pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3306
The Influence of Service Quality and Satisfaction on Interest
in Return Visits of Inpatient Patients at Bekasi Regency
Sutra Gustianingrum
, MGS Aritonang
, Nurita Andayani
Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia
Keywords: digital
literacy; just-in-time
teaching (JITT); ChatGPT
in education.
This success can be achieved if it provides quality services
that have an impact on patient satisfaction and will further
affect the interest in re-visiting. This study aims to determine
the effect of service quality on patient satisfaction and the
influence of both on re-visitation interest. This research was
conducted using a quantitative descriptive method. The
study sample was taken using a purposive sampling
technique of 100 respondents. Data were collected through
questionnaires, and analysis using SEM (Structural Equation
Model). The results showed that good service quality has a
positive and significant effect on patient satisfaction,
creating a satisfying experience and building trust. Patient
satisfaction, as a result of adequate service quality, also has
a positive and significant impact on repeat visit intention.
Hospitals are required to improve the quality of service in the hope that patients feel
satisfied which can affect their perception to create a positive image that will benefit the
hospital. Where the patient will not be able to assess the service before he or she
experiences it himself (Amly, Harahap, & Lubis, 2020). Therefore, the services provided
by the Hospital, it is measured from at least five dimensions of service quality, namely
physical evidence (tangible), reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.
(Pambudi, 2020).
Based on data on the achievement of SPM inpatient services at Bekasi Regency
Hospital in 2020, the indicator of patient satisfaction has decreased from 91.67% in 2019
to 77.78% in 2020.
According to (Anjayati, 2021) said that patient satisfaction is often determined by
the extent to which the quality of services provided meets the expectations and needs of
the patients. This quality of service encompasses various aspects such as the speed of
service, the skills, and friendliness of the staff, as well as the comfort of the facilities.
When the services received align with or even exceed the patient's expectations, the level
of satisfaction tends to be high. Conversely, if the services do not meet the desired
standards or there are shortcomings in the service, patients may feel dissatisfied.
The Influence of Service Quality and Satisfaction on Interest in Return Visits of Inpatient
Patients at Bekasi Regency Hospital
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3307
Therefore, understanding and meeting the needs and preferences of patients is the key to
enhancing their satisfaction.
The number of inpatient visits based on the results of the realization of the Bekasi
Regency Hospital in 2018-2020 has fluctuated. Where in 2018 as many as 8,920 patients
visited, in 2019 there were 12,681 patients, and in 2020 there were 12,254 patients who
Previous research has said that patient satisfaction with dental clinic services does
not always guarantee their loyalty or willingness to return for future care. Although
patients may feel satisfied with their current experience, various other factors can
influence their decision to continue treatment at the clinic. These factors include the cost
of care, the location of the clinic, the availability of flexible scheduling, and the likelihood
of recommendations from friends or family. In addition, a good experience during one
visit does not always reflect the consistency of service in the future. Therefore, it is
important for dental clinics to not only focus on immediate satisfaction but also on
building long-term relationships with patients to encourage loyalty and return visits
(Tanudjaya, 2020).
This research offers novelty by exploring the relationship between service quality
and patient satisfaction in the context of revisiting interest at the Bekasi District General
Hospital, which has not been extensively studied in this hospital environment. The
purpose of this research is to identify the extent of the impact of service quality on patient
satisfaction, as well as how patient satisfaction influences their interest in returning to
hospital services. By understanding the interaction between these two factors, this study
aims to provide insights that can be used to enhance service strategies in hospitals,
improve patient satisfaction, and, ultimately, encourage higher rates of return visits.
Research Methods
This research is a quantitative descriptive study aimed at evaluating the impact of
service quality and patient satisfaction on the interest in return visits. Data was collected
directly and prospectively at the Bekasi District Hospital over one month. The
information was obtained through a questionnaire filled out by inpatients, which included
questions about their experiences regarding service quality, satisfaction levels, and their
interest in returning. The research population consists of all inpatients at Bekasi District
Hospital. The sample was taken using a purposive sampling technique, selecting 100
patients aged over 16 who had undergone treatment for at least two days. The tools used
in this research include a questionnaire, SPSS 26, and AMOS version 26 statistical
Statistical data analysis using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)
software version 26. and AMOS version 26. In the data analysis using Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM), the process begins with the development of a model based on theory,
which in this study consists of two exogenous variables (service quality and patient
satisfaction) and one endogenous variable (revisit interest). The next step involves
drafting a path diagram that visually represents relationships between variables. The
Sutra Gustianingrum, MGS Aritonang, Nurita Andayani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3308
model is then converted into a structural equation model for measurement, where service
quality and patient satisfaction are linked to various indicators. Confirmatory Factor
Analysis (CFA) is conducted to test the validity of the model, ensuring that all items meet
the required critical ratios, loading factors, and construct reliability criteria. Normality
tests confirm that the data are normally distributed, and outlier tests confirm the absence
of outliers. Once the model is estimated, the goodness-of-fit indices (e.g., Chi-Square,
RMSEA, GFI) are used to assess the model's fitness. If any marginal fit is detected,
modifications may be necessary, although, in this study, the model is considered fit with
acceptable goodness-of-fit values.
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Analysis
1. Development of Models Based on Theory
In general, this research model consists of 2 exogenous variables and 1 endogenous
variable. Exogenous variables consist of service quality and patient satisfaction.
Endogenous variables consist of revisit interest.
2. Drafting a Path Diagram
Figure 1. Path Diagram
Service quality includes the employees' ability to serve, response speed,
understanding of consumers, trust built, as well as the available facilities and physical
equipment. Patient satisfaction is assessed through two main aspects: the speed and
accuracy of services. Service speed encompasses how quickly patients receive attention
and treatment from the hospital, while service accuracy relates to the precision and quality
of the care or information provided. Both of these factors greatly influence patients'
perceptions of the overall quality of their experience. High satisfaction, reflected in fast
and accurate service, tends to encourage patients to feel more satisfied and comfortable.
As a result, this satisfaction has the potential to increase patients' intention to return to the
same healthcare facility in the future, as they feel confident that they will receive adequate
and effective services.
The Influence of Service Quality and Satisfaction on Interest in Return Visits of Inpatient
Patients at Bekasi Regency Hospital
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3309
3. Constructing the structural equation Measurement Model
Figure 2. Service quality measurement model
HR Capability/Employee = 1 Service quality + e1;
Responsiveness speed = 2 Service quality + e2;
Employee abilities = 3 Service quality + e3;
Trustworthy = 4 Service quality + e4; Physical facilities and equipment = 5
Service quality + e5;
Figure 3. Patient satisfaction measurement model
Speed of serving consumers = 6 Patient satisfaction + e6;
Precision in service = 7 Patient satisfaction + e7;
Product/service safety = 8 Patient satisfaction + e8;
Serve politely and kindly = 9 Patient satisfaction + e9;
Sutra Gustianingrum, MGS Aritonang, Nurita Andayani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3310
Comfort = 10 Patient satisfaction + e10;
Figure 3. Repeat interest measurement model
Willingness to visit again = 11 Interest in returning visit + e11;
Willingness to tell others = 12 Interest in revisiting + e12;
Willingness to make a priority = 13 Revisit interest + e13;
Willingness to continue buying products/services = 14 Interest in revisiting +
e14; Structural Model
a. Y1 = f (X) + e15
b. Y1 = f (X1) + e15
c. Y1 = f (X2) + e16
4. Choosing the Input Type of Matrix and Estimation Techniques Over the Built Model
a. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) Validity Test
The calculation results show that each item in the study has a ratio value
exceeding the threshold of 0.05. The ratio value is used as an indicator to assess
the validity of the item. If the ratio value of an item is higher than the specified
threshold (0.05 in this case), the item is considered valid and reliable for measuring
the intended variable. In other words, the items meet the criteria necessary to be
considered valid measurement tools in this research.
b. Convergent Validity
The purpose of convergent validity is to ensure that a measurement tool truly
measures the intended construct or concept by comparing it with another
measurement tool that is supposed to measure the same construct. It is known that
each item has an estimated loading factor value of more than 0.5 so it is declared
to be met. Therefore, each estimated indicator is eligible to measure the variables
of the concept being tested.
c. Reliability Test
The Influence of Service Quality and Satisfaction on Interest in Return Visits of Inpatient
Patients at Bekasi Regency Hospital
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3311
It is known that the results of construct reliability (construct reliability) of all
variables have shown 0.7. As for the variance extracted in this study, each
variable also has a value of 0.5. So it can be concluded that the questionnaire
used for this study is declared reliable.
d. Normality Test
Based on the output of the normality test obtained, the CR value is less than
2.580, which in this case is 1.226, indicating that the corresponding estimated
coefficient is not significant at commonly used significance levels, such as 0.01
(1%). In other words, a CR value smaller than 2.580 suggests that the coefficient
is more likely to fall within a normal distribution and is not strong enough to
demonstrate a statistically significant difference at a stringent significance level.
e. Outliers
The highest measured Mahalanobis d-Square value is 28.617. This value is
compared to the Chi-Square value of 36.123, which is typically used as a threshold
to determine whether a data point is considered an outlier or not. If the
Mahalanobis d-Square value is lower than the Chi-Square value, as in this case
where 28.617 does not exceed 36.123, then the data point is not considered an
outlier. In other words, the Mahalanobis d-Square value indicates that the data
point falls within the range of distribution that is considered normal and does not
show a sufficiently large distance from the expected distribution to be classified as
an outlier.
5. Assess the likelihood of its emergence
The results of this study during data processing with the AMOS 26 program,
did not find any messages on the computer monitor that indicated identification
6. Assess the Goodness of Fit criteria
Gambar 4. Confirmatory analysis
Sutra Gustianingrum, MGS Aritonang, Nurita Andayani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3312
Table 1
Hasil Uji Goodness of Fit Analisis Confirmatory
Goodness of
< 0,05
Marginal fit
The resulting criteria have a good value, where the Goddess of Fit meets all
the criteria even though there is 1 criterion that is still marginal fit, but the marginal
fit value can still be tolerated so that the model in this study can be said to be Fit
Interpretation and modification
Table 2
Hasil Uji Regression Weight Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default
The results of the analysis in Table 2 show that:
a. Service quality (F1) has a positive and significant effect on patient satisfaction
(F2). As evidenced by a positive estimate value, the t-statistic value is above
1.96 and the P-value value is below 0.05.
b. Patient satisfaction (F2) had a positive and significant effect on the interest of
repeat visits (F3). As evidenced by a positive estimate value, the t-statistic
value is above 1.96 and the P-value value is below 0.05.
c. Service quality (F1) has a positive and significant effect on revisit interest (F3).
As evidenced by a positive estimate value, the t-statistic value is above 1.96
and the P-value value is below 0.05.
Service Quality Has a Positive and Significant Effect on Patient Satisfaction
Based on the results of the study, it is found that service quality has a positive
influence on patient satisfaction. These results are supported by Anjayanti (2021), which
states that good service quality at the Puskesmas tends to increase patient satisfaction
because friendly, responsive, and professional services meet patients' expectations of the
The Influence of Service Quality and Satisfaction on Interest in Return Visits of Inpatient
Patients at Bekasi Regency Hospital
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3313
care they receive. When patients feel valued, prioritized, and get the right treatment, they
are more satisfied and have a positive perception of puskesmas services. Conversely, poor
service quality, such as unfriendliness, long waiting times, or inefficient handling, will
decrease patient satisfaction, as they feel they are not getting adequate or valued care,
which can result in dissatisfaction and decreased trust in the health facility.
Hospitals as healthcare institutions must provide quality services, by the needs and
desires of patients, while adhering to the professional code of ethics. This is important
because quality services include not only medical technical aspects but also an approach
that respects the dignity, privacy, and rights of patients. By prioritizing integrity,
transparency, and professional ethics in providing care, hospitals can build trust and
ensure that every patient receives appropriate, safe, and adequate services by applicable
health standards. (Setianingsih & Susanti, 2021).
The quality of hospital services to patients is one of the main indicators of patient
satisfaction with the services provided. When the quality of service is considered good,
patients tend to assess the hospital as an institution that is professional in providing care.
This includes timely medical services, friendly attitudes from health personnel, and
adequate facilities. Good quality reflects the hospital's ability to meet patient
expectations, increase trust, and create a positive experience so that patients feel satisfied
and are more likely to recommend hospital services to others. (Ronaldi & Hadya, 2022).
Thus, service quality has a positive and significant effect on patient satisfaction at
the Bekasi Regency Hospital, meaning that the better the quality of service provided by
the hospital, the higher the level of patient satisfaction. Quality service includes aspects
such as speed, accuracy, friendliness, and competence of medical personnel and support
staff at health facilities. When patients feel well-served and professional, they tend to feel
satisfied with their experience, which in turn increases loyalty and the likelihood of
returning to health services in the future. Research shows that this relationship between
service quality and patient satisfaction is real and relevant in a variety of healthcare
Patient satisfaction and service quality have a positive and significant impact on the
interest in return visits.
The research findings indicate that patient satisfaction and service quality
significantly influence the interest in revisiting. The results of this study are supported by
(Sangkot, Latifah, Suryandari, & Wijaya, 2022), which states that outpatient patient
satisfaction has a significant impact on the intention to revisit Hospital X in Madiun City.
With 99% of outpatient patients feeling satisfied with the services provided, and 97% of
them expressing interest in returning for a follow-up visit, it can be concluded that a high
level of satisfaction directly increases the likelihood of patients returning to that hospital.
High patient satisfaction reflects adequate service quality, such as prompt, effective, and
friendly care, which encourages patients to continue trusting and choosing Hospital X as
their healthcare provider in the future.
This is also supported by the research of (Fitriani, Syaparuddin, & Edy, 2021),
which explains that service quality affects the intention to revisit because elements such
Sutra Gustianingrum, MGS Aritonang, Nurita Andayani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3314
as service speed, staff friendliness, facility comfort, and overall patient satisfaction
interact to create a satisfying experience. When all aspects of service function well and
meet patients' expectations, it enhances their satisfaction and motivates them to return to
use the same services in the future. On the other hand, if there are shortcomings in any
aspect of the service, this can lower overall satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of
patients returning, indicating that good overall service quality is crucial for maintaining
interest in repeat visits.
In contrast to the research findings of (Dita & Zaini, 2022), which states that service
quality does not significantly affect patients' interest in returning visits. This indicates that
although aspects of service quality such as human resource capability, response speed,
and physical facilities are evaluated, these variables do not directly influence the decision
to return for a visit.
Service quality can be assessed through five main factors: tangible (physical aspects
such as facilities and staff appearance), empathy (the ability to understand and care for
customer needs), responsiveness (the speed and readiness to respond to customer requests
or issues), reliability (consistency and accuracy in delivering services as promised), and
assurance. (kompetensi dan sikap profesional staf yang memberikan rasa aman dan
percaya diri). These five factors are interconnected and contribute to the overall customer
perception of service quality, with each factor playing an important role in determining
customer satisfaction and loyalty. (Ruiz et al., 2017).
Measuring customer satisfaction can be done through three main items: overall
satisfaction, confirmation of expectation, and comparison of ideals. Overall satisfaction
reflects how satisfied customers are in general with their experience of the services or
products provided. Confirmation of expectation measures the extent to which a service or
product meets the expectations set by the customer before using or experiencing it.
Comparison of ideals evaluates the differences between customers' actual experiences
and the ideal standards they expect. These three items provide a comprehensive overview
of customer satisfaction, with overall satisfaction reflecting the overall outcome,
confirmation of expectation identifying the extent to which expectations are met, and
comparison of ideal assessing the gap between reality and the desired ideal. (Maharani,
Dewi, & Martini, 2023).
The better the quality of service, the higher the interest in repeat visits, as customers
who are satisfied with their experiences tend to feel more confident about using the
service again in the future. Good service quality, which includes factors such as response
speed, empathy, reliability, assurance, and adequate physical elements, creates a positive
experience that builds trust and customer satisfaction. When customers feel valued and
well taken care of, they are more likely to return and recommend the service to others,
thereby increasing the likelihood of repeat visits. (Yassir, Purwadhi, & Andriani, 2023).
Satisfaction is often used as a basis to connect the characteristics of service quality
with the interest in revisiting the services received, as satisfaction is a direct reflection of
how well the service meets or exceeds customer expectations. When the quality of service
meets or even exceeds expectations, customers feel satisfied, which encourages them to
The Influence of Service Quality and Satisfaction on Interest in Return Visits of Inpatient
Patients at Bekasi Regency Hospital
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3315
continue using the service in the future. Conversely, if the quality of service does not meet
expectations, satisfaction decreases, and the interest in making a return visit diminishes.
Thus, customer satisfaction serves as an important indicator in assessing the relationship
between the quality of service provided and the customer's decision to return or
recommend the service to others (Jalias & Idris, 2020).
With the improvement in service quality, it is hoped that patients will feel more
loyal and motivated to increase their interest in returning visits to the hospital. Good
service, which includes careful attention, adequate facilities, and effective
communication, can enhance patient satisfaction. This satisfaction, in turn, builds trust
and loyalty, making patients feel confident to return to the hospital's services in the future.
High patient loyalty can also enhance the hospital's reputation and attract more new
patients through positive recommendations from satisfied patients. (Amy et al., 2020).
Thus, patient satisfaction and service quality simultaneously influence the interest
in repeat visits to the Bekasi District Hospital in a mutually supportive manner. Good
service quality includes factors such as response speed, empathy, reliability, and
assurance, which directly enhance patient satisfaction, create a positive experience, and
meet their expectations. High patient satisfaction, as a result of adequate services, further
strengthens their desire to return to the Bekasi District Hospital if needed. Thus, the
quality of service and patient satisfaction work together to enhance the interest in return
visits, indicating that improvements in both aspects can significantly influence patients'
decisions to use hospital services in the future.
Based on the results of the study, it was found that service quality has a positive
and significant effect on patient satisfaction because elements such as response speed,
empathy, reliability, and assurance play a key role in creating a satisfying experience.
When the services provided meet or exceed patients' expectations, they feel more valued
and satisfied with their experience. This satisfaction, in turn, has a positive and significant
impact on repeat visit interest, as satisfied patients tend to feel more confident about
returning to use the same service. In this context, service quality not only directly affects
patient satisfaction, but also indirectly affects repeat visit interest through high levels of
satisfaction. In other words, good service quality results in higher patient satisfaction,
which then increases the likelihood of patients returning to the service in the future.
Therefore, both service quality and patient satisfaction are interconnected and contribute
to increased interest in repeat visits.
Improvements that need to be considered for the hospital include improving and
paying more attention to the ability of human resources/employees. The health services
provided must continue to be improved by health standards and include the principle of
patient safety, thus patients feel safe doing health checks so that by themselves patient
satisfaction will increase and will attract patients to visit the hospital again. As well as
related to the comfort provided by hospitals, it must be considered and improved.
Sutra Gustianingrum, MGS Aritonang, Nurita Andayani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3316
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