pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3275
The Effect of Service Quality on Passenger Satisfaction at PT
Titisan Sang Pangeran (Tispa)
Yessie Aryanty
, Aslamia Rosa
*, Zakaria Wahab
, Marlina Widiyanti
Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Keywords: quality of
service; passenger
satisfaction; transportation
This study aims to analyze the influence of service quality
on passenger satisfaction at PT Titisan Sang Pangeran
(Tispa). The research method used is a quantitative method
with the distribution of questionnaires to 300 Tispa
passengers during 2023. The results showed that service
quality had a positive and significant influence on passenger
satisfaction with a correlation coefficient of 0.734 and an R
Square of 0.588. This means that 58.8% of the variation in
passenger satisfaction can be explained by the quality of
service provided. The most influential factors in service
quality are vehicle facilities, service responsiveness, and
employee friendliness. In conclusion, improving the quality
of service can increase passenger satisfaction at PT Titisan
Sang Pangeran.
Along with the times, in the current era, transportation is a necessity that cannot be
separated from people's lives in carrying out daily activities. When carrying out their
activities, the community urgently needs a mode of transportation that is efficient in time
and cost. This is to the demands of today's life which emphasizes people to be disciplined
in terms of using time as best as possible, thus creating a mindset that time is one of the
reasons for society to ensure the mode of transportation that will be used to carry out
mobility. (Ishaya et al., 2020).
PT Titisan Sang Pangeran better known as Tispa is a company engaged in land
transportation services. Tispa serves the people of South Oku Regency who want to travel
to various destinations outside the region. Tispa counters are located in Muara Dua,
Palembang, and Greater Jakarta. This vehicle has a characteristic orange color. The usual
destinations for this vehicle are from Muara Dua to Lampung and Greater Jakarta. In
addition, Tispa also serves the destination of Muara dua to Palembang. This vehicle is
classified as luxurious and modern in this day and age. In addition to complete facilities
such as reclining seats, air conditioning, toilets, music, karaoke, and supporting facilities
such as pillows and blankets, the driver and conductor are also friendly. Tispa provides
Yessie Aryanty, Aslamia Rosa, Zakaria Wahab, Marlina Widiyanti
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3276
large buses, medium buses, and Hiace, L300, and Elf vehicles (https://putra-muaradua
.blogspot. com /2018/ 03/tispa-titisan-sang-pangeran.html, 2023).
Good service quality is an effort that can be used by companies in facing
competition in the field of services that are closely related to customer satisfaction.
Service quality is a customer assessment of the excellence or privilege of a product or
service as a whole. (Sardi et al., 2022). The quality of service expected by consumers is
adequate facilities, good service, comfort, security, tranquility, and satisfactory results so
the management must think about how the quality of good service at this time can
continue to develop for the sake of smoothness in the future. (Setyawan & Prayudista,
2023). Efforts to improve service quality will be very effective if improving service
quality is a daily goal, starting from top leaders or directors to service implementers or
employees. (Nonthapot & Nasoontorn, 2020). The quality of service available at PT
Titisan Sang Pangeran (Tispa) includes the following:
Table 1
Indicators Regarding the Quality of Service Provided by PT Titisan Sang Pangeran
Quality of
Services Rendered
Clean vehicle with comfortable reclining seat
facilities, air conditioning, toilet, Wi-fi, music,
karaoke, pillows and blankets.
Tispa's services include regularity and
Time in carrying out the departure and arrival
Driver Quality
Friendly, experienced, clean appearance, neat
in uniform, and compliant with regulations
Counters and
Safe, comfortable, and clean equipped with TV,
air conditioning, enough seats, prayer rooms,
and toilet facilities
Reservations and
Ticket Purchase
In addition to being able to buy and order
directly at the counter and travel agents or
partners who collaborate with Tispa, it is also
easy for customers to
Reservations and online ticket purchases
through Traveloka.
Loyalty and
Free 1 ticket for the purchase of 10 tickets valid
for 3 months.
Paying great attention to passenger safety by
ensuring that the fleet is in good condition and
complying with the safety standard regulations
set by conducting a checklist of fleet conditions
1 hour before departure.
In addition, it performs maintenance.
Customer Service
Provide responsive and round-the-clock
The Effect of Service Quality on Passenger Satisfaction at PT Titisan Sang Pangeran (Tispa)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3277
customer service to assist passengers
with questions, schedule changes, or other
Availability of
Charter Services
Provide charter services for personal or group
purposes such as tours, trips
business, or special events.
Complaints and
Conduct daily questionnaires to handle
complaints, inputs, or suggestions from
passengers and make efforts to
improve the quality of service based on
Ensure employees including drivers and
ticketing officers receive adequate training in
terms of safety, friendliness, and
communication skills
to improve the quality of service
The increasing growth of land transportation has caused more and more new
entrepreneurs to look at business opportunities in the field of land transportation services.
(Pradnyana, 2022). This is evidenced by the increasing number of new land transportation
companies that have emerged, causing competition between land transportation
companies in Muara dua (South OKU) which is increasingly tight in serving inter-city
intra-provincial (AKDP) and inter-city inter-provincial (AKAP) passenger transportation.
In addition, for the Muaradua Palembang route, in addition to competition between
transportation companies, there is also illegal travel that does not have routes offering
cheaper prices. This makes PT Titisan Sang Pangeran (TISPA) need to determine the
right company strategy to compete with existing and emerging competitors. The
competition requires PT Titisan Sang Pangeran to consider the quality of service provided
to passengers so that passengers feel satisfied.
Passenger or customer satisfaction has been considered a key business objective. In
the marketing literature satisfaction has been established as a key antecedent of customer
retention. (Walia et al., 2021). In the context of marketing, the satisfaction relationship is
conceptualized as an element of the concept of relationship quality, based on the data of
the daily questionnaire via telephone conducted by PT Titisan Sang Pangeran (Tispa),
there are still passengers who express dissatisfaction with the quality of service provided
by PT Titisan Sang Pangeran (Tispa) related to the quality of driver and vehicle service
during the trip.
In this study, the author uses qualitative data in the form of quantitative
questionnaire statements with the use of a Likert scale to measure attitudes, opinions, and
perceptions of a person or a group of people about social phenomena (Sugiyono, 2019).
The primary data source of this research is distributing questionnaires to passengers at PT
Titisan Sang Pangeran (TISPA) in 2022-2023 and the secondary data of this research is
data from internal PT Titisan Sang Pangeran (Tispa), books and journals. The population
Yessie Aryanty, Aslamia Rosa, Zakaria Wahab, Marlina Widiyanti
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in this study is passengers at PT Titisan Sang Pangeran who used services during the 2023
period. The dynamic population (changing numbers) results in several populations that
cannot be known for certain. The indicators in this study consist of 3 independent
variables and 1 bound variable, so the total questions in this study are 60 questions, thus
the minimum sample size of this study is 60 x 5 = 300. Therefore, the number of samples
taken in this study is 300 passengers at PT Titisan Sang Pangeran who used the service
during the 2023 period. The sampling technique used in this study is a purposive sampling
technique and criteria in selecting samples, namely passengers at PT Titisan Sang
Pangeran who use services during the 2023 period.
Results and Discussion
Table 2
Correlation Coefficient (r) and Determination Coefficient (R2) Test Results
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
Based on the output of the summary model in Table 4.10, the results of the
correlation coefficient (r) test show that the magnitude of the influence of service quality
on passenger satisfaction is 0.734 or 73.4%. The magnitude of the R square (R2) number
is 0.588 or 58.8%, this number is used to see how the quality of service affects passenger
satisfaction at PT Titisan Sang Pangeran (Tispa). This figure is intended to show the
magnitude of the influence of service quality on passenger satisfaction and together is
58.8% while the remaining 41.2% is influenced by other factors.
Table. 3 Results of the Correlation Coefficient (R) and Determination Coefficient (R2)
Std. Error
Quality of Service
Data Source: Processed from Questionnaire, 2024
Based on the results of the analysis calculation in Table 4, the service quality
variable has a beta value of 0.189 with a significant value of 0.005, which is smaller than
0.05. This shows that the service quality variable has a positive and significant effect on
passenger satisfaction at PT Titisan Sang Pangeran (Tispa). Thus, the hypothesis that the
quality of service has a positive and significant effect can be accepted.
The Effect of Service Quality on Passenger Satisfaction at PT Titisan Sang Pangeran
Service quality is a dynamic state that is closely related to products, services,
human resources, as well as processes and environments that can at least meet or even
The Effect of Service Quality on Passenger Satisfaction at PT Titisan Sang Pangeran (Tispa)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3279
exceed the expected quality of service (Fitriyah Astri, 2020). According to Halpern &
Mwesiumo, (2021) It also states that service quality is a strategic system involving all
work units or organizational units from leaders to employees to meet the needs expected
by consumers. In addition, service quality is the service provided to customers by the
service standards that have been standardized as a guideline in providing services (Lin,
According to Arianto & Asmalah, (2021) States that satisfaction is the customer's
response to the evaluation of the perceived mismatch/disconfirmation between previous
expectations (or other performance norms) and the actual performance of the product
perceived after its use. Satisfaction contributes to several crucial aspects, such as creating
customer loyalty, improving the company's reputation, reducing price elasticity, reducing
future transaction costs, and increasing employee efficiency and productivity. (Dwi Ayu
Puspitasari, 2022). Therefore, companies need to consider the importance of customer
service more carefully through service quality, because customer satisfaction is now
recognized as a vital aspect to survive in business and winning the competition. (Fandy
& Chandra, 2020)
This study found that service quality has a positive and significant influence on
consumer satisfaction. This shows that service quality, measured through dimensions
such as physical evidence, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance,
contributes positively to consumer satisfaction. In the service quality variable, the
statement indicator "Fast in responding to consumers both by phone and WhatsApp"
showed the lowest value. This may be due to complaints from some consumers who feel
that the service response through WhatsApp is not fast compared to the phone. Interviews
with some respondents revealed that phone responses are faster than WhatsApp, leading
to dissatisfaction among consumers who need quick responses through WhatsApp.
On the other hand, in the service quality variable, the statement indicator "PT
Titisan Sang Pangeran (TISPA) provides service facilities by standards" shows the
highest value. This indicates that the facilities provided by PT Titisan Sang Pangeran,
including good and well-maintained vehicle quality, seat quality, air conditioning,
cleanliness, and fragrant vehicle condition, have been by the expected service standards.
PT Titisan Sang Pangeran strives to provide the best service and facilities to consumers.
Overall, the average score on the service quality variable was included in the
"Good" category, which means that respondents gave a positive assessment of the service
quality of PT Titisan Sang Pangeran (TISPA). The majority of respondents felt that the
services provided met or exceeded their expectations in terms of vehicle quality,
responsiveness, and employee friendliness. Respondents are generally satisfied with the
services they receive. This information is very important for PT Titisan Sang Pangeran to
continue to maintain existing service standards or find strategies to further improve the
quality of service. This passenger satisfaction can be a positive indicator of the service
performance and passenger satisfaction of PT Titisan Sang Pangeran.
Yessie Aryanty, Aslamia Rosa, Zakaria Wahab, Marlina Widiyanti
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3280
The results of this study indicate that the quality of service has a positive and
significant effect on passenger satisfaction at PT Titisan Sang Pangeran (Tispa). The
correlation coefficient of 0.734 signifies a strong relationship between the variables, with
58.8% of passenger satisfaction explained by the quality of service provided. The most
influential factors contributing to passenger satisfaction include vehicle facilities, service
responsiveness, and employee friendliness. These findings underscore the importance of
continuous improvement in service quality as a critical strategy for maintaining passenger
satisfaction. Ensuring that services meet or exceed customer expectations can lead to
higher loyalty and stronger competitive positioning for PT Titisan Sang Pangeran in the
transportation industry. Additionally, addressing areas with lower satisfaction, such as
response times for WhatsApp communication, will further enhance overall service quality
and passenger experiences.
The Effect of Service Quality on Passenger Satisfaction at PT Titisan Sang Pangeran (Tispa)
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