pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2989
The Role of Entrepreneurship Training on Business
Sustainability (Study on MSMEs Fostered by Rumah BUMN
Ryan Fazri Sidiq
, Azizah Fauziyah
, Ismail Yusuf
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
entrepreneurship training,
business sustainability,
The sustainability of Bandung City MSMEs businesses is an
important factor in reducing the problem of unemployment
levels and improving the economy of Bandung City. Rumah
BUMN Bandung is one of the government's efforts to
support the sustainability of Bandung City MSMEs
businesses. This research aims to find out how much
influence entrepreneurship training has on the business
sustainability of MSMEs fostered by Rumah BUMN
Bandung. This research focuses on 96 MSMEs fostered by
Rumah BUMN Bandung who have actively participated in
training, programs or events at Rumah BUMN Bandung at
least 3 times. This study using survey method with a
descriptive and verification quantitative approach. Data
collection was carried out through distributing
questionnaires and literature studies. The data analysis
technique for this research uses simple linear regression
analysis. In Addition, t-test and coefficient of determination
were used to test the influence of entrepreneurship training
on business sustainability. This research shows that
Entrepreneurship Training can influence around 79.3% of
the sustainability of UMKN businesses guided by Rumah
BUMN Bandung, while 20.7% of the sustainability of
UMKM businesses fostered by Rumah BUMN Bandung can
be influenced by other factors such as managerial,
innovative aspects and external support.
Business sustainability is one of the important aspects in the development of
micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). In a highly competitive era of
globalization, MSMEs must be able to survive and develop to support the national
economy. Business sustainability does not only mean continuing to exist but also means
improving the quality and competitiveness of the business (Indrajaya et al., 2022),
therefore, MSMEs can make a more significant contribution to the welfare of the
Ryan Fazri Sidiq, Azizah Fauziyah, Ismail Yusuf
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2990
community and the economy of Indonesia as a whole. MSMEs contribute significantly to
the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and labour absorption (Asri et al., 2023).
Through the Press on August 24, 2023, Haryo Limanseto as Head of the
Communication Bureau of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy said that MSMEs
also contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 61%, or equivalent to IDR 9,580
trillion, besides that MSMEs also contribute to the absorption of labour by 97% of the
total workforce (Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, 2024). Bambang Tirto
Yuliono as the Acting Mayor of Bandung stated that through the data he got from the
Bandung City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Office, in the city of
Bandung 10,181 MSMEs consist of culinary, 40.9 per cent, services (10.1 per cent),
handicrafts (6.7 per cent), fashion (16 per cent), and others (26.2 per cent) and of the total,
able to absorb as many as 26,226 workers, with a turnover of around Rp 1.3 trillion
(Fauziyah, 2024). This indicates that the government needs to maintain and improve the
business sustainability of MSMEs in the city of Bandung because the sustainability of the
MSME business in Bandung City has proven to have a positive impact on reducing the
problem of unemployment by absorbing labour and improving the economy of the city of
Business sustainability is defined as the ability of a business to continue to exist and
develop in the long term without sacrificing environmental and social quality. This
concept includes financial, operational, and social aspects. Financial sustainability means
the ability of a business to maintain revenue and financial performance (Sukaharsono &
Andayani, 2021). Operational sustainability means the ability of a business to continue
operating effectively and efficiently (Wahyuni et al., 2020). Social sustainability means
the ability of businesses to provide benefits to the community and the surrounding
environment (Yusuf & Prayogi, 2020).
According to Elkington (1998) in his book entitled Cannibals with Forks: The
Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business (Elkington & Rowlands, 1999), Business
sustainability needs to consider three main dimensions, namely profit (economic
sustainability), people (social sustainability), and planet (environmental sustainability)
(Jeurissen, 2000), therefore, the author interprets that business sustainability refers to the
ability of a business to continue to survive and develop in the long term by considering
economic, environmental, and social aspects. The sustainability of MSMEs is also related
to the capacity to innovate (Endris & Kassegn, 2022).Octasylva et al., (2022) in their
research entitled Innovativeness as the Key to MSMEs' Performances reinforce this
statement by stating that in a competitive environment, the performance of MSMEs will
depend heavily on their ability to innovate Business sustainability can last for a long time
by looking at the social and environmental aspects of the community around the company
(Mushowirotun, 2020).
The economic aspect (profit) is the process of allocating and maintaining business
resources efficiently and responsibly and providing a good social and environmental
impact in the long term (Grigonyte, 2016). Indicators that can be used to strengthen the
profit aspect are Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Flexibility (Kodrat, 2008). The social
The Role of Entrepreneurship Training on Business Sustainability (Study on MSMEs Fostered
by Rumah BUMN Bandung)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2991
aspect (people) refers to the similarity of social backgrounds, needs, services, income and
job equality (Hendrawan et al., 2023). Indicators that can be used to measure the people
aspect are Welfare, Health, and Safety (Kodrat, 2008). The environmental (planetary)
aspect is the ability of organizations to regulate and control hazards that arise from
processes, products and business models in the environment (Pogutz et al., 2011).
indicators that can be used to measure aspects of the planet are Environmental quality and
disturbances (Kodrat, 2008).
During the researcher's observation on the stairs from October 20, 2023 to January
20, 2024 at Rumah BUMN Bandung, the researcher often paid attention to complaints
and questions submitted by MSME owners during the implementation of
entrepreneurship training at Rumah BUMN Bandung, the researcher found that there are
still many MSMEs fostered by Rumah BUMN Bandung that are experiencing difficulties
in various aspects of supporting business sustainability from an economic perspective,
such as capital, difficulties in marketing products digitally, managing financial data
collection, product development innovation, business legality, and other problems related
to social and environmental aspects. Based on an interview with the coordinator of Rumah
BUMN Bandung on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, he explained that currently many trainings
have been carried out to improve entrepreneurial competence for its fostered partners, but
there has never been a survey or research on the influence of entrepreneurship training on
business sustainability for MSMEs who have become fostered members of Rumah
BUMN Bandung.
Regarding the problems experienced by MSMEs, the factors that affect the
sustainability of MSME businesses are very diverse and complex. namely: 1).
Entrepreneurship Training; Entrepreneurship training can improve the competence and
quality of human resources in MSMEs, therefore, MSMEs can be more effective in facing
competitive challenges and improving financial and operational performance (Agustin &
Setiawardani, 2022), 2). Access to Marketing; Broad and effective marketing access is
essential to increase MSME sales and revenue (Nst et al., 2023). By using online media
and modern marketing strategies, MSMEs can reach a wider market and increase
competitiveness (Djaniar et al., 2023), 3). Access to Capital; Easy and cheap access to
capital is very important to finance operations and business expansion. Capital assistance
from financial institutions can help MSMEs in developing their businesses (Mahardika,
2020), 4). Mentoring and Mentoring: Effective mentoring and mentoring can help
MSMEs in facing operational and strategic challenges. With the help of experienced
officers (Setyowati, 2023).
Based on the factors in the first point, entrepreneurship training not only aims to
improve the business knowledge and skills of MSME actors but also to encourage
innovation and sustainable competitiveness (Hakim et al., 2024). The training aims to
develop a person's behavioural patterns in the field of knowledge, skills, or attitudes
through various instructional or experiential methods to achieve the desired standard
(Robinson & Lee, 2011). In addition, the knowledge, skills and abilities possessed by
business actors are one of the main capital to obtain business sustainability (Widiastuti,
Ryan Fazri Sidiq, Azizah Fauziyah, Ismail Yusuf
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2992
2019), therefore, training can be understood as education for the development of human
resources in the field of knowledge and skills so that they can be utilized optimally.
Entrepreneurship is the process of creating, developing, and managing business ventures
to generate profits (Pratono & Sutanti, 2016). For MSMEs, entrepreneurship is essential
for sustainability, as it allows businesses to identify and exploit new opportunities
(Hendrawan et al., 2023).
In the context of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship training can be understood as
a process that aims to transfer knowledge and skills from one party to another. The goal
is to improve the motivation, attitude, behaviour, and ability of individuals in managing
a business or to find, create, and apply work methods in business activities to achieve
higher profits. Of the various approaches that exist, the most effective training
implementation is the one that emphasizes the use of participatory methods (Rasyad,
The variables of entrepreneurship training are measured by 5 indicators, namely
knowledge and skill transfer, increasing enthusiasm, improving attitudes and behaviours,
improving business capabilities, and implementing effective work methods (Londo et al.,
As stated in the rules listed in (Peraturan Daerah Kota Bandung Nomor 8 Tahun
2023 Tentang Kemudahan, Pemberdayaan, Pengembangan, Pengawasan Dan
Perlindungan Koperasi Dan Usaha Mikro - JDIH Kota Bandung, 2013.), in addition to
providing funding programs, the government is also obliged to facilitate, protect, and
empower micro businesses and provide education and training programs relevant to
entrepreneurship to support the sustainability of MSME businesses in the city of
Bandung. Through the Ministry of Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), the government
established an MSME development house called Rumah BUMN Bandung. Currently,
there are 251 Rumah BUMNs that have been actively operating in Indonesia (Salwa,
2024) and one of them is in the city of Bandung. Rumah BUMN Bandung is actively
guiding MSMEs in the form of increasing entrepreneurial competence through MSME
training programs provided in various topics such as social media management, digital
marketing, export activities, and other skill development. It is recorded that there are
around 2300 MSMEs registered as active fosters of Rumah BUMN Bandung. These
MSMEs consist of various categories such as fashion, services, handicrafts, food and
beverages, etc.
In this context, Rumah BUMN Bandung plays the role of the main facilitator in
providing entrepreneurship training for its fostered MSMEs. This study focuses on
analyzing the role of entrepreneurship training provided by Rumah BUMN on the
business sustainability of MSMEs fostered by Rumah BUMN Bandung to find out how
much influence the entrepreneurship training programs that have been organized by
Rumah BUMN Bandung City on the MSMEs fostered, therefore, in this study, the author
will test how effective Rumah BUMN Bandung is in providing and implementing various
entrepreneurship training programs that are carried out with technical 30% material and
70% practice.
The Role of Entrepreneurship Training on Business Sustainability (Study on MSMEs Fostered
by Rumah BUMN Bandung)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2993
Research Methods
The research method used in the implementation of this study is a survey with a
quantitative, descriptive, and verifiable approach to find out and describe the
phenomenon to find out the relationship and how the influence of entrepreneurship
training (X) on business sustainability (Y).
The population contained in this study is as many as 2300 MSMEs actively fostered
by Rumah BUMN Bandung. The method used to determine the sample is the Slovin
formula with a significance level of 10%, so that as many as 96 out of 2300 MSMEs
actively fostered by Rumah BUMN Bandung who meet the criteria have and actively
participated in training, programs, or events at Rumah BUMN Bandung at least 3 times.
The data collection techniques in this study include a). questionnaires; namely
several written questions used to obtain information about entrepreneurship training and
business sustainability through each indicator used to measure these variables, then
instructing respondents to fill out a questionnaire. b). Literature study; It is used to collect
theoretical foundations and information related to entrepreneurship and business
sustainability training as well as other information relevant and related to this research.
Measurement of research variables; The measurement scale varies, the simple scale is one
of the scales used to measure several characteristics. The criteria in the Likert Scale
(Sunyoto, 2015) used are ordinal, namely, the number given contains the meaning of the
Table 1
Shoes Scale Likert
Answer Criteria
Score Scale
Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
Data analysis techniques are carried out by conducting a classical assumption test
first as a condition for continuing data analysis using regression analysis (Nurcahya et al.,
2024). Furthermore, a t-test was carried out to test the significance of the relationship
between the entrepreneurial training variable (X) and business sustainability (Y) and the
r square test to measure the proportion or presentation of contributions from all
independent variables (X) contained in the regression model to the bound variable (Y).
The hypotheses used in this study are:
Entrepreneurship training has no positive or negative effect on the
sustainability of MSMEs businesses fostered by Rumah BUMN
Ryan Fazri Sidiq, Azizah Fauziyah, Ismail Yusuf
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2994
Entrepreneurship training has a positive and significant effect on
the sustainability of MSMEs businesses fostered by Rumah BUMN
Results and Discussion
Test Research Instruments
The validity test conducted on variables X and Y showed that the 65 statements
in this research questionnaire were declared valid.
The reliability test indicated that the Cronbach's Alpha value exceeded 0.6 for
both variables X and Y, therefore, variables X and Y in this study were considered
Descriptive Statistical Analysis x
xTable 2 Results of Descriptive Statistical Analysisx
Transfer of
knowledge and
attitudes and
An indicator will be categorized as good when the mean value is greater than the
The results of the descriptive statistical analysis in Table 2 show that in the
entrepreneurship training variable, there are three indicators classified as good: Transfer
of knowledge and skills with a mean value of 4.53, Increasing enthusiasm with a mean
value of 4.61, and Improving attitudes and behaviors with a mean value of 4.5.
The Role of Entrepreneurship Training on Business Sustainability (Study on MSMEs Fostered
by Rumah BUMN Bandung)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2995
Meanwhile, the other two indicators fall into the poor category: Improving business
capability with a mean value of 4.44 and Applying effective work methods with a mean
value of 4.34.
For the business sustainability variable, there are four indicators categorized as
good: Effectiveness with a mean of 4.50, Flexibility with a mean of 4.55, Environmental
quality with a mean of 4.47, and Disturbances with a mean of 4.36. On the other hand,
the remaining four indicators fall into the poor category: Efficiency with a mean value of
4.27, Welfare with a mean of 4.16, Health with a mean of 4.10, and Safety with a mean
of 4.17.
Classical Assumption Test
Normality Testx
Table 3 Kolmogorov Smirnov Test Results
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Normal Parameters
Std. Deviation
Most Extreme Differences
Test Statistic
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
a. Test distribution is Normal.x
b. Calculated from data.x
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.x
Table 3 shows the significance value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of 0.079,
meaning that the residual value is normally distributed, because the value obtained is
higher than the α significance limit of 0.05. Based on the calculation results from the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, it can be confirmed that the data meet the criteria for the linear
regression test, by statistical theory that supports the use of normally distributed data for
regression analysis.
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Linearity Test
Table 4 Anova Test Results
Sum of
Sustainability *
Deviation from
Within Groups
Based on the results of the analysis that has been shown in Table 3, there is an F
value of 13,700 with a significance level of 0.000. Since the significance level is lower
than α (0.05), the null hypothesis is acceptable. This is in line with the requirements for
the linear regression test marked by the linear relationship of the X variable to Y,
therefore, the regression model can be used to predict the participation variable or in other
words there is an influence of the Entrepreneurship Training variable (X) on the Business
Sustainability variable (Y).
Glejser Heteroskedasticity Test x
X Table 5 Heteroscedasticity Test Results x
Std. Error
p Training
a. Dependent Variable: abs_res
The Glejser test was tested for heteroscedasticity. The entrepreneurship training
variable (X) has a significant value of 0.163 > 0.05 in the Glejser test, so the conclusion
is that there are no symptoms of heteroscedasticity in the regression model.
The Role of Entrepreneurship Training on Business Sustainability (Study on MSMEs Fostered
by Rumah BUMN Bandung)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2997
Hypothesis Test
Simple Linear Regression Test
Table 6 Simple Linear Regression Test Results
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
ship Training
a. Dependent Variable: Business Sustainability
= 𝑎+𝑏X
= 7,022 + 1,495X
The value of the constant a shows a value of 7.022, meaning that if there is no
change in the independent variable (the value of X is 0), then the value of the dependent
variable (Y) is 7.022.
The value of the regression coefficient of variable X (Entrepreneurship Training) is
1.495 is a positive value, so if entrepreneurship training increases by 1 value, then
business sustainability will increase by 1.495. This means that when entrepreneurship
training is good, business sustainability will increase.
Table 7 T-Test Results
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Business Sustainability
From Table 7, it is known that the Sig. value for the (partial) influence of the
entrepreneurship training variable (X) on business sustainability (Y) is 0.000 < 0.05 and
the t-value is calculated at 18.986 > t table 1.291 so it can be concluded that the
entrepreneurial training variable (X) has a significant positive effect on the business
Ryan Fazri Sidiq, Azizah Fauziyah, Ismail Yusuf
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2998
sustainability variable (Y). The t-count value shows a positive influence marked by a
positive number, meaning that entrepreneurship training (X) has a great influence on
business sustainability.
Coefficient of Determination
Tabel 8 Tabel Koefisien Determinasi
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Entrepreneurship Training
Table 8 shows the correlation value (R) of 0.891. From this output, a coefficient of
determination (R Square) of 0.793 was obtained, which indicates that entrepreneurship
training has an effect of 79.3% on the sustainability of MSME businesses fostered by
Rumah BUMN Bandung City, while 20.7% of the business sustainability of MSMEs
fostered by Rumah BUMN can be evaluated by other factors such as managerial,
innovative, and external support aspects (Yanti et al., 2018).
The results of the data analysis showed that the entrepreneurship training variable
had a positive and significant effect on business sustainability in MSMEs fostered by
Rumah BUMN Bandung. Thus, the hypothesis that entrepreneurship training has a
positive and significant effect on the sustainability of MSME businesses fostered by
Rumah BUMN Bandung is accepted. The determination coefficient test showed that
entrepreneurship training had an effect of 79.3% on the sustainability of MSME
businesses fostered by Rumah BUMN Bandung City, while 20.7% of the sustainability
of MSME businesses fostered by Rumah BUMN could be assessed by other factors such
as managerial, innovative, and external support aspects (Yanti et al., 2018).
In a previous study, Irawati (2018) showed that there is an influence both
simultaneously and partially between training and coaching on small business
development. In this study, the results of the hypothesis test show that training has a
positive impact on the development of MSMEs. This finding is supported by research by
Rizky, Kusumadewi, and Saefulloh (2022) which discusses the influence of training and
entrepreneurial characteristics on the development of MSMEs in the Cigugur District.
The results of the study revealed that training contributed positively and significantly to
the development of MSMEs by 10.28%, and entrepreneurial characteristics had a positive
influence of 9.05%. This data shows that overall, there is a positive and significant
influence between training and entrepreneurial characteristics on the development of
MSMEs, with training making a greater contribution.
The knowledge and skill transfer indicator for the entrepreneurship training variable
is included in the good category with a mean value of 4.53, meaning that Rumah BUMN
The Role of Entrepreneurship Training on Business Sustainability (Study on MSMEs Fostered
by Rumah BUMN Bandung)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2999
Bandung helps the development of knowledge and skills of its fostered MSMEs through
entrepreneurship training that is held regularly. Knowledge and skills are important
factors in improving the sustainability of MSME businesses (Istinganah & Widiyanto, 2020)
The indicator of increasing enthusiasm for the entrepreneurship training variable is
included in the good category with a mean value of 4.61, meaning that through
entrepreneurship training that is held regularly, Rumah BUMN Bandung provides
enthusiasm to its fostered MSMEs. A sense of enthusiasm will encourage MSMEs to
continue learning and strive to maintain the sustainability of their business, this is
supported by Aswani (2022) who in his research stated that enthusiasm has the function
of encouraging humans to act and have determination and always believe that goals can
be achieved.
The indicator of improving attitudes and behaviours for entrepreneurship training
variables is included in the good category with a mean value of 4.50, meaning that
entrepreneurship training at Rumah BUMN provides a positive perspective regarding the
importance of entrepreneurial attitudes for MSMEs to realize sustainable businesses. In
her research, Octavia (2015) said that entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurial
competencies are proven to have a positive effect on business success.
Indicators of improving business capabilities and implementing effective work
methods used to measure entrepreneurial training variables are included in the poor
category. The indicator of improving business capabilities has a mean value of 4.44 and
the indicator of implementing effective work has a mean value of 4.34. This is because
the business ability is more influenced by internal factors such as motivation, age,
experience, and education (Anggraeni, 2017), while in the indicators of implementing
effective work, several calculations are needed in terms of labour management and the
deepening of various work methods or SOPs that are by their business activities
(Simanjuntak & Hernita, 2008).
The effectiveness indicator used to measure the variables of business sustainability
in the economic aspect is included in the good category with a mean value of 4.50,
meaning that entrepreneurship training on the topic of business effectiveness (financial,
operational, etc.) can help the sustainability of MSME businesses fostered by Rumah
BUMN Bandung. This is reinforced by research (Naufal & Purwanto, 2022) which reveals
that MSMEs will survive in the long term if they have financial insights and good
(effective) business decisions.
The efficiency indicator used to measure the variables of business sustainability in
the economic aspect (profit) is included in the poor category with a mean value of 4.36,
meaning that entrepreneurship training at Rumah BUMN Bandung has not had much
impact on the business efficiency of its fostered MSMEs. In this case, a sustainable
business incubation program is needed from Rumah BUMN Bandung to optimize the
business efficiency of MSMEs fostered by Rumah BUMN Bandung. This is supported
by Irawan, (2018) who stated that business assistance will have a positive impact on the
strengthening and managerial efficiency of MSMEs.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3000
The flexibility indicator used to measure business sustainability variables in the
economic aspect is included in the good category with a mean value of 4.55, meaning that
the training on the topics of product innovation, marketing, and market opportunity
analysis organized by Rumah BUMN Bandung ran effectively. This is reinforced by
Herman & Nohong (2022) who stated that product innovation, networking, and optimal
market competition can help the development of MSMEs.
In the social aspect (people). Business sustainability is measured using 3 indicators,
namely; 1). Welfare which gets a mean value of 4.16, 2). health (health) mean value of
4.10, and 3). safety which received a mean value of 4.17. Each of these indicators is
classified as a poor category, meaning that the training on the topic of human resource
management organized by Rumah BUMN Bandung is running less effectively. This is
because training on K3 has not been held so often at Rumah BUMN Bandung. According
to (Mulyani et al., 2019) in their research related to the Implementation of Occupational
Health and Safety (K3), to ensure a sense of safety and comfort for employees in working
at each job and creating a healthy and prosperous society and environment, businesses
need to implement occupational health and safety standards. In addition to the company's
obligations, the health, safety, and welfare of employees are very valuable company
investments to ensure the productivity of workers or workers.
In the environmental (planet) aspect, business sustainability is measured through 2
indicators, namely; 1). Environmental quality which gets a mean value of 4.47, and 2).
Disturbances are included in the good category with a mean value of 4.36, meaning that
the training on the topic of human resource management organized by Rumah BUMN
Bandung is running less effectively. This is supported by Utami's research (2020), that
production activities of business actors must pay attention to environmental aspects to
stay healthy and avoid waste that can pollute clean water and odours that pollute the air.
The results of the study reveal that entrepreneurship training can increase potential
and have a positive impact on business sustainability. This indicates that the
entrepreneurship training carried out by Rumah BUMN Bandung is effective in
increasing the potential and has a positive impact on the sustainability of MSMEs'
businesses fostered by Rumah BUMN Bandung.
The result of this study is entrepreneurship training has a positive and significant
effect on the sustainability of MSME businesses fostered by Rumah BUMN Bandung
was accepted. Through the results of the calculation of the determination coefficient (R
Square), it can be concluded that entrepreneurship training has an effect of 79.3% on the
sustainability of MSME businesses fostered by Rumah BUMN Bandung. This shows that
entrepreneurship training is the main factor that affects the sustainability of MSME
businesses in this field. In addition, the results of the study also show that 20.7% of the
sustainability of MSME businesses fostered by Rumah BUMN Bandung City can be
influenced by other factors such as managerial, innovative, and external support aspects.
The Role of Entrepreneurship Training on Business Sustainability (Study on MSMEs Fostered
by Rumah BUMN Bandung)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3001
This research implies that if the MSMEs fostered by Rumah BUMN Bandung
participate in entrepreneurship training, their business sustainability will increase.
However, to optimize the increase in business sustainability of the fostered MSMEs,
Rumah BUMN Bandung must improve the indicators that are categorized as poor in the
business sustainability variable. If improvements and refinements are made to the
welfare, health, and safety (K3) indicators, then Rumah BUMN Bandung will help its
fostered MSMEs to strengthen all aspects of their business sustainability in the economic
aspect (profit), social aspect (people), and environmental aspect (planet). If
improvements and refinements to the welfare, health, and safety (K3) indicators are not
made, then Rumah BUMN Bandung only helps its fostered MSMEs to strengthen
business sustainability in its economic (profit) and environmental (planet) aspects.
Through this study, researchers recommend that Rumah BUMN Bandung increase
the intensity of entrepreneurship training with topics related to human resource
management and K3 to increase the effectiveness of entrepreneurship training on business
sustainability from the social aspect (people). Then the author also recommends Rumah
BUMN Bandung to always maintain excellence in accordance with the indicators that
have previously been tested. The author hopes that MSMEs will take advantage of various
access facilities and programs provided by the government such as entrepreneurship
training from Rumah BUMN Bandung so that their businesses can grow and be
Ryan Fazri Sidiq, Azizah Fauziyah, Ismail Yusuf
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3002
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