Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi: p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609

e-ISSN : 2745-5254

Vol. 2, No. 4 April 2021


Angela M.Sihotang, Friskila Sitanggang, Novitriani Hasugian and Fachri Yunanda

Universitas Prima Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


This article discusses grammatical error in social media post. The objectives are to investigate the types of common errors by social media users. By describing the dominant errors and also elaborate on the reason why social media users did the errors on their posts. The design of this research was descriptive qualitative the subject of this study consisted of 30 akum social media users, 15 from facebook and 15 from instagram. Author make social media as a samples. Findings show that there were some types of errors such as ommision 10 (33,3%), addition 4 (13,3%), misordering 7 (23,3%), misformation 9 (30%). Thus ommision is the dominant type found. Errors occur because social media users do not understand the structure of language and writing English correctly. in addition, users often make errors in their post, sometimes only as a style and aiming for rumors but without realizing it causes fatal irregularities. A part from that the curiosity of social media users in understanding English is still lacking.

Keyword: Grammatical; errors; social media


Indonesian people seem to have problems in mastering English grammar because of the slight difference between English and Indonesian language. This is one of the factors which lead them to make errors either in spoken or in written. Any grammatical errors are caused by learners’ lack of English language, especially in grammar, and their grammar tests are indicated lower than the standard minimum score (Hudri, 2017). In addition, their mother tongue always interfere them in practicing English as Foreign Language. Consequently they should be aware of those grammatical errors and do something to avoid them by doing some correction (Brown, 2000). states that error is noticeable deviation from adult grammar or native speaker reflecting the inter language competence of learner, while mistake refers to performance factor such as: memory, limitation, spelling fatigue, and emotional strain. The identification of errors is a result from lack of knowledge of the rules of the language.

Talking about error, it must be related to mistake. Most people think that error and mistake are similar and they usually cannot differ both of them. In the linguistic point of view errors and mistakes are different. The people who make a mistake are able to recognize the mistakes and able to make them correct while error is systematic. It is likely to occur repeatedly and is not recognized by them. Error may function as an evaluation to measure, the mastery of a language (Ellis, 2008). states that error dr is a lack of knowledge and mistake is the learners’ posse’s knowledge of the correct form and it is just slipping up (Foster, 2005). stated that an error is an individual language user’s deviation from standard language norms in grammar, syntax, pronunciation and punctuation. Language learning and language error cannot be separated each other. Language error always occurs in the language learning process. Most people tend to make errors when they learn a foreign language. People learning foreign language may have some confusion to recognize it because of the interferences of their mother tongue. Besides, (Setiyadi et al., 2016) state that language learners whose mother tongue have no tenses tend to have more difficulties in learning a target language which has some complicated tenses such as English and their L1 (bahasa Indonesia) does not imposes such rules of tenses (Arindri, 2014).

In this increasingly sophisticated era, science and technology cannot be separated with English, especially social media. Every body seems to have them such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. The social media users tend to apply English while uploading something as their posts. They feel a very high pride if they post them in English. However, because of their lack of grammar, their post sounds funny and awkward.

In social media users do not escape from posts on every account they have, both Facebook and Instagram accounts. In Indonesia playing social media has become a priority. Social media that are trending in Indonesian society are facebook and instgaram where many people use this media for entertainment or communication media with other people. Facebook is a social networking site that allows users to interact with other users around the world. Facebook has become the largest social networking site today. There are so many benefits of Facebook that we can use such as making old friends, being a promotional medium, a place to establish relationships and entertainment through videos, social media is a form of interactive educational media that allows two-way interaction and feedback (Kent, 2013). (Wati & Rizky, 5 C.E.) Facebook is a social network that can be used by users to get to know each other and communicate for various purposes and is also recreational.This social media, which was launched on February 4, 2020 by Mark Zuckerberg, is very helpful for many people to communicate, as a means of entertainment or a field to make money (Komputer, 2009).

Not only the case of facebook, many people also use instagram as a medium of communication, ig is a giant social media that many people already know even though it's still young, the same thing as using facebook, instagram is also used to share photos or videos and what's new from instagram is an instastory or sharing video with good and interesting filters (Dwi, 2012). Ig is a photography-based social networking service which means the ease of taking and viewing photos which can then be sent or shared with others. This type of social media is also known to be a little more prestigious than Facebook.

Using English is not solely as entertaiment or styles, but there are also rules, but in the fact that there are many social media users who use foreign language carelessly, so that sometimes it becomes a joke or even cause misunderstanding because users do not use the approptiate grammatical accordingly, so readers may be wrong in interpreting these posts.

Being able to use a foreign language is indeed great but it is great to use it properly and correctly, according to predetermined elements. English is an international language that is reasonable to be interested learned be the general public, but it would be wiser when we use it with right grammar.

The scope of this study is only about the grammatical error in media social that is facebook and Instagram. The author has researched 30 social media users from September to November and found grammatical errors in their posts. The author analyzes the status with all posts without classifying social media users and the data is obtained randomly (Zulbeni, 2017). With the holding of this research, it is because many social media users use inaccurate English so that there are many irregularities and this research was carried out to rectify the mistakes of social media user posts.

The objective of study from this research is: (1) To find out types of grammatical do on social media users make in their post (2) To find out the dominant error the social media users do.

The significant of the study is: (a) The results of this study are expected to be useful for readers and social media users in using English in their posts, both Facebook and Instagram users (b) For the author, the results of this study are very useful to increase knowledge about grammatical errors and broaden horizons in researching the use of English, as well as a final project in completing lectures.

Metode Penelitian

The design of this research was descriptive qualitative. It was conducted by collecting data in the form of the users’ post at social media i.e. Facebook and Instagram. In this case, this study was intended to reveal whether errors often appear in social media such as tenses, active passive, misuse of nouns and etc. The subject of this research where the social media users which consisted of 30 peoples. The data were randomly taken from September- November 2020, in which they made their posts in their facebook or instagram. The data collecting instrument was conducted by using qualitative data, the writer used at their mobile phone to check and observe Facebook and Instagram posts. Then the writer prepared to make them into data or document.

In collecting data, the researcher applied several procedures. They are

After collecting data, the researcher analyzed the users’ grammar errors. The purpose of this study was to find out the types of the users’ errors made in their posts.. Data analysis was carried out by the author to determine the types of errors. Then the findings data are anlyzed to describe everything clearly. In analyzing people errors there are several procedures that the author does, namely as follows:

Result And Discussion

Based on the results of previous researchers there are several types of errors in grammar, the author will describe the types and meanings of errors.

Omission is the error of leaving out an item that is require for an utterance to be consider grammatical, for example: There is picture on the wall. This sentence leaves out an article “a” that must be added before the word picture. Addition is the opposite of the omission. This error happen due to the occurrence of element that does not need to exist. For example: Men who hit you him is Andy. This sentence should be “Men who hit you is Andy”. Misordering is the error of putting the words in utterance in the wrong order. For example: “She will come evening tomorrow”. This sentence has the wrong order of adverb of time “evening tomorrow”. It must be change becomes: “She will come tomorrow evening”.Misformation is marked by the use of wrong morphemes and structures where the user using one grammatical form in place of another grammatical form. In this case, a learner provides a sentence which grammatically incorrect in English. For example: The dog eated the chicken. This sentence should be “ The dog ate the chicken”.

The aouthor get 30 post from social media namely from facebook and instagram and classifying every error the same. After analyzing 30 post from social media there are 15 post from facebook and 15 post from instagram. There are 30 errors found which consist of omission error 33,3%, misordering 23,3%, misformation 30%, addition error 13,3%.

The results from the post on facebook and instagram shown that the four types of error were drawn in table 1.

Table 1.

The average of four types of errors.









Omission Addition Misordering Misformation TOTAL






33,3 %

13,3 %

23,3 %

30 %


Below as an explanation of some examples of errors from the results of social media user posts, of the 30 examples the author will onl explain one example of each type of error.

Error : I not interesting in anyone at the moment

Correction : I am not interesting in anyone at the moment

the correctly sentence should be added am before not. The type of error in this post is omission.

Error : I am a girls who like to be notice

Correction : I am a girl who like to be notice

the correctly sentence is “girls” should be change becomes “girl”. The type of error in this post is Addition

Error : One of part life

Correction : One part of life

the corretly in the layout namely the word “of part” becomes “part of”. The type of error in this post is misordering.

Error : They killed me longtime ago, me feelings

Correction : They killed me longtime ago, my feelings

The correctly is “Me must be change to My before of feelings. The type of error in this post is Misformation.

From the results above, the aouthors conclude that the most frequent error made by social media users is omission with 33,3% percentage.


Based on te results of the analysis, the author concluded that social media users on facebook and instagram make grammatical error there are 4 types namely omission, addition, misordering and misformation. Based on the result of the present analysis from 30 post of facebook and instagram there are 5 kinds of errors that the author founds. Namely omission 33,3%, addition 13,3%, misordering 23,3%, misformation 30%, It is conclude that the erros that occur more frequently in social media users are omission with 33,3%. Furthermore, from the results of the analysis,the author found several reasons for the mistakes made by social media users among others following the trend to make it look bravo, lack of vocabulary in English, lack of understanding of grammar, little curiosity to know about language.

Social media users, especially facebook and Instagram should be more careful in posting status and be more familiar with grammar rules. Social media users encourage themselves to be more through and learn more in new things. If we have experienced a failure in grammatical errors, we must be more active in improving and increasing our interest in learning and our interest in learning and our sense of english, especially grammar.For readers more selective when translate all post if its using English, and be the wise readers and try to make the best post with the good words and the good grammatical.

The results of this study can be used as a comparison and reference material for research and can be used as material for consideration so that further research can deepen.


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