p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6248

Application of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method in
Selecting the Best Employee Performance (Case Study: CV.

Syntax Corporation Indonesia)

Sukma Hendrian1*, Marsani Asfi2, Rifqi Fahrudin3

Universitas Catur Insan Cendekia, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]*, [email protected],

[email protected]


Keywords: simple
additive weighting
(SAW); selection of
employee performance;
objective assessment, and
employee performance

This study discusses the application of the Simple Additive
Weighting (SAW) method in selecting the best performance
of employees in CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia. The
background of the problem involves challenges in assessing
and Selecting the best employees objectively amid many
assessment criteria. The purpose of the study is to implement
the SAW method to improve accuracy and objectivity in
performance assessment. The method used is SAW with
predetermined criteria, as well as weight calculation and data
normalization. The results show that the SAW method is
effective in simplifying the evaluation process and
producing more accurate employee ratings based on relevant
criteria. The results of this study show that the SAW method
can identify employees with the best performance
systematically and transparently. The application of this
method results in employee ratings that are consistent with
the company's evaluation goals and needs. By using SAW,
CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia can improve the accuracy
of the assessment and provide more objective decisions in
selecting the best employees. This study suggests that the
SAW method should be applied more widely for
performance-based decision-making in other companies.


Technology is growing rapidly at this time to make all fields utilize a technology.
One of the influences on technology is the internet which is a global online network
without limits that provides millions of types of information (Suharto & Hariadi, 2021).
The development of information technology is so needed by various fields of life that it
can be warmly welcomed by the community. Therefore, technology is a means to help
solve problems in various fields. In a company, Human Resources have the most
important role (Sadikin et al., 2022). The role of Human Resources in a company cannot
be separated from other management fields in achieving a company's goals. CV. Syntax

Application of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method in Selecting the Best Employee
Performance (Case Study: CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia)

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6249

Corporation Indonesia will conduct a selection of the best employees to be able to spur
employee enthusiasm in increasing dedication, performance, and being able to develop
themselves to process to become even better. The selection of outstanding employees is
carried out in rotation every year but has not been implemented optimally. This
implementation is still based on attendance and performance values only (Afiq & Roby
Candra Yudha, 2023).

Before creating a decision support system, two initial steps must be taken, including
determining the problem analysis and needs analysis. Problem analysis can be useful for
determining what problems are currently occurring, whether the problem is indeed a
serious problem, and whether a solution must be found immediately (Bilgies, Tawil,
Mardiah, & Arief, 2023). Needs analysis can be useful for determining what things will
be needed in the future when building a decision support system after the problem
analysis is carried out (Sukaryati & Voutama, 2022).

The model that will be used in this decision support system is the simple model.
Additive weighting, this method is chosen because it can determine the weight value for
each attribute, after that, there is a ranking process that will select the best employees
from several employees at CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia. This ranking method is
expected to obtain an accurate assessment because it is based on several criteria and
weight values that have been determined previously (Kurniawan & Santika, 2020).

As a computer-based system where this system consists of three interacting
components, namely, a language system (a mechanism for providing communication
between users and components, other Decision Support Systems), a knowledge system (a
repository of problem domain knowledge that exists in the Decision Support System or
as data or as procedures), and a problem processing system (the relationship between the
other two components, consisting of one or more general problem manipulation
capabilities needed for decision making (Amin, Sinulingga, Desy, Abas, & Sukarno,

The basic concept of the SAW method is to find the weighted sum of the
performance ratings on each alternative on all attributes. The SAW method requires a
normalization process of the decision matrix (X) to a scale that can be compared with all
existing alternative ratings. Here are some previous studies as follows:

Research conducted by (Zumarniansyah, Ardianto, Alkhalifi, & Azizah, 2021),
entitled "Implementation of the Best Employee Assessment Decision Support System
Using the Simple Method Additive Weighting”, with the final result showing that Saputra
was the best employee with a percentage of 82% or equivalent to 0.82. The research
conducted by (Nurrahmi & Misbahuddin, 2019), entitled "Comparison of SAW Methods
(Simple Additive Weighting) and AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) In the Decision
Support System for Selecting the Best Employees”, By using this application, PT. XYZ
will be able to select the best employees more systematically and objectively. This will
make it easier for managers or HR teams to make more informed decisions and can
support a more efficient employee selection process. Research conducted by (Syaputra &
Eirlangga, 2023). Entitled "Implementation of the Simple Method Additive Weighting

Sukma Hendrian, Marsani Asfi, Rifqi Fahrudin

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024

(SAW) in Determining the Best Sales Employees”. The application of the SAW method
in assessing sales employees helps ensure that decisions are based on objective and
measurable data and provides rewards to high achievers and opportunities for
improvement for those who need them. Then the research conducted by (Ardiyansah &
Amin, 2023) entitled "Application of the Simple Method Additive Weighting In The
Selection Of The Best Employees At Momnnaura Online Store”, The Results By using
DSS, organizations can make more informed and objective decisions based on existing
data. Recommendations generated by DSS can help improve efficiency and productivity
in decision-making. And finally, in research conducted by (Panggabean, Mesran, &
Manalu, 2021) entitled "Application of the Simple Method Additive Weighting (SAW)
in Rewarding Honorary Employees Using Rank Order Centroid Weighting”, The ranking
results produced are more objective. This study was also able to identify that from several
existing alternatives, namely A1, A8, and A6, these three alternatives have proven to be
the best among honorary employees who deserve to be given rewards (Alamsyah,
Herdiansah, Wijaya, & Rusdianto, 2024).

Simple Method Additive Weighting (SAW) is one of the methods in the decision-
making process. This method has a more precise and accurate assessment capability
because it is based on the specified criteria and weight values, thus helping to solve the
problem of selecting high-performing employees quickly and precisely (Nahjan,
Heryana, & Voutama, 2023). CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia, which is oriented
towards selecting the best employees, generally has certain standards in the process of
selecting the best employees, here are standards, namely Discipline, Achievement of
work targets, Innovation, Sharing knowledge, and competence.

Based on the problems that have been explained above, this study aims to
implement a decision support system in selecting the best employee performance at CV.
Syntax Corporation Indonesia (SCI) Cirebon. Then in this study, the Simple Method is
applied Additive Weighting (SAW) for selecting the best employee performance at CV.
Syntax Corporation Indonesia (SCI) Cirebon, makes it easier for the company to classify
the best and worst employee performance.


The method used in making decisions in this research is the SAW (Simple Analysis)
method. Additive Weighting). Data is obtained through the process of selecting the best
employees first. The data used is employee data for the last 2 years 2021-2022. The data
collection method in this study was carried out by interviews, observations, and literature

Results and Discussion
Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method Test Results in Excel

Implementation results testing application of data mining in determining reception
candidate new employees using K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) with testing using the
Rapidminer tool. Where with existing testing This system will know whether results

Application of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method in Selecting the Best Employee
Performance (Case Study: CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia)

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6251

obtained manually are the same as results obtained in a way computerization. In this test
using the application Rapidminer, The stages testing the application of data mining in
determining results reception candidate new employees with K-Nearest Neighbor (K-
NN) with application Rapidminer (Fauziyah et al., 2021).

Rapid Miner is a software platform powerful software for data science and learning
machines. It provides diverse tools for data preparation, modeling, evaluation, and
implementation. Rapid Miner is designed to be easy to use and allows users to with easy
build and test various models, even without experience in programming. RapidMiner
offers a drag-and-drop interface that allows users to build channel work to process and
analyze data. This supports diverse data sources, including flat files, databases, and big
data platforms such as Hadoop and Spark. The software also includes various operators
that have built, which is block building from the groove work, which includes all data
mining processes stages, such as data cleaning, selection features, and modeling [4].

The steps taken in determining employee best with the use of The Simple Additive
Weighting (SAW) method on Rapid Miner are:
1. Entering data into a rapid miner
2. Do data calculation with the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method in Rapid

3. View the output results calculation with Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method

in Rapid Miner
4. The process steps in determining employee best with the use of Simple Additive

Weighting (SAW) method on Rapid Miner from the beginning until finished is :
a. Open Rapid Miner Application

Figure 1

Initial View of Rapid Miner

Sukma Hendrian, Marsani Asfi, Rifqi Fahrudin

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024

b. Type Retrieve

Figure 2

View After Type Retrieve on Rapid Miner

c. Get Data/Input Data

Figure 3

Display for Entering Data

Application of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method in Selecting the Best Employee
Performance (Case Study: CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia)

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6253

d. After Input Data, Select Naïve Bayes

Figure 4

View Naïve Bayes Option

e. Select Apply Model

Figure 5

View After Apply Model

Sukma Hendrian, Marsani Asfi, Rifqi Fahrudin

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024

f. Link all in line form

Figure 6

View After Linking Everything in Line Form

g. Make another retrieve (retrieve 2) and select performance (classification)

Figure 7

View After another retrieve (retrieve 2) and after select
performance (classification)

Application of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method in Selecting the Best Employee
Performance (Case Study: CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia)

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6255

h. Merge everything like the image below

Figure 8
View Merger Overall

i. Once everything has been lined up, click run, the blue “play” button.

Figure 9

Sukma Hendrian, Marsani Asfi, Rifqi Fahrudin

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024

View After Connected With Lines

j. View Output Results

Figure 10

View After clicking run, the blue “play” button

Figure 11

Display of Calculation Results in Rapid Miner

Application of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method in Selecting the Best Employee
Performance (Case Study: CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia)

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6257

Figure 12

Ranking Display On Rapid Miner

Output Results of Implementing the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)
Method in Excel and Rapid Miner

Output Results of Implementing the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)
Method on Rapid Miner in Determining Employee The Best of PT. Syntax
Corporation Indonesia is:

Figure 13

Display of Ranking of 10 Employees Best on Rapid Miner

Sukma Hendrian, Marsani Asfi, Rifqi Fahrudin

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024

Output Results of Implementing the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)
Method in Excel in Determining Employee Best PT. Syntax Corporation

Table 1
Ranking of 10 Employees Best on Excel

Employee Name
Total Normalized Value

Weighted Ranking
Saeful Anwar 0.182234 1
The Indi Millatul Maula 0.158712 2
Luthfiah 0.155138 3
Saona 0.153802 4
Muhammad Fahmi 0.153702 5
Regita Anggia Ningtyas 0.151824 6
Siti Munawaroh 0.14875 7
Father Surya 0.148705 8
Ita Lailasari 0.147195 9
Askarno 0.146791 10

The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method is one of the methods in the process

of making a decision. This method has the ability more assessment precise and accurate
because based on the value of the specified criteria and weights, that helps finish problem
election employees achieve with fast and precise, and there is giving The criteria in this
study are based on the standards used by CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia, namely:
Discipline, Achievement of work targets, Innovation, Sharing knowledge, and
Competence. Each criterion The assessment in this study consists of 4 statement items,
where based on results known data recap that mark lowest on the indicator Discipline is
on item 1, namely, I always follow rules and regulations company related time work;
value lowest on the indicator Job target achievement is on items 2 and 4, namely I have a
clear understanding about job targets me and trying to achieve it with as good as possible
and I adjust my work strategy I to fit in with goals and targets that have been set; value
lowest on the indicator Innovation is in item 3, namely, I am active in providing new ideas
and solutions innovative in solving the problem; value The lowest indicator for the
Sharing Knowledge indicator is item 1, namely I am happy to share. Knowledge and
experience I with colleague work; value lowest on the indicator Competence is on item
3, namely I can face complex challenges and solutions tasks that require skill special.

The steps taken in the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method in determining
a candidate employee best: To determine every criterion, give weight to each criterion,
input data, perform data normalization, perform weighted data normalization and
accumulation mark normalization weighted to know ranking employee based on the
magnitude normalized total value-weighted.

Implementation results in Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method in Rapid
Miner and Excel in determining employee best PT. Syntax Corporation Indonesia has the

Application of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method in Selecting the Best Employee
Performance (Case Study: CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia)

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6259

same result. Although there are differences in applying the Simple Additive Weighting
(SAW) method between Rapid Miner and Excel, but No existing difference in the results
evaluation of employee best. This indicates that The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)
method is a consistent method that cannot be influenced by the application in the
implementation. The use of the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method in
determining employee best PT. Syntax Corporation Indonesia is more efficient and
effective when compared to with evaluation manually because the data input and data
processing processes are carried out in a way computerized. In case steps are taken
internally, evaluation criteria can be adjusted to Company needs.


The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method is one of the methods in the process
of making a decision. This method can make the assessment precise and accurate, because
based on the value of the specified criteria and weights, that helps finish problem election
employees achieve fast and precise, and there is giving The criteria in this study are based
on the standards used by CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia, namely: Discipline,
Achieving work targets, Innovation, Sharing knowledge, and competence.

Based on the implementation of the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method in
determining the employee's best PT. Syntax Corporation Indonesia on the rapid miner
and Excel applications is known that there is a difference in how to apply it, but although
this matters there is no existence difference between candidate output results in employee
best. This indicates that The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method can be used in
various applications or different software.

Based on the results recapitulation questionnaire known that some items have
marked lowest are: I always follow the company's rules and regulations regarding
working hours; I have a clear understanding of my work targets and strive to achieve them
as best I can; I adjust my work strategy to suit the goals and targets that have been set; I
am active in providing new ideas and innovative solutions in solving problems; I am
happy to share my knowledge and experience with colleagues; I can face complex
challenges and complete tasks that require special skills.

Use the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method in determining the employee's
best PT. Syntax Corporation Indonesia is more efficient and effective when compared to
evaluation manually because the data input and data processing processes are carried out
in a way besides that, the use of the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method in
determining employee best can facilitate the assessment process employee Because No
need peer review Work.

Sukma Hendrian, Marsani Asfi, Rifqi Fahrudin

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024


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