BPSK as an institution that resolves consumer disputes has the task of summoning
consumers and business actors in disputes, summoning witnesses and expert witnesses
when necessary, providing a forum for consumers and business actors in disputes,
answering questions from consumers and business actors regarding laws and regulations
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in the field of consumer protection. Another way to resolve disputes outside the court is
mediation. Mediation is a process to reconcile the parties to a dispute. Mediation is an
alternative way of resolving a dispute where the parties to a dispute submit the settlement
to a mediator to obtain a fair outcome and acceptance by the parties to the dispute.
In practice, in consumer dispute resolution, mediation is a dispute resolution
process in which a third party is a neutral party and BPSK is the third party. The BPSK
Assembly is only active as an intermediary and advisor. The task of BPSK as a mediator
is to call consumers and business actors in disputes, call witnesses and expert witnesses
when necessary, provide a forum for consumers and business actors in disputes, actively
reconcile consumers and business actors in disputes, actively provide suggestions or
recommendations for resolving consumer disputes by laws and regulations in the field of
consumer protection.
Based on the case I researched, consumer dispute resolution uses non-litigation
channels. This is the Tiket.com unilaterally canceled to the consumer due to the
government's ban on homecoming, but there are indications of a lack of honesty and
unclarity Tiket.com regarding refunds. Tiket.com said that they would refund about 6 to
14 working days, but after checking according to their promise the funds never came in.
When checking with Bank Mandiri several times, via email and phone, until consumers
came to the Bank Mandiri office, last June 4, 2021, according to them there were no
refund transactions from tiket.com. The consumer by showing evidence from Tiket.com
said it was not proof of fund transfer. Every time I asked for proof of transfer, Tiket.com
did not respond. This is the consumer who has sued for Tiket.com settlement. The
consumer asks for a settlement by mediation and has reported to BPSK. BPSK has
contacted Tikaet.com. That from the Tiket.com side provided a settlement that the return
of the ticket was just waiting to be transferred to the account. That the activeness of the
BPSK Assembly as an intermediary and advisor to Consumer Dispute Resolution (PSK)
using mediation. The principle of procedures for Resolving Consumer Disputes (PSK)
using mediation is 2 (two) (Article 31 of the Decree of the Minister of Justice
No.350/MPP/Kep.12/2001). First, the process of resolving consumer disputes regarding
the form and amount of damages is left entirely to the parties, while the BPSK Council
acts actively as a mediator by providing advice, instructions, suggestions, and other
efforts in resolving disputes. Second, the results of consumer and business deliberations
are issued in the form of BPSK decisions. That the legal remedy is a form of protection
for consumers.
Tiket.com as the organizer has unilaterally canceled air tickets booked by
consumers due to the ban on homecoming from the government. This action is considered
an Unlawful Act (PMH) according to Article 1365 of the Civil Code, which requires the
existence of elements of acts, mistakes, losses, and causal relationships between mistakes
and losses. In this case, Tiket.com was accused of not being honest and not providing
clarity regarding the refund process, which caused losses for consumers.
Consumer Protection of Tiket.Com Application Services
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Aggrieved consumers have taken the non-litigation route as a form of Tiket.com
legal responsibility, by the Consumer Dispute Resolution (PSK) mechanism through
mediation. The consumer has filed a lawsuit with the BPSK (Consumer Dispute
Settlement Agency) and the BPSK has contacted Tiket.com. Tiket.com then stated that
the refund would be processed immediately to the consumer's account. The mediation
process carried out by BPSK follows the procedures regulated in Article 31 of the Decree
of the Minister of Industry No.350/MPP/Kep.12/2001. First, consumer disputes related
to the form or amount of compensation are left to both parties, while the BPSK Assembly
acts actively as a mediator by providing advice and suggestions. Second, the results of
the deliberations between consumers and business actors are then outlined in the official
decision of BPSK. These efforts reflect a legitimate form of consumer protection, where
mediation is used as a solution in dispute resolution.
Noor chalimah hapsari, Rusito
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3636
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