Application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model to Improve Student Learning
Outcomes in Arithmetic Row Material Class XI SMAN 6 Southwest Aceh
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3319
related to increasing knowledge in educational institutions through learning models
(Khakim, Santi, US, Putri, & Fauzi, 2022).
To achieve learning targets, teachers are required to be able to develop and use the
right learning model. In connection with this, efforts are made to provide opportunities
for students to improve Mathematics learning outcomes by using a Problem-Based
Learning model that is not only teacher-centered but also student-centered. One of the
ways to strengthen understanding of Mathematics learning outcomes is learning that can
provide opportunities for students to understand problems, provide answers or opinions,
and then draw conclusions (Novelni & Sukma, 2021).
According to Sukma, (2021) one of the right learning models is the Problems Based
Learning (PBL. Problem-Based Learning is a learning model that uses real problems that
are unstructured and open, in addition, the Problem-Based Learning model that uses real
problems with an open context and innovative learning can invite students to learn
actively in solving problems.
The ability to understand concepts plays a big role in determining student learning
outcomes in mathematics learning. Meanwhile, according to (Tyas, 2017), Problem-
Based Learning (PBL) is one of the learning models that makes problems the basis for
students to learn, problem-based learning is included in the category of teaching via
problem-solving, where learning mathematical content is carried out through the
presentation of inquiry-oriented problems. The problems presented in PBL are problems
in daily life and these problems can stimulate students to learn this problem based on the
knowledge and experience that students have had, so that from the experience that
students have had, new knowledge and experience will be formed. Therefore, having this
ability by students will make it easier to learn and solve mathematical problems. In
mathematics learning activities, emphasis should be placed on activities that can increase
understanding of concepts so that students have good basic skills to achieve other
mathematical skills such as reasoning, communication, connection, and problem-solving.
The learning process in the classroom by directing children to the ability to use formulas,
memorize formulas, mathematics only to do problems, rarely taught to analyze, and use
mathematics in daily life does not encourage children to develop their thinking skills
(ASTUTI, 2022).
Based on the observations and experiences that the researcher has observed, the
causes of students' lack of understanding of the material include students' interest in
participating in learning is still low, students thinking the subject is difficult, students'
initial knowledge is still low, students' low understanding of concepts, students lack
learning the material that has been given, teachers have not maximized the application of
innovative learning models. The Importance of Sharing Innovative Learning Practices
Understanding the material, this learning practice is expected to motivate other teachers
to design and implement innovative learning The role of a teacher who have the task of
educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students.
According to (Nurlaelah, 2023), a teacher's responsibility is to carry out all stages or
phases of innovative teaching (creative and innovative learning, which is integrated with