pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12 December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6360
Feasibility Analysis of the Bonto River, Tomon 1 Village, Dekai
District, Yahukimo Regency as a Source of Raw Water
T. Bernathius Julison1*, Mujiati2, Amaliah Azis3, Firman Setiawan4, Angelin
Anastasya Coria Ayomi5
Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]cen.ac.id1*, mujiati.js@gmail.com2, amaliahazis68@gmail.com3,
firmansetiawan198[email protected]m4, ayomi.angelin@gmail.com5
Keywords: Physical
Parameters, Chemicals, Raw
Water, Quality Standards
Rivers are one of the sources of water for the life of living things.
Rivers are often used in various ways by humans. The Bonto River
is one of the rivers in Yahukimo Regency that is used as raw water
for drinking water. In order to meet the need for clean water, it is
necessary to analyze the water quality of the Bonto River.
Determining the source of raw water in an area is the first step in
determining the location or place as a raw water supplier for clean
water treatment purposes. The purpose of this study is to identify
the water quality of the Bonto river and evaluate the condition of
the Bonto river water with the water quality standards that have
been set to be used as an alternative source of raw water for clean
water treatment. Water sampling in this study was carried out by
observation and measurement directly in the field, and laboratory
tests. Raw water quality data is compared to the current raw water
and drinking water quality standards. The water quality standards
used are the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia Number: 492/MENKES/SK/IV/2010, dated April 19,
2010 concerning the Terms and Conditions and Supervision of
Drinking Water Quality, and in accordance with the water quality
requirements. Each sample of water and sediment is examined in
the laboratory to be analyzed according to its needs, namely
regarding water quality. Testing of water quality samples was
carried out at the Papua Regional Health Laboratory Center.
Water is a natural resource that has a very important function for human life and
other living things, as well as basic capital in development. With the increase in the
number of population, the need for water resources to meet the needs of daily life is also
higher (Mahyudin et al., 2015; Mashadi et al., 2018). To meet the needs of drinking water
and clean water, residents in Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency use river water more.
The potential for clean water sources in Dekai City is quite a lot and one of the ones used
as clean water is the Bonto River (Djana, 2023; Nanda et al., 2023). However, the
increasing number of population and the rate of growth, the more the rate of utilization
of water sources will also increase. As time goes by, the development of civilization and
Feasibility Analysis of the Bonto River, Tomon 1 Village, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency
as a Source of Raw Water
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6361
the increase in population will add to life activities that add impurities or water pollution.
One of the water pollution around the Bonto river is that people who live around the river
free wild livestock such as pigs. Livestock liquid waste around the river area will cause
water pollution that affects the quality of river water (Widiatmoko, 2012; Xu et al., 2022;
Zimmerman, 2022). The purpose of this study is to identify the water quality in the Bonto
river, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency as a source of raw water with water quality
standards that have been set and make recommendations for water quality treatment and
management in Yahukimo Regency.
This research was carried out by testing basic parameters to meet clean water
standards, which include physical/field, chemical/inorganic examination, chemical/
organic examination, disinfectant, and water microbiology. parameter evaluation is
carried out by comparing the results of water quality parameter tests from the Bonto Distri
Dekai River with the standard water quality parameters that have been stipulated in the
Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number:
492/MENKES/SK/IV/2010, dated April 19, 2010 concerning Drinking Water Quality
Conditions and Supervision.
The novelty of this study is the holistic approach used to evaluate water quality,
including physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters in an integrated manner.
This approach not only provides a comprehensive picture of the water quality conditions
of the Bonto River, but also offers specific data-driven solutions to improve water quality
through appropriate treatment.
This research uses water pollution theory and water resource management as a basis
to understand the existing problems. In this context, water pollution theory highlights how
human activities can affect the physical, chemical, and biological parameters of water,
while water resources management theory emphasizes the importance of planning and
implementing treatment measures to ensure the sustainability of water resources.
Against this background, this research is expected to make a real contribution to
clean water management in Yahukimo Regency, both in terms of scientific understanding
and practical implications for local policies.
T. Bernathius Julison, Mujiati, Amaliah Azis, Firman Setiawan, Angelin Anastasya Coria
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6362
Research Methods
The location of the research is in the Bonto River, Dekai District, Yahukimo
Regency. The location of the study is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Research Location
The Bonto River Analysis Research as a source of raw water began with an initial
survey of the research location and sampling of the Bonto water field for laboratory
testing. Primary data collection for research is carried out in the following way:
1. Observation
The location of sampling of Bonto river water was identified. Water sampling is
carried out at the location of the water source used. The aim is to find out the river flow
affected by community activities.
2. Laboratory Tests
River water quality testing was carried out with physical, chemical, and biological
parameters of Bonto river waters. Water quality testing serves to provide factual
information about the current condition (status) of water quality.
Secondary data in the form of data to support the data processing process such as
applicable regulations: Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
Number: 492/MENKES/SK/IV/2010, dated April 19, 2010 concerning Conditions and
Supervision of Drinking Water Quality.
Results and Discussion
Calculation of Population Projection
The projection of the population is used as a basis for calculating the clean water
services received by the community. In 2022, the population in Yahukimo Regency is
17963 people with a growth ratio of 1.85% (Ariyani et al., 2020; Palippui, 2022). The
number of people in a clean water service area is very important. This is related to the
capacity of clean water that will be distributed to the community. To find out the clean
water needs of the population, a projection of the population must first be carried out
Feasibility Analysis of the Bonto River, Tomon 1 Village, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency
as a Source of Raw Water
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6363
(Rosyidah, 2017). After obtaining a projection of the number of population, it can be known
the projected need for clean water. Based on the calculation results that have been obtained
from the geometric method, it can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Recapitulation of Population Projections for the Next 25 Years of
Yahukimo Regency
Total Population (Soul)
Analysis of Water Availability in the Bonto River
Figure 2. Bonto River Catchment Boundary Map
Figure 3. Bonto Watershed Land Cover Map
T. Bernathius Julison, Mujiati, Amaliah Azis, Firman Setiawan, Angelin Anastasya Coria
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6364
Reliable discharge analysis is carried out with the following procedure: (Paat et al., 2018)
a. Debit data sorted from largest to smallest
b. The probability is calculated by the equation P = (m/(N+1))*100%, where m is the
number of data and N is the amount of data.
c. Reliable discharge is calculated by means of interpolation based on the expected
The results of the calculation of the discharge with 80% reliability (Q80) on the Bonto
river look like Figure 4.
Figure 4. Reliable Discharge (Q80) of Bonto River
The results of the water demand projection show that the water demand for Yahukimo is
shown a comparison between water demand and water availability.
Table 2. Results of Yahukimo's reliable discharge analysis
Feasibility Analysis of the Bonto River, Tomon 1 Village, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency
as a Source of Raw Water
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6365
Source : 2024 analysis results
Figure 5. Comparison of Water Availability and Yahukimo Water Needs
River Water Quality Analysis
Based on this comparison, parameters that exceed the quality standard mean that
they require processing so that the concentration drops in accordance with the standard
(Duda et al., 2018; Taheri & Razban, 2021). The parameters tested in the laboratory are
as follows: 1). Physics/Field Inspection; 2) Chemical/Inorganic Examination; 3)
Chemical/Organic Inspection; 4) Disinfectants and 5) Water Microbiology.
T. Bernathius Julison, Mujiati, Amaliah Azis, Firman Setiawan, Angelin Anastasya Coria
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6366
With the results of the Drinking Water Quality Test and Environmental Sanitation Test
on the Bonto River as follows: (Mayada, 2020)
Table 3. Water Quality Test Results
The water quality in the Bonto River, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency was
obtained as follows: 1) Parameters that meet quality standards are: Construction, Taste,
Temperature, Color, Turbidity, Dissolved Solids (TDS), Ammonia (NH3-N), Chlorida
(CL), Flourida (F), Total Hardness (CaCO3), Nitrat (NO3-N), Nitrit (NO2-N), Sulfate
(SO4), Aluminium (Al), Iron (Fe), Chromium (Cr Valensi 6), Mangan (Mn), Lead (Pb),
Copper (Cu), Zine (Zn), Zat Organik (KMnO4), Chlorine
Parameters that do not meet quality standards are: pH: 4.70, the test results have not met
the quality standard of 6.5 8.5.
Sungai Bonto Kampung
Tomon 1 Distrik Dekai
1 Bau - Tidak Berbau Tidak Berbau
2 Rasa - Tidak Berasa Tidak Berasa
3 Suhu °C Suhu Udara ± 3 17
4 Warna tcu 15 15,0 SNI 6989.80:2011
5 Kekeruhan ntu 5 4,90 SNI 06-6989.25-2005
6 Zat Padat Terlarut (TDS) mg/L 500 196,0 SNI 06-2413-1991
7PH - 6.5 - 8.5 4,70
8 Ammonia Sebagai (NH3-N) mg/L 1,5 0,26 USEPA Method 8038
9 Chlorida (Cl) mg/L 250 4,97 SNI 6989.19:2009
10 Cyanide (CN) mg/L 0,07 -
11 Flourida (F) mg/L 1,5 0,20 USEPA Method 8029
12 Kesadahan Total (CaCO3) mg/L 500 158,0 Standard Method 2012, Section 2340.C
13 Nitrat sebagai (NO3-N) mg/L 50 1,40 Standard Method 2012, Section 4500-NO3.E
14 Nitrit sebagai (NO2-N) mg/L 3 0,005 Standard Method 2012, Section 4500-NO2.B
15 Sulfat (SO4) mg/L 250 4,0 USEPA Method 8051
16 Aluminium (Al) mg/L 0,2 0,024 USEPA Method 8326
17 Arsen (As) mg/L 0,01 -
18 Besi (Fe) mg/L 0,3 0,071 Standard Method 2012, section 3500-Fe.B
19 Cadmium (Cd) mg/L 0,003 -
20 Chromium (Cr Valensi 6) mg/L 0,05 0,062 Standard Method 2012, section 3500-Cr.B
21 Mangan (Mn) mg/L 0,4 0,02 USEPA Method 8149
22 Mercury (Hg) mg/L 0,001 -
23 Selenium (Se) mg/L 0,01 -
24 Timbal (Pb) mg/L 0,01 0,004 SNI 6989.8.2009
25 Tembaga (Cu) mg/L 2 0,051 USEPA Method 8143
26 Zinc (Zn) mg/L 3 0,034 USEPA Method 8009
27 Zat Organik (KMnO4) mg/L 10 0,09 SNI 06-6989.22-2004
28 Detergen Sebagai MBAS mg/L 0,05 -
29 Chlorine mg/L 5 0,08 USEPA Method 8021
30 Fecal Coliform MPN/100 mL 0
31 Total Coliform MPN/100 mL 0
1 Coli Tinja MPN/100 mL 0 PK/BLKDP-8.01 (Tabung Ganda)
2 Coliform MPN/100 mL 0 PK/BLKDP-8.01 (Tabung Ganda)
Mikrobiologi Air
Pemeriksaan FISIKA/Lapangan
Pemeriksaan Kimia Anorganik
Pemeriksaan Kimia Organik
Feasibility Analysis of the Bonto River, Tomon 1 Village, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency
as a Source of Raw Water
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6367
Recommendations for the treatment and management of water quality in the Bonto
river, Yahukimo Regency are the need for treatment and addition of additives (Soda Ash,
Potassium Hydroxide) to balance the pH of the water, and it is necessary to further water
treatment in the form of filtration (filtration) using sand filter media, pumice stone and
activated carbon.
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