p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5686

Analysis of Indonesia & Germany's Cooperation on Urban
Nexus Project in Support of SDG's No 13

Mochamad Imamuddinussalam1*, Deddy Muharman2

Institut Bisnis dan Komunikasi London School Of Public Relations, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]*, [email protected]


Germany, SDG No 13,
Urban Nexus.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of
Indonesia and Germany's cooperation in supporting the
achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)
number 13 related to climate change, especially in the Urban
Nexus project. This research uses a qualitative approach that
is analytically descriptive. The research technique used is a
literature review. This research procedure consists of three
steps: (1) preparation in determining the topic, (2)
implementation in finding relevant reference sources, and
writing down findings from various reference sources. The
data was taken from the official websites of ESCAP, GIZ,
and ICLEI that describe the Urban Nexus project, news, and
research results published in journals. To obtain reliable
data, the triangulation technique was used as a data validity
checking technique. The data analysis technique consists of
three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and
conclusion drawing. The results of the analysis found that
the cooperation between Indonesia and Germany in the
Urban Nexus project is a successful example of international
cooperation in supporting SDGs through a holistic and
integrative approach. Indonesia focuses on identifying
prospects for Urban Nexus integration at the local and
regional levels, integrating various aspects of the
environment, infrastructure, supply chain, and services to
avoid wasting assets. Meanwhile, Germany contributes with
its expertise in technology and sustainable city management,
assisting in the design and delivery of solutions, as well as
training and operational capacity building.


The approval of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development approved by the United
Nations has formed a strategic basis to confront a series of global challenges that
encapsulate social, economic, and environmental issues with a holistic approach. Given
the complexity of the challenges faced by the global community today, the issue of
climate change has been recognized as a critical issue that demands coordinated action

Analysis of Indonesia & Germany's Cooperation on Urban Nexus Project in Support of SDG's
No 13

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5687

from the international community as a whole (Mondolu, 2023). The increasingly felt
impacts of climate change not only affect the natural environment, but also have a wide
impact on the economy, health, food security, migration, and social justice (Herfana and
Rijal, 2022).

SDG No. 13, which specifically highlights urgent action to address climate change,
is an important milestone in the Sustainable Development Agenda. It is emphasized in
these goals that it is very important to take concrete actions in reducing greenhouse gas
emissions, strengthening resilience to the impacts of climate change, and improving
adaptation and mitigation capabilities globally. (Tarigan, 2022). In this context, the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a comprehensive framework to encourage
innovation, cross-sectoral cooperation, and sustainable investment in efforts to address
climate change. (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia, 2020).

As one of the countries rich in natural resources, Indonesia experiences great
difficulties in managing these resources, especially related to nature protection and the
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Despite the commitment to the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), the implementation of policies that support Goal 13 of the
SDGs still faces obstacles, especially in building the necessary institutional capacity.
(Bank, 2022).

Tabel 1
Indonesia’s Climate Policy Framework

Sector 2000



Energy 298412 602458
Industrial Processes and Product
Use 42610 47449
Agriculture 99717 113440
LULUCF 505368 979422
Waste 61351 101560
Total Without LULUCF 502090 864907
Total with LULUCF and Peat Fire 1007458 1844329

Source: Sustainable Development Goals Indonesia One – Green Finance Facility

The analysis shows that if Indonesia does not succeed in meeting the necessary

policies to cut greenhouse gas emissions, it is projected that by 2030, CO2 emissions from
land use and the energy sector will exceed the target set by the country's unconditional
commitment to cut GHG emissions by up to 29%. However, if Indonesia implements
strengthened measures, then by 2030 CO emissions2 of land use and the energy sector
will be below the target, which will allow for a small increase in GHG emissions from
other sources or sectors, but still meet the unconditional target (Bank, 2022). To achieve
the conditional target set by Indonesia to cut CO2 emissions by up to 41% from Business
As Usual (BAU) levels, a significant increase in efforts is needed. These efforts include
the expansion of the deforestation moratorium policy, the restoration of degraded

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peatland areas, the implementation of initiatives for energy conservation, and the
development of mitigation measures for various sectors and other greenhouse gases
(Bank, 2022). Close cooperation is needed by Indonesia to overcome various challenges
of climate change, given that the country faces geographical complexity and different
socio-economic conditions. In Indonesia, the consequences of climate change are often
manifested through various natural disasters, such as floods, landslides, droughts, and
strong winds (Iklim, 2017).

Cooperation with developed countries, such as Germany, is crucial in addressing
the challenges of climate change. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, developing
countries such as Indonesia often take advantage of advanced technology and financial
resources from developed countries. This support contributes to strengthening adaptation
infrastructure and building capacity to cope with natural disasters that occur more
frequently. (Randa, Tank and Askikarno, 2024). Germany, as one of the 10 cleanest
countries in the world according to the Environmental Performance Index 2022, has a
strong reputation for sustainable environmental management. This reputation
demonstrates Germany's commitment to implementing best practices that can be adopted
by Indonesia through various cooperation programs. With experience and technology that
has proven to be effective, Germany can play a strategic role as a strategic partner for
Indonesia in achieving sustainable development goals, especially in addressing climate
change. (Environmental Performance Index, 2020).

Figure 1

10 Countries with the Best Environmental Management

Mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change in Indonesia can be

strengthened through knowledge exchange and technology transfer supported by bilateral
cooperation. Investment in green infrastructure, the development of renewable energy,
increasing food security, and strengthening community capacity in dealing with natural


Environmental Performance Index/EPI 2020

Environmental Performance Index/EPI 2020

Analysis of Indonesia & Germany's Cooperation on Urban Nexus Project in Support of SDG's
No 13

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5689

disasters are important parts of this cooperation (Sugandi, Abdoellah, and Gunawan,

To support the goals of SDG No. 13, the project carried out by Indonesia and
Germany in tackling climate change has been recognized as a model that should be
emulated by other countries. Germany, which is a developed country with a deep
commitment to environmental issues, has contributed significantly through the
development of technology and experience in mitigation and adaptation to climate
change. Germany is known as a pioneer in green technology innovation and
sustainability. They have strong policies related to climate change mitigation and have
successfully integrated sustainable solutions into various sectors of the economy and
industry. (Wiriadidjaja, Andriasanti, and Jane, 2019). Through investments in renewable
energy, energy efficiency, green transportation, and waste management, Germany has
proven that sustainable economic development is possible.

In addition, Germany is also active in establishing partnerships with other countries,
including Indonesia, to support the implementation of the SDGs, including SDG No 13.
Through knowledge exchange, technology transfer, and bilateral cooperation programs,
Germany has played a role in strengthening Indonesia's capacity to deal with climate
change and implement sustainable policies (Atthareq and Affandi, 2023). The
cooperation project implemented by Indonesia and Germany not only supports the
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and increases resilience to the impacts of climate
change, but also plays a role in shaping the example of cooperation analysis that can be
used by other countries. (Nurfindarti, 2019). By learning from each other and sharing
experiences, countries can accelerate progress towards SDGs goal No. 13, creating a more
sustainable and resilient world to global environmental challenges.

Cooperation between Indonesia and Germany in the context of climate change does
reflect the difference in roles and capacities between the two. As a developing country,
Indonesia faces unique challenges in dealing with the impacts of climate change, while
Germany is known as a leader in innovation and environmental policy. However, the
cooperation between the two countries shows how countries with different backgrounds
and capacities can support each other to achieve SDG goal number 13 (Hariyadi &
Suryadipura, 2022).

Germany has taken a step forward in climate change-related policies and
innovations, and it has programs in place that can assist developing countries, including
Indonesia, to raise awareness and action on the issue. (Adenia, Nabiela and Afkarina,
2023). One example is the establishment of German government organizations in
Indonesia, such as GIZ, which works with Indonesian institutions such as Bappenas and
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Putri, 2018). Indonesia is enriched with access to
knowledge, technology, and financial resources that are essential in tackling climate
change through this cooperation. On the other hand, by strengthening its partnerships in
achieving the SDGs globally, Germany has the opportunity to increase its influence in
supporting environmental sustainability in developing countries. (Trimulato, Syamsu and
Octaviany, 2021).

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The Government of Indonesia affirms its commitment to addressing the issue of
climate change through the issuance of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of
2004 which ratifies the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change. This seriousness is also supported by the implementation of Presidential
Regulation Number 61 of 2011, which stipulates the National Action Plan for Reducing
Greenhouse Gas Emissions. (Budiarso, 2019). In 2014, as a further step, the Government
of Indonesia announced the National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation. The
widespread impact of climate change on people's lives supports the publication of this
plan. (Statistics, 2016).

Inequality in policy implementation and concrete actions between Indonesia and
Germany in supporting SDG 13 from the achievement of the set targets. Indonesia, as a
developing country, is often constrained by a lack of allocated funds and a lack of
competent experts in formulating and implementing initiatives that support SDG Number
13. In reality, the main problem faced is limited resources, both financially and in terms
of human capacity. Meanwhile, Germany, despite having larger resources, may face
obstacles in allocating those resources effectively in the context of international

Research Methods
Urban Nexus Project Overview

Managing fast-growing cities and their urban areas is one of the most important
challenges facing Asia and the Pacific, especially the relationship between urban
development and natural resource management. (Economic and Social Comission fo Asia
and the Pacific, 2019). Cities tend to continue to grow and develop, many of which exceed
their carrying capacity capacity, accelerating and exacerbating the various impacts of
climate change. (Handayani et al., 2021). Since 2013, GIZ GmbH, a German company
focused on international cooperation, has been carrying out a project called "Integrated
Resource Management in Asian Cities: Urban Nexus". The project is implemented jointly
with ESCAP and ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability. The analysis and
financial support for the project are provided by the German Federal Ministry responsible
for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The project supports twelve cities in seven countries: China, India, Indonesia,
Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. ESCAP-led activities promote a
framework that enables urban nexus initiatives to thrive in cities, highlight the relevance
of nexus approaches, and seek to mainstream nexus approaches in national and local
strategies for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and
the Urban New Agenda. (Economic and Social Comission fo Asia and the Pacific, 2019).

According to Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 26 of
2007 concerning Spatial Planning, an urban area is defined as an area where the main
activity is not agriculture. The area is organized to function as an urban settlement center,
as well as a concentration and distribution point of government services, social services,
and economic activities (Pertiwi, 2017). The project aims to support the enhancement of

Analysis of Indonesia & Germany's Cooperation on Urban Nexus Project in Support of SDG's
No 13

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the capacity of central and local governments in developing Asia-Pacific countries to
design and implement integrated policies, plans, and initiatives in the sustainable
management of natural resources in urban areas. The project oversees the design,
planning, and, where possible, the implementation of practical nexus initiatives (with a
focus on water, energy, land, and/or food security) and at the same time seeks to apply
the experience gained at the local and national levels into regional policy dialogues and
learning platforms to achieve knowledge unification at the regional level as well as to
drive the necessary shifts in policy and practice (Economic and Social Commission fo
Asia and the Pacific, 2019).
Urban Nexus Project Background

As a cross-sectoral issue, climate change highlights the need for a new approach in
governance to address the lack of coordination and integration. Climate resilience
requires positive actions and effective partnerships to reduce vulnerability and drive
optimal benefits for urban communities. Thus, in this case, the integration of social
sciences and related skills is very important in influencing key decision-making processes
and behaviors. (European Commission, 2016).

Governance can be considered as something fundamental about society and how
society lives and carries out social, cultural, personal, and economic life in one place. The
topic of people and places is of course very closely related and is something that should
be seriously considered. Climate change will have a direct impact on human health and
quality of life, as well as bring indirect risks to wider social and economic activities. The
vulnerability of communities and their ability to respond to the impacts of climate change
is not only determined by geographical location or physical attributes alone. Economic
factors also play an important role in determining the level of vulnerability and adaptation
capacity of households and communities.

Based on research on urban climate resilience, several key findings need to be
considered. First, although there is a great deal of scientific and business research related
to climate change, there are still few well-coordinated studies that adopt an integrated
perspective. This shows the need for closer collaboration in related studies. Second, most
of the research, policy, and practices on climate change in cities today are more focused
on mitigation aspects, such as energy efficiency, new development, and eco-town
development. However, there is an urgent need to expand the scope of the research to
include aspects of climate adaptation and resilience. Third, while there are many urban
sustainability models, most of them are still confusing and often ignore the importance of
considering climate resilience in their planning. This signals a gap in the current approach
to sustainability. (European Commission, 2016).
Theoretical Review of Methodology

This research uses a qualitative research approach, where the context focuses on a
deep understanding of a phenomenon. (Scioto & Sodik, 2015). (Wekke, 2019)
Underlining that this understanding arises after a careful analysis of the social reality that
is the focus of the research.

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This study uses an explanatory descriptive research method. This study describes
events with a wider scope, not only describing symptoms and events, but also describing
the reasons behind the occurrence of a phenomenon, causative factors, and other related
aspects. (Ibrahim et al., 2018).
Data Collection Techniques

This research was carried out by applying the library research method to collect
data, which includes analysis and evaluation of theories, data, and relevant information.
Secondary sources such as scientific journals, books, ebooks, and reports are used as
primary materials. This approach supports the use of information obtained from sources
that are secondary hand. (Wekke, 2019)
Data Validity

In this study, the validity of the data was checked through the triangulation
technique. The triangulation approach has been proven to be effective in minimizing the
disparity in understanding reality that occurs in the analysis. Triangulation facilitates the
reassessment of research findings by comparing them against different sources, methods,
or theories as data is collected from various events and interactions. Therefore, the use of
triangulation contributes to increased validity and accuracy in research results.
(Kusumastuti and Khoiron, 2019).

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Results and Discussion
Urban Nexus Implementation

Figure 2

Operationalization of Urban Nexus

There are several stages of actualization of the Urban Nexus project, including.

(ICLEI, 2014) :
1. Identification

To achieve strategic goals, stakeholders identified local Urban Nexus integration
prospects. The prospect of building synergies can be found in five Integration Areas,
namely. (ICLEI, 2014):
1) Integration at various scales includes built environments, infrastructure, and supply

chains, following the applicable resource cycle at the local and regional levels. This
also includes policies and operations within local, regional, sub-national, and national

2) Integration of resource extraction and power generation systems, food cultivation,
processing, manufacturing, resource provision and waste management, etc. by
building cascades and resource cycles between systems

3) Integration of Services and Facilities to avoid underutilization of valuable fixed assets
by integrating services and facilities that are conventionally separated based on
sectoral functions;

Mochamad Imamuddinussalam, Deddy Muharman

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5694

4) Integration across Silos that consolidate institutional interests and managerial and
professional "silos" arising from the organization of urban areas and systems into
separate jurisdictions, utilities, and departments; and finally

5) Integration of Social Relationships and Behaviors to enable the involvement of all
stakeholders in the above dimensions of integration, and counteract the legacy of
cultural, social, and political divisions

2. Innovation
The identified stakeholders collaborate in a structured innovation process to

develop a set of politically, institutionally, and economically viable actions in the Urban
NEXUS Innovation Area that span the areas of law and policy, design and technology,
delivery and financing models, communication, and user change. Behavior, as well as
institutional design and development (ICLEI, 2014).
3. Design and Maintenance

Solution design and delivery include prototyping and commissioning in a real-
world operating environment. Urban NEXUS brings together a variety of stakeholders
who have never sat together before at one table, resulting in a new "institutional
relationship". In suburban farming practices, innovative solutions and programs are
designed and implemented collaboratively to optimize the use of water, energy, and land
resources. This supports the improvement of the learning environment in the two city
schools through the application of integrated energy-saving technology, rainwater
harvesting systems, and vertical food production. To demonstrate the benefits of Urban
NEXUS' thinking to local communities and government officials (ICLEI, 2014).
4. Communication and Capacity

The three main areas of capacity development that are typically required to build
new solutions are: (1) training operational staff in managing their solution parts; (2)
encouraging behavior change and building the skills needed by beneficiaries; and (3)
enabling relevant agencies to establish a systematic process for introducing and
supporting such operational staff at new sites or facilities. (ICLEI, 2014).
5. Improving and prioritizing Urban NEXUS

Prioritizing often involves appointing or establishing a dedicated entity tasked with
developing all the unique aspects of an existing Urban NEXUS solution. This entity must
have the capacity to handle specific issues in each location and "manage solutions" in
various contexts. (ICLEI, 2014).
Analysis of the Role of Indonesia and Germany in the NEXUS Urban Project

According to the description of the implementation scheme that has been explained
earlier, it is clear that Indonesia's role is very crucial in recognizing opportunities for
Urban NEXUS integration on a local and regional scale. In this context, stakeholders from
Indonesia are actively collaborating to bring together various elements such as the built
environment, infrastructure, supply chain, and resource cycles that exist at the local level.
The Government of Indonesia is also responsible for integrating service systems and
facilities, avoiding the waste of valuable assets by combining services that are usually
separated by sectoral functions.

Analysis of Indonesia & Germany's Cooperation on Urban Nexus Project in Support of SDG's
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5695

In addition, Indonesia takes the lead in consolidating institutional and managerial
interests that are often separated in the management of urban areas and systems. At the
innovation stage, stakeholders in Indonesia collaborate on a structured innovation
process, developing political, institutional, and economic action. This includes policy
development, design and technology, delivery and financing models, and changes in user

On the other hand, Germany, with its experience and expertise in technology and
sustainable city management, contributes to the design and implementation of Urban
NEXUS solutions. The prototyping and trial of the solution in a real operating
environment is supported by the important role played by Germany. In this context,
Germany has implemented technologies that focus on optimizing the use of water, energy,
and land resources. In addition, integrated energy-saving technology, rainwater
harvesting systems, and vertical food production have been integrated thanks to technical
expertise from Germany. In terms of communication and capacity building, Germany
supports the training of operational staff in managing solutions, driving behavioral
change, and building the skills needed by beneficiaries. Germany is also assisting relevant
institutions in Indonesia to establish a systematic process for supporting operational staff
at new sites or facilities.


The UN warns that by 2030, the world will need more food, energy, and water, with
most of these needs coming from fast-growing cities. This shows how urgent efforts are
to integrate urban development with sustainable resource management. To address these
challenges, GIZ has been implementing the project "Integrated Resource Management in
Asian Cities: Urban Nexus" since 2013. To advance the urban nexus initiative, the project
involves cooperation with ESCAP and ICLEI and is strengthened by support from the
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The
existence of this project aims to improve the implementation of the nexus approach in
national and local strategies, which is in line with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development as well as the New Urban Agenda. Twelve cities in seven
countries, including Indonesia, have gained support through the framework developed in
this project to facilitate the growth of the Nexus initiative.

In the Urban Nexus Project, the importance of an integrated governance approach
is strongly emphasized to address the challenge of climate change, especially in urban
areas. As a cross-sectoral issue, climate change requires better coordination and
integration between different disciplines and policies to reduce community vulnerability
and maximize social and economic benefits. The integration of social sciences and
capacity building for adaptation are key in influencing more effective decision-making in
dealing with the impacts of climate change. In addition, although there has been a lot of
research and policy related to climate change mitigation, more efforts are still needed in
the aspects of adaptation and resilience to create a more holistic and sustainable approach
for urban communities.

Mochamad Imamuddinussalam, Deddy Muharman

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5696

Indonesia and Germany have an important role to play in this project. Indonesia
focuses on identifying the potential for Urban Nexus integration at the local and regional
levels, integrating various aspects of the environment, infrastructure, supply chain, and
services to avoid wasting assets. Meanwhile, Germany contributes with its expertise in
technology and sustainable city management, assisting in the design and implementation
of solutions, as well as training and operational capacity building.

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