pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12 Desember 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6369
Identification of the Position of Subsurface Aquifers and the
Distribution of Groundwater Level Depth in Oksibil District,
Pegunungan Bintang Regency
Semuel Rorrong1*, Wika Matana Nion2, Erwin3, M. Suliswanto4,
Riswandy Loly Paseru5
Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia1,2,3,4,5
Keywords: Groundwater
Resisivity, Aquifer
Position, Depth
Distribution, Pegunungan
Bintang Regency
Groundwater is dynamic and influenced by natural factors,
such as geology and geomorphology, which affect aquifer
characteristics, groundwater movement, and surface
morphology. This study aims to identify subsurface aquifer
positions and the distribution of groundwater depth in
Oksibil District, Pegunungan Bintang Regency. The
research utilizes the resistivity geoelectric method with a
Wenner configuration to determine lithology and aquifer
characteristics. Measurements were conducted using the
AIDU Golden Rod instrument, which analyzes natural
electric fields. Results indicate the presence of pressurized
aquifers at depths ranging from 125 to 300 meters with
varying thicknesses of 20 to 85 meters. In contrast, free
aquifers are primarily located at shallow depths (040
meters) in specific areas, such as Kabiding. The findings
provide valuable insights into groundwater resource
management and regional aquifer potential in Pegunungan
Bintang Regency
The distribution of the pipeline network in the center of Oksibil City has been
served with 665 SR house connections (SR) in 2023. However, the fulfillment of the
needs of Oksibil City has not been achieved due to the limited availability of water
sources and difficult topographic areas. The alternative offered in this study is to increase
the availability of water sources, namely the Okapnum River with the target of
distributing the suburban pipeline network to the southern area of Oksibil City (Jalan
Iwur) through the dabolding area. In terms of clean water needs, 20% = 2.70 ltr/s of the
total clean water needs of Pegunungan Bintang Regency. The map of the clean water
service plan in Oksibil City.
Semuel Rorrong, Wika Matana Nion, Erwin, M. Suliswanto, Riswandy Loly Paseru
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6370
Groundwater potential identification is carried out using a tool in the form of,
AIDU Golden Red (AGR) which is a special instrument for geophysical studies that
provides a detailed vertical picture of rock and aquifer resistivity by measuring natural
electric fields. This instrument measures natural electric fields passively with frequency
domains (high to low frequencies in one measurement), high frequencies will produce
resiliency data at shallow depths and low frequencies will generate resistivity data at deep
enough to very deep depths.
The resistivity method is one of the geophysical methods used to determine the
aquifer layer by utilizing the electrical properties of rocks. Groundwater under the surface
interacts with the soil layer in the form of sand as a place for groundwater to be found
(aquifer) (Putri et al., 2022). To find out the type of soil layer that groundwater passes
through under the surface, measurements are carried out using the geoelectric method.
The resistivity geoelectric method in this study uses a wenner configuration where this
method is the main method used to find water content based on the parameters of different
resistivity distributions.
Several studies have investigated groundwater availability using geophysical
methods. For instance, Mandal et al. (2016) explored the role of land cover, geology, and
rainfall in groundwater potential. Selvam et al. (2016) highlighted the significance of
lithology and stratigraphy in groundwater movement. Similarly, Mekki and Laftouhi
(2016) discussed how rock permeability and porosity influence groundwater storage.
While these studies provide foundational insights, they focus on broader regional contexts
or different geophysical conditions.
This research distinguishes itself by focusing on the specific hydrogeological
conditions of Pegunungan Bintang Regency, particularly in Oksibil District. Unlike
previous studies, this work combines advanced geoelectric methods with regional
geological mapping to address the unique topographical and geological challenges of the
area. The novelty lies in its detailed mapping of aquifer distribution using the AIDU
Golden Rod instrument, which provides a more refined analysis of groundwater potential
in this underexplored region. This approach not only enhances the understanding of
groundwater resources but also contributes to sustainable water resource management in
Oksibil City and similar remote areas.
The purpose of this study is to identify the Position of Subsurface Aquifers and
the Distribution of Groundwater Level Depth in Oksibil District, Pegunungan Bintang
Research Methods
The location of this study is in Pegunungan Bintang Regency, Geoelectric
measurement points are scattered in Oksibil District Geographically Oksibil District is
located at 140o 17' 43.48" east longitude and 4o 31' 18.01" south latitude. namely to the
north it borders Jayapura Regency and Keroom Regency, to the South it borders Boven
Digoel Regency, to the West it borders Yahuimo Regency and to the East it borders Papua
New Guinea Regency.
Identification of the Position of Subsurface Aquifers and the Distribution of Groundwater Level
Depth in Oksibil District, Pegunungan Bintang Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6371
Survey of Identification of Subsurface Aquifer Position and Distribution of
Groundwater Level Depth in Oksibil District, Pegunungan Bintang Regency for the
construction of groundwater and raw water, including mapping the potential of
groundwater in Pegunungan Bintang Regency and taking soil samples as well as testing
physical parameters and soil shear strength.
Groundwater potential mapping is carried out using an aid in the form of an AIDU
Golden Rod (AGR) which is a special instrument for geophysical studies that provides a
detailed picture of the vertical resistivity of rocks and aquifers by measuring natural
electric fields. This instrument measures natural electric fields passively with frequency
domains (high to low frequencies in one measurement), high frequencies will produce
reciprocity data at shallow depths and low frequencies will produce resistivity data at
deep enough depths. The reciprocity value is used to analyze the type of lithology below
the surface, which is then used as a basis for determining the existence of a spring source
For soil sampling in the reservoir location plan using the Test pit method, soil
sampling is carried out by digging a hole with a size of 1x1x1 m3. At each point of the
test hole, a soil sample is taken using a tube (Undsitrubed sample) which is then taken to
the laboratory to be tested to obtain the amount of physical properties and shear strength
of the soil.
Results and Discussion
1. Pegunungan Bintang Regency
Based on the results of the Geoelectric Testing Research of Pegunungan Bintang
Regency, especially Oksibil, composed of types of marine clastic rocks, most of which
are fine-grained including dolomitan limestone, a little black rijang of pyrite nodules,
siltstone, limestone quartz sandstone, a little napal, and a little, causing this type of
material to have the ability to store and drain water high. has a shallow groundwater
surface depth, and has a thick soil thickness as a good infiltration medium. Partly tufaan
calcilunite, mostly composed of red clastic with red mudstone and some green ones,
felsparan interspersed sandstone, glaukonitan quartz sandstone, and a little volcanic
clastic sandstone and tufa at a depth of 1 5 km. Paleozoic rocks are inseparable, slab
rocks, sandshale, arcostal sandstone and napalan limestone, basalt and volcanic breccia
with some intendrobic limestone or basically and low-grade malahan in the northern part
of the path.
Semuel Rorrong, Wika Matana Nion, Erwin, M. Suliswanto, Riswandy Loly Paseru
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6372
Figure 1. Geological Map of Pegunungan Bintang Regency
2. Availability of Groundwater
The presence of groundwater in an aquifer is influenced by various factors. A
potential groundwater zone is a location where there is a potential source of groundwater
in it. The identification of groundwater potential zones depends on a variety of factors.
Some of the factors that are important in determining groundwater potential are land
cover, soil type, geology, drainage density, rainfall, and slope (Mandal, et al., 2016).
Geological formations play an important role in the formation of land. The type of rock
in an area has a significant effect on the availability of groundwater (Selvam, et al., 2016).
The ability of water to flow from the surface to the ground is influenced by the type of
rock in an area (Das & Pal, 2019; Hasilatagama et al., 2023; Mekki & Laftouhi, 2016).
The type of rock affects the water-holding capacity of an aquifer and the presence of
groundwater (Duan, et al., 2016). Each type of rock has different porosity and
permeability values Important aspects included in the groundwater study are geological
conditions (lithology, stratigraphy, and structure), Differences in lithology will affect the
availability of groundwater. Rock units or geology in general will show the characteristics
of groundwater.
The distribution of groundwater availability in Pegunungan Bintang Regency
based on Figure 2, is divided into various conditions such as in the northern part of
Pegunungan Bintang Regency is an area with moderate water availability and some
northern and western areas are areas with high water availability conditions while the
eastern and southern parts of Pegunungan Bintang Regency are areas with high water
availability conditions. With the distribution of the majority of rocks in the Bintang
Mountains Regency, especially Oksibil, composed of types of marine clastic rocks, most
of them are fine-grained including dolomitan limestone, a little black rijang of pyrite
nodules, siltstone, limestone quartz sandstone, a little napal, lonely The availability of
groundwater in this area is abundant throughout the year. Areas with high groundwater
potential are areas that are very prone to water.
Identification of the Position of Subsurface Aquifers and the Distribution of Groundwater Level
Depth in Oksibil District, Pegunungan Bintang Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6373
Figure 2. Water Availability Map of Pegunungan Bintang Regency
3. Geoelectric Testing Sites
Based on the resistance data obtained from the results of geoelectric tests, it is
possible to predict the type of material below the ground surface. The stratigraphy of the
soil layer at the geoelectric point collection site can be seen in Table 1. Geoelectric data
collection was carried out in Oksibil District, Pegunungan Bintang Regency. In this study,
Geoelectric testing was carried out at 10 test location points spread across the Oksibil
district, Pegunungan Bintang Regency.
Figure 3. Layout of Geoelectric Measurement Locations in Pegunungan
Bintang Regency
Semuel Rorrong, Wika Matana Nion, Erwin, M. Suliswanto, Riswandy Loly Paseru
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6374
Table 1. Geoelectric Testing Locations in Pengungga Bintang Regency
4º 55' 54.978"
140º 38' 3.541"
4º 55' 54.978"
140º 38' 3.541"
Oksibil Airport
4º 54' 26.356"
140º 37' 51.64"
4º 54' 26.363"
140º 38' 3.589"
Dabolding Office
4º 54' 33.423"
140º 36' 53.58"
4º 54' 33.423"
140º 36' 53.58"
4º 53' 57.252"
140º 37' 13.634"
4º 53' 57.252"
140º 37' 13.634"
Oksibil Regent
4º 53' 31.794"
140º 38' 29.756"
4º 53' 31.794"
140º 38' 29.756"
Oksibil Health
4º 54' 25.255"
140º 38' 1.966"
4º 54' 25.255"
140º 38' 1.966"
Oksibil Hospital
4º 54' 7.041"
140º 35' 54.273"
4º 54' 7.041"
140º 35' 54.273"
Behind the petrol
4º 54' 46.885"
140º 38' 13.027"
4º 54' 46.885"
140º 38' 13.027"
Terminal Pasar Baru
4º 55' 11.434"
140º 38' 0.739"
4º 55' 11.434"
140º 38' 0.739"
4º 53' 43.909"
140º 35' 38.832"
4º 53' 43.909"
140º 35' 38.832"
(Source: Calculation Results, 2024)
4. Interpretation of Geoelectric Test Results
The interpretation of this data analysis is carried out from several field analysis
data in a geoelectric cross-section. The results of this interpretation are presented in the
form of a cross-section of type resistance, and a geoelectric interpretation of type
resistance, as well as a map of the slip plane analysis of the subsurface lithological
arrangement at the measurement site. Data interpretation is carried out to determine the
lithology of rocks on the attached trajectory as follows:
a. Oksibil Airport
a. B1 Span Pieces
b. B2 Spanning Pieces
Identification of the Position of Subsurface Aquifers and the Distribution of Groundwater Level
Depth in Oksibil District, Pegunungan Bintang Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6375
Figure 4. (a) Stretch Chunk B1 (b) Stretch Chunk B2 Oksibil Airport
The results of the Geoelectric test at Oksibil Airport, it was found that in the B1
Stretch the depth of the aquifer is 250 - 300 m deep, while in the B2 Stretch at a depth of
225 - 300 m below the surface with a resistivity value of 9 - 18 ohmm, the lithology that
constitutes this aquifer is sandstone. The existence of deep aquifers has quite a large
volume, with a thickness of 50 75 m below the surface.
Table 2 Interpretation of Stretch B1 Oksibil Airport
Table 3 Interpretation of Aobil Airport B2 Stretch
(Source: Calculation Results, 2024)
Semuel Rorrong, Wika Matana Nion, Erwin, M. Suliswanto, Riswandy Loly Paseru
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6376
Figure 5 (a) Stretch Slice B1 (b) Stretch Slice B2 Kabiding
(Source: Aidu Prospecting Software)
The acquisition of geoelectric testing at the Kabiding site yielded subsurface data
as shown in Figure 5. It shows that at the Kabiding location there is no deep aquifer on
the surface of either stretch 1 or stretch 2.
In stretch 1 there is no free aquifer, while in stretch 2 there is a free aquifer spread
along the stretch with a depth of 0 35 m below the surface. It has a resistivity value of
0 15 ohms. Aquifers are freely affected by surface water infiltration such as rainwater
and river water. Table 4. Interpretation of Kabiding's B1 Stretch
Identification of the Position of Subsurface Aquifers and the Distribution of Groundwater Level
Depth in Oksibil District, Pegunungan Bintang Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6377
Table 5. Interpretation of Kabiding's B2 Stretch
(Source: Calculation Results, 2024).
Table 6. Recap of Aquifer Position in Pegunungan Bintang Regency
4º 55'
140º 38'
4º 55'
140º 38'
2 m
230 -
300 m
230 -
300 m
4º 54'
140º 37'
4th 54'
140º 38'
1 m
250 -
300 m
225 -
300 m
4º 54'
140º 36'
4º 54'
140º 36'
4 m
230 -
300 m
165 -
270 m
4º 53'
140º 37'
4º 53'
140º 37'
0 m
0 - 40
4º 53'
140º 38'
4º 53'
140º 38'
6 m
220 -
300 m
220 -
300 m
4º 54'
140º 38'
4º 54'
140º 38'
2 m
125 -
165 m
210 -
300 m
4º 54'
140º 35'
4º 54'
140º 35'
6 m
195 -
240 m
195 m
240 -
300 m
240 -
300 m
Behind the
Gas Station
4º 54'
140º 38'
4º 54'
140º 38'
6 m
215 -
300 m
215 -
300 m
Pasar Baru
4º 55'
140º 38'
4º 55'
140º 38'
8 m
220 -
300 m
215 -
300 m
4º 53'
140º 35'
4º 53'
140º 35'
7 m
220 -
300 m
220 -
300 m
Semuel Rorrong, Wika Matana Nion, Erwin, M. Suliswanto, Riswandy Loly Paseru
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6378
The results of the recap of geoelectric measurements, lithological analysis and
resistivity values, show that only the Kabiding research site has a free aquifer with a
thickness ranging from 0 to 40 m calculated from the ground surface. Meanwhile, in other
locations such as Arinkop, Oksibil Airport, Dabolding Office, Oksibil Regent Office,
Oksibil Health Center, Behind Gas Stations, Pasar Baru Terminal, and Yapimakot there
are no free aquifers. This shows that the availability of surface groundwater in
Pegunungan Bintang Regency is not high enough except in the Hospital area where there
is no surface aquifer.
As for the pressurized aquifer, it can be found at a depth varying between 125 270
m from the ground level with the thickness of the aquifer layer between 20 -85 m, with
the deepest aquifer location found at the location of Arinkop, Oksibil Airport, Oksibil
Regent Office, Oksibil Hospital, Behind the Gas Station, Pasar Baru Terminal and
Yapimakot with a depressed aquifer depth of 215 - 250 m, Meanwhile, in other research
locations, the depth of the depressed aquifer is in the range of 125 165 m from the
ground surface.
Aquifer Depth Distribution Map
The approximate position of the aquifer, its depth and distribution can be
identified based on the resistance data from the geoelectric test. The method is carried out
by combining several data from the results of geolysis testing so as to produce a cut of
the longitudinal direction of the underground section from the location being reviewed.
The longitudinal cut is made and adjusted to the direction of taking geoelectric data (B1
and B2) in accordance with the data from the geoelectric test in the previous discussion,
which can be seen in the layout and longitudinal cut of the geoelectric. The distribution
of groundwater level depth was carried out using groundwater depth data for each test
point (data analysis results) and using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) method with
the help of the ArcGis assistance program.
Identification of the Position of Subsurface Aquifers and the Distribution of Groundwater Level
Depth in Oksibil District, Pegunungan Bintang Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6379
Figure 6. Map of the Depth of Aquifer Observation Point of Pegunungan Bintang Regency
Figure 7. Map of the Distribution of Groundwater Depth in Pegunungan Bintang Regency
5. Geoelectric Longitudinal Layout and Pieces
The stratigraphic depiction of the subsurface soil layer in the longitudinal direction
aims to obtain an overview of the location, depth and distribution of the aquifer from each
review area (Kabaputen Capital District). From the results of the depiction, it can be seen
that the type of soil layer on the surface, the waterproof zone/layer which is the layer
before the aquifer, the depth of the aquifer, the slope and the location of the aquifer along
the longitudinal cut plane.
In general, for the eight districts that have been geoelectric surveys, the position of
the aquifer is at a depth of more than 150 m below the ground level, even for some districts
Semuel Rorrong, Wika Matana Nion, Erwin, M. Suliswanto, Riswandy Loly Paseru
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6380
the position of the aquifer can be identified at a depth of 200 m below the ground level,
such as Pegunungan Bintang Regency while for some districts such as Jayawijaya,
Tolikara and Central Mamberamo Regencies there is surface groundwater with a depth
of less than 50 m (detailed data can be seen in the data groundwater potential in each
district and drill point recommendations).
For the next time, the depth and position of the aquifer can be seen in figure 8 longitudinal
pieces of geoelectric test results in Pegunungan Bintang Regency.
Figure 8. Layout of Long Section Geoelectric in Pegunungan Bintang Regency
From the results of the depiction, it can be seen that the type of soil layer on the surface,
the waterproof zone/layer which is the layer before the aquifer, the depth of the aquifer,
the slope and the location of the aquifer along the longitudinal cut plane. In general, the
position of the aquifer in the Bintang Mountains district is at a depth of more than 200 m
below the ground level.
Identification of the Position of Subsurface Aquifers and the Distribution of Groundwater Level
Depth in Oksibil District, Pegunungan Bintang Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6381
Figure 9. Longitudinal Cut of Geoelectric in Pegunungan Bintang Regency
This study conducted in Pegunungan Bintang Regency, specifically in Oksibil
District, reveals significant insights into groundwater potential. The research identified
that only the Kabiding location contains a free aquifer, with a thickness ranging from 0
to 40 meters below ground level. Other locations, such as Arinkop, Oksibil Airport,
Dabolding Office, and Oksibil Regent Office, lack free aquifers but possess pressurized
aquifers at depths varying between 125 and 300 meters. The thickness of these
pressurized aquifers ranges from 20 to 85 meters.
The research highlights the challenging conditions for surface water availability in
most parts of Pegunungan Bintang Regency. However, the findings offer valuable
contributions to groundwater resource management by providing detailed mapping of
aquifer locations and depths. The utilization of advanced geophysical methods, such as
the AIDU Golden Rod instrument, underscores the potential for precise subsurface
exploration. This study establishes a foundation for future research and practical
applications aimed at optimizing groundwater use and addressing water scarcity
challenges in remote and topographically complex regions.
Semuel Rorrong, Wika Matana Nion, Erwin, M. Suliswanto, Riswandy Loly Paseru
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6382
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