pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3326
The Effect of Motivation on Professional Construction
Workforce Commitment and Project Performance
, Manlian Ronald A
, Hendrik Sulistio
Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia
, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta,
Keywords: motivation;
commitment to
professional construction
workforce; project
The phenomenon of good project performance in East
Kalimantan needs to be aware of the possibility of project
labor turnover. Employee commitment serves as a
stabilizing force that maintains the direction of behavior
even if the company fails to meet expectations. Employee
commitment is a psychological condition that creates a
personal attachment to an organization. This study aims to
identify the influence of Motivation on Professional
Construction Labor Commitment and Project Performance.
This study uses an Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method
design, involving 250 respondents of employees and staff of
contractor companies, consultants, and building project
owners, with SmartPLS SEM analysis at the quantitative
stage. The qualitative stage involves the leaders of contractor
companies, consultants, and building project owners. The
results of the study show that Motivation has a significant
effect on the Commitment of the Professional Construction
The construction sector is one of the main drivers of the national economy and is
considered an important pillar in supporting the economic climate. This sector not only
increases economic growth but also plays a significant role in job creation. (Arifiani,
Ambarwati, & Rumijati, 2023). The success of construction and infrastructure projects is
the basis for the country's progress. As a key driver of growth in other economic sectors,
the construction sector plays a crucial role in the global economic revival by creating
many job opportunities for specialists. (Li, 2018).
The relationship between the construction industry and the economy stems from
three main characteristics: public sector clients, the size of a large market with investment
potential, and the multiplier effect as a major source of employment. The contribution of
the construction sector to Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased from
The Effect of Motivation on Professional Construction Workforce Commitment and Project
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3327
9.79% in 2015 to 10.12% in 2019. Labor growth in this sector is also significant, with
projected labor absorption to reach 8,528,463 million in 2022 and 8,769,798 in 2023.
The success of construction projects plays an important role in economic
development through the achievement of four key criteria: time, cost, quality, and
environment. Research shows that factors such as quality, quantity, labor costs, materials,
and auxiliary tools, the competence of the parties involved, pre-construction planning,
and project control and communication systems greatly affect project performance.
Construction project resources, including cost estimation, resource planning, working
methods, and risk management, also play a significant role in maintaining good project
Human resources are the key to the success of a project. Effective workforce
management is essential for construction companies because it can improve or negatively
impact contractor performance. Employee Commitment (EC) is an important component
that describes the psychological attachment of workers to the organization. Construction
safety, which includes activities to meet security, safety, health, and sustainability
standards, is also a critical aspect of the implementation of construction projects.
BPSDM of the Ministry of PUPR defines construction safety as all engineering
activities that support construction work in meeting safety and health standards for
workers and the environment. Construction workers are divided into two categories:
permanent workers and wholesale or freelance daily workers. More than 90% of
construction workers belong to the category of wholesale workers, who are vulnerable to
work accidents due to the absence of formal work ties. Therefore, occupational safety is
a very important aspect of achieving optimal work results, reducing negative impacts on
the environment, and preventing work accidents.
As such, the construction sector plays a strategic role in the national and global
economy and requires effective project management and a commitment to occupational
safety to achieve maximum project success.
(Wibowo, Ardiana, & Andjarwati, 2023) Argue that work motivation has a
significant effect on organizational commitment. Gunawan and Kusumah (2023) found
that achievement motivation directly affects work performance and organizational
commitment partially mediates the direct influence of achievement motivation on work
performance. In addition, these findings suggest that friendliness and awareness moderate
the strength of the relationship between achievement motivation and work achievement
mediated by organizational commitment.
Furthermore, (Hartono, 2023) revealed that job satisfaction and work motivation
affect organizational commitment both partially and simultaneously. On the other hand,
(MUTHUSWAMY, 2023) argues that Motivation has a significant effect on employee
commitment. Furthermore, it can be concluded that motivation has a greater direct
influence on employee commitment. This study also shows that the role of motivation is
proven to strengthen the influence of job satisfaction on employee commitment. These
studies indicate that there is a relationship between Motivation and Employee
Commitment. The phenomenon of good project performance in East Kalimantan, as
Yanti, Manlian Ronald A, Hendrik Sulistio
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3328
outlined in the research background, needs to be aware of the turnover of project labor
that may occur due to the geographical factors of East Kalimantan which are quite far
from professional construction human resources as well as material resources and
building material supply chain conditions. The research of (Ayodele, Chang-Richards, &
González, 2020) states that the factors that cause the turnover of project labor include
factors related to the nature of the work, the external industrial environment, the
construction company itself, and the individual workforce. Research by Tamrin (Tamrin
& Hanoky, 2023) found that commitment has a significant and negative influence on
employee turnover. Therefore, the commitment of a professional workforce is important
to prevent labor turnover in the building construction sector.
Based on the results of the literature study of relevant previous studies, it can be
identified that the problem formulation is whether the work-life balance affects the
commitment of professional construction workers and project performance in East
Kalimantan. Based on the formulation of this problem, the purpose and purpose of the
research can be identified, namely how much the work-life balance affects the
commitment of professional construction workers and project performance in East
The research method used is mixed. According to (Kuantitatif, 2016), the mixed
research method is a research method that combines or combines quantitative methods
and qualitative methods to be used together in a research activity, so that more
comprehensive, valid, reliable, and objective data is obtained. The mixed research design
used in this study is Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Design. According to
(Creswell & Creswell, 2018), the Explanatory Sequential approach is a design in a mixed
method that appeals to individuals with a strong quantitative background or from a
relatively new field to qualitative approaches.
The research was carried out in East Kalimantan starting from the exploration of
literature reviews related to the problem to be researched. The research variables included
the independent variables including the Motivation variable (X), the mediation variable
(intervening), namely the Professional Construction Workforce Commitment (M); and
the Project Performance bound variable (Y). The operationalization and measurement of
the research variables are as follows:
This study is a mixed quantitative phase of research followed by a qualitative phase
so the population, samples, and research instruments from the two phases are determined
as follows.
Quantitative Phase. This research is related to the management of human resources
of construction project workers so the research population is all the workforce involved
in construction projects in East Kalimantan, which is a large number. According to
(Kuantitatif, 2016), "samples are part of the number and characteristics possessed by the
population. The sample taken from the population must be truly representative of the
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3329
population." In the quantitative phase, the number of research samples was determined to
be 250 consisting of level 1 construction workers. 2. And 3.
Qualitative Phase. Informants as sources of information in the qualitative phase are
determined by purposive sampling. According to (Kuantitatif, 2016), purposive sampling
is a technique for determining samples with certain considerations. The research into man
at the qualitative stage consists of 1 manager of the Owner, 1 manager of the Contractor,
1 manager of the Consultant, and 1 leader of construction workers.
Quantitative Phase. The research data is primary data in the form of respondents'
answers to questionnaires related to research variables including Motivation, Professional
commitment, and Performance. The research instrument was in the form of a
questionnaire containing questions with five alternative closed answers on the Likert
scale, including SS = Strongly Agree, S = Agree, RR = Hesitant, TS = Disagree, and STS
= Strongly Disagreement. The questionnaire was distributed to the research sample
selected by Simple Random Sampling, which means that the sample selection is carried
out randomly without paying attention to the strata in the population. (Kuantitatif, 2016).
Before the questionnaire instrument was widely distributed to the research sample, the
questionnaires were tested on 30 respondents who were not included in the research
sample group, to find out the validity and reliability of each question item in each
questionnaire. This validity and reliability determine how far the question items in each
questionnaire have measured the indicators of the variables measured.
Qualitative phase. Research data is primary data in the form of informants' answers
to open-ended questions asked during interviews related to the findings of quantitative
research analysis that still require further clarification.
Quantitative Phase. Data analysis in this study includes (a) descriptive data analysis,
and (b) inferential data analysis. In this study, the research error rate was determined α =
5% (0.05). Descriptive statistics are statistics that are used to analyze data by describing
or describing data that has been collected without intending to make generalized
conclusions or generalizations. The model of this research is Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM), which is a statistical tool used to solve cascading models
simultaneously that cannot be solved by linear regression equations. SEM analysis was
carried out with the SmartPLS program. The SmartPLS program was chosen with the
consideration that PLS analysis has the advantage of not requiring normally distributed
data and can be used with a small number of samples.
Qualitative Phase. According to (Kuantitatif, 2016), data analysis is the process of
systematically searching for and compiling data obtained from the results of interviews,
field notes, and documentation by organizing data into categories, describing them into
units, synthesizing, compiling them into patterns, choosing which ones are important and
what will be studied, and making conclusions so that they are easily understood by
yourself and others. Data analysis during the field of the Miles and Huberman Model in
qualitative research is carried out during data collection and after the completion of data
collection in a certain period. Miles and Huberman (1984) stated that activities in
qualitative data analysis are carried out interactively and continue until completion.
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The image of the research model indicates the following research hypotheses:
1. H1 Motivation (X) affects the Commitment of Professional Construction Workers (M)
2. H2Motivation (X) affects Project Performance (Y)
Thus, the novelty of this research can be identified so that it is expected to add to
and complement the existing literature treasures.
Results and Discussion
Validity Test and Reliability Test
Table 1
Summary of the Validity of the Reliability of the Research Questionnaire
d Item-
n (X)
r than
ent (M)
ce (Y)
Table 1 shows that the results of the trial on 30 respondents outside the research
respondents, resulted in all research questionnaires being tested for validity and reliability
so that they could be distributed to 250 research respondents.
Data Analysis
A summary of the results of the analysis of the parameters of the research model
(Inner and Outer Model) as a whole can be seen in the following Research Model
The Effect of Motivation on Professional Construction Workforce Commitment and Project
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3331
Figure 1. Research Model Diagram
Direct Effects
Table 2
Direct Effects
Variable intervention
Professional Construction
Kindergarten Commitment (M)
Bound Variables
Project Performance
Table 2 shows that:
1. The direct effect of Motivation (X) on Professional Construction Kindergarten
Commitment (M) is positive 0.792 with a p-value of 0.000 which is less than 0.05 and
means significant
2. The direct effect of Motivation (X) on Project Performance (Y) is negative 0.101 with
a p-value of 0.001 which is smaller than 0.05 means significant.
3. The direct effect of Professional Construction Kindergarten Commitment (M) on
Project Performance (Y) is positive 0.582 with a p-value of 0.001 which is smaller
than 0.05 and means significant.
Indirect Effects
Table 3
Indirect Effects
Indirect Influence
Yanti, Manlian Ronald A, Hendrik Sulistio
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3332
Motivation (X) -> Commitment of
Construction Workers Profesional_(M)
-> Performance Proyek_(Y)
Sumber: SmartPLS
Table 3 shows that the indirect influence of Motivation (X) on Project Performance
(Y) with the mediation of Professional Construction Kindergarten Commitment (M) is
0.461 with a p-value of 0.000 which is less than 0.05 means significant.
Total Effects
Table 4
Total Effects
Total influence
Motivation (X)
Performance (Y)
Construction Workforce
Commitment (M)
Source: SmartPLS
Table 4 shows that:
1. The total effect of Motivation (X) on Project Performance (Y) is positive 0.360 with
a p-value of 0.000 which is less than 0.05 means significant.
2. The total effect of Professional Construction Workforce Commitment (M) on Project
Performance (Y) is positive 0.582 with a p-value of 0.000 which is less than 0.05
means significant.
Koefisen Determinasi (R-square)
Table 5
Coefficient of Termination
Bound Variables
Professional Construction Workforce
Commitment (M)
Project Performance (Y)
Analysis of the determination coefficient (R2) shows that:
1. The commitment of Professional Construction Workers (M) can be explained by the
Motivation factor (X) of 0.626 or 62.60% while the remaining 37.40% is explained by
factors other than Motivation (X).
2. Project Performance (Y) can be explained by the Motivation factor (X) and
Professional Construction Workforce Commitment (M) of 0.775 or 77.50% while the
remaining 22.50% is explained by factors other than Motivation and Commitment of
Professional Construction Workforce (M).
Model Fit
The results of the measurement of the model fit of the research model with the
research data can be seen in the following details:
The Effect of Motivation on Professional Construction Workforce Commitment and Project
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3333
Outer Model
Nilai outer loading dari masing-masing variabel dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut.
Table 6
Outer Loading
Motivation (X)
than 0.5
Table 6 shows that all the outer loading values of each variable are greater than 0.5
0.6 so it can be concluded that the research model from the perspective of convergent
validity is fit.
Discriminant validity
Table 7
Validity Construct
Motivation (X)
Greater than
Performance (Y)
Table 7 shows that all research variables have good discriminant validity because
they have an average variance extracted (AVE) value of each greater than 0.50 so it can
be concluded that the research model from the perspective of discriminant validity is fit.
Composite reliability
Table 8. Konstruk Reabilitas
Motivation (X)
Greater than
Commitment (M)
Yanti, Manlian Ronald A, Hendrik Sulistio
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3334
Performance (Y)
Table 8 shows that all research variables have good composite reliability because
each has a composite reliability value greater than 0.70 so it can be concluded that the
research model from the perspective of composite reliability is suitable (fit).
Inner Model
The fit of the inner model is measured by the formula
Q2 = 1 (1 R12) (1 R22) ... (1- Rp2) where Table 4 shows that R12 = R-square
Commitment of Professional Construction Manpower (M) = 0.626 and R22 = R-square
Project Performance (Y) = 0.775
Q2 = 1 - (1 - 0.626) (1 - 0.775) = 1 0.08415 = 0.91585 which is close to 1 so it is
said that the fit of the inner model is good (fit).
Because the outer model and the inner model are both proven to be fit, it can be
concluded that the research model based on the research data is fit.
The Effect of Motivation (X) on Professional Construction Workforce Commitment
Motivation (X) has a significant positive effect on the Commitment of Professional
Construction Workers (M). These findings are in line with the studies of (Wibowo et al.,
2023); (Gunawan & Kusumah, 2023); (Hartono, 2023); and (MUTHUSWAMY, 2023)
Who stated that organizational commitment mediates the role of the influence of work
motivation on performance, work motivation has a significant effect on organizational
commitment, and the role of motivation is proven to strengthen the influence of job
satisfaction on employee commitment.
Effect of Motivation (X) on Project Performance (Y)
Motivation (X) hurts Project Performance (Y) significantly. These findings
contradict the studies of (Ramadan et al., 2022) Who revealed that motivation has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance; employee performance is
significantly influenced by motivation, human resource competence, and organizational
commitment; The work environment and motivation have a positive and significant effect
on employee performance. This finding is also not in line with Diantari's (2023) research
which found that motivation has a positive but not significant effect on employee work
Effect of Professional Construction Workforce Commitment (M) on Project
Performance (Y)
The commitment of Professional Construction Workers (M) has a significant
positive effect on Project Performance (Y). These findings are in line with the studies of
(Utami, Sitania, & Profita, 2022) which revealed that organizational commitment has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance; organizational commitment and
job satisfaction have a considerable positive impact on worker performance;
Organizational Commitment (OC) can predict and influence the growth and improvement
of employee performance (EP); and the higher the level of organizational commitment
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3335
employees have to the organization, the more likely they are to show improved
performance. However, this finding contradicts the research of (Yusnita, Gursida, &
Herlina, 2022) which found that organizational commitment is negatively related to
employee performance.
Total Influence
Table 4 shows that Motivation (X) and Professional Construction Workforce
Commitment (M) all have a significant effect on Project Performance (Y) because the p-
value is all 0.000 which is less than 0.05. By looking at its total coefficient of influence,
it can be identified that:
1. The commitment of Professional Construction Workers (M) has a large influence on
Project Performance (Y) and has a total influence coefficient of 0.582. This means that
every increase in the Professional Construction Manpower Commitment (M) by 1 unit
will affect the increase in Project Performance (Y) by 0.792 units.
2. Motivation (X) is ranked third in the magnitude of influence on Project Performance
(Y), which is with a total influence coefficient of 0.360. This means that every increase
in Motivation (X) by 1 unit will affect the increase in Project Performance (Y) by 0.360
The description shows that in the construction of the Building project in East
Kalimantan, project stakeholders need to pay attention to the Leadership factor is the
main factor in the success of Project Performance. On the other hand, the Motivation
factor needs to be watched out for because if it is not managed properly, the increase in
the imbalance of worker motivation will be able to reduce Project Performance.
Based on the results of hypothesis analysis and testing, as well as referring to the
research objectives, it can be identified that Motivation has a significant effect on the
Commitment of Professional Construction Workers with a termination coefficient of
0.626 which means that Motivation can explain the Commitment of Professional
Construction Workers by 62.60%, while the remaining 37.40% is explained by factors
other than Motivation. Motivation has a significant effect on Project Performance with a
termination coefficient of 0.775 which means that Motivation can explain Project
Performance by 77.50%, while the remaining 22.50% is explained by factors other than
Yanti, Manlian Ronald A, Hendrik Sulistio
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