pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3435
Bamboo Craft Development Strategy in the Industrial Era 4.0
Towards Society 5.0 Gintangan Village
Mohammad Iskandar
, Jemi Cahya Adi Wijaya
, Adetiya Prananda Putra
Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi, Indonesia
Keywords: society 5.0,
industry 4.0, gintangan
The creative economy sub-sector contributed Rp. 1,153.4
trillion or to the total National GDP, 15.2% of the workforce,
and 11.9% of exports (Kominfo, 2022). One of the villages
that has a creative industry is Gintangan Village. The
majority of Gintangan Village residents have a livelihood,
namely, craftsmen. Many people work as craftsmen to fulfill
their daily needs. However, bamboo handicraft centers are
currently considered to still use conventional business so the
management and organization are not well organized. This
research aims to formulate a development strategy for the
Industrial Revolution 4.0 towards Society 5.0. This research
uses Ministry of Industry indicators namely, 1) management
and organization; 2) people and culture; 3) products and
services; 4) technology; and 5) factory operations. This
research method uses descriptive qualitative with SWOT
analysis. The results of this study indicate that the potential
of the bamboo handicraft industry includes fine fiber
bamboo, strategic location, adequate human resources, a
wide variety of bamboo handicrafts, bamboo handicraft
tourism villages, good handicraft branding, and professional
staff. The highest strength factor is being a Tourism Village
in the field of bamboo handicrafts and the main weakness
factor is the lack of knowledge of digital technology
marketing. The highest opportunity factor is the support of
mass media promotion and the main threat factor is uncertain
global dynamics and the lack of public awareness of the
importance of technology application.
Economic growth is an effort to increase production capacity which is realized in
the form of increasing national opinion (Herawaty & Raharja, 2018). Work programs
from the government are often related to economic growth because they can increase
national income and increase the competitiveness of the production of the Indonesian
people (Deguchi et al., 2020). The main factors in economic growth are related to the
quantity and quality of labor, natural resources, land, capital goods, the level of
Mohammad Iskandar, Jemi Cahya Adi Wijaya, Adetiya Prananda Putra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3436
technology used, the social system, and the attitude of the community. In the current era,
which is full of uncertainties such as global outbreaks, world political stability, and the
issue of climate change, people are forced to continue to improve. One of the things that
is always highlighted is economic growth (Ratnawati, 2020). A strong nation has strong
economies such as America, Japan, and Korea. It is important to continue to make
breakthroughs in growing the community's economy. One of the main factors for
economic growth is the quality of labor and the application of technology (Arifianto &
Himawan, 2018).
The quality of labor and the application of technology are two related things. The
reason is, currently is an era of rapidly developing technology. Without being
accompanied by the quality of human resources or the quality of a qualified workforce
(Rofaida et al., 2019). The speed at which technology is sophisticated sounds futile or not
beneficial to society. With this, Japan offers a concept where humans can coexist with
technology. In 2019, former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe formulated a concept of Society
5.0 that allows humans to utilize technology to solve various social problems. (Saniuk et
al., 2022). The simple language is to humanize humans with technology. The concept is
called Society 5.0. Before Society 5.0, Germany initiated the concept of the Industrial
Revolution 4.0 where many aspects of human life have shifted to the digital world. From
the two definitions above, this study aims to make the strategy simpler because the two
concepts have the same goal of increasing economic growth. The difference is that the
Industrial Revolution 4.0 carries technology as the main player. Meanwhile, Society 5.0
carries intelligent humans in using technology. Society 5.0 was created so that the element
of human conscience remains in touch in the era of the onslaught of technological
developments. (Sopanah et al., 2018).
Efforts to increase economic growth have many formulas. It can be achieved with
various strategies. After looking at the concept in the outside world, the economic sectors
that are currently being highlighted a lot are the tourism and creative economy sectors.
The creative economy can be said to be in the tourism sector because it supports tourism
and provides various creative industries in it. According to the 2020 Creative Economy
Opus data, the creative economy subsector contributes to Gross Domestic Income or
national opinion worth Rp. 1,211 trillion. This achievement brings Indonesia to third
place. Indonesia is superior in absorbing 17 million workers. (Setiadi et al., 2021). This
number is much higher than the number in the United States reaching 4.7 million workers.
One example of tourism development is Bali. The rapid development of tourism in Bali
has encouraged the emergence of the creative industry. Tourism supports the growth of
the creative economy as a multiplier effect and encourages the agriculture, tourism, and
tourism-supporting services sectors (BPS Bali, 2019).
The tourism sector is considered to be a driver of economic growth. According to
(Wijaya & Handoko, 2021), several business sectors can collaborate to accelerate
tourism, including the agricultural sector, the construction sector, and the education
services sector. Based on the 2010-2018 Banyuwangi GDP, two business fields have a
percentage increase from year to year. First, trade, hotels, and restaurants in 2010 were
Bamboo Craft Development Strategy in the Industrial Era 4.0 Towards Society 5.0 Gintangan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3437
worth 13.01% and in 2018 were worth 16.08%. Second, accommodation and food
providers in 2010 were worth 2.05% and in 2018 were worth 2.80% (Santosa et al., 2020).
Banyuwangi Regency is famous for its beautiful tourism sector. Various awards
have been won by Banyuwangi, one of which is the East Java Tourism Event. In 2016,
Banyuwangi Regency signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the
development of village-based creative industries. Bekraf assists with a pilot project,
including Gintangan Village, Tamansari Village, and Sumberbuluh Village. This
indicates that Banyuwangi Regency has the potential for a creative industry to be
developed professionally. In 2022, Banyuwangi Regency has again held the Innovative
Government Award since 2018. These innovations include innovations from the MSME
sector, tourism, education, to health. The Banyuwangi Regency Government strongly
supports creative economy activities and the tourism sector. This can be seen from the
various awards held for the innovations that have been made.
Gintangan Village is one of the bamboo centers in Banyuwangi Regency.
Gintangan bamboo crafts are a hereditary heritage from ancestors. Starting from the
manufacture of household utensils such as Erik, tenong, and welasah. Then, various craft
innovations began to vary. There are those with nuances of traditional crafts without glue
and modern bamboo crafts whose materials are not only bamboo such as lamp holders,
handovers, songkok, and so on. The characteristic of gintangan bamboo is that the
bamboo fibers are smoother. The livelihood of the people of Gintangan Village is mostly
farmers and craftsmen. Several bamboo craft centers are a driving force for housewives
to do work to fill their free time. Various ages, young people, teenagers, adults, and the
elderly know how to weave so that they can increase their skills and encourage the
economy of the residents.
The underlying problem for artisans in Gintangan Village is labor. The labor force
of bamboo craftsmen is dominated by men and women who have limited education and
abilities so they are constrained to produce new products (Umrah, 2019). On the other
hand, the problem of regeneration of craftsmen can be possible because young people are
more likely to like making only one craft product. After all, it is considered simple and
easy (the results of interviews with bamboo craft actors). Based on BPS Banyuwangi data,
there is an increase and decrease in the number of bamboo handicraft industries from year
to year. Bamboo crafts are a labor-intensive industry. The artisan workforce needs to be
developed at a more advanced level to form a sustainable economy.
Most Gintangan bamboo craftsmen still use conventional businesses where the
business is still simple. In terms of people and culture, Gintangan bamboo craftsmen have
not collaborated well with groups of craftsmen. In terms of management and organization,
production work is centered on one person so marketing and finance fulfillment have not
been systematic. In terms of products and services, Gintangan bamboo craftsmen are
unique in the level of fineness of bamboo and the variety of bamboo crafts. In terms of
technology, bamboo craftsmen still use their hands as the main tool and use tools such as
drills, glue, and bamboo cutters to support production. In terms of factory operations,
bamboo craftsmen make to order. With the description of the conditions above, the
Mohammad Iskandar, Jemi Cahya Adi Wijaya, Adetiya Prananda Putra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3438
researcher intends to formulate a strategy that is by the current development of the
This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The preparation of the strategy
in this study uses SWOT analysis. This study has criteria from the Ministry of Industry
in the preparation of interview guidelines, namely, 1) management and organization; 2)
people and culture; 3) products and services; 4) technology; and 5) factory operations.
The researcher conducted observations and interviews at the research site. Respondents
in this study include academics, business, community, government, mass media, and
visitors. The researcher processed field data in the form of internal and external factors
according to the facts. Respondents will fill out a questionnaire that has been processed
by the researcher. The questionnaire contains internal factors and external factors of
bamboo crafts in Gintangan Village. Each respondent filled in according to the views of
the respondent's personal opinion. The results of the questionnaire were coded into a
SWOT matrix analysis. Furthermore, the researcher makes relevant strategies according
to the results of the SWOT matrix analysis.
Results and Discussion
Based on the results of the interview, the people of Gintangan Village are a village-
based community that has inequality in it. Through a sociological approach, namely a
conflict approach, seeing society as an arena of conflict full of inequality. The conflict
that occurs is that the community does not have a good awareness of collaboration
between artisan groups. The conflict approach focuses on social change which means
inequality will result in conflict, and conflict will bring social change. On the other hand,
with the concept of Society 5.0, it is hoped that it will produce a relevant strategy for the
people of Gintangan Village.
Management and organization
The majority of stakeholders in Gintangan Village do not understand Industry 4.0.
The handicraft industry in Gintangan Village still uses conventional methods. There are
at least two elements that play a role in Gintangan Village handicrafts, namely, Pokdarwis
and Handicraft Center. In transferring the ideas and creativity of the craftsmen, Pokdarwis
has not provided ideas and creativity in supporting the work efficiency of the craftsmen.
Leaders like Pokdarwis need to put forward the INDI 4.0 industry resolution where
artisans are empowered with ideas and creativity. Craftsmen should know what the
management leadership wants. In the element of the Handicraft Center, the owner along
with the dual position is not a strange thing anymore because the craft industry does not
have a clear vision and mission and wants to minimize costs. Of course, there needs to be
an effort to prepare a strategy for transforming Industry 4.0. Companies or industries need
to understand the changes that exist and be able to welcome them. The handicraft industry
in Gintangan Village needs to develop insights into socio-economic changes to survive
Bamboo Craft Development Strategy in the Industrial Era 4.0 Towards Society 5.0 Gintangan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3439
the era of technological onslaught, especially human resource development. This is the
same vision as Society 5.0.
People and Culture
People and culture are important elements in the company's transformation process
to Industry 4.0. Things related to cultural people such as discipline, willingness, to
continue learning, and local wisdom. Based on the story of one of the bamboo craft
centers, Gintangan Village has problems in the regeneration of bamboo craftsmen. The
dominance of the craftsmen is mostly old people. Meanwhile, the character of young
craftsmen is easily bored when they have to make one bamboo craft motif, which usually
takes a long time. As a Javanese society in general, the philosophy of crime in tandem is
very attached to the craftsmen of Gintangan Village which means accepting the situation
as it is. On the other hand, the views of the artisan elders are still thick with crafts.
However, this does not necessarily overcome social dynamics in the field. The old people
are considered to still be passive in moving the craftsmen to unite. There is a need for
bridging media to form an ideal society by Society 5.0 where the community plays an
active role in making changes.
Products and services
Products and services are products that are integrated with Industry 4.0. Industrial
products are integrated with digital technology where product data can be accessed
through electronic devices. The majority of artisans still use simple marketing media such
as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. The obstacle to the use of e-commerce is the
nature of light and large handicraft products. So it is difficult to pack and there is a risk
of it being crushed by other goods. On the other hand, bamboo variety products in
Gintangan Village are considered very diverse. Society 5.0 supports the optimization of
the use of digital technology which will make it easier for sellers and buyers.
The use of technology in Industry 4.0 is very diverse, ranging from 3D printers,
artificial intelligence, augmented reality, robot collaboration, and others. The use of tools
such as drills, knives, scissors, and saws. Society 5.0 empowers the use of technology to
facilitate human work. Craftsmen have not adapted to technological developments
massively. With the use of technology, it will minimize expensive labor costs. The
availability of suitable tools is not yet available. Weather constraints are something that
must be solved with technology so that the product process continues to run.
Factory operations
Factory operations are the use of technology in the production process. Enterprise
product chain and logistics systems, intelligent machine maintenance system
applications, autonomous production processes, storage systems, and centralized data
control. Society 5.0 supports data access that is open to the general public. Several
bamboo craft centers have their market shares. Product marketing through social media
and resellers. Various factors affect a company's revenue such as labor and weather. This
affected factory operations. Product stock, product supply chain, and maintenance of
company tools have not been well organized. Society 5.0 emphasizes sustainability in the
Mohammad Iskandar, Jemi Cahya Adi Wijaya, Adetiya Prananda Putra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3440
economic field, so it is necessary to pay attention to how products are processed,
packaged, shipped, and used and to organize the product process chain for consumers.
IFE Matrix Analysis
The IFE matrix functions to find out how much the role of strengths and weaknesses
plays in the company. The IFE matrix can be seen through the company's internal
conditions, namely strengths and weaknesses calculated based on ratings and weights.
Table 1
Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix
Internal Factors
Weight Score
Total Strength
Total Weaknesses
Bamboo Craft Development Strategy in the Industrial Era 4.0 Towards Society 5.0 Gintangan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3441
Weighted Total Score
EFE Matrix Analysis
The EFE matrix functions to find out how big the role of opportunities and threats
is in the company. The EFE matrix can be seen through the company's internal conditions,
namely opportunities and threats calculated based on ratings and weights.
Table 2
External Factor Evaluation Matrix
External Factors
Peluang (Opportunity)
There is support from the
Opportunities to generate ideas
via the internet
Building active participation of
bamboo craftsmen
Annual bamboo festival
Promotional support from the
mass media
Total Opportunities
External Factors
Ancaman (Threats)
The existence of competitors for
bamboo handicraft centers
Uncertain global dynamics
Lack of public awareness of the
importance of technology
Total Threats
Weighted Score
Based on the results of the IFE Matrix, shows that gintangan tourism villages in
the field of bamboo crafts are the main factor of strength with a weight score of 0.314 so
it has great potential to develop bamboo crafts as a tourist village. The main factor of
weakness is the lack of knowledge of digital technology marketing with a weight score
of 0.130. The total results of the weighted internal factor evaluation of 2,903 show that
the position of Gintangan Village is in an above-average position relative to its internal
Based on the results of the External Factor Evaluation (EFE), the main opportunity
factor is promotional support from the mass media with a score of 0.456. This means that
there is strong promotional support from the mass media in participating in the publication
of Gintangan Village bamboo crafts. Meanwhile, the main threat factors are uncertain
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global dynamics and a lack of public awareness of the importance of technology
applications with a score of 0.253. The results of the calculation of the weighted total
score show a score above the average, which is 2,991, which means that the bamboo
handicrafts of Gintangan Village externally respond to each factor.
Table 3
Results of the IE Matrix of Gintangan Village
Total weighted EFE value (Y)
Total weighted IFE value (X)
(Source: Data Processing, 2022)
The IE matrix shows that the internal and external factors of Gintangan Village are
average or moderate. By maximizing the strength factor, the weakness factor can be
minimized. The main factor of strength is that the bamboo craft tourism village needs to
be improved and the improvement of human resources in Gintangan Village. In an
external position, the opportunity factor can affect the threat so that the utilization of the
opportunity factor is achieved. By taking advantage of the opportunity, Gintangan Village
can reduce threats from the outside. The factors of weakness and opportunity for
Gintangan Village are an opportunity to improve. A good business industry by developing
a business strategy. Being aware of weaknesses and shortcomings from within is part of
strength. Therefore, related parties must be able to design schemes and a conducive
business environment so that all parties can benefit.
Based on the IE matrix score, the position of Gintangan Village in internal and
external factors is in the V quadrant which is quite high. The IE matrix is in cell five,
which means hold and maintain strategy, where in this cell the formulation of strategies
based on field conditions with strategies to be held and maintained (market penetration
and product development).
Bamboo Craft Development Strategy in the Industrial Era 4.0 Towards Society 5.0 Gintangan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3443
Table 4
SWOT Matrix of Gintangan Village Development Strategy
Internal Factors
External Factors
Strengths (S)
1. Fine-grained
2. Strategic location
3. Adequate human
4. Variety of bamboo
5. Becoming a Tourism
Village in the field of
bamboo crafts
6. Gintangan Village
handicraft branding
is good
7. There are
Weaknesses (W)
1. There is no
distribution of
the quality of
resources in
2. Competition
3. Lack of digital
4. Business
that is still
5. There is no
property right
in bamboo
6. There is no
specializes in
bamboo crafts
7. Inadequate
use of
Opportunities (O)
1. There is
from the
2. Opportuniti
es to
ideas via
the internet
3. Building
S-O Strategy
1. Implementation of
routine agendas for
making crafts
together at the
village hall (S1, S2,
S3, S4, S5, S6, S7,
O1, O2, O3, O4, O5)
2. Penyelenggaraan
kreativitas kerajinan
bambu (S1, S2, S3,
W-O Strategy
1. Conducting
coaching of
of bamboo
(W1, W2, W3,
W4, W5, W6,
O1, O2, O3,
O4, O5)
Mohammad Iskandar, Jemi Cahya Adi Wijaya, Adetiya Prananda Putra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3444
n of
4. Annual
5. Promotiona
l support
from the
mass media
S4, S5, S6, S7,
O1,O2, O3, O4,O5)
2. Conduct
training in
(W1, W2, W3,
W4, W5, O1,
O2, O3, O4)
Threats (T)
1. The
existence of
for bamboo
2. Uncertain
3. Lack of
of the
S-T Strategy
1. Making innovations
such as bamboo craft
halls and bamboo
buildings (S1, S2,
S3, S4, S5, S6, S7,
T1, T2, T3)
W-T Strategy
1. Making
studies as an
effort to
capacity (W1,
W2, W3, W4,
W7, T1, T2,
SWOT Matrix Analysis for SO Strategy
By looking at the SWOT Matrix of the SO Strategy, it can be seen that Gintangan
Village can form a strategy to utilize strengths to become opportunities. This strategy can
be implemented such as making a routine agenda for making bamboo crafts at the village
hall and organizing a bamboo craft creativity competition.
SWOT Matrix Analysis for WO Strategy
On weaknesses and opportunities, Gintangan Village can develop a strategy that
minimizes weaknesses and maximizes opportunities. Strategies that can be implemented
include regularly coaching special organizations of bamboo artisans and conducting
training in digital marketing as well as the introduction of values from Society 5.0 which
will later be in line with village work programs and the craft industry.
SWOT Matrix Analysis for ST Strategy
Looking at the strengths and threats, Gintangan Village can use strength to
overcome threats. This strategy is such as making innovations in bamboo craft halls and
buildings from bamboo which are expected to be an inspiration for the craft industry to
exist in their fields.
SWOT Matrix Analysis for WT Strategy
Bamboo Craft Development Strategy in the Industrial Era 4.0 Towards Society 5.0 Gintangan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3445
Strategies that can result from minimizing weaknesses from within and avoiding
threats from external. There are several bamboo craft centers in Gintangan Village, by
making a business study will facilitate the direction of business in the next five years.
INDI 4.0 indicators consist of, namely, 1) management and organization; 2) culture
and people; 3) products and services; 4) Technology; and 5) Factory Operations.
Management and organization are not well organized, have dual positions, and do not
have a clear vision and mission. People and community culture believe in primo ing
pandemic which means accepting the situation as it is and internal dynamics that have not
been properly accommodated. The majority of handicraft products and services rely on
social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram as well as packaging problems
in shipping. The use of technology uses makeshift tools and the process of making crafts
which still mostly rely on human labor. Factory operations or product supply chains rely
on the market share owned by each manufacturer and reseller.
Based on the results of the SWOT calculation, it can be concluded that Gintangan
Village is in an average or medium position. With the calculation value from the Internal
Factor Evaluation (IFE), the total score was 2.903 and the External Factor Evaluation
(EFE) obtained a score of 2.991. This position places Gintangan Village in Cell V, which
means hold and maintain which aims at market penetration and product development.
Then the results of IFE internal factors and EFE external factors obtained a strength and
opportunities (SO) value of 4.17, a strength and treat (ST) value of 2.73, a weakness and
opportunities (WO) value of 3.16, and a weakness and treat (WT) value of 1.72. The
strategy with the highest value is SO. Strategies that can be prioritized are the
implementation of a routine agenda for making bamboo crafts at the village hall and the
organization of bamboo craft creativity competitions. After conducting the analysis, the
author still feels that there are many shortcomings in this study so suggestions for future
research to research development strategies are more measurable and tested in the field.
Mohammad Iskandar, Jemi Cahya Adi Wijaya, Adetiya Prananda Putra
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