Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/

Analysis of the User Satisfaction Level of the Flip Application Using the Pieces Method

Rama Dhio Putra Anugrah1*, Anggraeni Ridwan2

Universitas Gunadarma, Depok, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2



Keywords: analysis,

Interbank transfer transactions using third-party applications

customer satisfaction,

have become a common trend. The relatively high

website, google form,

administrative fees for interbank transfers are the reason why


people are switching to the Flip application. Flip is an

application for transferring money between banks without

admin fees. To measure the level of user satisfaction with the

Flip application, a satisfaction analysis study was conducted

using the PIECES method. The domains to be measured

include Performance, Information, Economics, Control,

Efficiency, and Service. The data used is the result of

questionnaire responses from 100 respondents distributed

using Google Forms, with data collection starting from April

28, 2024, to May 11, 2024. The analysis results showed a

confidence level in the Flip application of 90%. The analysis

and measurement results indicate that customers are very

satisfied with the domains of performance, information,

economics, control, efficiency, and service.


In this digital era, technology that develops so rapidly has caused fierce competition in the development of the e-business industry, so this indicates that digital technology is one of the business strategies to beat competitors. (Tayo & Nursanti, 2023). The development of this technology brings changes to the quality and efficiency of the data capacity created and transmitted. For example, in the banking business. Currently, public and private companies have begun to penetrate fintech (financial technology) services that can make it easier for users to make banking transactions anytime and anywhere.

Flip is a financial transaction application that offers interbank transfers without administrative fees. (Sari & Hwihanus, 2023). Flip was created and developed by the management of PT Fliptech Lentera Inspirasi Pertiwi which was led by Rafi Putra Arriyan, Luqman Sungkar, and Ginanjar Ibnu Solikhin in 2015. Flip offers several advantages in its use, including free interbank transfer fees, the recipient's account is not required to have a flip account, and has been authorized and supervised by Bank Indonesia (Fadhila, n.d.).

PIECES is a method used to measure the value of the variables applied and whether they play a role in the quality of service. This method is used to measure the value of whether users are satisfied or not with a service provided. The PIECES method can be used as a reference to evaluate various operational procedures and can also be used to analyze problems to be more specific. (Septiani, Ruhama, & Astuti, 2023).

With the PIECES method, analysis is usually carried out using six aspects, namely, Performance, Information, Economics, Control and Security, Efficiency, and Service. This method is used to analyze performance, information, economy, security, efficiency, and service to identify system weaknesses so that improvements that must be made to the new system can be recommended. (Panjaitan, 2019). Based on the background of this problem, the author wants to measure how satisfied Flip application customers are in making online game top-up transactions.


In this chapter, the stages of research carried out in this study will be explained. This study begins with a literature study, data collection, data processing, data analysis, and data calculation.

Gambar 1 Alur Penelitian

In the initial stage, research planning is carried out, namely by making a scheme that starts with a literature study, namely, collecting data from journals, and books relevant to the research to support this research. Furthermore, data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to the respondents by distributing links containing statements related to the research, after the data was collected, data processing was carried out using the PIECES method consisting of 6 (six) variables: Performance. Information, Economy, Control and Security, Efficiency and Service to obtain data and the next stage is to test the data by testing the validity and reliability of the data using SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) then analyzing and calculating the data that has been collected through questionnaires to be calculated using the Likert scale.

Literature Studies

Literature study is a stage to collect data related to the research contained in books that discuss the theories needed and journals that analyze a website or application with various methods obtained from various sources relevant to the research.

Data Collection

Data collection is one of the most appropriate stages to determine a process and obtain research results that are used to obtain the data needed in order to achieve research objectives. In this study, data collection was carried out by determining the population and sample as well as designing a questionnaire with six elements of PIECES. Determining the Research Object

The researcher determined the object of the study by looking at the large number of downloads on the Flip application, reporting from the Google Play Store that there have been more than 10,000,000 users who have downloaded the Flip app. On March 22, 2024, the Flip application still has a fairly high rating, which is 4.9 from 554.00 reviews. The Slovin formula is a formula or formula to calculate the minimum number of samples if the behavior of a population is not known for sure. (Nalendra et al., 2021). Using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 10% based on many populations, based on the results of the calculation using the Slovin formula, a sample of 99.99 was obtained and then rounded to 100 respondents to facilitate the calculation.


In this study, the primary data used is consumer perception data based on the results of the questionnaire. The questionnaire used in this study is closed, that is, respondents can only answer according to the answer choices that have been provided. The distribution of the questionnaire will be carried out online through electronic media, namely Google Forms by sharing written questions with respondents.

Type of Research

The type of research used by the researcher is quantitative research, which is data in the form of numbers used to represent the population, using 6 (six) variables of the PIECES method and the Likert scale in the questionnaire in the form of "Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Doubt", "Agree", and "Strongly Agree".

Population and Sample

In determining the number of samples to be taken in the study, the population is around 10 million Flip application users with data taken through the Google Play store as of March 22, 2024. Using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 10% based on many populations, here is the calculation to calculate the sample with the Slovin formula.

Based on the results of the calculation using the Slovin formula, a sample of 99.99 was obtained and then rounded to 100 respondents to facilitate the calculation. Of the 100 respondents who used the Flip application, it had an error rate of 10% and a confidence level of 90%.

Data Processing

Data processing is carried out using the PIECES method, namely by analyzing the results of the collected data by dividing the main problems with the PIECES framework, namely, Performance, Information, Economics, Control and Security, Efficiency, and Service.

Validity Test

The validity test explains how well the data collected can cover the actual investigation area. (Tayo & Nursanti, 2023). The validity in the study states the degree of accuracy of the research measuring instrument to the actual content measured. The validity test was carried out by comparing the calculation with the table. If the count is greater than the table and has a positive value, then the item of the statement is valid or the statement is understood by the respondent for its purpose and purpose.

  1. If the calculation is > the table, the questionnaire statement is declared valid.

  2. If the calculation is < the table, the questionnaire statement is declared invalid.

Reliability Test

A reliable instrument is an instrument that can be used many times when measuring the same object and producing the same data. (Rampen, Suoth, & Pandowo, 2022). Reliability tests are used to determine the consistency level of a questionnaire used by researchers. The reliability test was carried out after testing the validity of all statements in the research questionnaire. The reliability test was carried out by comparing Cronbach's Alpha with the table.

  1. If Cronbanch's Alpha > table, then it is reliable

  2. If Cronbamch's Alpha < table then it is not reliable

Analyzing and Calculating Data

At this stage, a scale is used, where the scale used is the Likert scale. The Likert scale is used to measure the attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group of people about social phenomena. Using data collected from questionnaires with a closed- ended question model, the use of the Likert scale to determine respondents' satisfaction consisted of score choices.

Results and Discussion

Table 1

Customer Satisfaction Calculation Results













and Data










Control and















From Table 4, the results of the calculation of customer satisfaction with the Codashop website are obtained as follows:

  1. The Performance variable obtained a score

    4.55. Based on the results of the calculation of the average user satisfaction, results with the VERY SATISFIED category were obtained on the Performance variable, in other words, the performance of the Flip application in responding to commands and requests was good. The Flip application is also easily accessible to users and can function optimally.

  2. The Information and Data variable obtained a score of 4.49.

    Based on the results of the calculation of the average user satisfaction, results were obtained with the VERY SATISFIED category on the Information and Data variable, in other words, the information provided by the Flip application is good and what is needed. According to the results of the questionnaire, the information presented in the Flip application is easy to understand, trustworthy, and provides up-to-date information.

  3. The Economics variable obtained a score

    4.39. Based on the results of the calculation of the average user satisfaction, results with the category of VERY SATISFIED on the Economics variable, in other words, the economic value provided by the Flip application is by the user's wishes. According to the results of the questionnaire, the Flip application has undergone feature development, and it can be concluded that the use of internet data in accessing the Flip application is relatively cheap.

  4. The Control and Security variable obtained a score of 4.37.

    Based on the average satisfaction table of the Likert scale, the control and security variable score is at the level of VERY SATISFIED. This can be stated to be very

    satisfactory because the Flip application guarantees account data security, guarantees data security during transactions, provides user access restrictions, and is free from viruses.

  5. The Efficiency variable obtained a score of 4.52

    Based on the results of the calculation of the average user satisfaction, results were obtained with the VERY SATISFIED category on the Efficiency variable, which means that the Flip Application display is easy to understand and easy for users to understand. According to the results of the questionnaire, the Flip application can be used by all people without requiring a lot of human resources and can ease users in terms of cost and time.

  6. The Service variable obtained a score of 4.53.

Based on the results of the calculation of the average user satisfaction obtained with the VERY SATISFIED category on the Service variable, it can be said that the Service on the Flip Application provides good service, starting from the presence of customer service features that are always 24 hours a day serving users to services in making transactions so that users are always comfortable in making transactions.

Figure 2

User Satisfaction Graph

Variabel Performance, Information and Data, Economics, Control and Security, Efficiency, dan Service mendapatkan predikat SANGAT PUAS.


The results of the research and calculation of data that have been analyzed for Flip application users using the PIECES method with 100 respondents with a total of 29 statements on the questionnaire that have passed the Validity and Reliability test using the help of Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) software version 22. From the data obtained, the score obtained for each domain is the Performance domain obtained a score of 4.55 with the predicate of VERY SATISFIED, the Information domain obtained a score of 4.49 with the predicate of VERY SATISFIED, the Economics domain obtained a score of 4.54 with the predicate of VERY SATISFIED, the Control domain obtained a score of 4.37 with the predicate of VERY SATISFIED, the Efficiency domain obtained a score of 4.52 with the predicate of VERY SATISFIED, domain Service received a score of 4.53 with the predicate of VERY SATISFIED. The Performance domain gets the

highest average satisfaction score, while the Control domain gets the lowest average satisfaction score.

Based on the results of the analysis, shows that the Flip application has met the criteria and user satisfaction with using the current application. From the results of the validity and reliability test using SPSS software, the Flip application has been declared valid and reliable.


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