pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3805
Designing a Web-Based Employee Task Management
Information4s System at CV Achai Berkat Sejahtera
Fadhlan Fakhrizal Fauzaini
, Wasino
, Tri Sutrisno
Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia
Keywords: employee task
codeignaiter, bootstrap,
Designing a Web-based Employee Task Management
Information System on CV. Achai Berkat Sejahtera is a
plan made to assist business owners in employee
management and help employees communicate an obstacle
in an organized manner so that communication misses do
not occur. Designing CV Employee Task Management
Information System. Achai Berkat Sejahtera has features
such as Employee Task Management Systems and a
dashboard for admins to see employee performance. The
design of this Information System uses the Waterfall
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) development
methodology. The database that this application uses uses a
MySQL database. The programming languages used are
HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP with the Bootstrap Framework
and CodeIgniter which produce attractive and dynamic web
applications. With a dynamic web application, it will be
able to help admins and employees in accessing and
processing data.
In the modern era of the 21st century, the use of information technology has
become a common and essential thing in human life (Afifah, Anjani, Ks, & Ap, 2021).
Technological advancements continue to develop rapidly as time goes by, and this
affects all aspects of human life. Information technology has provided significant
convenience in people's daily lives (Adityara & Rakhman, 2019). One aspect that needs
to be considered is how humans access information. The internet has become the main
and trusted channel for many people in seeking and obtaining information (Alfaruqy,
In this modern era, web applications have become an essential component of
human daily life. They allow easy and flexible access to a wide range of services and
information through a web browser, provided the user is connected to the internet. Web
applications have a wide range of functions, including social media, email, online
banking, e-commerce, distance education, and more (Aresti, Lukmantoro, & Ulfa,
Fadhlan Fakhrizal Fauzaini, Wasino, Tri Sutrisno
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3806
2023). They are also constantly undergoing development and innovation, with
developers working to improve the user experience and take advantage of the latest
technologies such as artificial intelligence and data analytics (Hidayat & Hidayat,
The web app is also designed to be accessible through a variety of devices,
allowing users to connect easily from anywhere. As such, web applications have
changed the way humans interact with the digital world, providing more convenient and
connected services in this digital age (Huda, Fitriyani, & Hidayati, 2022). In the current
situation, many stores and small businesses are shifting their focus to online
marketplaces, and most of them are allocating investments to online services.
Nowadays, almost all types of products and services can be found in online stores or e-
commerce platforms. With the rapid growth in online business, small businesses need to
continue to adapt to the times to compete with other business competitors (Hisan, 2022).
CV. Achai Berkat Sejahtera is a company engaged in the distribution of food rice
and is a rice supplier for markets and supermarkets. Established on July 29, 2022, CV.
Achai Berkat Sejahtera is experienced enough to provide quality products but is quite
affordable making it an attractive choice for consumers who are looking for rice. Rice
originating from Majalengka is the main product of CV. Achai Blessing Sejahtera
(Laksana & Fadhilah, 2021).
CV. Achai Berkat Sejahtera who is in Bali plans to recruit from several other
regions, especially outside Bali. This makes it difficult for the company to manage
employees in the company, if you only use social media such as WhatsApp or email, the
tasks that have been given by the boss or supervisor will be difficult to monitor by the
boss and it will be difficult to see what tasks have been done (Kurnia, Johan, &
Rullyana, 2018). Communication between one employee and another to assign tasks
between divisions can be double or redundant and will be miscommunication and
confusion. Attendance will be difficult to date with the spread of employees in several
areas that are quite far away, therefore it will be easier if online attendance is made on
the web. If everything is in one website application, it will be easy to data and easy to
make a history of each job that is assigned. Existing data can be made into a data report
for each employee or a performance report for employee evaluation. The difficulty of
applying for leave is one of the problems experienced by employees on CVs. Achai
Blessing Sejahtera (Kaloeti, Kurnia S, & Tahamata, 2021).
Based on the situation described by the author, the author will propose a thesis
topic "Designing a Web-Based Employee Task Management Information System on
CV. Achai Blessing Sejahtera". The main result that the author wants to achieve from
this study is that the website can be a means to carry out distributed Employee Task
Management, information, and data collection on the level of division performance. The
author hopes that this website will make it easier to Manage Employee Tasks on CVs.
Achai Blessing Sejahtera (Rusdin, Unde, & Bahfiarti, 2023).
The objectives of this study are:
Designing a Web-Based Employee Task Management Information4s System at CV Achai
Berkat Sejahtera
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3807
1. Producing a web-based Employee Task Management application that can be
useful to help the Employee Task Management process become easy and efficient.
2. Produce an application that can make it easier for the owner or company owner
to see the performance of his employees.
3. Make it easier for employees to carry out work activities.
Research Methods
In designing a web-based Employee Task Management application on a CV.
Achai Berkat Sejahtera will use the SLDC (Software Development Life Cycle)
Waterfall model. The waterfall model has the principle of planning and scheduling all
process activities before starting development. Each stage of development is carried out
one after the other and flows down like a waterfall. The waterfall model has a clear
structure and encourages authors to determine the final goal of the review from the
research results. The following are the stages of the Waterfall model that will reflect the
basics of software development:
1. Requirements analysis and definition
The author searches for data and analyzes system services, limitations, and
research sources to understand the software that users need and the limitations of the
software. Data analysis and search will be carried out by observation of CV. Achai
Blessing Sejahtera.
2. System and software design
The system design process creates requirements for the software system. The
system design process establishes the overall architecture of the system. The author uses
Unified Modeling Language (UML) to create Sequence Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Use
Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Prototype User Interfaces, and Windows Navigation
3. Implementation
Based on the system design from the previous stage, the author realizes a software
system with the process of creating software program code. The programming language
used is Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and MySQL database. The framework that the
author will use is CodeIgniter.
4. Integration and system testing
Individual programs are integrated and tested as a complete system to ensure that
software requirements have been met.
5. Operation and maintenance
The maintenance process includes fixing errors or shortcomings found in the
previous stage and newly discovered errors.
Database Design
The design of a database describes the design of the process for developing a
web-based Employee Task Management Information System on a CV. Achai Blessing
Sejahtera. In designing this database or database, the author searches for data and
Fadhlan Fakhrizal Fauzaini, Wasino, Tri Sutrisno
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3808
analyzes the needs of CVs. Achai Blessing Sejahtera. Data analysis and search will be
carried out by observation of CV. Achai Blessing Sejahtera.
Conceptual Data Model Design
Conceptual database design is based on basic concepts and relationships
identified in the system. The stage of the conceptual database design process consists of
identifying entities and identifying the relationships between entities [8]. Based on the
theory from Louis Davison's book, entities are generally classified into several types,
such as people, places, objects, ideas, or things
Logical Data Model Design
Unlike conceptual database design, where the design focuses on the big picture,
logical database design will focus on the details of the database. Conceptual database
design transforms logical database design into schemas for data models [8]. In the
process of designing a logical database design, the author identifies attributes and
domain entities.
Physical Database Design
Physical database design is a stage that aims to implement the results of logical
database design into a form that can be physically stored on external storage media,
according to the type of Database Management System (DBMS) used. This physical
design process involves transforming the logical design into a format that is concrete
and accessible to the DBMS on the appropriate hardware.
Results and Discussion
Governance of Programs Created
The application design made in this study is a web-based Employee Task
Management Information System on CV Achai Berkat Sejahtera. The following are the
hardware specifications that will be used in the design of the web-based Employee Task
Management Information System at CV Achai Berkat Sejahtera.
1. Windows 11 operating system.
2. Web browser Chrome.
3. XAMPP Control Panel.
4. IDE (Integrated Development Environment) Visual Code Studio.
5. Database MYSQL.
6. Framework CodeIgniter than Bootstrap.
1. Laptop dengan processor AMD Ryzen 7 4800H With Radeon Graphics @
2. Random Access Memory (RAM) 16GB.
3. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 TI.
4. Solid State Drive (SSD) with a capacity of 1 TB.
5. Mouse.
Designing a Web-Based Employee Task Management Information4s System at CV Achai
Berkat Sejahtera
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3809
Conduct research and evaluation regarding the needs and specifications of the
Employee Task Management Application, including identifying who will be the user of
the application, the main purpose of using the application, and the time and location of
application use (Sachiyati, 2023). The specifications and features of the website used
are determined based on the needs of CV Achai Berkat Sejahtera. The data search was
carried out by interviews with the owners of CV Achai Berkat Sejahtera and
observation of the employee management process at CV Achai Berkat Sejahtera.
Designing a web-based Employee Task Management Information System on CV
Achai Berkat Sejahtera. The design will determine how the application will operate. The
design process includes the creation of Data Flow Diagrams, Entity Relationship
Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Use Case Diagrams, Activity
Diagrams, and Prototype User Interfaces (Rubin, Scanlon, Cechony, & Chen, 2021).
The implementation process of creating a web-based Employee Task Management
Information System application on CV Achai Berkat Sejahtera is based on the analysis
and design that has been made. Writing program code using the IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) Visual Studio Code with the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
programming language with the CodeIgniter and Bootstrap frameworks, MySQL
databases. In addition, in writing program code, the XAMPP Control Panel is used as a
local server.
The personnel in designing the web-based Employee Task Management
Information System at CV Achai Berkat Sejahtera consists of all employees including
owners, supervisors and admins at CV Achai Berkat Sejahtera and their staff as well as
writers who will carry out maintenance during the time that has been determined by CV
Achai Berkat Sejahtera.
System Implementation and Schedule
After the application program creation is completed, the author conducts unit
testing of features in the application and tests the entire application. Testing is carried
out to ensure that the features and programs of the application are running according to
specifications and to prevent errors or bugs when the application is used. Testing will be
carried out once a week for one month to ensure that the features and application
programs are running according to the expectations of the owner and author.
System Maintenance and Schedule
Applications that have passed the testing stage and have met the specifications
and design will be deployed or installed. Maintenance will be carried out on the web-
based Employee Task Management Information System application on CV Achai
Berkat Sejahtera to ensure that the application runs properly and as desired. In addition,
maintenance is carried out to fix errors that are not detected during testing or new errors
that appear.
The test method that the author will use is User Acceptance Testing (UAT). User
Acceptance Testing, often called User Acceptance Testing (UAT), is one of the
important stages in the software development cycle. At this stage, the software that has
Fadhlan Fakhrizal Fauzaini, Wasino, Tri Sutrisno
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3810
been developed is tested by the end-user or a representative of the end user to ensure
that the software meets the needs and expectations that have been set.
In the UAT process, the end user will use the software in conditions similar to the
actual work environment. They will conduct various testing scenarios that reflect how
the software will be used in day-to-day practice. The goal is to find and fix bugs or
issues that may not have gone undetected during previous stages of development and
The results of the UAT are very important because they ensure that the software is
ready for use by the public or end users. If users find a problem or feature that doesn't
work as expected, the developer will make a fix before the software is released. Thus,
UAT helps ensure that the final product is of high quality and meets the needs of
businesses as well as users.
User acceptance Testing in the form of black box testing is carried out by 2
people, namely the owner and admin. Web testing is carried out to test all features
contained in the web. Black Box Testing is a software testing method that focuses on
the functionality of an application without regard to its internal structure or source code.
Testers only look at the inputs and outputs from the system to determine if the
application is functioning according to the predefined specifications. The results of
testing users with the SuperAdmin and Admin roles can be seen in Figure 1 and the
results of testing with the user role can be seen in Figure 2.
Designing a Web-Based Employee Task Management Information4s System at CV Achai
Berkat Sejahtera
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3811
Figure 1 Results of user testing with SuperAdmin and Admin roles
Figure 2 results from testing on the user role
Conclusion of designing a web-based employee task management information
system on a CV. Achai Berkat Sejahtera is a useful application to help company owners
view employee data at the company. Designing a web-based employee task
management information system on a CV. Achai Berkat Sejahtera offers significant
potential to improve operational efficiency and human resource management. With this
application, the process of task management, attendance, and handling employee
complaints can be simplified and recorded, reducing unnecessary administrative
burdens and increasing overall productivity. The existence of a dashboard allows
management to better monitor employee performance, see the total tasks assigned to
each division, and make performance comparisons between divisions. In addition, the
attendance and task reporting feature provides valuable data for management in
conducting performance analysis and strategic decision-making. With easy accessibility
from a variety of devices, both employees and management can access the necessary
information and take appropriate action from anywhere and anytime. Thus, this system
not only improves operational efficiency, but also strengthens transparency,
accountability, and management capabilities in managing human resources more
Fadhlan Fakhrizal Fauzaini, Wasino, Tri Sutrisno
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3812
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