pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3162
Implementation of "Room of Batik"Android Game Design
Sigit winarso
, Joko Priono
, Wilhelmus Filianto
Sekolah Tinggi Multi Media (MMTC) Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: batik, escape
room game, android.
The Batik motif is one of its main characteristics. From this
point on, the creation of a game based on a strategy to restore
confidence in the previously lost batik. Based on the
aforementioned curriculum, "Perancangan Game "Room Of
Batik" Berbasis Android Sebagai Media Pembelajaran
Batik" was created. It is hoped that games with a batik theme
can enliven young people and increase their interest in local
customs, particularly batik. This game will be developed
using the Unity game engine and will be targeted at the
Android platform, which is now the most widely used
platform. The purpose of this platform's use is to increase
gameplay among more people, hence increasing the number
of users who may access the relevant game.
Batik is a fabric that is decorated with a variety of ornaments or special motifs. The
barrier dyeing technique is used to give batik specifically, with a colour barrier
represented by night, which is a substance that is insoluble in dye liquid (Astuti, Ernawati,
& Arifin, 2023). B. A. Hananto said that batik is a highly decorated object; More
precisely, batik is a highly decorated or patterned fabric, which happens through various
techniques (Imanda, 2022). According to Gratha B. batik is a cultural form that has been
torn; Traditional technology and sales can peak in modern technology and its association
with similar value chains. Continuing this tradition, UNESCO protects the heritage of
humanity in the form of Indonesia's batik (Fitriyani & Nita, 2021). On 2 October 2009,
UNESCO declared it a Heritage of Humanity for Oral and Intangible Cultures. UNESCO
states that this is the whole item that Indonesian batik is intended for, including the ideas
and creation of its geographical motifs (Arifin, Listyorini, & Fiati, 2015).
Other countries are very fond of Indonesian batik because of its spectacular motifs
and patterns making it a beautiful and meaningful work of art (Hidayah, Prihantoro, &
Fernandez, 2021). It is known that batik cloth has been worn by our ancestors and consists
of the current generation of the Indonesian nation. Batik developed rapidly during the
Surakarta and Yogyakarta Palaces (Saragi, 2018). At that time, each palace developed its
style so that an extraordinary variety of motifs, patterns and colours appeared. Bati was
Sigit winarso, Joko Priono, Wilhelmus Filianto
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3163
originally just a family outfit in the palace, but now it is very popular and used by people
in a daily fashion. Currently, various new cultures are circulating due to many influences
from outside so they are increasingly liked by the public. Batik is less popular in
Indonesian society of my generation compared to various clothes with different stickers
with western and foreign styles (Ainiyah, 2018). Usually, nowadays many people only
wear batik clothes at official events or on certain days. Batik motifs are also used in crafts
such as bags, wallets, pencil cases, and others, but their popularity in Indonesia is still
inferior to modern crafts. Therefore, the necessary efforts to preserve batik culture are
needed (Astini, 2020).
It is undeniable that the advancement of game technology is happening very rapidly
because it is the most popular type of information media. Some of the game categories
include action, shooting, adventure, casual, puzzle, and mystery. In addition, games also
have many benefits and can be used to support human life. Games can have potential in
advertising, education, and cultural preservation activities other than as an entertainment
medium (Rafiq, 2020).
A puzzle is a form of game where we are required to solve various puzzles. Logic,
pattern recognition, sequence solving, and word solving are some of the types of
challenges that can test your problem-solving skills. Puzzles are a very broad category
and can be further grouped into various subcategories. For example, there are action
puzzles that test the player's speed and accuracy, or hidden object puzzles that require
careful search skills to find these objects.
After understanding all the problems that have been described earlier, the game
"Batik Room" was designed. The game uses batik motifs as part of its gameplay and
environment, creating a unique mystery puzzle-solving experience. This game aims to
introduce and appreciate the beauty of batik culture to the modern audience so that it can
continue to be preserved. This creation is titled Game Design "Room of Batik," which is
based on the background of the problem.
Research Methods
This study uses the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) methodology as a
framework to develop and implement the Room of Batik game on the Android platform.
GDLC is an approach that involves a series of systematic phases of designing, developing,
and testing a game until it is released.
The stages followed in this study are:
1. Concept
At this stage, the basic idea of the Room of Batik game was developed. The concept
of the game, including the storyline, characters, and mechanics of the game, was
developed through discussions with the development team and was based on relevant
literature regarding educational games and batik culture. The study also analyzes user
needs through surveys and interviews to understand the preferences and expectations of
target users.
2. Pre-production
Implementation of "Room of Batik"Android Game Design
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3164
In the pre-production stage, a more detailed game design was developed. This
includes creating a Game Design Document (GDD) that includes visual details,
gameplay, rules, and game systems. This study uses document analysis techniques to
ensure that the proposed design meets quality standards and is relevant to the goals of
batik education.
3. Production
Researchers create games using game development software such as Unity and
Android Studio. This phase involves coding, creating graphics assets, sound, and
integrating game components. This process continues with unit testing to ensure each
component is functioning properly.
4. Testing
Testing is iterative and includes alpha and beta testing with a large number of
randomly selected users. This study uses field testing techniques to gather user feedback
regarding features, user interfaces, and gaming experiences. The data collected was
analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques to identify areas that need improvement.
5. Implementation (Release)
Once the testing is complete and the game is deemed feasible, the Room of Batik
game will be released on the Android platform. The study also included tracking user
acceptance of the game after its release by collecting data from user reviews and
download metrics.
6. Post-Production (Post-Production)
This phase deals with the maintenance of the game after release, such as bug fixes,
content updates, and the development of additional features based on user feedback. This
research will monitor and analyze user data to determine the effectiveness of games in
achieving batik education goals.
Results and Discussion
The game "Batik Puzzle" takes you to explore the batik culture of the archipelago
by focusing on motifs from Java, Cirebon, and Kalimantan. Various forms of culture
appear in this game. For example, in the puzzle, there are batik paintings that need to be
arranged and explanations can be found in the glossary. In addition, the statue also shows
traditional Kalimantan clothes that are decorated. They had to use Bornean weapons to
open the box.
A glossary is a feature that reveals information about cultural content discovered
by players at a certain level. From the beginning, the glossary only contained basic
knowledge about batik. However, whenever players discover a new culture, they will be
notified that the content in the glossary has increased and that the culture will be displayed
in its entirety with a brief explanation of it in the glossary.
In the "Room of Batik" Game, there is an achievement feature that features various
rewards as a reward for players who complete each level. Players are entitled to fifteen
achievements, and they can find information about them here. There are various ways to
Sigit winarso, Joko Priono, Wilhelmus Filianto
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3165
achieve achievements, some can be obtained by completing levels and others require the
use of special codes while playing.
Each level has an environment design that is adjusted to the area of origin of the
batik motif used. Each level will use a theme that matches the culture of the area. For
example, level 1 will carry the Javanese theme, while level 2 will use the Cirebon theme,
and level 3 will provide an experience with the atmosphere of Kalimantan. Along with
the number of people who own Android devices today, the rapid development of the
platform has made the spread of the game easier and more and more people can get to
know the culture that appears on it.
The game "Room of Batik" is specially designed for high school teenagers who are
interested in deepening their knowledge about batik and the culture of the archipelago
through the use of games. Although this game is considered difficult by those under that
age range, the game content itself is safe for children under the target age to play. log in
to the Android platform. This is expected to accelerate the spread of this game and
increase people's awareness of the culture it contains.
The game "Room of Batik" involves several stages before, during, and after
production. Before all other production processes are completed, the initial stage is to
design the game concept and document it in a design document. This game design
document serves as the foundation for the next steps of creation. Later, the use of Unity
software was used to prototype the game. After completing the prototype, we proceed
with the creation of assets both level and UI. Here are the details of the "Room Of Batik"
game-making process:
1. Concept Creation
In this pre-production stage, a concept was made that was needed in the making of
the game "Room of Batik". Starting from collecting data to be used as material and
managed in a concept of the game to be produced, after that we make the level flow
design, puzzle design, and other asset designs such as environments and backgrounds.
The beginning will be the collection of data that has been researched which will be
included in the GDD (Game Design Document) which is a document or book as the basic
material that contains all game concepts that have been carefully designed and will be
From this document, the designer will be easier to work with and is the basis for
making games so as not to deviate from the concept that has been designed. The next
stage that will be done is that all the concepts in the document will be discussed with team
members in the production process.
By conducting this discussion, the team members will know the level of ease to
difficulty during the production process later. If in this stage the content of the document
made is not by the other members, it will be re-discussed, in other words, the concept
again which is indeed my expectations with the results that have been discussed with the
team members.
Implementation of "Room of Batik"Android Game Design
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Gambar 1. Desain Rancangan Flowchart Game “Room of Batik”
2. Programming
Once the concept is ready, the programmer will start producing the game according
to the concept. At the beginning of its creation, the game was made in the form of a
prototype with mechanics according to the concept and temporary assets. This is done so
that the work can go hand in hand with the creation of other assets (Haniza, 2019).
The programming process in making the game "Room of Batik" uses the Unity
Game Engine, after the prototype is completed and other assets are also completed, then
the temporary assets used in the prototype are replaced with the assets that should be.
Figure 2. Unity view as you work
Sigit winarso, Joko Priono, Wilhelmus Filianto
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3. Visual Asset
All visual assets in the game "Room of Batik" are 2-dimensional. All of its assets
are created using Adobe Photoshop. These visual assets include UI, background, and
puzzle objects. In the game "Room of Batik" there are no characters so there is no need
to make the character visuals.
Figure 3. Example of "Room of Batik" gameplay with ready-made assets
4. Game Testing and Bug Fixing
After the "Room of Batik" is ready to play, and before it is distributed for review, a
useful game testing process is carried out to find out if there are any bugs that need to be
fixed. The game testing process is also useful to check whether the puzzles in this game
are too difficult or too easy, if they are still not tied, then this game needs to be balanced
or balanced in difficulty.
5. Reviews
After conducting game testing with production members, the game was distributed
to several people to play. This process is the same as the previous one but with the person
doing the tests coming from outside the production team. This review process also gave
the production team the weaknesses and shortcomings of the game "Room of Batik",
where the shortcomings were then corrected to produce a better game.
To solve the puzzle, the game "Room of Batik" uses batik from Java, Cirebon, and
Kalimantan. Some local content other than batik is also used in the game, according to
the area of origin of the batik. Based on the previous discussion, the conclusions related
to the game "Room of Batik" are as follows: In the game "Room of Batik", the rules of
the game are that players must search for keys by solving puzzles and collecting batik to
be able to get out of the room where they are locked. In the first stage, batik and local
materials from Java were found; in the second stage, batik and local materials from
Cirebon were found; and in the third stage, batik and local materials from Kalimantan
were found. In all three levels of the game "Room of Batik", the background is a room
inside, which is used differently in each level. Local content, especially batik patterns,
Implementation of "Room of Batik"Android Game Design
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3168
becomes part of the gameplay and serves as a learning medium through cultural
informationthe culture that emerges along with its information in the game.
Sigit winarso, Joko Priono, Wilhelmus Filianto
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