pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2908
The Influence of Digital Content, Public Figure Self-
Branding, Celebrity Worship, and Audience Motivation to
Increase Audience Interest in the YouTube Starpro Indonesia
Social Media Account
Vinesa Ramadhita Putri
, La Mani
, Anita Fedora
, Samiyah Amanina
, M Aras
Universitas Bina Nusantara, Indonesia
Keywords: integrated
marketing communication,
digital marketing, YouTube,
celebrity worship,
influencer marketing
YouTube is in the 2nd position of social media that is often
used in 2023 through the official We Are Social website.
This is because people are starting to leave mass media to
social media. Different types of video content are very
popular and widely viewed, including funny videos, short
films, infotainment videos, and more. This study was
conducted to find out the factors behind Content Digital,
Public Figure Self-branding, Celebrity Worship, and
Audience Motivation. YouTube can now be used as a place
for marketing strategies to increase brand image or
purchases through Integrated Marketing Communication
(IMC). Therefore, content marketing strategy involves
creating content to reach the target market. Based on that
customers connect with the brand to fulfill their
requirements. This study was conducted on 278 participants
with ages ranging between 16-25 years old. The data were
collected by questionnaire. We find that the presence of
sponsorship content on YouTube has an impact on attitudes
towards YouTube influencers. The three elements of
entertainment, information, and interference in sponsorship
content on the YouTube platform play a role in shaping
attitudes toward YouTube influencers. Influencers have the
potential to provide concrete benefits to prospects and
customers by presenting appropriate content.
In today's digital age, CEOs, CMOs, and senior marketing executives must rethink
their strategies, elevate the significance of marketing, and embrace new technologies and
data-driven tools to effectively align with the online landscape. Social media platforms,
typically internet-based, facilitate the formation of online networks where users can
express approval or disapproval of the content shared or posted by others (Okagbue et al.,
2020). Each month, over one billion individuals globally engage with YouTube,
constituting roughly a third of the world's internet user base. With its current status as the
The Influence of Digital Content, Public Figure Self-Branding, Celebrity Worship, and
Audience Motivation to Increase Audience Interest in the Youtube Starpro Indonesia Social
Media Account
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2909
leading platform, YouTube's popularity is anticipated to surge alongside the expanding
internet user count. Forecasts indicate a rise to 1.78 billion users in 2021, with further
growth expected to reach 1.86 billion users (Febriyantoro, 2020). YouTube's influence in
Indonesia is on a consistent upward trajectory, with a yearly increase in the duration of
YouTube access. According to research findings, a significant 92 percent of YouTube
users in Indonesia primarily use the platform to search for video content. Utilizing
YouTube social media channels to channel its content. By using their content, they can
participate actively or passively in sharing knowledge and using a variety of presentation
methods (e.g., vlogs, social networking sites, and podcasts) (Rangarajan, Begg, &
Somani, 2019). Content extends beyond "owned" media endeavors like corporate
websites or blogs; it also encompasses its crucial role across various marketing channels,
including social media, advertising, and offline platforms.
So much content on YouTube has various types of content that are very popular and
widely watched including prank videos, short films, music videos, game videos, parody
videos, guidance videos, challenge videos, and talk show videos so it is necessary to
program and select the right content creation to make the mission of an industry known
and even liked by the audience. Digital marketers seek to understand the specific types of
video content that trigger various forms of online customer interaction (Munaro, Hübner
Barcelos, Francisco Maffezzolli, Santos Rodrigues, & Cabrera Paraiso, 2021). These
social media metrics show not only how effective a content/influencer is. Incorporating
influencers into marketing strategies can serve as a beneficial collaboration for businesses
aiming to endorse their products. Influencers hold significant value due to their journey
from amateur to professional status on platforms like YouTube. They wield influence
over other social media users for commercial endeavors (ROSARA & Luthfia, 2020),
nonetheless, there is a viewpoint suggesting that YouTubers are considered to have more
credibility than celebrities in persuading their followers' purchasing choices. This is
because influencers frequently portray themselves as ordinary people with authentic
enthusiasm for life. Consequently, their product evaluations are perceived as more
authentic and relatable by their audience (Lou & Yuan, 2019). The ability for viewers to
interact with public figures through comments and messages, both technologically and
socially, implies a sense of approachability and communication on an equal footing (Rihl
& Wegener, 2019).
The presence of technological advancements and improved communication has
transformed advertising strategies, making them more interactive, thereby leading to a
shift in how companies approach their marketing efforts. Consumer response to
advertising is heavily influenced by the credibility of both the YouTubers and the brand
their using. This suggests that the reputation of the brand within the market can have a
considerable impact (Lee & Kim, 2020), also consumers form pseudo-social relationships
with influencers (Masuda, Han, & Lee, 2022). This study aims to contribute to research
on The Influence Of Celebrity Worship And Influencer Marketing On YouTube
Influencers Providing specific insights into crafting videos that capture customer attention
and stimulate online engagement. Users are increasingly drawn to engaging and
Vinesa Ramadhita Putri, La Mani, Anita Fedora, Samiyah Amanina, M Aras
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2910
captivating content available on YouTube. Various surveys have even suggested that
YouTube's popularity is becoming a formidable competitor to traditional television. The
study finds that Popular YouTube brands interact more with consumers, feature more
celebrities, are more emotional, and adopt more transformational messages (Wang, Xie,
Zhang, & Huang, 2018).
The greater the popularity of a YouTube channel, the higher the level of consumer
engagement, celebrity appearances, emotional content, and adoption of transformative
messages. According to a 2020 study by Tafesse titled "YouTube Marketing: How
Marketers' Video Optimization Practices Influence Video Views," research suggests that
video titles with fewer words might be more successful in generating views compared to
titles that are more detailed or informative. This suggests that concise and straightforward
video titles could be more effective in capturing viewers' attention on the YouTube
platform. However, it's essential to examine the actual study to fully grasp the specific
methodology, context, and scope of the research to draw more nuanced conclusions.
Integrated Marketing Communication
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a marketing communication
planning approach that acknowledges the enhanced value of a holistic strategy, which
assesses the strategic significance of diverse communication disciplines. IMC is
influential because it requires the message sender to be seen as a "powerful, appealing,
and trustworthy" information provider. This perception is essential for the recipient to
relate to the sender and replicate their buying behavior for the product or service being
promoted in the campaign (Duralia, 2018). The marketing information system collects
data from the surrounding environment and distributes it to various managers to assist in
making well-informed decisions that align with the organization's objectives (Alshare,
2018). The goal of marketing communications extends beyond facilitating customer
purchases; it also strives to establish a unique and impactful image within the community.
This is achieved not only through the quality of the product but also by fostering consumer
loyalty. Previous studies indicate that Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a
widely accepted marketing approach and concept extensively employed and successfully
embraced by consumer organizations. With the emergence of the digital era, there has
been a noticeable shift in consumer behavior norms, prompting firms to adjust their
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) strategies towards a greater focus on social
marketing (Kumar & Mamgain, 2021).
This vitality arises not solely from the production and portrayal processes but also
from the various ways individuals and groups perceive themselves in connection with
celebrities (Ward, 2019). People are the primary content of any type of media and the
people we come into contact with through media are celebrities. Individuals feel as if they
know them personally, regularly framing extraordinary enthusiastic and mental
associations with them (Singh & Banerjee, 2019). In the view of consumers, celebrities
are figures that are considered role models in terms of aspirations. This is because
celebrities are perceived as individuals who are close to consumers through psychological
connections, which causes consumers to tend to follow the actions taken by their idols.
The Influence of Digital Content, Public Figure Self-Branding, Celebrity Worship, and
Audience Motivation to Increase Audience Interest in the Youtube Starpro Indonesia Social
Media Account
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2911
In the context of the process celebrity endorsement imbues a brand with desired
associations that are anticipated to impact consumers' evaluations of the brand (Parmar &
Mann, 2021).
H0 = Digital Content does not influence increasing Audience Interest YouTube Channel
Starpro Indonesia
H1 = Digital Content Influences the Audience Interest in the YouTube Channel Starpro
H0 = Public Figure Self-branding does not influence increasing the Audience Interest in
the YouTube Channel Starpro Indonesia
H2 = Public Figure Self-branding influences increasing the Audience Interest in the
YouTube Channel Starpro Indonesia
H0 = Celebrity Worship does not influence increasing the Audience Interest in the
YouTube Channel Starpro Indonesia
H3 = Celebrity Worship influences increasing the Audience Interest in the YouTube
Channel Starpro Indonesia
H0 = Audience Motivation does not influence increasing the Audience Interest in the
YouTube Channel Starpro Indonesia
H4 = Audience Motivation influences increasing Audience Interest YouTube Channel
Starpro Indonesia
Research Methods
The method used in this research is the survey method. By the type of data, the type
of research used in this study is explanatory quantitative. Researchers use the positivism
paradigm because researchers want to build an understanding of Digital Content, Public
Figure Self-branding, & Audience Motivation in increasing audience interest in the
YouTube Channel. The positivism paradigm believes more in the verification process of
a result finding, therefore the author chooses this paradigm. In 2021 BARISTA was
ranked number 2 among infotainment programs in Indonesia. This affects the level of
fame of Starpro Indonesia's YouTube channel, as seen from Starpro's YouTube Channel
live data in November 2023, where Barista became the number one program most
watched by viewers compared to other programs. The population in this study are all
viewers who watch Starpro Indonesia infotainment content on YouTube. Based on the
total number of subscribers to the Starpro Indonesia YouTube channel, there are
1,807,124 accounts. From the population of viewers who watch Starpro Indonesia
infotainment content on YouTube, the researcher decided to use the Slovin formula to
determine the sample size to get 278 samples.
Results and Discussion
The data collected underwent processing and analysis utilizing SmartPls. This study
utilizes exogenous and endogenous variables, where exogenous variables are those that
Vinesa Ramadhita Putri, La Mani, Anita Fedora, Samiyah Amanina, M Aras
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2912
do not have explicit causes or do not have arrows pointing toward them in the diagram,
except in the measurement error section.
The outer loading value on all indicators is 0.70. This indicates that all data in the
questionnaire is valid. The indicator that has the highest value is Y2 which has an outer
loading value of 0.915. All indicators have an average variance extracted (AVE) value
of more than 0.5. This shows that the measurement of all question items in this
questionnaire can be declared feasible. It is known that the value of the cross-loading
result is higher than 0.70, which means that this research study is valid. Fornel Larcker
test results show that the root value of the average variance extracted (AVE) of each
construct is greater than the correlation value between one construct and another.
Heterotrait-monotrait ratio (HTMT) test results show that all variables have a Heterotrait-
monotrait ratio (HTMT) value of less than 0.9. This shows that this research study is
valid. all variables are considered reliable and adequate because they all have Cronbach's
alpha and composite reliability values that are more than 0.7. The results of the
Coefficient of Determination (R2) test show that Audience Interest has a large impact of
0.633, which is 63.3% and the remaining 26.7% is likely to be affected by various factors
outside this research study. Audience Interest can explain 60.9% of the data in the study.
So it can be concluded that Audience Interest has a strong predictive relevance value.
Digital content affects audience interest, as seen from the positive coefficient sign
with a P Value of 0.012 which is declared significant because <0.05. In addition, β =
0.201 which states that the effect is positive because> 0. So H1 is accepted and H0 is
rejected. Public Figure Self-branding affects audience interest, as seen from the positive
coefficient sign with a P-value of 0.006 which is declared significant because <0.05. In
addition, β = 0.249 which is stated that the effect is positive because> 0. So H2 is accepted
and H0 is rejected. Celebrity Worship affects audience interest, as seen from the positive
coefficient sign with a P Value of 0.014 which is declared significant because it is <0.05.
In addition, β = 0.185 which states that the effect is positive because> 0. So that H3 is
accepted and H0 is rejected. Audience Motivation affects audience interest, as seen from
the positive coefficient sign with a P Value of 0.014 which is declared significant because
<0.05. In addition, β = 0.268 which states that the effect is positive because> 0. So that
H4 is accepted and H0 is rejected.
From the entirety of variables examined in this study, it can be concluded that
sponsored content value significantly contributes to the theory, as prior research has not
explored the influence of the main value of sponsorship content on attitudes toward
YouTuber influencers. In essence, sponsored content value can be considered a robust
indicator for understanding attitudes towards YouTubers. While there exists a positive
correlation between entertainment, advertisements, and celebrities, this study did not find
that the entertainment factor alone explains attitudes toward YouTubers. Merely having
sponsored content on the YouTube platform focusing on entertainment does not
The Influence of Digital Content, Public Figure Self-Branding, Celebrity Worship, and
Audience Motivation to Increase Audience Interest in the Youtube Starpro Indonesia Social
Media Account
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2913
automatically influence attitudes toward YouTuber influencers. It will be able to indicate
that there could be additional factors influencing attitudes toward YouTubers.
Vinesa Ramadhita Putri, La Mani, Anita Fedora, Samiyah Amanina, M Aras
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2914
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