Debora Sinaga, Elis Rusmiati, Agus Takariawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3141
(Novianti & Fadila, 2023). Through this understanding, we can see the variety of
disabilities including people with physical disabilities, people with intellectual
disabilities, people with mental disabilities; and/or persons with sensory disabilities
(Kadoen Mt, 2020). The variety of disabilities can be experienced in single, multiple or
multiple over a long period and must be determined by medical personnel by the
provisions of laws and regulations (Ni’mah & Rusdiana, 2022).
Persons with disabilities have the right to all rights stipulated in laws and
regulations, for example in Article 28G paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution which
states that "everyone has the right to be free from torture or treatment that degrades the
degree of human dignity and has the right to obtain political asylum from other countries",
or Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights Article 33 which stipulates that
"everyone has the right to be free from torture, punishment or treatment that is cruel,
inhuman, degrading to the dignity and dignity of humanity" (Nova & Elda, 2022).
In reality, people with disabilities often receive discriminatory treatment, degrading
their humanity due to their physical, intellectual and/or mental limitations (Nasir &
Jayadi, 2021). The 2023 Komnas Perempuan Annual Report states that women with
disabilities have a greater vulnerability to becoming victims of sexual violence compared
to women who are not disabled (MAHULAE, 2023). This is because people with
disabilities have physical and/or mental limitations that make it difficult for people with
disabilities to defend themselves (Wahyudi, 2021). For example, people with intellectual
and/or mental disabilities who have limitations in understanding or classifying the actions
that have been taken against them or people with physical disabilities who have difficulty
performing acts of self-defence (Pawestri, 2017).
Discriminatory treatment, degrading the degree and dignity of humanity for persons
with disabilities does not only come from physical and/or mental limitations but can come
from a lack of understanding and awareness of the community, the government, law
enforcement officials and even the law itself about the situation of persons with
disabilities (Nurhayati, 2016). People with disabilities still often receive discrimination
and negative stereotypes that are not only carried out by perpetrators, communities,
families, and even law enforcement officials. Negative stereotypes by law enforcement
officials of victims, such as of people with disabilities who cannot provide information
clearly, in order, and so on, can hinder the protection and access of victims to obtain
justice both in the reporting stage and in court decisions (Nopiah & Islami, 2022).
Discrimination against people with disabilities gives an idea of the ineffectiveness
of law enforcement. The ineffectiveness can be influenced by three factors, namely due
to the substance, structure and culture of the law, where the three factors also include
regulations or legal rules, law enforcement, facilities and infrastructure, communities of
legal jurisdiction and legal culture. One example is the Criminal Procedure Code
(KUHAP) a rule that regulates that persons with disabilities can give their statements
without being under oath so that the testimony of a disability witness is considered unable
to describe the real situation. This is because witnesses regulated in the Criminal
Procedure Code are people who see, hear and/or experience themselves.