pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3299
The Effect of E-Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of
the Welma Application at PT Bank Central Asia, TBK
Hendy Setiady
, Marlina Widiyanti
*, Ahmad Maulana
, Aslamia Rosa
Unversitas sriwijaya, Indonesia
Keywords: E-service
quality; customer
satisfaction; welma.
This study aims to examine the influence of electronic
service quality (e-service quality) on customer satisfaction
with the Welma application at PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk.
The method used is a survey using a questionnaire
distributed to customers of the Welma application. The data
analysis technique used is multiple linear regression
analysis. The sample of this study is 400 respondents of
Welma application customers who were selected by
convenience sampling. The results of the study show that
there is a positive and significant influence of electronic
service quality on customer satisfaction with the Welma
application. The implication of the results of this study is the
importance of PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk to continue to
improve the quality of electronic services to increase
customer satisfaction of the Welma application so that it can
retain and attract more customers.
The use of technology plays a very important role in improving the quality of
services offered by businesses. Among the innovations that have driven the information
revolution is the internet, which is often considered the third major revolution after the
agricultural and industrial revolutions.
The arrival and adoption of the internet in the industry have eliminated the
constraints of distance, time, and communication that have made the world truly a small
village. (Tarigan, 2017). With the development of technology that is increasingly
advanced and developing, communication is becoming more effective and efficient.
Many people are competing to create tools that can facilitate all activities carried out and
overcome problems with communication, hence the creation of the Internet (Mirati,
Purwaningrum, & Masjono, 2024).
In the ever-evolving digital era, information technology has changed the way
financial services are delivered and accessed. Electronic banking (e-banking) is one of
the significant innovations that allows customers to access various banking services
through digital applications or platforms. PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk (BCA), as one of
Hendy Setiady, Marlina Widiyanti, Ahmad Maulana, Aslamia Rosa
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3300
the largest banks in Indonesia, has adapted to this development through the development
of the WELMA application, a platform designed to make it easier for customers to
manage their investments and insurance.
Welma is a mobile application that can be downloaded from the official website of
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) as well as the official application/software distribution
media appointed by BCA owned by the mobile operating system located on the mobile
phone of Welma Users to facilitate transaction needs and/or information regarding
investment and insurance. Welma is a feature to invest and buy insurance products
anytime and anywhere. Welma is here to facilitate investment in Mutual Funds, Primary
Market Bonds, and Secondary Market Bonds through the myBCA application. Welma is
an application that was just launched on October 8, 2021, and must compete with
companies that provide similar products from both banking institutions and other
financial institutions.
BCA's WELMA application offers various features that allow customers to make
transactions and access financial information easily and quickly (Mirati et al., 2024).
Electronic service quality (e-service quality) is a key factor in determining customer
satisfaction with this application. E-service quality includes various aspects, such as
reliability, security, speed of access, ease of use, and quality of information presented.
According to Kotler and Keller, satisfaction is a feeling of joy or disappointment
that arises when a person compares expected performance such as a product or result
against their expectations. If the product or performance does not meet expectations,
customers will feel dissatisfied. If the product and performance meet expectations,
customers will feel satisfied. (Marbun, Ali, & Dwikoco, 2022). If the product or
performance exceeds expectations, the customer will feel very satisfied and happy.
Satisfaction is also an evaluation of the characteristics or privileges of a product or
service, or the product itself, which provides a level of pleasure for consumers related to
the fulfillment of their consumption needs.
Consumer satisfaction also depends on the quality of service provided from
producers to consumers. (Marliyah, Ridwan, & Sari, 2021). How can manufacturers
provide a pleasant and satisfying experience when buying a product so that it gives rise
to good feedback for consumers? (Gultom, Yuliati, & Djohar, 2016)?
According to Laricha et al., E-service quality known as e-servqual is a new version
of service quality (servqual) that was developed to evaluate a service provided on the
Internet network. (Juhria, Meinitasari, Fauzi, & Yusuf, 2021). E-Service is an electronic
service that includes business or actions carried out through information technology
media. These services include various aspects such as e-tailing, customer support, and
service provision. E-service quality refers to the ability of services to provide good
performance and optimal service quality when serving consumers in shopping,
purchasing, and delivering goods to customers through electronic platforms.
Customer satisfaction is an important element in maintaining customer loyalty and
increasing the bank's competitiveness in an increasingly competitive banking industry.
Therefore, this research is not only relevant for BCA but also for the banking industry as
The Effect of E-Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of the Welma Application at PT Bank
Central Asia, TBK
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3301
a whole in understanding the dynamics of digital services and how they can be optimized
to provide more value to customers (Raynare & Trianasari, 2021).
However, in providing digital banking services, BCA needs to ensure that the
quality of electronic services provided through the Welma application meets the
expectations and needs of customers. This is because customer satisfaction is key to
retaining customers and increasing their loyalty.
Several previous studies have revealed the relationship between electronic service
quality and customer satisfaction in various industry contexts. (Khan, Arshad, & Munir,
2023). However, few have explored this relationship specifically in the context of digital
banking applications in Indonesia, especially in the Welma BCA application. Therefore,
this study aims to fill this knowledge gap by investigating the influence of e-service
quality on customer satisfaction in the Welma BCA application. The results of this study
are expected to provide valuable insights for BCA in designing more effective strategies
to improve customer experience and strengthen its position in the increasingly
competitive digital banking market. (Jalaludin, 2021).
Based on the business phenomenon that occurred, in running the Welma application
launched by PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk (BCA), several problems may be faced by users
and the bank itself. These issues can affect the customer experience and the quality of
services provided. Some of these problems include system constraints, data security,
inaccurate information, internet connection problems, etc., coupled with several
competitors who have launched mobile applications for investment products.
The data source used in this study is primary data, namely data collected by the
researcher himself when conducting research with a questionnaire to all customers who
are active users of the Welma application at PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk. In addition, this
study also uses secondary data, namely data from within PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk.
The population in this study is all customers who are active users of the Welma
application at PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk in 2023 with a total of 126,440 customers. This
study uses the Slovin formula because in the sample draw, the number must be
representative so that the research results can be generalized and the calculation does not
require a table of sample numbers but can be done with a simple calculation formula. The
Slovin formula for determining the sample is as follows:
n: Sample size/ number of respondents
N: Population size
e: Tolerable sampling accuracy tolerance percentage; e = 0.1
In the Slovin formula there are the following provisions:
So, the range of samples that can be taken from the Slovin technique is between 10-
20% of the study population. The total population in this study is 126,440 customers, so
Hendy Setiady, Marlina Widiyanti, Ahmad Maulana, Aslamia Rosa
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3302
the percentage of relaxation used is 10% and the calculation results can be rounded up to
achieve suitability. So to find out the research sample, with the following calculations:
Based on calculations using the Slovin formula, the number of samples that became
respondents in this study was 400 customers at PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk. This step was
taken to facilitate data processing and produce better test results. Samples were taken
using random sampling techniques, where researchers provided an equal opportunity for
each member of the population (customers) to be selected as a random sample, regardless
of strata in the population. The data collection method is carried out through the
questionnaire method, which is a method of collecting data by providing a list of
statements or questions (questionnaires) to respondents with a guide to answer choices.
In this study, the results obtained from questionnaire answers using the Likert scale are
ordinal data. For the data to be statistically analyzed, it must be converted into an Interval.
The method used is the method of successive (MSI), which is a scaling method to raise
the ordinal measurement scale to the interval measurement scale. (Burhannudin, Zainul,
& Harlie, 2019).
Results and Discussion
This study collected responses from 400 users of the Welma application at PT Bank
Central Asia Tbk (BCA). Demographic data showed the majority of respondents were
between the ages of 25-35, representing 60% of the total participants. Most users have
been using the Welma app for more than a year, with 75% accessing it at least once a
week. These statistics provide insight into the level of respondents' experience with the
app and how familiar they are with its functionality.
Interviews conducted with key users highlight the reliability and ease of access as
the main strengths of the Welma app. However, they also mention slow load times and
system crashes that occur during peak hours, which are considered significant
weaknesses. Users expressed concerns about data security, but trust in BCA as a whole
remained strong.
The constant value shows a positive value of 1.884. This shows that the level of
customer satisfaction is assessed without the influence of e-service quality, with a variable
value of customer satisfaction of 1,884. Meanwhile, the value of the regression coefficient
of the e-service quality variable was 0.560 with a t_hitung value of 13.934, which stated
that e-service quality had a positive influence on customer satisfaction. This shows that
the better the quality of e-service provided, the higher the quality of e-service in the
Welma application at PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk.
The results of this study show that in the Welma application indicator, the
application opening speed (fast load time) has the lowest value of 3.95. It is suspected
that the Welma application often takes a few seconds to open, depending on the internet
The Effect of E-Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of the Welma Application at PT Bank
Central Asia, TBK
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3303
connection of each user. Several respondents who are customers of PT Bank Central Asia,
Tbk complained about application disruptions during working hours that hindered
customer transactions.
Quality e-service is an extension of the site's ability to provide facilities for
shopping, purchasing, and distribution activities effectively and efficiently. This internet-
based service makes customers feel more efficient in making transactions in terms of time
and cost. Similarly, the availability of information and smooth transactions are the choice
of customers to transact through the availability of adequate system and internet network
facilities as well as the guarantee of confidentiality of customer data (Ramadhana, 2019).
Thus, the quality of e-service provided by the company will satisfy or not satisfy
customers because the quality of the service provided by the company affects the level of
customer satisfaction (Sangi, Tamengkel, & Mukuan, 2022).
The indicator of customer transaction habits information through the Welma
application is maintained safely showing the highest score of 4.25. This shows that
customers trust PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk in maintaining all customer data, both
personal data and transaction data. Customers feel that the services provided are very
good, and PT Bank Central Asia can maintain customer comfort by being able to keep
customer data from being easily accessible.
The high satisfaction score for data security reflects BCA's commitment to
safeguarding user information, which is an important aspect of maintaining customer trust
in digital services. However, a relatively low score for access speed indicates areas that
need significant improvement. Faster response times are essential for maintaining a
smooth customer experience, especially for investment-related transactions that rely on
real-time data.
Observations show that the quality of the internet connection and server load during
peak hours contribute to slower application performance. These findings are in line with
previous research on the quality of electronic services in digital banking, where
infrastructure limitations are often cited as a bottleneck.
The results of this study are consistent with previous research, such as those
conducted by Sangi et al. (2022), which found that electronic service quality is an
important factor in customer satisfaction for banking applications. However, unlike
previous studies that focused more on system reliability, this study emphasizes the role
of data security as a major contributor to customer satisfaction.
For PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, these findings emphasize the importance of
increasing server capacity and optimizing the technical performance of applications,
especially during peak hours. Addressing these issues can further increase user
satisfaction and loyalty, thereby contributing to the bank's competitiveness in the digital
banking industry.
The research is limited to focusing on a single banking application, which may not
reflect the broader spectrum of digital banking services. Future research may expand the
scope by comparing multiple banking applications to provide a more comprehensive
analysis of the quality of electronic services.
Hendy Setiady, Marlina Widiyanti, Ahmad Maulana, Aslamia Rosa
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3304
Based on the results of the research that has been conducted, it can be concluded
that electronic service quality (e-service quality) has a positive and significant influence
on customer satisfaction in the Welma application at PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. This
shows that the better the quality of electronic services provided by the Welma application,
the higher the level of satisfaction felt by its users.
This research emphasizes the importance of various aspects of electronic service
quality, such as access speed, data security, ease of use, and reliability of the information
provided in increasing customer satisfaction. Good service quality not only helps retain
existing customers but also has the potential to attract new customers who want efficient
and secure banking services. The implication of this study for PT Bank Central Asia Tbk
is the need to continuously improve the quality of electronic services, especially in
dealing with technical constraints such as application loading times and interruptions
during operating hours. By continuously improving these aspects, the Welma app can
provide a better user experience, which will ultimately increase customer loyalty and the
bank's competitiveness in the increasingly competitive digital banking industry.
Furthermore, the results of this study also contribute to the literature related to the quality
of electronic services in the banking sector, especially in Indonesia, and provide insights
for other banks looking to develop or improve their digital banking services.
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