The Influence of Profitability, Leverage, Company Size, Ownership Structure, and Board of
Commissioners on Risk Management Disclosure
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3886
From the multiple linear regression equation above, it can be explained as follows:
1. The value of the constant (a) is negative, which is -25.187, meaning that if the
profitability, leverage, company size, company ownership, and commissioners are
equal to zero (0), then the risk management disclosure decreases.
2. The value of the profitability regression coefficient (X1) is -1,825 This value shows a
negative influence (opposite direction) between the profitability variable and the risk
management disclosure. This means that if the profitability variable increases by 1%,
then on the contrary, the risk management disclosure variable will decrease by 1,825.
Assuming that the other variables remain constant.
3. The regression coefficient value for the leverage variable (X2) has a positive value of
12,099. This shows that if leverage increases by 1%, then the risk management
disclosure will increase by 12,099 assuming other independent variables are
considered constant. A positive sign means that it shows a unidirectional influence
between independent variables and dependent variables.
4. The regression coefficient value for the company size variable (X3) has a positive
value of 1,144 This shows that if the size of the company increases by 1%, then the
risk management disclosure will increase by 1,144 assuming that other independent
variables are considered constant. A positive sign means that it shows a unidirectional
influence between independent variables and dependent variables.
5. The value of the regression coefficient of company ownership (X4) is -2,108 This
value shows a negative influence (opposite direction) between the variable of company
ownership and risk management disclosure. This means that if the profitability variable
increases by 1%, then on the contrary, the risk management disclosure variable will
decrease by 2,108. Assuming that the other variables remain constant.
6. The regression coefficient value for the board of commissioners (X5) has a positive
value of 8,354. This shows that if the board of commissioners experiences a 1%
increase, then the risk management disclosure will increase by 8,354 assuming other
independent variables are considered constant. A positive sign means that it shows a
unidirectional influence between independent variables and dependent variables.
7. The results of the study showed the values of the regression coefficient of profitability
(-1,825), leverage (12,099), company size (1,144), company ownership (-2,108), and
board of commissioners (8,354), because 12,099 > 8,354, 1,144, -1,825 and -2,108,
leverage is the dominant variable that affects risk management disclosure.
Based on the test with the SPSS program on the hypothesis that has been described
above, it can be interpreted as follows:
1. The influence of profitability, leverage, company size, company ownership structure,
and board of commissioners together affects risk management disclosure.
The hypothesis is tested by comparing the value of Fcal with Ftabel with the
degree of validity. F calculated from the results of SPSS processing obtained 9.853, while
df1 = 5 and df2 = 33, then for F table a value of 2.512 was obtained and the significance