pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9 September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3259
Evaluation of Regional Public Service Agency Policies on
Tourism Service Businesses of State Vocational High Schools
27 Jakarta in 2022-2023
Windy Calm
*, Achmad Lutfi
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: policy
evaluation; BLUD;
The Tourism Service Business is one of the business units
managed in the production unit at BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta
which implements teaching factory-based learning. SMKN
27 Jakarta has implemented the BLUD policy in the
management of production units since 2019. Based on the
results of the policy evaluation using the evaluation criteria
of effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equity,
responsiveness, and accuracy from William N. Dunn, the
policy performance of the business units of the Student
Service Business expertise group did not achieve its goals
because the production capacity and development of service
products in ULW did not run optimally and did not cover all
expertise competencies. The management of BLUD SMKN
27 Jakarta as the driving force of institutional work needs to
conduct a review to adjust the implementation of curricula
that optimize the utilization of facilities and infrastructure in
ULW business units for learning practices that can produce
products and services that have a selling value according to
the target market and business implementation must be
operational and oriented, providing financial benefits for
welfare and reinvestment for schools and, Developing a
strategic plan for the development of school programs
should include optimizing production capacity,
competencies and expertise of students and teachers who
must be involved in the production process.
In 2018, the Government encouraged State Vocational High Schools that have
production units (UP) based on Teaching Factory (TeFa) to become Regional Public
Service Agencies. By becoming a BLUD, UP managed by SMKN can be a means of
industrial simulation in implementing teaching factory (TeFa) and project-based learning
(PBL) teaching models and activities so that students can produce various products, both
goods and services that have high-selling value and are in demand by the community
(Ditjen Vokasi, 2024). Referring to Government Regulation No. 29 of 1990 and the
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Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture No. 0490/U/1990, vocational schools that
can manage UP professionally can be a means of learning for students to be ready to work
and can provide benefits both in education, economy, and social. UP management can
ideally be a means that encourages the creativity of students and teachers to produce
goods or services that are valuable and in demand by the community, managed by
applying professional business practices, accommodating the process of direct work
practices in real-world work within the scope of learning activities for students at school,
Students can keep up with the development of the business world and industry, can
generate additional income to the school to finance school operations, such as the cost of
maintaining practice facilities, purchasing consumables, and for training or certification,
the profit sharing is regulated by the management. The development of UP into BLUD in
the ULW expertise group by the government is targeted to bring the needs of labor closer
to the world of the tourism industry. Career prospects for vocational school graduates
with the current competence of tourism service units can work as tour guide consultants,
consultants, travel agency entrepreneurs, and vloggers or bloggers (Ditjen Vokasi, 2023).
The management of UP as a means of entrepreneurship for students and teachers
requires special authority from the principal as a leader to carry out duties and
responsibilities democratically. (Depdikbud, 2007). The special authority that can be
possessed by the principal as a BLUD leader in Permendagri No. 79 of 2018 is the
authority to manage UP in carrying out sound business practices and being given
flexibility. The flexibility mandated by Permendagri No. 79 of 2018 concerning BLUD
includes directly managing income from business management, recruiting employees,
managing cash to invest, exceeding spending thresholds, cooperating, and exemptions
from regional management provisions in general through regional head regulations. The
flexibility of management owned by BLUD can be held through regional head
regulations. (Kemendagri, 2021).
The principal as the leader of BLUD is responsible for achieving the performance
of the management of UP. According to Haryadi (2002), three key factors for the success
of UP management, namely human resources (HR), facilities, and capital. In managing
human resources, UP managers can 1) involve teachers, employees, and students in
management, 2) inventory expertise competencies based on education and experience
levels as well as talents and talents, 3) build a cooperative environment that will support
partnership targets with the business world and the industrial world and society. Human
resource management is also closely related to the flow of work mechanisms as depicted
in the organizational structure and distribution of task descriptions. The organizational
structure of UP places the principal as the person in charge and all school residents such
as (teachers, students, and education staff) are involved. In terms of facilities, UP
managers need to ensure that 1) UP supporting facilities and infrastructure are adjusted
to the type of business activities and products to be marketed to the community, 2) all
facilities at UP are prioritized for production activities involving teachers and students
and not to be rented to other parties, and 3) provide workshops Special UP is provided
for the production, marketing, and sales processes so as not to interfere with the practical
Evaluation of Regional Public Service Agency Policies on Tourism Service Businesses of State
Vocational High Schools 27 Jakarta in 2022-2023
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learning process of students. In terms of financing capital, UP managers need to study
and develop capital sources in the production process while still paying attention to costs
and potential profits that can reduce the school's operational budget allocation.
According to Irawan & Suhard (2018), UP management cannot be separated from
three interrelated stages, namely planning, implementation, and supervision. In planning,
the goals and work programs at UP are derived from the vision and mission of the school.
Referring to the components of the model in the management of UP in vocational schools,
Sukamawaty & Sugiyono (2016) Explained that there are various components in the
stages of planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising UP as a source of income
at SMK. In the planning stage, vocational schools are encouraged to analyze the business
environment and competition and have an overview of the competitive advantages of the
products to be produced, location and promotion plans, identifying prices, management
and personnel, material supply, and risks. In the organizing stage, vocational schools must
form an organizational structure and divide the duties, roles, and authorities of personnel
who manage UP in carrying out their obligations. In the implementation stage, UP at
vocational schools must have guidelines related to norms and standards for the provision
of excellent service, management of operational hours that do not interfere with the
process of learning and teaching activities, management of employees on duty,
production layout, supporting equipment, and marketing management strategies. In the
supervision stage, UP needs to supervise the cost, quality, and completion time of service
delivery, as well as supervise personnel and the submission of claims and sanctions.
Therefore, UP is required to compile and report the results of activities and financial
accountability transparently regularly and conduct customer satisfaction surveys for
performance assessment materials.
SMKN 27 Jakarta is the first generation of BLUD SMKN in the field of tourism
that has UP with a Tefa and PBL learning base. In 2018, SMKN 27 Jakarta was designated
as a Phased BLUD by Jakarta Governor's Decree 1155 of 2018 and re-established by
Governor's Decree No. 941 of 2019. The production unit (UP) managed by BLUD SMKN
27 Jakarta is run based on TeFa. One of the business units managed by the Tourism
Service Unit (ULW) expertise competency group, which is a tourism travel business that
produces products in the tourism sector such as providing services for booking domestic
and international travel tickets such as plane and train tickets and providing travel tour
UP management is not only targeted to improve hard skills and soft skills and hone
the ability to be entrepreneurial for teachers and students can also generate financial
benefits. These financial benefits can be used for the development of UP and the
competence of students and teachers (Yuliansah, 2019) such as the procurement of
practice materials, the maintenance and maintenance of TeFa facilities, and increasing the
welfare of school residents. Therefore, the addition of business activities in the production
process and income at UP can be closely related to increasing the competence of students'
skills to be absorbed in the world of work or opening a business. However, the opposite
happened in the management of UP from the ULW expertise group at BLUD SMKN 27
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Jakarta. Currently, the business managed by the ULW expertise group is called Passer
Tour and Travel. Referring to the revenue report from UP BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta, the
sales results from the ULW expertise group from the 2021/2022 to 2022/2023 education
period, only recorded BLUD's revenue from the sale of tour packages in 2022/2023 while
revenue from booking services and calculation of travel tickets has not been realized. The
following is Table 1 which contains the realization of production unit revenue at BLUD
SMKN 27 Jakarta from 2021 to 2023.
Table 1 Revenue of BLUD Production Unit of SMKN 27 Jakarta
Year 2021-2023
Revenue of BLUD Business Unit SMKN 27 Jakarta
Service Products
Year 2021
(in Rp,-)
Year 2022 (in
Year 2023 (in
Food and Snack
Hotel and Multipurpose Room
Batavia Room
Fashion Studio
Chrysant Salon
Car Rental
Based on Table 1, the operating income of the ULW expertise group for three
consecutive years only realized the sale of one tour package in 2022. Referring to Jakarta
Governor's Regulation No. 9 of 2023 concerning BLUD SMKN service tariffs, service
tariffs for tourist travel businesses consist of 14 service products. The following is Table
2 of Tourist Travel Business Service Rates. SMKN which became BLUD.
Table 2 Tariff for BLUD SMKN Tourism Travel Business
Service Name
Fare Range (Rp,-)
Jakarta City Tour
1 day/ per person
280.000 308.000
Domestic ticketing
1 sheet
20.000 22.000
International ticketing
1 sheet
25.000 27.500
Indonesia Railway ticket
purchase service
1 sheet
5.000 5.500
Bali Overland tour
6 days 5 nights/per
4.325.000 4.757.500
Evaluation of Regional Public Service Agency Policies on Tourism Service Businesses of State
Vocational High Schools 27 Jakarta in 2022-2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3263
Bali Airplane Tour
4 days 3 nights/per
2.955.000 3.250.500
Bandung tour packages
2 days 1
1.250.000 1.375.000
Bandung tour packages
1 day (round
440.000 484.000
Dieng tour package
4 days 3 nights/per
2.305.000 2.535.500
Tidung Island tour
2 days 1
1.331.000 1.464.100
Naga Village tour
827.000 909.700
Cipanas Peak Full-Day
Tour Package
1 day (round
524.000 576.400
Toba Airplane Tour
4 days 3 nights/per
3.250.000 3.575.000
West Java Adventure
3 days 2 nights
1.724.000 1.896.400
Based on Table 2, it can be seen that 14 service products can be managed by ULW.
The description of the tariff in Table 2 indicates that many products can be marketed and
at the same time become a means of practice for students in developing competence and
expertise from the sale of ticket purchase services and the implementation of tour
packages. In terms of location, SMKN 27 Jakarta is in the center of the city with the
tourism industry starting to rise from the downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
government, through the Coordinating Minister for BPMK Regulation No. 6 of 2022
concerning the National Strategy for Vocational Education and Vocational Training,
encourages SMKN which is a BUD to have the advantage of flexibility in managing
resource allocation so that it is more agile and able to face changes in the environment
and labor market dynamics. Currently, the order of the tourism industry has changed
drastically. Alfansi (2024) Views that the challenge of the tourism industry that must be
addressed by stakeholders in Indonesia in addition to the geopolitics of the war between
Ukraine and Russia is the decline in demand after the pandemic. Currently, the problem
in the aviation sector and airport infrastructure is that it is not operating at optimal
capacity. In addition, the development of remote work systems and digital nomads also
reduces the demand for business travel or leisure travel. The demands of MICE (Meeting,
Incentive, Conventions, Exhibition) based tourism in the era of technological
advancement and tourism digitalization (Kemenparekraf, 2023) It also affects the demand
side of human resource supply, namely, the demands of the workforce in mastering
language and technology with international standards.
Various obstacles and challenges in UP management are not only external but also
internal. Based on the research carried out by Sutopo (2013) various challenges in the
effectiveness of UP management, including UP that has implemented TeFa, namely 1)
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support related to learning and financing from schools is relatively small, 2) teacher
involvement in the implementation of production units is still limited, 5) production
products that are not in demand by the public, 6) the sales of UP are relatively small to
improve the welfare of teachers and UP management staff. In line with that, Muzakkir,
R, & Harun (2014) found obstacles in the management of UP at SMKN are limited time,
facilities and capital resources, and partnerships with the industrial world as well as
marketing techniques and consumer target mapping that are not optimal. In addition, in
his research, Yuliansah (2019) found that the management of UP was not supported by
the development of strategies for planning and marketing. Production planning is still
limited to receiving orders only and has not been routinely operational and marketing
activities are not carried out by students so that the learning of competencies related to
marketing is not honed.
The BLUD policy on UP managed by SMKN should be able to encourage schools
to develop goods or services that have selling value and are in demand by the community.
The low sales results of products from the ULW group can indicate that there are
problems in the implementation of practical activities from the learning process for TeFa
and PBL which can hinder the improvement of abilities, skills, and expertise for teachers
and students from the ULW expertise group. A policy or program can be categorized as
having achieved a significant level of performance if the results of a policy or program
have contributed to the achievement of goals and objectives. Referring to the Decree of
the Head of the Curriculum Standards and Education Assessment Agency No.
032/H/KR/2024, classes with a ULW concentration are classes that aim to prepare
students to have attitudes, knowledge, skills, and mastery of functional competencies in
the tourism sector. Each subject held in a class with a ULW concentration is aimed at
equipping students with soft skills and hard skills so that they are able, to 1) receive and
process bookings, calculate prices, and prepare land, sea, and air transportation tickets, 2)
plan and manage tourist trips, 3) lead tour groups and work as tour guides, 4) market
tourism products by, 5) managing MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Event)
activities online or offline. The limitations of sales of products and services from ULW's
TeFa-based business units can have implications for various benefits that can be received
by students, namely as 1) contextual learning facilities by technological developments
used in the world of work, 2) providing student learning experiences by the requirements
demanded by the world of work/consumers, 3) building and implementing a culture of
the world of work for students; 4) providing business activity vehicles for students; 4)
developing creativity and innovation for students; and 6) preparing students to get
recognition in the form of certificates of competence and productivity/performance from
the world of work.
Verdung (2006) views that every government intervention through policies or
programs and activities that have been implemented does not escape the evaluation
process. Evaluation is a process to determine the merit, worth, and value of something.
This process can help distinguish which is more valuable if done systematically and
objectively (Michael Scriven, 1991). Evaluation in general can be equated with giving an
Evaluation of Regional Public Service Agency Policies on Tourism Service Businesses of State
Vocational High Schools 27 Jakarta in 2022-2023
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assessment, giving a rating, or conducting an appraisal. In Policy Evaluation, William N.
Dunn (2018) stated that evaluation is an effort to assess the performance of a policy. A
policy or program is categorized as having achieved a significant level of performance if
the results of a policy or program have contributed to the achievement of goals and
objectives. There are six evaluation criteria for conducting policy evaluations (Dunn,
2018). First, the effectiveness criterion is to assess whether the desired results have been
achieved. Second, efficiency is related to how many resources are used to achieve the
desired result or solve a problem. Third, adequacy is related to how far a level of
effectiveness can satisfy the value, and meet the needs and opportunities in solving
problems. Fourth, equalization relates to whether the costs and benefits have been
distributed evenly among different groups. Fifth, responsiveness is related to whether the
policy satisfies the needs preferences, or values of a certain group. Sixth, accuracy is
related to whether the desired outcome (goal) is useful or of real value. Therefore, based
on the problems described earlier, this study aims to describe the management of UP in
the ULW expertise group and evaluate the BLUD policy on the management of UP in the
ULW expertise group with six evaluation criteria William N. Dunn (2018), namely the
effectiveness of efficiency, adequacy, leveling, responsiveness, and accuracy.
Research Methods
This study uses a postpositivism approach with a qualitative data collection method.
Researchers in the postpositivism approach start their research from a theory, then collect
data that will support or refute a theory, and can then make revisions as needed and
conduct additional tests. (Creswell & Creswell, 2023). The reason for using this approach
and method is that qualitative research focuses on understanding the phenomena that
occur through observation, interviews, informants, and document studies so that it is
relevant to research related to the implementation of BLUD policies from the ULW
expertise group business at BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta. The researcher will delve into
documents related to the implementation of activities in the production unit of the ULW
expertise group and the TeFa learning process related to the production process of tourist
travel services in the Passer Tour and Travel BLUD business unit SMKN 27 Jakarta. In
this study, the researcher conducted interviews with informants who were school
residents related to activities at TeFa Passer Tour and Travel, namely school principals,
vice principals for curriculum, heads of production units, productive teachers, and ULW
Teaching Factory managers.
The research focuses on the evaluation of BLUD policies in the Passer Tour and
Travel business unit which is taught by the ULW expert group using the policy policy
evaluation theory from William N. Dunn. (2018) By using the evaluation criteria
indicators, namely, efficiency, adequacy, alignment, responsiveness, and accuracy as an
analysis knife to answer research questions.
The research locus refers to the location that is the object of the research, namely
BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta which is located on Jalan Dr. Sutomo No. 1, Pasar Baru Village,
Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta Administrative City, Jakarta Special Region. The
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selection of BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta as a research case is because this school was
designated as a pilot SMKN at the national level and as a Vocational Center Vocational
School by the Ministry of Education and Culture for three periods from 2021 to 2023 and
no one has conducted research related to BLUD policies in the Passer Tour and Travel
business unit managed by the ULW expertise group at BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta so that
researchers are interested in conducting research related to the extent of implementation
the implementation of Passer Tour and Travel management. This research will be carried
out in July 2024 until completion.
Results and Discussion
Management of ULW Expertise Group UP
BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta is currently implementing an independent curriculum and
managing UP which has been determined in the organizational structure with KepDisdik
No.206/2023 and continued with the Decree of Kep. Ka. SMK 27 Jakarta No852.1 of
2023 concerning the Organizational Structure of UP BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta for the
appointment of a personal person in charge of each skill group. The following is a picture
of the UP organizational structure chart at BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta.
Figure 1 Organizational structure of UP BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta
Referring to the Head of SMK 27 Jakarta No852.1 of 2023 concerning the
Organizational Structure of UP BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta, the principal is the person in
charge and supervises the Head of UP and the Supervisor for each expertise competency,
including the supervisor of the Tourism Service Business. In the ULW expertise group,
it is coordinated by the ULW Supervisor who is in charge of the implementation team.
The following is Table 3 of the division of duties from UP, supervisors, and the
implementation team.
Table 3
Job Description of UP, Chairman of UP, Supervisor and Implementation Team
Job Description
Implement student learning activities based on industry values
and improve the ability of educators in schools on the type of
work that can produce goods or services that can meet market
standards, have commercial value, and are suitable for sale
Evaluation of Regional Public Service Agency Policies on Tourism Service Businesses of State
Vocational High Schools 27 Jakarta in 2022-2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3267
Propose a plan for the maintenance and improvement of
infrastructure and educational facilities at UP with the
principles of school-based management
Organizing training activities for students as well as marketing
and promotional production cooperation activities
Carry out service activities to the general public by using
resources in schools
Chairman of
Coordinating UP operations
Preparing a daily work plan
Coordinating activities/operations
Checking and preparing the tools and materials needed by the
Guiding the implementation team in carrying out services at
Check the results of the implementation team's work
Controlling and being responsible for equipment maintenance
at UP
Cleaning the workspace
Preparing tools and materials
Check your daily to-do list
Carry out tasks according to work procedures
Reporting work results to supervisors
Tidying up your work
Tidy up the room and keep the table clean
In the development of UP, the school develops, namely 1) carried out based on
strategic partnerships with DUDI through industrial classes to increase graduate
absorption, product development and innovation, 2) quality production-based practice
learning based on DUDI standards and needed by the community, product and service
design is associated with basic competencies in each skill competency through the TeFa
model, 3) teachers involved have DUDI experience (industrial internships); preparing
supporting environments and facilities such as DUDI; financial management follows the
BLUD financial management pattern. The flow of providing product sales services
prepared in UP in each business unit, including UPW, is the same, namely in six stages.
First, order receipt through BLUD management/education personnel. Second, order
information (ordered products, quantity, delivery date) to the production department
related to the ordered products to each expertise program. Third, carry out the division of
tasks in the expertise program. Fourth, prepare the tools and materials to be used. Fifth,
product manufacturing is carried out by employees at UP and students. Sixth, send the
products that have been prepared.
The ULW expertise program organized by BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta aims to
produce graduates with competent graduate profiles in the fields of tourism, travel tours,
tour guide skills, and flight ticketing both domestically and internationally as well as
managing various events as event organizing. Students in the ULW expertise competency
are equipped with competence in providing services in the field of tourism service
business. The competencies mastered start from receiving and processing ticket
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reservations according to customer requests, taking care of domestic and international
travel transportation along with related documents, becoming a tour guide both for tourist
trips and attractions/tourist objects, and transfer services. Calculating the price of travel
packages and organizing tourist travel activities, selling tourism products, and carrying
out data operations (ground handling) tasks as a tourist information manager. Industrial
work practice is a second place of learning after school for this major to master
competencies that were not obtained in school. Industrial work practices are carried out
by various airline companies, travel agencies, and similar companies. The following is a
list of ULW partners for the implementation of internships or fieldwork practices.
Table 4 Partnerships with the Industrial Business World
DUDI Group
Mitra DUDI
Travel agents or
Travel Agency
Obaja Tour and Travel, Astrindo Tour, Wita Tour and
Travel, Aero Travel Gedung Garuda Indones,
Antavaya Tour and Travel, Panen Tour and Travel,
Armada Tour and Travel, Klapa Tour and Travel,
Panorama Tour and Travel, Jatra Idola Tour and
Travel, TX Travel, Jagat Oriental Tours and Travel,
Raja Kamar Indonesia, Sahid Gema wisata Sahid
Wijaya Hotel,
Museums and
tourist attractions
National Museum, Bank Indonesia Museum,
Proclamation Manuscript Formulation Museum,
Independent Museum, Jakarta History Museum, Art
Museum, Planetarium, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah,
Taman Impian Jaya, Ancol Ecovention Building
Referring to the important elements in the UP that are stated by Haryadi (2002).
The following is a description of three important elements in UP management, namely
human resources, facilities, and capital. First, the human resources available to manage
UP from the ULW expertise group consist of 4 four vocational teachers, 179 students
from 1 class X study group, 2 study groups for classes XI and XII Second, related to
facilities for student practice learning, currently, the facilities available are only one ULW
student practice room. In the ULW expertise program, currently, the service products
produced consist of two groups of service products, namely travel booking services and
tour packages. The production process of ULW is carried out in a Business Center facility
called Passer Tour and Travel. The booth to sell Passer Tour and Travel products is
located within the school environment, which is the school lobby, and is available. Since
the imposition of social restrictions on a regional scale in the DKI Jakarta area, the
production process at Passet Tour and Travel has not returned to operation until now.
Before the Covid-19 outbreak, in 2019, Passer Tour and Travel operational hours were
carried out every school day from 7.00 WIB to noon. The implementation of marketing
involves teachers and students with the target market of school students at SMKN 27
Jakarta and its surroundings, students' parents, and other school residents. Third, capital
for financing the implementation of the production process can be sourced from the BOS
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budget (APBN), APBD, and business results at UP as BLUD income. Budget allocations
are usually intended for the cost of procurement of practice materials, maintenance, or
rejuvenation of facilities at UP, and provide incentives for the welfare of Non-Civil
Servant employees.
Evaluation of BLUD Policy on UP ULW Expertise Group
BLUD policy on the UP of the ULW expertise group, using evaluation criteria
William N. Dunn (2018) Which is broken down into dimensions and indicators. This
research refers to a policy evaluation with six assessment criteria from William N. Dunn
(2018) Because the approach is comprehensive and the evaluation assessment criteria are
complete in the discussion of policy evaluation. The following are the results of the
analysis of the BLUD policy performance assessment in the ULW expertise group for the
2022-2023 period.
First, the effectiveness criteria to assess whether the desired results have been
achieved. Menurut Sutopo (2013), The management of production units that are based on
TeFa learning can be said to be effective if they have fulfilled two elements, namely 1)
the management of production units has facilitated business processes such as production
activities in industry and contains activities in the student practice learning process, and
2) the involvement of students who can access activities in the production process of
goods or services in the production unit as a means of learning and entrepreneurship.
Based on interviews and a review of the school location, it was found that the production
process carried out by students for entrepreneurial activities managing the sales booth of
the Passer Tour and Travel business unit according to the schedule managed by
productive teachers did not work. The implementation of student practice takes place
entirely in the classroom and for industrial pre-employment or student practice,
internships are carried out with industry partners. With the cessation of the production
process from the management of the Passer Tour and Travel business, the financial and
educational benefits of implementing TeFa in the ULW expertise group are not produced.
Therefore, from the aspect of effectiveness, the management of Passer Tour and Travel
at BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta has not been effective because the production process from
2022-2023 only produces the sale of one tour package. Income from the sale of flight and
train travel tickets was also not realized. The Passer Tour and Travel sales booth that has
been developed since 2019 until now has not been reopened even though currently the
Jakarta Regional Government has encouraged the implementation of work programs and
strategic activities to accelerate post-pandemic economic growth to restore the tourism
sector at the provincial level in the Regional Development Plan for 2023-2026. By
becoming a BLUD, SMKN 27 Jakarta has not been effective in developing tour package
service products that vary in terms of facilities, tariffs, and tourist destination destinations,
promotional and sales strategies that are in demand by the school's target market after the
recovery phase of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak.
Second, the efficiency criteria in this study are related to the absence of waste of
resources in achieving a certain level of effectiveness. In the internal education system,
the level of efficiency is measured by comparing the output with the combination of the
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real cost of inputs while the external efficiency of education is measured by comparing
the outcome with the real cost and the combination of inputs (Winarso & Dakir, 2001).
Efficiency in this study was measured by a comparison of cost per service and the level
of participation of students and teachers in the service delivery process. The results of the
study show that the efficiency level of BLUD policies for the management of tourism
service businesses at BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta is quite efficient because in its
implementation the tour travel package still provides financial benefits of Rp1,220,500,-
and productive students and teachers are involved in tourism activities.
Third, the adequacy criteria in this study are related to the relevance and
implementation of strategies and supporting resources for policy implementation. In
terms of adequacy, BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta has not made adjustments to strategic and
business plans for tourism service businesses in facing the post-COVID-19 pandemic
recovery situation and developing service products related to expertise competencies
related to the MICE industry. In addition, capital support for the development of tourism
service products such as travel practice classes such as new tour packages, and service
products in the field of MICE is not yet available. The integration of meeting room
management into a potential income for tourism service businesses is also still
constrained by the implementation which is generally carried out outside school hours
and there is no overtime incentive policy for teachers and students who will be involved
in these service activities.
Fourth, the equalization criteria, in this study are related to the allocation of budget
for the utilization of facilities and opportunities for the development of training programs
for students and teachers. By becoming a BLUD, SMKN 27 Jakarta is encouraged to
prepare supporting equipment to support TeFa SMK activities in fostering competence,
independence, and entrepreneurship in the tourism service business. Supporting
equipment in production units for tourism service businesses also needs to be adjusted to
the target profile of graduates from SMKN 27 Jakarta. Vocational school graduates from
ULW's expertise competencies can work as tour guides, liaison officers, registration and
inquiry supporting personnel for the MICE sector, flight attendants/flight attendants,
banquet sales, or opening a business in the field of providing travel business services
(online or offline), opening a travel agency and also as freelancers, namely YouTubers,
content creators. Each skill competency and target profile of vocational school graduates
from the ULW expertise competency requires practical training facilities in specific
production units. However, currently, the focus of expertise competencies managed by
ULW is on tour planning, ticketing, and tour guiding. The provision of facilities and
infrastructure for practice is only limited to intracurricular activities. Facilities for the
implementation of TeFa for ULW are not yet available. Therefore, the BLUD policy in
the management of UP in the ULW expertise group is not responsive enough to meet all
the needs for the provision of supporting equipment to support TeFa activities for ULW
expertise competencies in fostering competence, independence, and entrepreneurship in
all sector graduate profile opportunities, especially in the MICE sector.
Evaluation of Regional Public Service Agency Policies on Tourism Service Businesses of State
Vocational High Schools 27 Jakarta in 2022-2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3271
Fifth, the responsiveness criterion relates to the extent to which the implementation
of BLUD can provide flexibility to adjust the needs of teachers, students, and expertise
competencies from changes in the tourism industry sector and respond to the need for
innovation in improving services and developing a variety of service products from ULW
according to the latest developments in related industries. Based on the results of the
research, the ULW expertise group lacks budget resources and human resources to
develop products and services needed by the current needs of the tourism industry. The
TeFa management process at UP to meet the competency needs of MICE expertise is still
not facilitated in school facilities and infrastructure and schools have limitations for the
fulfillment of practical classes for tourist tours which can be used as material to upgrade
and make variations of new destination packages. Therefore, the BLUD policy at SMKN
27 Jakarta has not been responsive enough to the need to adjust the development of
learning and teaching activities, adjust the curriculum for practical classes, and the need
for competence and expertise according to market and industry trends.
Sixth, the accuracy criterion focuses on the extent to which the outcome of the
policy is correct. In this study, the accuracy criteria are related to the relevance of BLUD
policies in meeting and adjusting the needs, objectives, context, resources, and
expectations of school residents involved in the business activities of ULW. Based on
research, BLUD SMKN 27 Jakarta is still unable to optimize the achievement of the target
of the TeFa implementation process from ULW from the business of selling travel tickets
and tour packages. In addition, efforts to integrate the management of meeting rooms and
co-working spaces as part of the business activities of the ULW expertise group have not
involved teachers and students because they are constrained by the lack of guidelines and
incentives for the implementation of practices outside the school operating hours to meet
and adjust to changes in the development of the tourism industry at the local level in the
Jakarta area. ULW managers also do not have guidelines related to quality standards and
permit guidelines in the implementation of the practice of providing services for tourist
trips involving teachers, students, and the community outside the school community.
Therefore, the BLUD policy on ULW is not right to achieve goals and objectives and
have a positive impact.
The main key to the success of the implementation of production-based learning at
SMKN which organizes a TeFa-based learning process and manages production units in
the school environment is the production capacity and types of products produced from
the production process that have added value and are in demand by the community. From
2022 to 2023, the implementation of the ULW group's production process at the Passer
Tour and Travel business center is not running optimally. The lack of implementation of
practices involving students and teachers at ULW is also because UP managers have not
made adjustments to the plan and strategy for the development of service products that
can be developed to integrate learning activities with the industrial world in the MICE
sector. The BLUD policy on ULW in implementation in 2022-2023 needs to be reviewed
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by the school by making changes to the five-year strategic plan and business plan and
budget which includes analysis of the business environment, risks and competition,
identification of products and services that are of interest to the public, marketing strategy,
as well as strategy for providing supporting equipment facilities for training and
production processes as well as financing plans and adjusting targets and service rates.
Evaluation of Regional Public Service Agency Policies on Tourism Service Businesses of State
Vocational High Schools 27 Jakarta in 2022-2023
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